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isobel /English penpals

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isobel /English penpals
Message de isobel posté le 27-06-2009 à 16:20:45 (S | E | F)


Straight to the point: i am French and looking for an English pen pal.
Being quite new here, I haven't found what I was looking for yet, but still am very eager to start practicing my English with a kind and patient resident of the UK wishing to improve his or her conversation in French.
Naturally, i'd be even happier to meet someone who shares my passions, but i think that sharing a passion for these two beautiful languages would be quite a satisfying start!

Please, do not hesitate to contact me and I'll try to put my shyness aside and answer as soon as possible!

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-06-2009 16:58

Réponse: isobel /English penpals de parfois, postée le 27-06-2009 à 17:28:28 (S | E)
It is me Elif and also i am looking for a native french penpal for improving my french. During this period, i believe that we can produce a huge sinergy by helping each of us thanks to our languages. i can help you about English since i speak all the time in English.
If you really want, we can communicate.
i am waitin' for your response.



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