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Fleur25/ corres anglais (1)

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Fleur25/ corres anglais
Message de fleur25 posté le 09-05-2008 à 12:13:19 (S | E | F)

Hello !!
How are you?
My name's Fleur.I'm 25 years old.I'm french,I'm black and I live in the south of France.I would like to practise my english.I would like write you and phone you.If you come in France,maybe we will see you.I'm simple,friendly and honest.
Would you like to be my new friend?
See you soon.
Modifié par bridg le 09-05-2008 13:06

Réponse: Fleur25/ corres anglais de italienne60, postée le 09-05-2008 à 15:28:05 (S | E)
Hi my name is Laura, I'm italian, living in Paris since 1984. I'm quite older than you.

I'm interpreter and translator in English and French. I'm 47. Got three children and work in a full time job, but can spend some time writing and speaking to people needing help in English or Italian.

I'm older than you but love talking to people. Especially in English, although i do speak French quite fluently by now.

I just wanted to correct your English if you don not mind. I think you'd better say "come to France". As a matter of fact the verb "come" is followed by the preposition to and not in.

Furthermore if you want to tell somebody that you can see him or her, you should say : " if you come to France, we could see each other" and not what you wrote in your mail.

If you need any help again pls let me know.

Very best regards


Réponse: Fleur25/ corres anglais de tafouktt, postée le 10-05-2008 à 00:30:54 (S | E)
bonsoir tout le monde je veux ameliorer mon anglais et je cherche un correspondant (e) pour m'aider , merci



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