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rlus/Talk in English (1)

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rlus/Talk in English

Message de rlus posté le 26-08-2008 à 10:17:16 (S | E | F)


I'm French , 34 years old , have a intermediate-advanced level
and want to speak as most as possible in english .

So I'll be glad to speak to whoever in english , either a french or a english-american person .
I think , talking everyday in english helps to enhance one's level.
Modifié par bridg le 26-08-2008 12:38

Réponse: rlus/Talk in English de jeffrey, postée le 26-08-2008 à 13:25:31 (S | E)
Hey Jean Louis!

I just read your post message on the list to talk English. I think your english is very good, I do not know about your speaking, but writing seems so well!

I saw you live in Saint Denis near Paris. I am also a french man, 27, living in Amsterdam in that time.

France is not easy to practice english I think, so it's quite good to reach people from a worldwide website as

I find writing english more difficult for me than speaking which is less common for french speakers!

Do you use english for your job? I like to find a job between english and french but it is not so easy because I am not so experienced in any kind of jobs as talking on the phone bothers me!

well I just hope that we could share some feelings by talking about our different experiences.

Have fun here, keep in touch! Bye! Julian

Réponse: rlus/Talk in English de rlus, postée le 26-08-2008 à 23:02:29 (S | E)
hi Julian,

I hope you are having a good time abroad .

what i know of the dutch is it similar to english , and they almost all speak english . So you probably right to be there.

As i am concerned , i want to add a new skill in my background => speak fluently english and afterwards change a job to earn more money.

But to reach that goal i do have to speak english every day because at the present time, i'm looking for my words when i speak english

So that's why i try to have a people to speak to.

see you soon




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