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dreamgirl /Corr anglais

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dreamgirl /Corr anglais
Message de dreamgirl posté le 08-10-2009 à 21:31:58 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à tous, je recherche un correspondant parlant anglais pour faire connaissance et perfectionner mon anglais =)
I hope that you want speak with me =) I don't have a perfect english but I love speak it =D

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-10-2009 21:34

Réponse: dreamgirl /Corr anglais de jopax2, postée le 09-10-2009 à 23:33:32 (S | E)
How do you feel ? Cool? Well,I saw your message and something inside of me told me that I should come to your rescue.You need a good friend to help you improve your level in english? Okay,today is your lucky day!If you feel like it,we could strike up a good friendship and learn from each other?I've never had a penpal in my life . Today's my first attempt and I hope it's going to be successful.what I need is to know about the lifestyles of other peoples,send off moral support to far away friends,exchange funny stories and the like you know.well,I'll stop here in the hope that you'll cast off a good reply to me.
Take care !

Réponse: dreamgirl /Corr anglais de wais, postée le 10-10-2009 à 17:00:28 (S | E)
hy dreamgirl I am so happy hearing from you my interesting to have good friends and helpe me english writing you know that ambition I would like tell you my lifstyl I am get going easy friendly my favory is going with friends
I like working very hard them enjoyeu it


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