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carole13/ worldwide friends

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carole13/ worldwide friends
Message de carole13 posté le 01-09-2009 à 07:35:19 (S | E | F)

Hi everyone
I'm planning to come to Australia, New Zealand and Japan through the WHV and I'm interested in making friends through penpaling. So when I'm there we can meet and you can teach me all the exciting things that there is to know and to discover about your country and I'll tell you about mine!
I'm from France and I lived in the USA and the UK already!
I'm now in Canada, and the next steps are Australia, New Zealand and Japan!
So let's write, talk, share and build great friendship!
Hope to hear from you soon guys!

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-09-2009 07:37

Réponse: carole13/ worldwide friends de arilive, postée le 01-09-2009 à 11:40:47 (S | E)

I'm Arilive. I'm from Madagascar. The great island between Mozambic Canal and Indian Ocean.

I don't speak english very well but I'd like to improve it in exchanging ideas.

So if yua are also interesting please contact me.

Wait you soon


Réponse: carole13/ worldwide friends de kh76, postée le 11-09-2009 à 01:14:34 (S | E)
Hi every body
I'm from algeria. I want improve my english (I'm bad in this language)
I need it for my job
Can you help me? please


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