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TOEIC (Corres)
Message de annaeva posté le 05-04-2007 à 10:39:31 (S | E | F | I)

Good morning,
I am a thirty-five woman who stopped working during more than five years to bred my child. I would like to return at work now and find a new job. I think about improving my English could be a very important skill and also an advantage in my research. So I choose to prepare the TOIEC Test to prove to my future employer my level.I am quiet fluent in english. I had to used this language in many situations : I spent several months in England (a long time ago....) and also my step-father is English. I used to work with English spoken people, to watch TV in English if it is possible, I read many things in this language, but I know I ma making a lot of mistakes and errors.
I would like to meet (by mail) anyone who will take time to correct me and accept to have many discussions about many topics as job interview, communication at work, industrial problems...
I really would like to improve myself and it will be great if someone or many people could help me in this way.
Thank you for all.
Modifié par bridg le 05-04-2007 14:57
Retrait d'éléments trop personnels.



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