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Readers' Corner!
Message de denzel posté le 22-06-2007 à 16:26:00 (S | E | F | I)

Hello there !

For Shakespeare's fans

Complete the following passage with :

Hamlet - Macbeth - play - tragedies - comedies - historical tragedies - stages (verb)

William Shakespeare was born in 1564, at Stratford-Upon-Avon. He wrote a lot of plays which are still well-known today. There are, for instance ......................, like The Taming of the Shrew, or The Merry Wives of Windsor , ......................., like Julius Caesar, and other ......................... like Hamlet, in 1600, Macbeth, in 1605, or King Lear, in 1606.
Many of Shakespeare's plays deal with power and usurpation of power, as in ......................., the story of the Danish Prince whose father has been murdered, and whose purpose is to expose the murderer throughout the play, or in ....................., which ........................the murder of a legitimate King, the political consequences of this regicide of the kingdom and the psychological effects on the usurper and his wife.
Shakespeare's last ........................, less sombre and pessimistic, is said to be the The Tempest.

Corrigé, mercredi 27
Bon courage !

Réponse: Readers' Corner! de chrislondon, postée le 22-06-2007 à 17:32:18 (S | E)
Bonjour Denzel,

1. comedies
2. historical tragedies
3. tragedies
4. Hamlet
5. Macbeth
6. stages
7. play

Réponse: Readers' Corner! de magstmarc, postée le 23-06-2007 à 10:04:54 (S | E)
Hi denzel
If you are a Shakespeare fan and you like humour, here's an ad you might like :
"Now is the summer of our discount pants"

Now here's my try :

William Shakespeare was born in 1564, at Stratford-Upon-Avon. He wrote a lot of plays which are still well-known today. There are, for instance comedies, like The Taming of the Shrew, or The Merry Wives of Windsor , historical tragedies, like Julius Caesar, and other tragedies like Hamlet, in 1600, Macbeth, in 1605, or King Lear, in 1606.
Many of Shakespeare's plays deal with power and usurpation of power, as in Hamlet, the story of the Danish Prince whose father has been murdered, and whose purpose is to expose the murderer throughout the play, or in Macbeth, which stages the murder of a legitimate King, the political consequences of this regicide on the kingdom and the psychological effects on the usurper and his wife.
Shakespeare's last play, less sombre and pessimistic, is said to be the The Tempest.


Réponse: Readers' Corner! de coferam, postée le 23-06-2007 à 14:59:53 (S | E)
Bonjour denzel,

William Shakespeare was born in 1564, at Stratford-Upon-Avon. He wrote a lot of plays which are still well-known today. There are, for instance, comedies like The Taming of the Shrew, or The Merry Wives of Windsor , historical tragedies, like Julius Caesar, and other tragedies like Hamlet, in 1600, Macbeth, in 1605, or King Lear, in 1606.
Many of Shakespeare's plays deal with power and usurpation of power, as in Hamlet, the story of the Danish Prince whose father has been murdered, and whose purpose is to expose the murderer throughout the play, or in Macbeth, which stages the murder of a legitimate King, the political consequences of this regicide of the kingdom and the psychological effects on the usurper and his wife.
Shakespeare's last play, less sombre and pessimistic, is said to be the The Tempest.


Réponse: Readers' Corner! de iry43, postée le 25-06-2007 à 15:21:01 (S | E)
Hi denzel,

Here my try,

William Shakespeare was born in 1564, at Stratford-Upon-Avon. He wrote a lot of plays which are still well-known today. There are, for instance ..comedies...................., like The Taming of the Shrew, or The Merry Wives of Windsor , ..historical tragedies....................., like Julius Caesar, and other .tragedies........................ like Hamlet, in 1600, Macbeth, in 1605, or King Lear, in 1606.
Many of Shakespeare's plays deal with power and usurpation of power, as in ..Hamlet....................., the story of the Danish Prince whose father has been murdered, and whose purpose is to expose the murderer throughout the play, or in Macbeth....................., which .stages.......................the murder of a legitimate King, the political consequences of this regicide of the kingdom and the psychological effects on the usurper and his wife.
Shakespeare's last play......................., less sombre and pessimistic, is said to be the The Tempest

Thanks a lot.

Réponse: Readers' Corner! de aalholm, postée le 25-06-2007 à 22:19:24 (S | E)
There are my answers concerning this text about Shakespeare :
1) comedies
2) historical tragedies
3) tragedies
4) Hamlet
5) MacBeth
6) stages
7) play
Thanks for this exercice

Réponse: Readers' Corner! de denzel, postée le 27-06-2007 à 13:04:48 (S | E)

Merci à tout le monde. Je crois qu'il n'y a que des fans de l'homme de Stratford-Upon-Avon ici....

Voici le corrigé.

Complete the following passage with :

Hamlet - Macbeth - play - tragedies - comedies - historical tragedies - stages (verb)

William Shakespeare was born in 1564, at Stratford-Upon-Avon. He wrote a lot of plays which are still well-known today. There are, for instance comedies like The Taming of the Shrew, or The Merry Wives of Windsor , historical tragedies, like Julius Caesar, and other tragedies like Hamlet, in 1600, Macbeth, in 1605, or King Lear, in 1606.
Many of Shakespeare's plays deal with power and usurpation of power, as in Hamlet, the story of the Danish Prince whose father has been murdered, and whose purpose is to expose the murderer throughout the play, or in Macbeth, which stages the murder of a legitimate King, the political consequences of this regicide of the kingdom and the psychological effects on the usurper and his wife.
Shakespeare's last play, less sombre and pessimistic, is said to be the The Tempest.

"My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips' red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;

Extract from Sonnet CXXX
Isn't all this terribly suculent?? That's the question...

Modifié par denzel le 27-06-2007 13:05



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