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exchange of views on Africa (1)

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exchange of views on Africa
Message de marieclaire17 posté le 13-01-2008 à 18:05:46 (S | E | F | I)

I am retired and always have dreamt on going to Africa, when I was a child, I thought I was african and by mistake, I was whit instead of black! I love this country, more specificaly, easter Africa : Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana and Namibia, I have been a few times in Kenya to work as a volunteer in a research center dealing with the survey of elephants and other animals - I also spent six months last year in Mozambique accross from Likoma Island, in the bush, teaching english to the local people - I lived in a "chalet" without water nor electricity and was perfectly happy - on the shore of Lake Malawi, the country site was absolutly stunning and I kept from these journeys a great feeling of humility - I would like to exchange with somebody living there or goint there often on the future of these countries, thought I remain optimistic and have great faith in manking even though it seems a bit chaos at the time being - I am French, and hope to go back there again this coming year, either on a journey crossing Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique or go back to work over there - I hope somebody will be interesting in exchanging with me, so long!



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