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To say or to tell (1)

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To say or to tell

Message de taconnet posté le 30-09-2008 à 18:05:00 (S | E | F)


Le verbe « dire » est traduit en anglais par les verbes « to tell » et « to say ».

Ces deux verbes ne sont pas pour autant des synonymes et ils se construisent de façons distinctes.

I - To say - dire qqch.
1- S'emploie assez rarement avec un complément de personne: dans ce cas il est suivi de TO

How do you SAY « house » in Polish ?
So what did you SAY TO her ?

2- Il est employé dans certaines expressions telles que :

to say a word
to say goodbye to
to say his prayers
to say mass

II - To tell

1- dire à qqn : tell est suivi d'un complément de personne. Il ne peut jamais être suivi directement de THAT.

She TOLD me that she would be back by 10.

2 - S'emploie avec un infinitif, ce qui n'est jamais le cas avec SAY, pour donner un ordre ou un conseil.
The teacher told all the children to sit down quietly.

3 - dire : donner une information à qqn.

Can you tell me where I could find a chemist's please ?

4 - Il est utilisé dans certaines expressions telles que :
to tell lies
to tell the truth
to tell jokes/a story
to tell the time

III- Sachez faire la distinction entre
Be said to et be told to

On dit de John qu'il joue du piano
John is said to play the piano. = (John is reputed to play the piano)

On dit à John de jouer du piano.
John is told to play the piano. = ( John is asked to play the piano)

Correction : lundi 6 octobre 2008

Entrainez vous avec ces deux liens :
xxx Il y a tout ce qu'il faut sur le site anglaisfacile
Traduire les phrases suivantes en utilisant SAY ou TELL.

Certaines phrases comportent des idiotismes*.

1- Barbara m'a dit qu'elle a beaucoup aimé le film qu'elle a vu hier soir.
2- Quand vous verrez John, saluez-le de ma part.
3- N'oubliez pas de dire vos prières avant d'aller vous coucher.
4- Je voudrais vous dire combien j'apprécie ce que vous avez fait pour moi.
5- Le petit Pierre n'a que 6 ans, il ne sait pas lire l'heure.
6- Si on allait passer une semaine aux Antilles ?
7- Mettons qu'il te propose cet emploi, l'accepterais-tu ?
8- John a décidé d'abandonner le journalisme et de se lancer dans la politique.Il n'est pas sûr que ce soit la bonne option. Qui vivra verra.
9- On dit que les vielles filles sont pleines d'attention.
10- On m'a dit de récompenser les élèves appliqués.

* IDIOTISME, subst. masc.
LING. Construction qui apparaît propre à une langue donnée et qui ne possède aucun correspondant syntaxique dans une autre langue.
Modifié par bridg le 30-09-2008 18:46

Réponse: To say or to tell de bridg, postée le 30-09-2008 à 18:51:14 (S | E)
Juste une note à titre personnel.
Vous semblez ne vous adresser qu'à des membres confirmés, tous vos exercices sont identifiés 3 étoiles.
Il est dommage que vous n'envisagiez pas de dispenser vos connaissances à des membres débutants et intermédiaires surtout pour des notions aussi basiques et faciles retenir que celle-ci. Je trouve la démarche élitiste et décourageante pour ceux qui aimeraient participer à ces exercices du forum.
Merci de votre écoute.

Réponse: To say or to tell de maya92, postée le 01-10-2008 à 17:08:54 (S | E)
hello Taconnet,

1 - Barbara told me she ejoyed very much the film she saw yesterday night
2 - When you see John, give him my regards
3 - Don't forget to say your prayers before going to bed
4 - I'd like to tell you how much I appreciate what you have done for me
5 - Little Peter is only 6 he can't tell the time
6 - Let's go and spend one week in the West Indies ?
7 - Let's say he offers this job, would you accept ?
8 - John has decided to give up journalism and to go into politics. It's far
from certain. What will be will be
9 - Single women are said to be very attentive
10 - I've been told to reward conscientious pupils

