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Quelques phrases à traduire [thème]
Message de marie11 posté le 15-05-2007 à 10:10:29 (S | E | F | I)


Voici quelques phrases à traduire.

Dans ces phrases la partie lexicale a été volontairement simplifiée, afin que vous puissiez vous concentrer sur la partie grammaticale.
La plupart des règles grammaticales concernées ont déjà servi de base à maints exercices que j'ai proposés.

Niveau :
Correction : samedi 19 mai 2007.

1- Il a vécu en Angleterre pendant vingt ans, puis il s'est installé sur la Côte d'Azur quand il a pris sa retraite.

2- J'aurais aimé que tu m'aides à réparer cette armoire, car je n'y arrive pas tout seul. C'est un meuble de famille auquel je tiens beaucoup.

3- Il faut que je téléphone à ma mère. Elle est partie en vacances depuis quelques semaines, et je ne sais pas quand elle reviendra. Je dois aller la chercher à l'aéroport à son retour.

4- La police m'a forcé à attendre pendant deux heures dans la fourgonnette, alors que je n'avais strictement rien à me reprocher. J'ai eu beau essayer de m'expliquer, je ne suis pas parvenu à me faire comprendre.

5- Mes voisins se sont fait cambrioler alors qu'ils étaient partis en week-end.
Je leur avais dit de faire installer une alarme, mais ils n'ont pas tenu compte de mes conseils avisés.

Modifié par bridg le 15-05-2007 11:24

Réponse: Quelques phrases à traduire [thème] de bridg, postée le 15-05-2007 à 14:23:04 (S | E)
It's a try

1- He lived in England for twenty years, and settled down on the Riviera when he retired.

2- I would have liked you to help me to repair this cupboard, because I can't manage by myself. It is a family piece of furniture which I prize very much.

3- I must phone my mother. She has left on holiday for a few weeks, and I don't know when she comes back. I have to pick her up at the airport on her way back.

4- The police compelled me to wait for two hours long in the light van, but I strictly had nothing done to be blamed. Even if I tried to give an explanation, they didn't figure it out.

5- My neighbours have been burglarized while being away for the weekend. I told them to install a buzzer, but they took no account of my wise advice.

Réponse: Quelques phrases à traduire [thème] de maya13, postée le 16-05-2007 à 16:20:46 (S | E)
hello marie,

1 - He had been living in England for 20 years and then he retired on the
2 - I wish you would help me to repair this wardrobe, I can't do it by myself.
It's a family piece of furniture which I am very fond of
3 - I must ring my mother. She's gone on holiday since some weeks and I don't
know when she's due back. I am to fetch her at the airport
4 - The police has made me wait for 2 hours inside the van even though I had
really nothing to be ashamed of. Whatever I tried to explain I didn't
manage to make me understand
5 - My neighbours have been burgled while in weekend. I had told them to have
an alarm system set up but they ignored my sensible warnings

not easy, thank you nevertheless !

Réponse: Quelques phrases à traduire [thème] de meway, postée le 16-05-2007 à 18:03:33 (S | E)
Hello! I suggest:
1-he had lived in England for twenty years, and when he retired,he moved to the Riviera
2-I would have liked you to mend this wardrobe as I can't manage by myself. It's a family piece of furniture which I prize very much.
3- I must call my mother. She has gone on holidays for a few weeks now,and I don't know when she will be back.I'm supposed to pick her up at the airport when she is back.
4- The police had me wait for two hours in their van, although I had done nothing to be blamed for.No matter how hard I tried to justify myself, I didn't manage to make myself be understood.(( I don't like that bit))
5- My neighbours were burglarized while they were away for the weekend.I had told them to have an alarm system installed, but they dismissed my wise advice.

Not a piece of cake. Thank you all the same. Bye

Réponse: Quelques phrases à traduire [thème] de meway, postée le 16-05-2007 à 18:08:47 (S | E)
"I would have liked you to HELP ME mend..."

Réponse: Quelques phrases à traduire [thème] de vero75, postée le 16-05-2007 à 18:21:47 (S | E)
Hello Marie,

1- He had been living in England for 20 years, then he moved to the Riviera when he retired.

2- I would like you to help me to mend this cupboard because I can’t manage it alone. It’s a family furniture I prize very much.

3- I must phone my mother. She has been away on holiday for several weeks and I don’t know when she comes back. I have to pick her up at the airport when she returns.

