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Vocabulary quiz 'R-words 8' (1)

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Vocabulary quiz 'R-words 8'
Message de marit64 posté le 04-06-2008 à 23:23:18 (S | E | F)


Find the words beginning with the letter "R".

1-What do you call a barrier put across a road by the police in order to stop or slow down traffic? ............
2-It's a long walk, usually in the contryside, taken for pleasure. ............
3-A verb meaning to pay back. ............
4-A noun used for a sloping surface between places, objects etc which are at different levels. ............
5-Something left from a past time. ...........
6-What do you call a person who has just joined the army, air force etc? ............
7-It's a sum of money paid for the freeing of a prisoner. ............
8-This verb means to do again. ............
9-It's a meeting (usually of cars or motorcycles) for a competition, race etc. ............
10-A verb meaning to make a substance (for instance, sugar) pure by taking out dirt, waste supstances etc. ............

Good luck and have fun!

I'll give you the answers next Wednesday.

So long

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'R-words 8' de shinygirl, postée le 05-06-2008 à 08:27:04 (S | E)
Hello ! Here I am coming back again !
But some words are still missing !!!

1-What do you call a barrier put across a road by the police in order to stop or slow down traffic? ROADBLOCK
2-It's a long walk, usually in the contryside, taken for pleasure. RIDE or RAMBLE
3-A verb meaning to pay back. REPAY or REWARD
4-A noun used for a sloping surface between places, objects etc which are at different levels. RAMP
5-Something left from a past time. REMEMBERING RELIC
6-What do you call a person who has just joined the army, air force etc? RECRUIT
7-It's a sum of money paid for the freeing of a prisoner. RANSOM
8-This verb means to do again. REDO
9-It's a meeting (usually of cars or motorcycles) for a competition, race etc. RACING or RALLY
10-A verb meaning to make a substance (for instance, sugar) pure by taking out dirt, waste substances etc. REFINE

Modifié par shinygirl le 05-06-2008 08:35

Modifié par shinygirl le 05-06-2008 13:33

Modifié par shinygirl le 09-06-2008 08:11

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'R-words 8' de nina80, postée le 05-06-2008 à 16:51:22 (S | E)

1 - Roadblock
2 - Ride
3 - Replay (to)
4 - Ramp
5 - Remembrance
6 - Rookie
7 - Ransom
8 - Resume (to)
9 - Rally - racing
10- Refine (to)

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'R-words 8' de nini59, postée le 06-06-2008 à 17:38:22 (S | E)
Hi Marit

1-What do you call a barrier put across a road by the police in order to stop or slow down traffic? A road block
2-It's a long walk, usually in the contryside, taken for pleasure. a ride or a ramble
3-A verb meaning to pay reimburse or to refund
4-A noun used for a sloping surface between places, objects etc which are at defferent levels. a ramp
5-Something left from a past time. remembering
6-What do you call a person who has just joined the army, air force etc? a rookie
7-It's a sum of money paid for the freeing of a prisoner. a ransom
8-This verb means to do again. to redo or to repeat again
9-It's a meeting (usually of cars or motorcycles) for a competition, race etc. a rally
10-A verb meaning to make a substance (for instance, sugar) pure by taking out dirt, waste supstances etc. to refine

Thanks a lot Marit
See you

Modifié par nini59 le 06-06-2008 17:38

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'R-words 8' de coferam, postée le 06-06-2008 à 17:46:57 (S | E)
Hello marit64,

1/ Roadblock
2/ Ramble
3/ Refund = reimburse = Return = Repay
4/ Ramp
5/ Remembrance, Recollection.
6/ Rookie=Recruit
7/ Ransom
8/ Redo, Repeat.
9/ Racing,Rally.


Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'R-words 8' de chrislondon, postée le 06-06-2008 à 21:39:54 (S | E)
Hi Marit,
<1. roadblock
2. ramble
3. refund
4. ramp
5. relic
6. recruit
7. ransom
8. re-do/repeat
9. rally
10. refine
Thanks Marit!/hidden>

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'R-words 8' de swan85, postée le 06-06-2008 à 22:18:57 (S | E)

Hello Marit,

Here is what I think :


Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'R-words 8' de good_doggy, postée le 09-06-2008 à 03:42:02 (S | E)
Hello everybody,

1 Roadblock
2 Ramble
3 Repay, refund
4 Ramp
5 Recollection, remembrance
6 Recruit
7 Ransom, recognizance
8 Repeat
9 Racing, rally
10 Refine

Thanks a lot Marit

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'R-words 8' de marit64, postée le 11-06-2008 à 21:48:30 (S | E)
Hi everybody!

for your good work!

Here are the answers:
1-roadblock (barrage routier) 2-ramble (randonnée)
3-refund, reimburse, repay (rembourser) 4-ramp (rampe d'accès)
5-relic (vestige) 6-recruit, rookie (recrue) 7-ransom (rançon)
8-re-do (refaire) 9-rally (rallye) 10-refine (raffiner).

Thanks a lot for your participation.
So long



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