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Quelle bien triste vie ! : [Thème] (1)

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Quelle bien triste vie ! : [Thème]
Message de marie11 posté le 18-10-2007 à 10:36:32 (S | E | F | I)


Je vous propose un thème où vous allez encore croiser des verbes à particule et des verbes prépositionnels.

Particules et prépositions sont des mots qui se ressemblent, mais qu'il ne faut pas confondre.
Dans bon nombre de cas, un même mot peut être tantôt particule, tantôt préposition.
Ainsi dans:
They went on holyday, le mot on est une préposition qui introduit holiday.
En revanche dans :
The music went on for some time, le mot on est une particule qui modifie le sens de went.

Niveau :
Correction : mercredi 24 octobre.

Quelle bien triste vie !

Ne vous moquez pas de lui ! Il est seul, et ne vit que de pain et d'eau. Il s'est séparé de sa femme il y a deux ans et personne ne demande jamais de ses nouvelles. Il se remet lentement d'une longue maladie : on l'a opéré récemment d'un ulcère à l'estomac. Parfois le tourment s'empare de lui, il pense aux années difficiles qu'il a vécues, et médite sur la vie et la mort.
Les médecins qui le soignent, désespérent de le sauver.
Il mourra probablement bien plus de chagrin que de manque de nourriture ou de maladie.

Réponse: Quelle bien triste vie ! : [Thème] de evcli, postée le 18-10-2007 à 13:04:25 (S | E)
Hello Marie11!

What a so sad life !

Don't jeer at him ! He is alone and only lives off bread and water. He broke up two years ago with his wife and nobody ever inquires after him.
Slowly he is recovering from a disease : he was lately operated on a stomach ulcer. Sometimes anxiety overwhelmes him, he thinks about the bad years
he has lived and meditates upon life and death.
The doctors who are treating him are despearing to save him.
He will probably much more sorrow to death than starve or die from disease.

Réponse: Quelle bien triste vie ! : [Thème] de titom41, postée le 18-10-2007 à 16:09:29 (S | E)
Hello Marie11

J’apprécie beaucoup ce genre d’exercice, merci de l’avoir proposé.

What a sad life !

Don’t laugh at him. He is lonely and living only from bread and water. He’s got separated from his wife for two years and nobody ever inquires after him. He slowly gets about a long illness : he was recently operated for a stomach ulcer. Sometimes harassment falls on him, he thinks about the hard years he had to bear and meditates upon life en death. The doctors who care for him have given up hope to save his life. He'll probably rather succumb by desolation than by lack of food or by illness.

Réponse: Quelle bien triste vie ! : [Thème] de zen, postée le 18-10-2007 à 18:00:26 (S | E)

what a sad life!
Don't make fun of him! He is lonely and lives from just bread and water. He broke up with his wife two years ago and nobody ever asks about him. He has been slowly recovering from a long illness: He recently went into surgery for a stomach ulcer. Sometimes the torment takes him over, he thinks about the rough years he has lived, and gives thoughts to life and death.
The doctors taking care of him are losing hope to same him.
He will more probably die from sadness than from lack of food or from illness.

Réponse: Quelle bien triste vie ! : [Thème] de maya92, postée le 19-10-2007 à 11:26:18 (S | E)
hello marie,

Don't laugh at him ! He lives alone and only gets along on bread and water. He parted from his wife 2 years ago and nobody ever enquires after him. He is slowly getting over from a long illness : he recently had surgery for a stomach ulcer. Sometimes he is taken over by agony, he recalls the hard times he went through and ponders over life and death.
The doctors who treat him have given up all hope of his recovery.
He'll probably die from grief more than from lack of food or illness.

merci marie pour cette triste histoire !

Réponse: Quelle bien triste vie ! : [Thème] de polgi, postée le 19-10-2007 à 15:28:45 (S | E)
What such a sad life !

Don't laugh at him ! He is lonely and lives only on water and bread. He broke off with his wife two years ago and nobody ever ask about him. He's getting slowly over a long illness : he was treated recently for a stomach ulcer. Sometimes, torment goes upon him, he thinks about the diffucult years he has lived and medidates on life and death. The doctors whom take care of him are getting desperate about saving him. He will most probably die of sorrow instead of the lack of food or even his illness.

