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Recommended readings
Message from mijack posted on 13-11-2024 at 15:27:12 (D | E | F)

Hello everybody! I have learned English for almost 10 years, but I still perform badly in speaking and reading.

I want to think in a way like native speakers. So I just want to follow the educational pace of those students whose mother language is English.

I tried to find a book list for children, teenagers and collegue students. But I eventually failed.

Would you mind recommending some books or textbooks one by one?

Thank you so much! I am looking forward to your reply.

Re: Recommended readings from happynutmeg13, posted on 16-11-2024 at 16:27:01 (D | E)
Hello Mijack,

I don't really understand your point of view... You know the structures of the English language already, therefore I think it would be useless for you to read children's and young adult literature. I don't think it's possible to go back in time and make your brain reason as if you were a child acquiring cognitive processes 'following the educational pace of the native students'. Your English is very good (from my non-native point of view anyway), so why don't you just chose British or American novels? Maybe some true linguist could have a better answer...

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Forum > English only


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