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Expression de la comparaison:thème(3) (1)

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Expression de la comparaison:thème(3)
Message de marie11 posté le 22-11-2007 à 09:16:23 (S | E | F | I)


Voici la troisième et dernière partie de cette histoire.

Correction: mercredi 28 novembre 2007.

Pourtant, s'il avait fait preuve de plus de sincèrité, il aurait pu avouer qu'il avait demandé la main d'Emma, ce qu'il n'avait jamais dit à personne, et qu'elle la lui avait refusée. Elle était même allée jusqu'à lui dire que c'était « son cher Arthur» qu'elle aimait le plus.
Plus l'heure d'arrivée d'Arthur approchait, plus Miss Brittle était émue, et moins elle s'imaginait ce à quoi il devait ressembler après tant d'années: serait-il le même petit homme qu'il avait toujours été ?
« Je me demande s'il va me reconnaître, » se dit-elle. Elle ne pouvait penser à rien d'autre qu'à ce jeune enfant qu'il avait été : le plus intelligent et le plus beau des trois.
Bientôt, elle pourrait le serrer dans ses bras comme elle le faisait autrefois, il y avait si longtemps.

Réponse: Expression de la comparaison:thème(3) de johannes, postée le 22-11-2007 à 10:43:00 (S | E)
Bonjour Marie !!
Excellent exercice que le thème, on se demande pourquoi il est interdit dans nos écoles...

here is my answer :

"And yet if he had shown more sincerity, he might have admit that he asked for Emma's hand in marriage, which he had never told annyone, and that she had turned it down.

She had even dared to tell him that her "dear Arthur" was the one she liked best.

The sooner time of Arthur's arrival was, the more nervous Miss Brittle became, and the least she could imagine what he resembled after so many years : will he be the same little boy he had always been ?

"I wonder whether he will recognize me", she thought. She could not think of anything else than this young child he used to be : the most intelligent and the most beautiful of the three.

Soon could she hug him to her as she usually did in the past, such a long while in the past..."

Merci infiniment, I am really looking forward to reading your comments, the most interesting part of the exercise ;-)


Réponse: Expression de la comparaison:thème(3) de zen, postée le 22-11-2007 à 17:38:23 (S | E)

Yet, he had made proof of sincerity, he could have confessed that he had proposed to Emma, what he has never told anyone, and that she had turned him down. She even went as far as to tell him that it was 'her dear Arthur' that she loved most.
The closer the time of Arthur's arrival, the more Miss Brittle was moved, and she was picturing what he should like after so many years: would he be the same little man he had ever been?
'I wonder whether he will recognize me', she told herself. She couldn't think of anything but that little child he had been: the smarter and the more handsome of the three of them.
Soon, she could hug him like she used to, so long ago.

Réponse: Expression de la comparaison:thème(3) de nefertiti, postée le 22-11-2007 à 17:49:09 (S | E)
Hello Marie,

J'ai trouvé ce thème particulièrement difficile, voici ma proposition :

Even, if he gave proof of more sincerity, he could admit that he had asked for the Emma's hand, what he had never told to anyone, and she had refused it. She had even told to him that it is "her dear Arthur" she loved the most.
The more the hour of the Arthur's arrival was approaching, the more Miss Brittle was touched and the lesse she imagined what he would look like after so many years : Will he be the same little man he had always been ?
"I wonder whether he will recognize me ?" told her to herself. She could not think to anything else about that young child he was : the most intelligent and the most beautiful from the three.
Soon, she will be able to hug him as she did in the past, a so long time ago.

Réponse: Expression de la comparaison:thème(3) de nanette33, postée le 23-11-2007 à 00:04:07 (S | E)
Hello Marie,

Yet, if he had showed more sincerity, he could have confessed that he had asked for Emma's hand, what he had never told anybody and she had refused it. She had even gone so far as to tell him as it was "her dear Arthur that she loved most".
The more Arthur's arrival time approchead, the more Miss Brittle was touched, and less she thought what he must have looked like after so many years. Would he be the same little man that he had always been?
"I wonder if he will recognize me" she thought. She could think of nothing else but that young child he had been : the most intelligent and the most beautiful of the three.
Soon, she could clasp him in her arms like she used to do once, such a long time ago.

La dernière partie, vraiment ? Vous nous laissez sur notre faim...

Réponse: Expression de la comparaison:thème(3) de lakata, postée le 23-11-2007 à 13:24:31 (S | E)
Hello Marie !

And yet, had he behaved more sincerely, he could have confessed he had asked Emma her hand, which he had always been silent about, and she had turned him down/ refused him. She had even gone as far as to tell him that it was " her dear Arthur" she loved best.

The nearer Arthur's arrival drew, the more nervous Miss Britle was, and the less she could imagine what he could look like after so many years : would he be the same tiny little man he had always been ?

" I wonder whether he will recognize me", she said to herself. She was unable to think of anything else but the child he had been : the brightest and the most lovely of the three children.

She would soon clasp him in her arms, as she used to, such a long time ago...

To be continued...( Yes ! Yes ! Yes !)

