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Verbes composés prépositionnels. (1)

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Verbes composés prépositionnels.
Message de marie11 posté le 11-10-2007 à 11:32:06 (S | E | F | I)


Les verbes composés prépositionnels, sont formés d'un verbe, d'un adverbe, et d'une préposition. Il sont en général de style familier.Ils se comportent comme les verbes prépositionnels et non comme les verbes composés.

Voici des exemples :

I look forward to your visit.
J'attends avec impatience votre visite.

With that charm of hers, she can get away with it.
Elle a un tel charme qu'elle peut tout se permettre.

Come on children ! It's high time you got down to work
Allez, les enfants, il est grand temps que vous vous mettiez au travail !

She was impatiently listening out for the postman.
Elle guettait impatiemment l'arrivée du facteur.

Niveau :
Correction : mercredi 17 octobre 2007.

Traduisez les phrases suivantes :
les verbes composés prépositionnels sont en bleu.

1- Il escomptait que quelqu'un le soutiendrait pendant la réunion, mais personne ne le fit.
2- Rien ne pouvait compenser la disparition inattendue de sa femme.
3- La police a décidé de prendre des mesures draconiennes contre les trafiquants de drogue.
4- Le gouvernement s'est engagé à supprimer la bureaucratie.
5- On m'a demandé de proposer un plan visant à réduire la pollution causée par nos usines.
6- A cette époque je caressais l'idée de me lancer dans la politique.
7- Nous étions à court d'essence , aussi il nous a
fallu aller à pied jusqu'à la station service.
8- Je ne peux pas supporter le nouveau patron. Lui, qui a un cheveu sur la langue*, méprise sa secrétaire parce qu'elle a un accent faubourien.
9- Avec sa modestie, son autorité, et son sens de l'humour, c'était un professeur que nous admirions tous.
10- Il doit se rendre compte qu'il risque de se heurter à de sérieuses difficultés, s'il continue à se comporter de cette manière.

*To speak with a lisp

Réponse: Verbes composés prépositionnels. de nick27, postée le 11-10-2007 à 14:55:04 (S | E)
1. He expected someone to stand by him during the meeting but no one did.
2. Nothing could make up for the sudden death of his wife.
3. The police decided to crack down on drug traffickers.
4. The government committed itself to doing away with bureaucracy.
5. I've been asked to come up with a plan aiming at reducing the pollution released by our factories.
6. At that time I felt like getting involved in politics.
7. We ran out of gas and so we had to get to the gas station on foot.
8. I can't put up with the new boss. He, who speaks with a lisp, looks down on his secretary because she has a suburban accent!
9. With his modesty, his authority and his sense of humor, he was a teacher we all looked up to.
10. He has to realize there's a risk he comes up against big difficulties if he keeps on behaving this way.

Réponse: Verbes composés prépositionnels. de TravisKidd, postée le 11-10-2007 à 16:13:01 (S | E)
Je voudrais juste préciser que la dernière preposition NE FAIT PAS partie du verbe, même si elle sert à modifier le sens du verbe. Donc tandis que l'on ne puisse jamais dire:

Away with what can she get?

on peut bien (du moins en principe) dire:

With what can she get away?

puisque "with", ne faisant pas partie du verbe "get away", peut s'en séparer.

Bien sûr que la façon anglaise plus facile et naturelle est de mettre la préposition à la fin:

What can she get away with?

C'est tout.

Réponse: Verbes composés prépositionnels. de zen, postée le 11-10-2007 à 18:01:19 (S | E)

1- He expected someone to support him during the meeting but nobody did.
2- Nothing could make up for his wife's unexpected death.
3- The police have decided to crack down on drug dealers.
4- The government pledged to do away with bureaucracy
5- I was asked to put forward a plan aimed at cutting down on pollution
caused by our factories.
6- At that time I pondered over launching myself into politics.
7- We were out of gas so we had to the gas station on foot.
8- I can't put up with the new boss. Although he speaks with a lisp he
despises his secretary because of her accent.
9- With his self-effacement, his authority and his sense of humor, he was a teacher we were all looking up to.
10- he must realize that he is likely to run into serious difficulties if he carries on behaving like that.

Réponse: Verbes composés prépositionnels. de maya92, postée le 12-10-2007 à 16:17:27 (S | E)
hello marie,

1 - He expected someone would stand up for him during the meeting, but no one
2 - Nothing could make up for the unexpected death of his wife
3 - The police have decide to crack down on the drug traffickers
4 - The government promised to do away with bureaucracy
5 - I've been asked to put forward a project to reduce the pollution brought
about by our factories
6 - At that time I toyed with the idea of setting about doing politics
7 - We ran out of petrol so we had to walk to the service-station
8 - I can't put up with the new boss. He, who speaks with a lisp, looks down
on his secretary because she has a working-class accent
9 - With his modesty, his authority and his sense of humour, he was a teacher
we all used to look up to.
10 - He must realize he may come up against real problems if he keeps on
behaving like that.

thank you very much

Réponse: Verbes composés prépositionnels. de pepe69, postée le 12-10-2007 à 16:51:32 (S | E)
Hello marie,
1. He expected somebody would stand up for him during the meeting but nobody did it.
2. Nothing could make up for the unexpected death of his wife.
3. The police decided to crack down on drug traffickers.
4. The government commited to doing away with bureaucracy.
5. I've been asked to come up with a plan intendend to reduce the pollution caused by our factories.
6. At that time, I toyed with the idea of going off in politics.
7. We ran out of petrol, so we had to go on foot to the petrol station.
8. I can't put up with the new boss. He, who speaks with a lisp, looks down on her secretary because she has a working-class Paris accent.
9. With his modesty, his authority, and his sense of humour, he was a teacher we all look up to.
10. He has to be aware that he risks coming up against grave difficulties if he goes on behaving in this way.


