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Biographie de Yannick Noah

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Biographie de Yannick Noah
Message de floryine posté le 27-10-2009 à 15:47:23 (S | E | F)

Bonjour,pouvez-vous corriger mon texte s'il vous plaît?
Yannick Noah

His name is Yannick Noah. Yannick Noah was born on May 18th in 1960 in Sedan in the Ardennes.
His father name is Zacharie, he is Cameroonian and was a professional footballer in Sedan. His mother name is Marie-Claire, she is French and was a professor.
When Yannick has got 3 years ago, the Noah family leaves in France for Yaoundé in Cameroon. He grew up in Yaoundé, the capital of the Cameroon between his two passions: the sport and the reggae.
He used to be a tennis player but now, he is a French singer.
When he was 17, he win his first big tournament junior in Wimbledon.
Since 1978, he played into large man's playground and confronts the best players of the world tennis as Connors, Pecci, Vilas, Lendel ...
In 1983, he won International French of Roland Garros.
When he was 23 years old, Yannick was the third world player. His game was spectacular.
At the end of his carrer of tenis player, he became captain of the French team of Cut Davis.
His singing career began in 1991, his first song " saga africa " became the tube of the summer.
At 31 years old, he salls his first album " Black and What ".
his popular songs are " Saga Africa ", " Métisse ", " La Voix Des Sages ", " Aux Arbres Citoyens ", " Destination Ailleurs ".
Yannick Noah has got five children : his first marriage in 1986 with Cécilia Rhode gave Joachim (today he is player of basketball in the United States) and Yelena.
In 1995, he was married with Heather Stewart-White, this marriage gave Elyjah and Jenayé. He divorced in 2001. Yannick had got fifth child with Isabelle Camus.His name is Joao-Lucas.

Merci d'avance

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-10-2009 12:44

Réponse: Biographie de Yannick Noah de laure95, postée le 28-10-2009 à 12:19:33 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ce que tu dois corriger:
His name is Yannick Noah. Yannick Noah was born on May 18th in 1960 in Sedan in the Ardennes.
His father name (il manque quelque chose d'important pour former le cas possessif) is Zacharie, he is Cameroonian and was a professional footballer in Sedan. His mother name (même remarque) is Marie-Claire, she is French and was a professor.
When Yannick has got (HAVE ne s'utilise jamais pour l'âge) 3 years ago, the Noah family leaves (problème de temps: temps du récit: prétérit) in France for Yaoundé in Cameroon. He grew up in Yaoundé, the capital of the Cameroon between (pas le bon mot) his two passions: the sport and the reggae.
He used to be a tennis player but now, he is a French singer.
When he was 17, he win (temps) his first big tournament junior (pas à la bonne place) in Wimbledon.
Since 1978, he played into large man's playground (pas le bon temps + mal dit) and confronts the best players of the world tennis as Connors, Pecci, Vilas, Lendel ...
In 1983, he won International French of Roland Garros.
When he was 23 years old, Yannick was the third world player. His game was spectacular.
At the end of his carrer of tenis player, he became the captain of the French team of Cut Davis (Davis Cup).
His singing career began in 1991, his first song " saga africa " became the tube of the summer.
At 31 years old, he salls his first album " Black and What ".
his popular songs are " Saga Africa ", " Métisse ", " La Voix Des Sages ", " Aux Arbres Citoyens ", " Destination Ailleurs ".
Yannick Noah has got five children : his first marriage in 1986 with Cécilia Rhode gave birth to Joachim (today he is player of basketball in the United States) and Yelena.
In 1995, he was married with Heather Stewart-White, this marriage gave birth to Elyjah and Jenayé. He divorced in 2001. Yannick had (temps) got a fifth child with Isabelle Camus.His name is Joao-Lucas.


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