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Simple Past Vs Present Perfect (1)

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Simple Past Vs Present Perfect
Message de charly_35 posté le 20-09-2007 à 15:19:23 (S | E | F | I)


I have to write an email describing what I did this morning (a list of actions).

To describe these actions I hesitate between the simple past and the present perfect.

I think I must say:
This morning I did some tests on my device (it's a completed action in the past)

But Can I say:
This morning I have done some tests on my device.

... and if I can say that what's the difference ? In fact I've read that we can use the present perfect if the past action has a consequence on the present. In my case, my tests are bad and my device isn't working now ; so, there is an impact on the present. Can you see what I mean ?


Réponse: Simple Past Vs Present Perfect de TravisKidd, postée le 20-09-2007 à 16:37:46 (S | E)
The present perfect, in general, seeks a reaction in the present to an action in the past. It all depends on the spirit in which you mention the past action.

In the case of your sentence, I would use the simple past, since you are simply explaining what you did this morning (and by the way, the use of a time marker such as "this morning" requires the simple past). However, you could say something like:

I've done some tests on my device, and here are the results.

In this sentence the important thing is not what took place this morning, but rather the simple fact that the tests have been done and a present reaction is sought ("Please look at the results.").

In fact, note your instruction: you have to describe what you did this morning. That should be an obvious hint as to which tense to use.

Réponse: Simple Past Vs Present Perfect de charly_35, postée le 25-09-2007 à 09:00:48 (S | E)
Hi TravisKidd,

Thank you for your help.




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