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Structures résultatives(2) (1)

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Structures résultatives(2)
Message de marie11 posté le 06-12-2007 à 19:45:15 (S | E | F | I)


Voici quelques phrases de théme sur les schémas résultatifs.

Chaque phrase est suivie d'un numéro indiquant le schéma de la structure de référence.
Si par exemple j'écris :
« Tu vas te rendre malade à force de manger.» (3)
cela signifie que vous devrez utiliser la structure 3

3- Agent + verbe +G.N./pronom + groupe prépositionnel

Donc utiliser yourself et le chassé croisé, c'est à dire l'ordre logique: on mange d'abord, et on est malade après.

On obtient ainsi :
You'll eat yourself sick.

P signifie PASSIF ;verbe anglais au passif ou la phrase française commençant par "ON"
exemple : Il traversa la rivière à la nage ──► He swam across the river

Niveau :
Correction : 15 décembre 2007

1-Les assaillants contraignirent la ville* à capituler en l'affamant.(3)
2-Nos rires obligérent ce menteur à quitter la pièce.(3)
3-On endormit le bébé en le berçant(P-CC)
4-Selon la légende, Milton devint aveugle à force de lire.(3)
5-Le chat nettoya l'assiette d'un coup de langue(1)
6-Le chanteur dut quitter la scène sous les huées et les sifflets du public.(P-CC)
7-En jouant des coudes, il se fraya un passage à travers la foule.(CC)
8- C'est sous la menace qu'ils le forcèrent à dénoncer son complice.(3)
9- Le soldat sortit de l'abri en rampant.(CC)
10- Le vent sécha la lessive.(1)

* Il s'agit d'une métonymie. La ville représente les habitants.

Réponse: Structures résultatives(2) de gee, postée le 06-12-2007 à 21:38:44 (S | E)
Here are my shots. Be Marie thanked for prompting such workout.

1-The attackers starved the town dwellers to surrendering.
2-We laughed up to force that lier to leave the room.
3-The baby was rocked to sleep.
4-As the tale goes, Milton kept reading until blind.
5-The cat licked the plate off.
6-The singer was booed off stage.
7-He jostled his way through the throng.
8-They threatened him as he told on his accomplice.
9-The soldier crawled out of the shelter.
10-The wind blowed the laundry dry.

Réponse: Structures résultatives(2) de gee, postée le 06-12-2007 à 21:43:46 (S | E)
2. The liar got ashamed as to make one of his vowels lapse.

Réponse: Structures résultatives(2) de lakata, postée le 06-12-2007 à 23:38:18 (S | E)

Hello , Marie !

(Malgré l'heure tardive, impossible de résister...Resultative-structure addict, ça existe ? )

1) The assailants starved the town into capitulating.

2) We laughed this liar into leaving the room.

3) The baby was rocked to sleep.

4) According to the legend, Milton read himself blind.

5) The cat licked the plate clean.

6) The audience booed the singer into leaving the stage.

7) He elbowed (his way) through the crowd.

8) They threatened him into giving his accomplice away.

9) The soldier crawled out his shelter.

10) The wind blew the washing dry.

Wait and see...
Thanks a lot, Marie !

Réponse: Structures résultatives(2) de ariane6, postée le 07-12-2007 à 11:44:16 (S | E)
Hello Marie11,

1- The attackers starved the town into surrender.
2- We laughed this liar out of the room.
3- The baby was rocked to sleep.
4- According to legend, Milton became blind from reading too much.(je n'ai pas encore trouvé mieux...)
5- The cat licked the plate clean.
6- The audience booed and hissed the singer into leaving the stage.
7- He elbowed his passage through the crowd.
8- They threatened him into turning queen's(states')evidence.
9- The soldier crawled out of the shelter.
10- The wind made the washing dry.


Réponse: Structures résultatives(2) de zodiac97500, postée le 07-12-2007 à 12:25:34 (S | E)

1 ) By starving ,plagings forced the town to surrender

2 ) we laughted this lier out of the room

3 ) We rocked the baby to sleep

4) According to the legend, reading made Milton blind

5) One leap,and the cat cleaned the plate

6) booes and whistle made the singer leave the stage

7) He went through the crowd digging with his elbows

8) He blew the whistle on his accomplice by beeing theatened

9) Crowling , the soldier came out the shelter

10 ) The laundry went wind dried

Thank you Marie11

Réponse: Structures résultatives(2) de violet91, postée le 07-12-2007 à 16:08:36 (S | E)
Bonjour,marie, I'll suggest :

1) The assailants starved the city's people into surrendering.

