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Ex 295/ the truth about Momma

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Ex 295/ the truth about Momma
Message de here4u posté le 13-03-2025 à 23:11:18 (S | E | F)
Hello dears,

Voici notre dernier extrait de la nouvelle de Joan Carol Oates. Daddy vient chercher l'enfant qui
l'attend en compagnie de Momma, qui semble nerveuse. Elle est impatiente et enthousiaste en pensant
à la journée qu'elle va passer avec son père.

Translate into French:

And then Momma leaned over me and kissed me; I loved Momma’s sweet perfume and her soft-shining
hair but I wanted to push away from her; I wanted to run to the door, to open it just as Daddy
rang the bell; I wanted to surprise Daddy who took, such happiness in being surprised; I wanted
to say to Momma I love Daddy better than I love you, let me go! Because Momma was me, but
Daddy was someone so different.
The doorbell rang. I ran to answer it. Momma remained in the front room at the window. Daddy
hoisted me into his arms, «How my Princess? How’s my Baby-Love?» and Daddy called out politely
to Momma in the other room, whom he could not see, «We’re going to the Bronx Zoo, and we’ll be
back promptly at 5.30 pm as agreed.» And Momma who was very dignified made no reply. Daddy
called out, «Goodbye! Remember us!» which was like Daddy, to say mysterious things, things to
make you smile, and to make you wonder, things to make you confused, as if maybe you hadn’t heard
correctly but didn’t want to ask. And Momma never asked. And in the elevator going down Daddy
hugged me again saying how happy we were, just the two of us. He was the King, I was the Little
Princess. Momma was the Ice Queen who never laughed. Daddy was saying this could be the happiest
day of our lives if we had courage. A light shone in Daddy’s eyes, there would never be a man so
handsome and radiant as Daddy.

Joyce Carol Oates, A Manhattan Romance.

Cet exercice est un et sa correction sera en ligne le vendredi 28 mars 2025.

Courage ! THE FORCE is with all of us!


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