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Present perfect.
Message de aimen7 posté le 02-05-2007 à 15:12:34 (S | E | F | I)

Hello everybody
Voici un petit exercice de révision sur le present perfect. Il faut traduire ces phrases en choisissant entre la forme simple et la forme progressive.

A vos claviers, correction mercredi 9 mai

1-Depuis combien de temps fait-il travailler son équipe ?
2-Il y a plus de quatre ans que tu apprends l’anglais et tu n’es pas capable de traduire ce texte.
3-Il travaille dans cette firme depuis trois mois, depuis le 8 février exactement.
4-Au moment où j'ai reçu ce coup de fil, je voyageais en Espagne depuis quinze jours, et il m'a fallu rentrer au plus vite.
5-Il y a plus de quatre ans que je ne l'ai vu, je me demande s'il n'a pas quitté le pays.
6-Elle est très élégante depuis qu'elle a changé de look.
7-Il y a plus d'une heure et demie que le professeur explique cette règle de mathématique aux élèves, c'est à dire depuis 9 heures 15 et ils ne l'ont toujours pas comprise.
8-La police partira à la recherche du voleur dès qu'elle aura retrouvé sa trace.
9-Ses parents n'habitaient pas encore Paris quand il est né, ils n'y habitent que depuis quatre ans.
10-Il est dans la cuisine depuis trois heures et le gâteau n'est pas encore prêt. Qu'a-t-il fait pendant tout ce temps? On commence à avoir faim!!

Réponse: Present perfect. de mp27, postée le 03-05-2007 à 01:11:12 (S | E)
Hello aimen7!

1-How long has he been making his team work?
2-You have been learning English for more than four years and you can't translate this text.
3-He has been working in this company for three months, precisely since the 8th of February.
4-At the time I received that phone call, I had been travelling in Spain for two weeks, and I had to go back straight away. (Voir note)
5-I haven't seen him for more than four years, I wonder whether he's left the country.
6-She looks very smart since she has changed her appearance. (Voir note)
7-The teacher has been explaining this mathematical rule to the pupils for more than an hour and a half – that is to say since 9:15 ! – and they still haven't understood it.
8-The police will be looking for the thief as soon as they have found his trail.
9-When he was born, his parents didn't yet live in Paris; they've been living there for only four years.
10-He has been in the kitchen for three hours and the cake isn't ready yet.
What has he been doing all that time? We are getting hungry!!

Modifié par mp27 le 03-05-2007 17:36
-- Je n'ai toujours pas trouvé de present perfect pour la phrase 4. Sorry!...
-- Phrase 6: après “since”, ici, je pense qu'on pourrait mettre le preterit. Ex semblable:
He looks much younger since he shaved off his beard

Réponse: Present perfect. de nanette33, postée le 03-05-2007 à 10:36:44 (S | E)
Hello aimen7!

1-How long has he been made his team work?
2-You have been learning English for more than 4 years and you can't translate this text.
3- He has been working in this firm for 3 months, exactly since February, 8th.
4-As I received this phone call, I was travelling in Spain for fortnight and I had to come back as quickly as possible.
5-I haven't seen him for more than 4 years, I wonder if he has left the country.
6-She is very smart since she has changed her look.
7-For more than one hour and half, the teacher has been explaining this mathematical rule to the pupils, that is since 9:15 am and they still haven't understood it.
8-The police will look for the thief as soon as they pick up his trail.
9-His parents didn't live in Paris when he was born, they have been living there for 4 years only.
10- He's been in the kitchen for 3 hours and the cake isn't ready yet. What has he be doing all this time? We begin to be hungry!!!

