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kimberley /American friends (1)

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kimberley /American friends
Message de kimberley posté le 18-05-2009 à 01:57:54 (S | E | F)


I'm a sophomore majoring in English. I love American English and I'd like to talk with native speakers only. I've got family in Ohio that I've never met and will probably visit this state in a couple of years. My ultimate goal is to be perfectly bilingual French-English and not stand out like a sore thumb when I go to the US in a few years.
I have Skype and MSN and I'm very hard-working, so I'll take all your advice into account. I cherish all my penpals, love to voice chat and will never ever judge you or criticize you. I'll only provide you with some feedback on your French if you ask for it, because I think that correcting people when they just want to communicate in a foreign language is rude.
I love to have a good laugh. I'm a big TV show fan, and I couldn't live without music.
Of course, I want to become an English teacher in a few years, but I guess that goes without saying

Talk soon!


Modifié par lucile83 le 18-05-2009 06:05



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