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flyingbird/ partner to practise English (1)

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flyingbird/ partner to practise English

Message de flyingbird posté le 29-08-2008 à 12:30:36 (S | E | F)

i want to find a partner to practise english.we can study and improve together.if you have the same idea.please do not hesitate to contact with me.I 'm looking forward to your information.

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-08-2008 15:15

Réponse: flyingbird/ partner to practise English de faten23, postée le 29-08-2008 à 13:03:19 (S | E)
Hi flyingbird i want to improve my english too and i love to be your partner to practise english. but first i think that you have to be member in the site but it's not an obligation. so tell me what do you want to start with? take care.see you soon

Réponse: flyingbird/ partner to practise English de tomtom1001, postée le 29-08-2008 à 13:27:36 (S | E)

i'd really like to improve my english too... so if you want to discuss with me... maybe one day we'll be bilingual thanks to each other!!!

I'm french you know, so it may be possible I make some mistakes, but aren't making mistakes the best way to learn??

I hope you'll answer me...


Réponse: flyingbird/ partner to practise English de estelle91, postée le 29-08-2008 à 14:27:21 (S | E)
:i have the same idea like and i would like to practise my english with you.

Réponse: flyingbird/ partner to practise English de alexsiko, postée le 29-08-2008 à 15:37:52 (S | E)
Hello, I'm french and I'm learning english, I would like to speak with somebody, I have discovered this website 1 month ago, I think it's very useful to learn grammar and vocabulary.
For speaking I've just found the website friendsabroad, do you know this tool? What's your tool to learn to speak english.

Réponse: flyingbird/ partner to practise English de joe33, postée le 02-09-2008 à 12:14:54 (S | E)
hi flying bird, Iam joe33 if you want to practise your english with me, I am just looking for friends to share daily news or just to have fun.answer this if you are interested.

Réponse: flyingbird/ partner to practise English de laura44, postée le 02-09-2008 à 17:25:44 (S | E)
Hi Joe! Im Laure, from france, I saw your fact I am interested to speak english regurlaly with someone. I lived in ireland there are two years ago, and I am sure that my english is going very bad. Will you be ok?
see you

Réponse: flyingbird/ partner to practise English de nina2680, postée le 03-09-2008 à 12:20:08 (S | E)
Good morning
thank you if you really want to help me it will be nice on your part
I am Algerian and very low I want to learn English by talking with people and I chosen you
thank you



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