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Read my essay

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Read my essay
Message de mbaye501 posté le 25-08-2009 à 17:50:38 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à tous communauté d'anglaisfacile.
Je viens de finir un essai requis pour m'inscrire dans une université américaine. Je vous serais très reconnaissant de lire mon essai pour vérifier si l'anglais est correct ,merci.

I am seeking admission to the University of Albany because of its very good academic reputation, the opportunity of scientific research and its program in actuarial &mathematical sciences.
Science especially mathematics is my passion. Thus the actuarial and mathematical science fit to me. I will march toward a career in actuarial science. When at the same time studying my passion. Moreover, studying in a research university will open plenty of research opportunities for me to quench my thirst of knowledge.
In high school I was always among the best in my class in scientific field (Math, Biology and physics) and in the Top 20 percent of my graduating class. In college at Suffolk University Dakar I am one of the best students in math.

I am also a student would be more than happy to participate not only to any scientific research activity but also to give to Albany’s comumuty what I have from my Senegalese cultural background.

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-08-2009 18:12
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