Réponse: Quelle bien triste vie ! : [Thème] de nefertiti, postée le 19-10-2007 à 15:44:12 (S | E)
Hello Marie.

What a sad life !

Do not laugh at him ! He is alone, he lives only with bread and water. He splited with his wife two years ago and nobody never asks any news for him. He is slowly putting back from a long disease : he had been recently operated for a stomach ulcer. Sometimes, the torture takes him away, he thinks about the hard years he had lived and meditates about life and death.
The doctors who take care of him lose hope to save him.
He will probably die more by the peine than by a lack of food or a disease.

Thank you.

Réponse: Quelle bien triste vie ! : [Thème] de nick27, postée le 19-10-2007 à 15:44:35 (S | E)
How sad is his life!
Don't laugh at him ! He's alone and lives on bread and water. He broke up with his wife two years ago and no one never asks for news. He's slowly recovering from a long disease : doctors have recently operated him on a stomach ulcer. Sometimes torment takes over him and he thinks back on the difficult times he went through.
The doctors who are looking after him think they won't succeed in saving him.
He'll die neither from a lack of food nor from a disease but more probably from despair.

Réponse: Quelle bien triste vie ! : [Thème] de ariane6, postée le 19-10-2007 à 18:05:04 (S | E)
Hello marie11!
It's a very sad life...
Don't laugh at him. He lives alone subsisting only on bread and water. He broke up with his wife two years ago and nobody inquires ever after him. He recovers slowly from a long illness: He had recently had surgery for a peptic ulcer disease. Sometimes torment takes hold of him, he thinks about the difficult years he has lived and meditates upon life and death.
The doctors who attend him despair they can keep him alive.
He is more likely to die from grief than from lack of food or disease.

Réponse: Quelle bien triste vie ! : [Thème] de nanette33, postée le 19-10-2007 à 19:28:28 (S | E)
Hello Marie!

What a sad life!

Don't laugh at him! He's lonely and lives on bread and water. He parted from his wife 2 years ago and nobody ever asks for his news. He is slowly recovering from a long disease : he has been operated recently for a stomach ulcer. Sometimes the torment takes hold of him, he thinks to the hard times he has lived and meditates on life and death.
Doctors who are treating him despair of saving him.
He'll probably die much more of a broken heart than lack of food or disease.

really, it's very sad.

Réponse: Quelle bien triste vie ! : [Thème] de pepe69, postée le 20-10-2007 à 14:50:27 (S | E)
Hello marie11,

What a so sad life!

Don't make fun of him! He's on one's own, and only lives on bread and water. He separated from one's wife two years ago and nobody ever ask how he's going on. He's slowly getting over a long illness: recently he had an operation for a stomach ulcer. Sometimes torment takes possession of him, then he thinks about the hard years he went through and meditates on life and death.
The doctors who treat him have given up all hope of saving him.
He'll probably die more of grief than lack of food or illness.

Supplementary sentence: anyone who found a more sad story would be looked upon as a winner!!!


Réponse: Quelle bien triste vie ! : [Thème] de dragons236, postée le 20-10-2007 à 19:05:09 (S | E)
What a sad lif
I don't jeer at him.He is alone , and water and bread . He is broken is women ......escusé moi mais je ne sais pas la suite , je suis nul en traduction.

Réponse: Quelle bien triste vie ! : [Thème] de alain123, postée le 21-10-2007 à 16:40:25 (S | E)
What a sad life!
Do not laugh at him! He is alone, and lives eating only bread and drinking water. He separated from one’s wife two years ago and nobody ever asks after him. He is slowly recovering from a long disease: He has been recently operated on for a gastric ulcer. Sometimes, he is seized with torment, he thinks of the difficult years he lived and meditates on life and death.
The physicians, who care for him, despair to cure him.
He will more likely dye from grief than from lack of food or disease.

Réponse: Quelle bien triste vie ! : [Thème] de coferam, postée le 22-10-2007 à 14:46:43 (S | E)
Hello Marie11,

What a sad life!