Réponse: Verbes composés prépositionnels. de ariane6, postée le 13-10-2007 à 09:38:42 (S | E)

Hello marie11,
1-He expected someone to stand up for him at the meeting but no one did.
2-Nothing could make up for the unexpected disappearance of his wife.
3-The police have decided to crack down hard on drugs traffickers.
4-The government promissed to do away with bureaucracy.
5-I've been asked to come up with a plan aimed at reducing the pollution caused by our factories.
6-At that time, I toyed with the idea of becoming involved in politics.
7-We ran out of petrol and so we had to walk to the petrol station.
8-I can't put up with the new boss. He himself speaks with a lisp but looks down on his secretary because she has a suburban accent.
9-With his self-effacement, his authority and his sense of humour, he was a teacher we all looked up to.
10-He has to realize that he risks coming up against serious problems if he continues to behave in this way.

Thank you marie11!

Réponse: Verbes composés prépositionnels. de coferam, postée le 16-10-2007 à 18:08:19 (S | E)
Bonjour Marie11,

Hello marie,

1-He expected someone would stand up for him during the meeting but nobody did it.
2-Nothing could make up for the unexpected disappearance of his wife.
3. The police decided to crack down on drug traffickers.
4- The government pledged to do away with bureaucracy
5- I was asked to put forward a plan aimed at cutting down on pollution caused by our factories.
6.At that time I felt like getting involved in politics.
7- We were out of gas so we had to the gas station on foot.
8- I can't put up with the new boss. He, who speaks with a lisp, looks down on his secretary because she has a working-class accent.
9 - With his modesty, his authority and his sense of humour, he was a teacher we all used to look up to.
10 - He must realize he may come up against real problems if he keeps on behaving like that.


Réponse: Verbes composés prépositionnels. de lakata, postée le 17-10-2007 à 09:43:24 (S | E)

Hello Marie11.

1) He expected somebody to stand for him at the meeting, but nobody did.
2) Nothing could make up for the unexpected death of his wife.
3) The police have decided to crack down on drugs traffickers.
4) The government is commited to doing away with bureaucracy.
5) I've been asked to come up with a plan aiming to reduce our factories pollution.
6) At that time, I was thinking out of launching out into politics.
7) We ran out of petrol and so we had to walk up to the petrol station.
8) I can't put up with the new boss. He looks down on his secretary whose accent is suburban, whereas he speaks with a lisp !
9) With his modesty, his authority and his sense of humor, he was a teacher we all looked up to.
10 He must realize that he could come up against serious difficulties if he goes on behaving so.

Thank you Marie.

Réponse: Verbes composés prépositionnels. de marie11, postée le 17-10-2007 à 13:38:42 (S | E)

Voici quelques remarques préliminaires.

1- To stand up for = To stick up for.
Notez aussi : To back sb/sth up = to support sb/sth
I'll back you up if the don't believe you.

4- La bureaucracie
Red tape : Official rules that seem more complicated than necessary and prevent things from being done qickly. (origin) From the custom of trying up official documents with red or pink ink tape.

6- À cette époque.
I was not married at the time ──► À cette époque je n'étais pas marié.
It often rains at this time of the year. ──► Il pleut souvent à cette époque de l'année.
Je caressais.....
To dally with ; to play with ; to toy with.
He has been toying with the idea of sailing across the Atlantic for so long.
Cela fait tellement de temps qu'il caresse l'idée de traverser l'Atlantique à la voile.

8- Accent faubourien.
Il s'agit ici des faubourgs de Londres, de la banlieue londonienne, et en particulier de L'East End :
cockney accent.

10- Il risque.
To be likely to ──► éventualité vraisemblable.
The workers are likely to go on strike if racial harassment continues.
Les ouvriers risquent de se mettre en grève si le harcèlement pour des raisons raciales continue.

Voici ce que je vous propose :

1- He expected someone to stand up for him during the meeting, but nobody did.
2- There was nothing that could make up for the unexpected loss of his wife.
3- The police have decided to crack down on drug
4- The government has commited itself to doing away with red tape.
5- I was asked to come up with a scheme with a view to reducing the pollution caused by our factories.
6- At the time I toyed with the idea of going in for politics.
7- We'd run out of petrol, so we have had to walk to the service station.
8- I can't put up with the new boss. He, who has got a lisp,looks down on his secretary because she's got a cockney accent.
9- With his modesty, authority, and sense of humour, he was a teacher we all looked up to.
10- He must realize that he is likely to come up against major difficulties if he keeps on behaving (in) this way.

Je vous remercie de votre participation.
Je répondrai volontiers à toute question concernant ce sujet.



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