Thank you for this exercise

Réponse: To say or to tell de nefertiti, postée le 02-10-2008 à 16:48:15 (S | E)
Hello Taconnet,

1. Barbara told me she liked a lot the film she saw yesterday evening.
2. When you see John, say hello to him from me.
3. Do not forget to say your prayers before going to sleep.
4. I would tell you how much I appreciate all the things that you have done for me.
5. The young Pierre is only 6 years old, he does not know to read the hour.
6. If we go to spend a week to the West Indies ?
7. Supposing that he gives you that job, do you accept it ?
8. John has decided to leave journalism and to go into politics. He is not sure that it is the right choice. What will be will be !
9. You say that old ladies are full of attention.
10. You told me to reward conscientous pupils.

Thank you !

Réponse: To say or to tell de musmus55, postée le 02-10-2008 à 20:27:01 (S | E)
barbara said me she enjoyed the yesterday evening film
when you see john , salute him for me
don't forgot your prayers before going to sleep
i would say you how much i appreciate all that you have done for me
little pierre is just 6, he does'nt read what time it is
let we spend a week in west endies?
suppose he offers you that job , do you accept it?
john has decided to leave journalism in order to enter politics, he isn't sure that is the best choice. what will be will be
single girls are said to make full attention
i am told to reward conscientious pupils

thank you

Réponse: To say or to tell de muss76, postée le 02-10-2008 à 22:40:48 (S | E)
je ne comprends rien.

Modifié par bridg le 03-10-2008 10:00
To tell + COI ==> raconter à quelqu'un
Exemple : He tells the teacher that .....

To say + that ==> dire que ...
Exemple : He says that ....

Voici quelques cours du site
Lien Internet

Lien Internet

Lien Internet

Réponse: To say or to tell de trucmuch, postée le 03-10-2008 à 15:55:03 (S | E)
Bonjour Taconnet

1- Barbara told me she enjoyed a lot the film she saw yesterday.
2- When you'll see John, say hello to him from me.
3- Don' t forget to say your prayers before going to bed.
4- I would like to tell you how much I appreciate what you have done for me.
5- Little Peter is only 6 years old, he doesn't know how to tell the time
6- Why don't we spend a week in The West Indies?
7- If he offers you a job, would you agree ?
8- John has decided to give up journalism and to go into politics.
9- Old ladies are said to be full of attention.
10-I was told to reward industrious pupils.

Réponse: To say or to tell de dolfin56, postée le 04-10-2008 à 11:39:17 (S | E)
Hello Taconnet;
thanks to you; here is my try:

1-Barbara told me she enjoyed very much the film she had seen yesterday-night.
2- When you see John, tell him my regards.
3- Don't forget to say your prayers before going to sleep.
4- I'd like to tell you how much I appreciate what you have done for me.
5- Young Peter is only six years old, he doesn't tell the time.
6- And what would you say about spending a week in West Indies?
7- If he offers you this job, what would you say?
8- John is said to give up journalism and to embark on politic, it isn't sure it's the best choice, time will tell.
9- Single women are said to be very attentive.
10-I have been told to reward the hardworking pupils.

Réponse: To say or to tell de coferam, postée le 04-10-2008 à 17:47:58 (S | E)
Hello taconnet,

1 / Barbara told me she much liked the film she saw yesterday night.
2 / When you see john, salute him to me.
3 / Do not forget to say your prayers before going to sleep.
4 / I would tell you how much I appreciate all the things that you have done
for me.
5 /The young Pierre is only 6 years old, he does not know to read the hour.
6 /Let's go and spend one week in the West Indies ?
7 /Suppose he offers you that job , do you accept it?
8/ John has decided to give up journalism and to go into politics. It is not sure that it is the right choice.What will be will be.
9/ Single women are said full of attention.
10/I've been told to reward conscientious pupils.


Réponse: To say or to tell de taconnet, postée le 06-10-2008 à 11:36:00 (S | E)

Voici quelques remarques explicatives :

Phrase 2
Say hello to sb : saluer quelqu'un / dire bonjour à quelqu'un.
He always says hello to me in the street.

