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bernhadette/Salut- correspondants (1)

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bernhadette/Salut- correspondants
Message de bernhadette posté le 19-10-2008 à 14:13:25 (S | E | F)

I am looking for female penpals from all over the world.I am interested in music, books, history, the movies and travel in general.And I'd like to improve my English and French.I have also started to learn Arabic and Turkish, but I am still a beginner.Maybe you would like to correspond? Have a great day.


Modifié par lucile83 le 19-10-2008 14:21

Réponse: bernhadette/Salut- correspondants de bernhadette, postée le 19-10-2008 à 15:50:21 (S | E)
I am looking for female penpals from all over the world.I am interested in music, books, history, the movies and travel in general.And I'd like to improve my English and French.I have also started to learn Arabic and Turkish, but I am still a beginner.Feel free to drop me a line and tell me a bit about yourself.
Have a great day.

j'aimerais de correspondre avec des correspondantes de tout le monde.Je m'intéresse à la musique,l'histoire,la littérature,le cinema et les voyages.Bonne journée.


Modifié par lucile83 le 19-10-2008 15:53
Topics fusionnés;merci de ne pas poster plusieurs fois.

Réponse: bernhadette/Salut- correspondants de tynhinane, postée le 31-10-2008 à 22:22:45 (S | E)
Hi bernhadette,
I just discovered this site and got an ID! While exploring the content I read your message, then your profile... and here I am answering you
Well, we've nearly the same age, we can use English and French to communicate... I master as well Arabic language and I've very, VERY LITTLE notions in German ... Moreover, we've some interests in common... So, since we've some common points, why not corresponding?!
Hope I'd hear soon from you



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