4- The police forced me to wait for two hours in the van though I had done nothing I could be blamed for. I tried really hard to explain but I failed to make myself understood.

5- My neighbors’ house has been broken into while they were away for the weekend. I had told them to set up an alarm device but they ignored my advices.

Réponse: Quelques phrases à traduire [thème] de mp27, postée le 16-05-2007 à 18:54:31 (S | E)
Hello marie11!
1- He lived in England for twenty years, then, he settled on the Cote d'Azur when he retired.
2- I would have liked you to help me fix this cupboard, as I can't manage on my own. It's a family heirloom that I am very attached to.
3- I've got to phone my mother. She left for her holidays a few weeks ago ( = she's been on holidays for a few weeks) and I don't know when she'll be back. I have to pick her up at the airport when she returns.
4- I was forced by the police to wait in their van for two hours, even though I had done absolutely nothing wrong at all! It was no good my trying to explain, as there was no way I could make myself understood.
5- My neighbours were burgled while they were away at the weekend.
I'd told them to get an alarm sensor fitted, but they didn't listen to my advice! ("but they wouldn't listen to my advice", selon le contexte de la conversation)
Thanks a lot!

Réponse: Quelques phrases à traduire [thème] de lakata, postée le 17-05-2007 à 11:22:41 (S | E)
Hello, Marie !

1) He lived in England for twenty years, then settled on the French Riviera after retiring.
2) I would have liked you to give me a hand to fix this wardrobe, since I can't manage by myself. It's a family heirloom which I'm very attached to.
3) I must call my mother up. She left on holiday a few weeks ago and I don't know when she's back. I've to pick her up at the airport when she comes back.
4) The police made me wait for two hours in the van, whereas I'd nothing to reproach myself with. Try to justify as I might, I didn't manage to make myself understood.
5) My neighbours were burgled while away on week-end. I'd told them to have an alarm set up, but they didn't take any notice of my wise advice.

Décidément, les thèmes me plongent dans une espèce de...ravissement. Si ! Si ! Si !
D'ailleurs, j'en redemande. C'est dire...
Merci Marie !

Modifié par lakata le 17-05-2007 11:25

Modifié par lakata le 17-05-2007 13:07

Réponse: Quelques phrases à traduire [thème] de nick27, postée le 17-05-2007 à 13:37:02 (S | E)

1. He lived in England for twenty years and then he went to live on the Riviera/the Côte d'Azur when he retired.

2. I'd have liked you to help me fix this cupboard because I can't manage to do so on my own. It's a family's piece of furniture I'm very attached to.

3. I need to call up my mother. She's gone on vacation for a few weeks and I don't know when she comes back. I have to go and pick her up at the airport when she's back.

4. The police forced me to wait for two hours in the van while I had done nothing to feel guilty about. No matter how hard I tried to explain myself, I just couldn't get through to them.

5. My neighbors' house got broken into while they were away for the weekend.
I had told them to get an alarm installed, but they didn't take my advice into account.

Thank you very much for this exercise

Réponse: Quelques phrases à traduire [thème] de coferam, postée le 18-05-2007 à 15:13:28 (S | E)
Bonjour Marie11,

1- He lived in England for twenty years,then he settled on the French Riviera when he retired.

2- I would have liked you to help me to repair this wardrobe, because I can't manage by myself. It is a family piece of furniture which I prize very much.

3- I have to phone my mother. She has left on holiday for a few weeks, and I don’t know when she comes back. I have to pick her up at the airport when she is back.

4- The police compelled me to wait for two hours in the small van, but I strictly had nothing to reproach me. Whatever I tried to give as explanation, I didn't manage to make me understand.

5 - My neighbours have been burgled while they were away for the weekend.. I had told them to set up an alarm system but they overlooked my wise advice.


Réponse: Quelques phrases à traduire [thème] de micka_, postée le 18-05-2007 à 16:18:36 (S | E)
1. He lived in England for twenty years, then he settled on the French Riviera when he retired.

2. I would have liked that you help me repair this cupboard as i can't make it by myself. It's a family piece of furniture that i treasure.

3. I need to call my mother up. She has gone on holidays for a few weeks and i don't know when she is coming back. I have to bring her back from the airport at his arrival.

4. The police forced me to wait for two hours in the small van, whereas i had nothing to feel responsible for. Even if i really tried to give an explanation, i could not make myself clear.

5. My neighbours were robbed while they were away during the weekend. I told them to set up an alarm, but they did not take my advice into account.