Phrase 5
to tell the time : dire l'heure.
noter l'expression :
« My watch says 10 o'clock : ma montre indique 10 heures.»

Phrase 6
1- What do you say ? Used to ask someone if they agree with a suggestion.

On construit à partir de cette structure les tournures suivantes:

2- What do you say we do sth ?
« What do you say we go to a movie ?»
Et si nous allions voir un film ?

3- What would you say to (doing) sth
What would you say to a meal out ?
Cela te dirait d'aller dîner au restaurant ?

Phrase 7
let's say or say : used to introduce a suggestion or possible exemple of something.
Try and finish the work by, let's say , Friday.
Essayez de finir ce travail, disons, avant vendredi.

Phrase 8.
Se lancer dans : to take up /to go into /to go in for
to go in for : To choose something as your job

After his law studies he went in for politics
Après ses études de droit, il se lança dans la politique.

Ici se lancer dans la politique signifie faire de la politique un métier.
c'est la raison pour laquelle "embark on" ne convient pas.
En revanche dans un autre contexte on dira :

I refused to embark on such a risky enterprise.
J'ai refusé de me lancer dans une telle aventure.

Time(alone) will tell (saying) the future will show whether decisions, actions etc. in the present were right or not.

Phrase 9
spinster : An unmarried woman, usually one who is no longer young and seems unlikely to marry.

Noter aussi cette expression :
Dire ce que l'on pense : To speak one's mind.
He spoke his mind = He said frankly what he thought.

Vous m'avez proposé le titre d'une chanson.

Lien Internet

et voici(seulement) les paroles d'une autre chanson :
et voici la musique :
Lien Internet

Lien Internet

Voici ma proposition :

1- Barbara told me she loved a lot the movie she saw last night.
2- When you see John, say hello to him for me.
3- Don't forget to say your prayers before going to bed.
4- I would want to tell you how much I appreciate what you did for me.
5- Little Peter is only 6, he can't tell the time.
6- What would you say to a week in the West Indies.
7- Let's say he offers the job to you - Would you accept it ?
8- John has decided to give up journalism and go in for politics. He isn't sure that it's the right decision. Time (alone) will tell.
9- Spinsters are said to be caring.
10- I was told to reward the painstaking pupils.

Je vous remercie de votre participation.

Réponse: To say or to tell de violet91, postée le 11-10-2008 à 00:34:33 (S | E)
Bonsoir taconnet,

Would you please take what I say with a touch of humour?

1) I don't think " a lot" is in the right word in the right place )loved the movie=film,a lot)or "really enjoyed" "really loved"or loved the film she saw last night very much.(= a lot).
2)"To say hello to "is correct but "give him my regards "is more polite.
4) Nobody ever says "I would want".I would like is good manners.When you want ,you want ..pas d'atténuation possible avec "would"."Je veux et j'exige".
6 ) What would you say to a week..? -I'd say: " Hello,week! How nice you must be!" # How would you say to spending a week in ...?" In fact : how about going and spending..? or let's go and spend ...,shall we? or Shall we go and spend.?pour suggestion à l'interlocuteur qui choisira.
9)Les vieilles filles(péjoratif)....y en a -t-il encore ?!! le" politically correct" encore plus appliqué au UK..spinsters est déjà "limite".;old maids "alors pire../ "Single women" they use les vraies vieilles filles ne sont pas particulièrement "caring" ni rigolotes!

Suivant l'idiotisme anglais .mes remarques tout en pouvant ajouter à votre exercice..sont une façon de vous "tirer la jambe = pull your leg"..that is to say : to tease you. Good night.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-10-2008 10:49
Numéros des phrases mis au lieu de numéros de suggestions.

Réponse: To say or to tell de intrepid34, postée le 11-10-2008 à 08:57:25 (S | E)
Bonjour Taconnet!!

Say and tell - good grammar point! Violet has just pulled your leg - I'm going to pull the other one...........

N° 4: "I would want" does not exist in English. We would say :

I'd like - I would like

That's all I have to tell you! And that's all that's left for me to say!




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