Réponse: Present perfect. de pepe69, postée le 05-05-2007 à 15:37:56 (S | E)
Hello aimen.
Here is my work:
1. How long has he been making his team work?
2. You have been learning English for more than four years and you can't translate this text.
3. He has been working in this firm for three months, exactly since 8th February.
4. When I received this (phone) call, I had been travelling in Spain for two weeks, and I had to come back as quickly as possible.
5. I haven't seen him for more than four years, I wonder if he hasn't left the country.
6. She is very elegant since she has changed her look.
7. For more than an hour and a half the teatcher has been explaining this mathematical rule to the pupils, that is to say: 9:15.
8. The police will be trying to find the thief as soon as they have found his trail.
9. His parents didn't yet live in Paris when he was born, they've been living there for only four years.
10. He has been in the kitchen for three hours and the cake isn't ready yet. What has he been doing during all this time? We begin to be hungry!!
11. I've been doing this exercise and I'm tired now!!!
Thanks and have a nice weekend,

Réponse: Present perfect. de bobine, postée le 05-05-2007 à 17:00:19 (S | E)

1-How long has he been making his team work?
2-You have been learning English for more than 4 years and you can't translate this text.
3-He has been working in this firm for 3 months, exactly since February 8th .
4-At the time I received this call, I had been travelling in Spain for 15 days, and I had to come back quickly.
5-I haven't seen him for more than 4 years, I wonder whether he hasn't left the country.
6-She is very smart since she has changed her appearance.
7-The teacher has been explaining this mathematical rule to the pupils for more than 1 hour and a half, that is to say since a quarter past nine and they still haven't understood.
8-The police will look for the thief as soon as they have found his trail
9-His parents didn't live in Paris when he was born, they have been living there for only 4 years.
10-He has been staying in the kitchen for 3 hours and the cake isn't ready yet. What has he been doing during all this time? We begin to be hungry!!

Réponse: Present perfect. de nick27, postée le 05-05-2007 à 17:57:25 (S | E)

1. How long has he been making his team work?
2. You've been studying English for more than four years and you can't translate this text!?
3. He's been working in this company for three months, precisely since the 8th of February.
4. When I got that phone call, I had been traveling in Spain for fifteen days and I had to come back as quickly as possible.
5. It's been more than four years since I last saw him, I wonder whether he's left the country.
6. She looks great since she's changed her appearance.
7. The teacher's been explaining this mathematical rule to the students for more than an hour and a half, that's to say since 9:15 am and they still haven't understood it.
8. The police will be looking for the thief as soon as they have found his trail.
9. His parents didn't live in Paris when he was born. They've been living here for four years.
10 He's been in the kitchen for three hours and the cake isn't ready yet ! What has he been doing? We're getting hungry !

Thanks a lot !

Réponse: Present perfect. de magstmarc, postée le 05-05-2007 à 18:11:09 (S | E)
Hello Aimen7,

Here's my try :

1-How long has he been making his staff work ?
2-You've been learning English for more than 4 years and you can't translate this text. (Don't be so cruel, Aimen )
3-He's been working in this firm for three months, since the 8th of February exactly.
4-As I received this phone call, I had been travelling in Spain for fifteen days, and I had to get back home as soon as possible.
5-I haven't seen him since more than 4 years, I wonder whether he's left the country.
6-She's very elegant since she's changed her look.
7-The professor has been explaining this maths rule to the pupils for more than an hour and a half, that is to say, since 9:15, and they still haven't understood it !! (That's one for me ! )
8-The police will start searching for the thief as soon as they have picked up his trail again.
9-His parents had not already been living in Paris as he was born. They've been living there only for 4 years now.
10-He's been in the kitchen for 3 hours and the cake still isn't ready. What has he been doing all this time ? We're starting to be hungry !

Aimen ! Very nice exercise.
Je crois que tu peux lui mettre "3 étoiles" quand même

Réponse: Present perfect. de meway, postée le 05-05-2007 à 18:59:37 (S | E)
How long has he been making his team work?
2-You have been studying English for more than four years and still, you can't translate this text.
3-He has worked in this company for three months, actually since the 8th of February.
4-When I got that phone call, I had been travelling around Spain for a fortnight, and I had to go back home right away.
5-I haven't seen him for more than four years, I wonder whether he's still in the country.
6-She 's gone very elegant since she has changed her looks.
7-The teacher has been explaining this mathematical rule for more than one hour and a half – I mean since 9:15 ! – and the pupils haven't got/understood it yet!
8-The police will be searching for the thief as soon as they have found his trail.
9-When he was born, his parents hadn't moved to Paris yet; they've been living there for four years only.
10-He has been in the kitchen for three hours and the cake isn't ready yet.
What has he been doing all that time? We are getting hungry!!