Pas si évidentes que ça ces petites phrases


Réponse: Quelques phrases à traduire [thème] de marie11, postée le 19-05-2007 à 19:22:54 (S | E)

I- Prologue.

La grammaire est la base de toute traduction réussie. Il ne sert à rien de posséder un vocabulaire riche et précis si la rigueur grammaticale n'est pas au rendez-vous.
Toutefois, ne soyez pas étonnés si je vous dis que la grammaire anglaise est évolutive, et que les règles valables il y a encore trente ans ne le sont plus aujourd'hui.
C'est ainsi que l'on rencontre :
« It is one month since we met » , formule désormais plus fréquemment employée que l'expression classique et grammaticalement correcte :« It has been one month since we met ».
On trouve aussi :
« Help me carry my luggage please » à la place du classique :
« help me to carry my luggage please »
En dépit de toutes ces modifications, je vous conseille vivement d'être plutôt classiques en ce qui concerne l'application des règles de grammaire.

II- Quelques remarques préliminaires.

1- Les actions exprimées par les verbes vivre , s'installer, prendre sa retraite, sont passées et révolues.
En anglais elles seront traduites par un prétérit.
Mettre un past perfect c'est constater un bilan, qui n'est pas exprimé ici.
Dans cette phrase for signifie pendant et doit être employé avec un verbe au prétérit.

2- Au moyen de l'expression « j'aurais aimé » , le français exprime un souhait.
On traduit ce souhait en anglais par : « WISH + WOULD /COULD ».

EX :
I wish he would stop shouting.
I wish he could understand my reasons for refusing.

3- Quand when introduit une interrogative indirecte , notamment après les verbes know / ask / wonder / tell, il est suivi par will / would en anglais.

EX :
Let us know when the plumber will be coming to repair the sink.
We don't know when he will come, but when he comes, tell him I want to talk to him.
We were wondering when you would be free to come round for dinner.

4- La première forme causative est facile à interpréter. La police fait pression sur la personne et l'oblige à rester dans la fourgonnette.
Cette pression est exprimée en anglais à l'aide de la tournure :

Make + COD + verbe à l'infinitif sans TO.

EX :
La police l'a forcé à s'arrêter pour lui faire subir un alcooltest.
The police made him stop in order to breathalyse him.

Remarque :
Cette structure peut être mise au passif, et dans ce cas l'infinitif est complet(avec TO).

EX :
On l'a obligé à abandonner la plongée sous-marine.
He was made TO give up skin diving.

La seconde forme causative est une forme « réfléchie » : me faire comprendre.

En anglais on exprime cela à l'aide de la tournure :
Make ONESELF + participe passé.
On ne rencontre cette tournure qu'avec un nombre limité de verbes : to obey , to respect , to hear, to understand
EX :
Il n'arrivait pas à se faire entendre.
He couldn't make himself heard.

5- Faire installer ..... PAR
Lorsque l'infinitif a un sens passif on utilise, en anglais, la tournure :
Have + nom + participe passé.
Elle a fait réparer sa voiture.
She had her car repaired.
(sous-entendu par un mécanicien).

III- Voici ce que je vous propose.

1- He lived in London for twenty years and then settled on the French Riviera when he retired.

2- I wish you would help me to repair / mend / fix this wardrobe, because I can't manage on my own/I cannot do it myself. This piece of furniture is a family heirloom I am very attached to.

3- I must call my mother. She's been on holiday for a few weeks, and I don't know when she will be back. I have to pick her up at the airport on her return.

4- The police made me wait in the van for two hours whereas I had strictly nothing to reproach myself with. However much I tried to explain myself, I could not make myself understood.

5- My neighbours were burgled when they were out for the weekend.
I had told them to have a burglar alarm installed but they didn't take any notice of my wise advice.

Je vous remercie de votre participation.

Réponse: Quelques phrases à traduire [thème] de canelita, postée le 09-06-2007 à 17:03:46 (S | E)
Bonjour Marie,

He left in England during twenty years, and he settled on the riviera when he was reprocessed.
I would like you to help me to repair this cupboard because i don't arrive to do it alone. It's a family piece of furniture ...
I have to phone to my mother. She went on holidays since few weeks and I don't know when she will come back. I have to go to seek het at the airport.
The police obliged me to wait during two hours in the light van whereas i didn't strictly have anything to reproach. I tried to explain myself but they didn't understood me.
My neigbours has been compelled whereas they was in weekend. I told them to put a buzzer but they didn't listen to me.



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