2) We laughed that liar out of the room.

3) Milton is said to have read himself to blindness.(to have read himself blind)(to have strained his eyes blind )

4) The baby was rocked asleep.

5) The cat lapped the plate clean.

6) The audience booed and hissed the singer out of the stage.(into leaving)

7) He elbowed his way through the crowd.

8) The soldier crawled out of the shelter.

9) They threatened him into giving his accomplice away.

10) The wind blew the washing dry.

And that lady drove us all mad ..."up the wall, duckies !"!!
Well done.

Réponse: Structures résultatives(2) de maya92, postée le 08-12-2007 à 17:36:12 (S | E)
hello marie,

1 - The assailants starved them into surrendering
2 - We laughed this liar out of the room
3 - The baby was lulled to sleep
4 - According to the legend, Milton read himself blind
5 - The cat licked his (its) plate clean
6 - The singer was booed from the stage
7 - He elbowed his way through the crowd
8 - They threatened him into denouncing is accomplice
9 - The soldier crawled out of his shelter
10 - The wind blowed the washing dry

thank you marie

Réponse: Structures résultatives(2) de johannes, postée le 11-12-2007 à 12:33:14 (S | E)
Hello Marie !

here is my suggestion :

1. The assailants starved the town into capitulation.
2. Our laughs had this liar leaving the room.
3. The baby was rocked into sleep.
4. According to the legend, Milton read himself to blindness.
5. The cat licked the plate empty.
6. The singer was booed and hissed (by the audience) off the stage.
7. He elbowed his way through the crowd.
8. They threatened him into denouncing his accomplice.
9. The soldiar crawled out of the shelter.
10. The wind blowed the washing dry.

Thank you very much !
please, more exercises about this particular point !!!

Réponse: Structures résultatives(2) de coferam, postée le 14-12-2007 à 11:01:52 (S | E)
Bonjour Marie11,

1 / The assailants starve the city, which was forced to capitulate.
2 / This liar has left the room because of our laughters.
3 / The baby was asleep by the rocking movement.
4 / By dint of reading, according to legend, Milton became blind.
5 / The cat cleaned the plate of a blow of tongue.
6 / The singer had to leave the scene under the boos and whistles from the public
7 / By playing elbows, he moved a passage through the crowd.
8 / It was under the threat they forced to denounce his associate.
9 / Crawling that the soldier left the shelter.
10 / The wind dried laundry.

(Ce n'est, certainement pas, une traduction pertinente...Mais j'ai essayé !)


Réponse: Structures résultatives(2) de marie11, postée le 15-12-2007 à 16:47:17 (S | E)

Une seule remarque.

Dans le schéma résultatif suivant, le groupe prépositionnel peut être suivi d'un gérondif ou d'un groupe nominal.

Agent + verbe +G.N./pronom + groupe prépositionnel + verbe en ING /GN

Voici ma proposition :

1- The attackers starved the town into surrender*.
2- We laughed the liar out of the room.
3- The baby was lulled** to sleep.
4- As legend has it, Milton read himself blind.
5- The cat licked the plate clean.
6- The singer was booed and hissed off the stage.
7- He elbowed his way through the crowd.
8- He was threatened into denouncing his accomplice.
9- The soldier crawled out of the shelter.
10- The wind blew the washing dry***.

* surrender = réddition;capitulation - to surrender = se rendre ; capituler
**J'ai préféré utiliser ce verbe, qui rend mieux le sens de bercer.
"A lullaby" est une berceuse que l'on chante aux petits enfants pour les endormir.

***J'ai beaucoup aimé la musique de cette dernière phrase: On croit entendre le vent souffler.

Je vous remercie de votre brillante participation.
Je répondrai très volontiers à toute question concernant ce sujet.
Je ne pense pas qu'il soit utile de vous proposer un troisième sujet sur ce thème puisque vous avez parfaitement assimilé ce type de structures.

Réponse: Structures résultatives(2) de hela1, postée le 22-12-2007 à 13:07:42 (S | E)
Bonjour Marie11,

Vos exercices sur ce sujet seront toujours les bienvenus. Alors si vous en avez d'autres faites les nous partager, même s'il vous semble que nous avons tout compris.
Je vous remercie encore de votre généreuse et très utile contribution.



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