Réponse: Present perfect. de meway, postée le 05-05-2007 à 19:07:18 (S | E)
Sorry, I forgot to say hello. So,Hello!!!!!

Réponse: Present perfect. de maya13, postée le 06-05-2007 à 12:05:14 (S | E)
hello aimen,

1 - How long has his team been working for him ?
2 - You've been learning English for more than 4 years and you can't
translate this text !
3 - He's been working for this company for 3 months, more exactly since
February 8th
4 - When I got this phone call, I had been travelling in Spain for 2 weeks
and I had to come back quickly
5 - I have not seen him for more than 4 years. I wonder if he has not left
the country
6 - She looks very smart since she has changed her style
7 - The teacher has been explaining this mathematics rule to the pupils
for more than one hour and a half, that is to say since 9.15 and they
still haven't understood it
8 - The police will be searching for the thief as soon as they have picked up
his trail
9 - His parents were not yet living in Paris when he was born. They have been
living there for 4 years only
10 - He has been in the kitchen for 3 hours and the cake is not ready yet.
What has he been doing during all this time ? We are getting hungry !

thenk you aimen, not easy !

Réponse: Present perfect. de aimen7, postée le 09-05-2007 à 13:13:41 (S | E)
Voici la correction et merci de votre participation.

1-Depuis combien de temps fait-il travailler son équipe ?
How long has he been making his team work?

2-Il y a plus de quatre ans que tu apprends l’anglais et tu n’es pas capable de traduire ce texte.
You have been learning English for more than four years and you can't translate this text.

3-Il travaille dans cette firme depuis trois mois, depuis le 8 février exactement.
He has been working in this firm for three months, exactly since 8th February.

4-Au moment où j'ai reçu ce coup de fil, je voyageais en Espagne depuis quinze jours, et il m'a fallu rentrer au plus vite.
When I received this phone call, I had been travelling in Spain for two weeks, and I had to come back as quickly as possible.(désolée pour l'intrusion de ce past perfect, vous avez tous assuré, bravo!)

5-Il y a plus de quatre ans que je ne l'ai vu, je me demande s'il n'a pas quitté le pays.
I haven’t seen/met him for more than four years, I am wondering whether he hasn't left the country/I wonder if he hasn't left the country.

6-Elle est très élégante depuis qu'elle a changé de look.
She looks /She is very elegant/graceful/smart since she has changed her look.
Since she changed her look she has been very smart.

7-Il y a plus d'une heure et demie que le professeur explique cette règle de mathématique aux élèves, c'est à dire depuis 9 heures 15 et ils ne l'ont toujours pas comprise.
The teacher has been explaining this mathematical rule to the pupils for more than an hour and a half, that is to say/i.e since 9:15, and they haven't understood it yet/and they still haven't understood it.

8-La police partira à la recherche du voleur dès qu'elle aura retrouvé sa trace.
As soon as they have found his track/trail/trace again, the police will go in search of the thief.
The police will be trying to find/searching for/looking for the thief as soon as they have found his trail.

9-Ses parents n'habitaient pas encore Paris quand il est né, ils n'y habitent que depuis quatre ans.
When he was born his parents weren't living in Paris yet, they have been living there but for three years.
His parents didn't live in Paris yet when he was born, they have been living there but for three years.

10-Il est dans la cuisine depuis trois heures et le gâteau n'est pas encore prêt. Qu'a-t-il fait pendant tout ce temps? On commence à avoir faim!!
He has been in the kitchen for three hours and the cake isn't ready yet. What has he been doing during all this time? We are getting hungry!

See you soon



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