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linka / to discuss in English (1)

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linka / to discuss in English
Message de linka posté le 12-12-2007 à 22:25:02 (S | E | F)

I'm Ingrid, I'm 22 years old, I'm Belgian and I'm learning English.
I'm looking for some people (native speaker or not) to discuss with me in English.
Are you interested in?
If you learn French I can help you ;)
See you
Modifié par bridg le 12-12-2007 22:26

Réponse: linka / to discuss in English de jo7, postée le 13-12-2007 à 07:41:02 (S | E)
hi Linka,
I'm French but I can speak French. You can write me if you want, it will be a pleasure for me to speak with you.

Réponse: linka / to discuss in English de bak_ab, postée le 13-12-2007 à 09:22:30 (S | E)
Hi jo7,
There was few month, we discussed together, you remember? I didn't put respond to your message and I lost your e-mail.
I remember in the last message you said you give english lessons to teenagers and frensh lessons to english people...

Réponse: linka / to discuss in English de prisca23, postée le 14-12-2007 à 16:06:36 (S | E)
i'm irene.i'm was a pleasure to me to read you.
i'm also looking for someone to discuus in english.
have a nice day.

Réponse: linka / to discuss in English de nahal_87, postée le 14-12-2007 à 16:50:22 (S | E)
hello linka , i am verry happy to see someone interresting to help the others in order to give them the keys of succses - work in a group - in order they can improuve their knowledge, and in the same time can have ideas for the traditions of the others in this world, je serai très content si vous m'acceptez comme un ami afin qu'on puisse pratiquer l'anglais, i live in the south of this world so i have the * culture * arabo musulmane, if you want to write me i would be verry happy, tank you and have a nice day

Réponse: linka / to discuss in English de moreninha, postée le 10-11-2008 à 12:16:25 (S | E)
My name is Marcela. I am 15 years old.
I am Portuguese.
I am looking for an Américan pen pal. I would like to improve my english and make a new friend;
w>rite to me soon

Réponse: linka / to discuss in English de marioumaf, postée le 10-11-2008 à 12:20:59 (S | E)
good morning,I'am Mariem I have 23 years old I woud like to learn englich can you help me?

Réponse: linka / to discuss in English de ionneal, postée le 10-11-2008 à 12:54:06 (S | E)
I'm Marion, i'm french and i'm here to learn english!

Réponse: linka / to discuss in English de fuffy, postée le 10-11-2008 à 20:18:59 (S | E)
I'm Fuffy lol i'm "nouvelle" here so to start hello everybody !!!!!



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