Don't make fun of him ! He is alone and living only bread and water. He parted from his wife two years ago, and nobody ever
ask about him. He is slowly getting over from a long illness : recently, it has been surgically treated for a stomach ulcer. Sometimes, the harassment takes him, He thinks at the difficult years he has lived, and meditates on life and death.
Doctors who treat him, give up hope to save him.
He probably died far more grief than lack of food or sickness.


Réponse: Quelle bien triste vie ! : [Thème] de lakata, postée le 23-10-2007 à 17:35:43 (S | E)
Hello Marie !

How very sad this life is !

Don't laugh at him ! He's on his own, only living on bread and water. He split up from his wife two years ago and nobody has ever been concerned about him. He's slowly recovering from / getting over a long illness : he was recently operated on for a stomach ulcer. Sometimes his mind is taken over by torment, he thinks about the hard years he has had to go through and meditates on life and death.
The doctors who are attending him have given up hope of saving him.
He's most likely to die of grief rather than of starvation or desease.

What a sad story, actually !

Thank you Marie.

Réponse: Quelle bien triste vie ! : [Thème] de violet91, postée le 23-10-2007 à 20:43:31 (S | E)
What a sad life !

Do not laugh at him! He is all by himself and can only live on bread and water. He broke off from his wife two years ago and nobody ever asks about him.He is slowly recovering from a long disease:he has just been operated from a stomach ulcer .He sometimes gets mad with anxiety thinking of all the hard times he has gone through and thinks upon death of life. The doctors in charge just feel helpless at saving him.
He may be bound to die much more of sorrow than of starving or being ill.

Thank you for entertainment.Bye.

Réponse: Quelle bien triste vie ! : [Thème] de marie11, postée le 24-10-2007 à 12:29:44 (S | E)

Voici quelques remarques préliminaires.

I- To jeer at ──► huer, conspuer, railler
The police were jeered at by the waiting crowd.
To make fun of ──► se moquer en tenant des propos désobligeants, parfois injurieux.
The kids at school always made fun of jill's clothes.
Ces deux verbes ne conviennent pas.

II- Vivre de( dans le sens de se nourrir) ──► to live on / off

Live on et c'est le cas ici est employé avec un sens réprobateur

« She lives on burgers ! » Elle ne mange que ....

III - demander des nouvelles de quelqu'un ──► To ask after sb
He always asks after you in his letters.

To ask about ──► se renseigner ; s'informer.

IV- Opérer ──► to operate on sb for sth

V- life /death - uncountable- donc pas d'article ici.

VI- illness - sickness - disease.

illness : terme le plus courant.(peut se mettre au pluriel)
Most of the children here suffer from chronic illnesses.

sickness : est d'un niveau de langue moins soutenu que le prédédent.
(concerne le travail, les congés, les assurances...)

disease : si l'on veut établir une nuance entre disease et les deux termes précédents nous dirons que disease est la cause les deux autres étant la conséquence.
He was suffering from a rare blood disease, and died after a long illness.

Voici ma proposition:

What a very miserable life !

Don't laugh at him. He is by himself, and he's living on bread and water.
He parted from his wife two years ago and nobody ever asks after him. He is slowly recovering from a long illness : he was operated on for a stomac ulcer not long ago.Sometimes he is overcome with torment,he thinks about the unhappy years he has lived through, and he spends a lot of time brooding over life and death.
The doctors who attend to him despair of saving his life.
He will probably die of grief more than from lack of food or of illness.

Je vous remercie de votre participation.
Je répondrai très volontiers à toute question relative à ce sujet.

Réponse: Quelle bien triste vie ! : [Thème] de lucile83, postée le 24-10-2007 à 15:02:34 (S | E)
Bonjour lakata,
C'est moi qui ai édité un post en rouge, non pas pour les erreurs car ce n'est pas mon topic et je n'ai pas à me mêler de la correction, mais pour signaler à un membre que nous ne tolérons pas la tricherie sur le site.Je n'ai pas été seule à remarquer ce subterfuge
Ce point doit être bien clair car ce genre d'intervention relève de la modération.
Bonne continuation à tous.

Réponse: Quelle bien triste vie ! : [Thème] de oli2008, postée le 14-11-2007 à 10:49:28 (S | E)
It is very sad life



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