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Lettre de motivation(corrrection) (1)

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Lettre de motivation(corrrection)
Message de mimi253 posté le 01-06-2008 à 15:28:41 (S | E | F)

BONJOUR, j'ai besoin d'aide pour une traduction en anglais de ma lettre de motivation pour un master 2 je vous remercie si vous pouviez me donner quelques conseils:

Subject: Bidding Master Professional Accounting, Control, Audit.:.


After obtaining my Master of Management Science 1, I would like to further my studies within your institution integrating your 2nd year Master of Accounting, Control, Audit.

My training and my professional experiences given me want to go farther in the acquisition of knowledge in accounting.

Integrating a master 2 as you would give me the opportunity to receive quality training, acquire solid knowledge in auditing tax, legal and social.
And a genuine occupational qualification by management that you offer this training is for me one that responds more to my expectations and my aspirations.

Indeed, I am directed to accounting because I want to get a position in the short term as chief accounting officer or controller management and medium term as auditor.

From a natural dynamic and serious, I will make within your discipline and training effectiveness.

I am at your disposal for further information, I ask you, Madam,
Sir, to accept the assurances of my highest respects.

Modifié par bridg le 01-06-2008 15:44
Lettre de motivation : divers

Réponse: Lettre de motivation(corrrection) de charliebibi, postée le 01-06-2008 à 19:14:06 (S | E)
C'est une traduction mot pour mot, attention danger



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