Réponse: Expression de la comparaison:thème(3) de maya92, postée le 23-11-2007 à 18:44:36 (S | E)
bonsoir marie,

However, had he shown more sincerity, he could have admitted he had proposed to Emma, what he had never told anybody, and that she had turned him down. She had even told him he was "her dearest Arthur" the one she loved best. The more Arthur's arrival was getting on, the more nervous Miss Brittle was and the less she could imagine what he would look like after so many years : would he be the same little man he had always been ?
"I wonder if he'll recognize me" she thought. She could not think of anything else but the young child he used to be : the cleverest and best-looking of the three children.
Soon, she would hug him as she used to, so long ago.

thank you marie,

Réponse: Expression de la comparaison:thème(3) de coferam, postée le 25-11-2007 à 17:44:47 (S | E)
Hello Marie11,

Though, if he had exercised greater honesty, he could admit that he had asked the hand of Emma, what he never told anyone, and she had refused.

It had even gone so far as to tell him that it was his "dear Arthur 'she loved most.

Over the arrival of Arthur approached, Miss Brittle was moved, and she imagined less what to look after so many years: Would the same little man he had always been? « I wonder if is going to recognize me,» she said.She could think nothing else only that young child he had been : the most intelligent and the most beautiful of the three.

Soon, she could clasp him in her arms like she did it formerly.


Réponse: Expression de la comparaison:thème(3) de violet91, postée le 26-11-2007 à 14:11:46 (S | E)
Bonjour,marie...j'arrive !

3ème volet. Je propose:

However ,had he wished to prove his sincerity, he could have confessed he had asked for Emma's hand in marriage(=he had proposed to Emma)--something that he had told no-one--and that she had turned him down. She had even gone as far as to tell him it was "her dear Arthur" (whom) she loved most.

The closer it came to the time for Arthur to arrive, the more emotional (excited) Miss Brittle was getting and the less she could imagine what he must look like after so many years.Would he be the same little lad as he had always been ?

"I wonder if(=whether) he will recognize me" she thought . She could think of nothing else but the young child he used to be : the most intelligent and beautiful of the three !

Soon, she would be able to hold him in her arms, just as she had always done, all those years ago...

And what happened in the end ? Nous allons tous réclamer le récit de leurs retrouvailles..merci.

Réponse: Expression de la comparaison:thème(3) de marie11, postée le 28-11-2007 à 10:38:30 (S | E)

Voici quelques remarques :

I- « Had he shown.....»

Pour exprimer une supposition dans un style soigné on emploie l'inversion.( et on supprime IF)

1- Were I to tell you the whole story......= If I were to tell......
Si je vous racontais toute l'histoire....

2- Had I known the whole truth... = If I had known ......
Si j'avais su toute la vérité.....

II - If versus wether :

The word "if" is often mistakenly used as a substitute for the word "whether". Use the following rules to guide your word choice:

Use "if" to express a condition.
You may borrow my car if you are careful with it.

Use "whether" to express alternatives.
She did not know whether to say yes or no.

III - Remarque lexicale

1- « He asked for Emma's hand » = « He asked Emma to marry him »

2- To refuse = to turn down
«He asked her to marry him but she turned him down.»

Voici ce que je vous propose :

However, had he shown more sincerity, he might have confessed that he himself had asked for Emma's hand, which he had never told anybody, and that she had refused. She had even gone as far as to tell him that it was « her dear Arthur » that she loved best.
The nearer Arthur's time of arrival came, the more moved Miss Brittle was and the less she could imagine what he must look like after so many years: would he be the same little man as he had always beeen ?
« I wonder whether he will recognize me », she said to herself. She could think of nothing else but the young child he had been, « the most intelligent, and the most handsome of us three.»
Soon, she would be abble to hug him as she used to do, so long ago.

Je vous remercie de votre participation.
Je répondrai très volontiers à toute question concernant ce sujet.

Réponse: Expression de la comparaison:thème(3) de johannes, postée le 28-11-2007 à 11:29:25 (S | E)

Dear Marie, thank you for this correction !

Arthur's time of arrival : I proposed "time of Arthur's arrival" : is that wrong ? if so, why ?

Thank you in advance,


Réponse: Expression de la comparaison:thème(3) de violet91, postée le 28-11-2007 à 13:03:42 (S | E)

Juste une suggestion : faire un cours sur les modaux. Tout le monde a mis --à juste titre--(sorry)could ,car cela lui était bien possible ,tout à fait faisable (question d'honnêteté). "He could have confessed."
Incertitude et probabilité.
-He Is guilty of murder.(100 %)
-He must be ...(90% :très probable,on a des preuves)
-He can be ..(il en est bien capable : 50%:pourquoi pas ? peut comme ne..pas))
-He could be ...(ce pourrait bien..;capable dans certaines circonstances)
-He may be ..(éventualité ;il se peut que..30%)
-He might be guilty.(grande éventualité se pourrait peut-être qu'il..après tout..)15% We might see a miracle !
-He mustn't,he can't be guilty..(pas lui !Des plus improbables))(95%)
He IS not guilty. (100%)

Excuse me again: a handsome man.A "pretty woman". Miss Brittle est à ce point virile?(je plaisante !..):best-looking.;beautiful si l'on regarde les petits enfants qu'ils étaient.

A suivre..C'est un forum..Courtoisement vôtre.

Réponse: Expression de la comparaison:thème(3) de marie11, postée le 28-11-2007 à 16:09:05 (S | E)
Bonjour Johannes.

On considére « time of arrival » comme indissociable.
De même que l'on dira Arthur's arrival on dira Arthur's time of arrival.
Quoi qu'il en soit on ne se trompe pas si l'on emploie "OF".

Réponse: Expression de la comparaison:thème(3) de johannes, postée le 28-11-2007 à 16:14:58 (S | E)



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