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Correction texte du quotidien

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Correction texte du quotidien
Message de clocloanglais39 posté le 19-10-2024 à 19:54:01 (S | E | F)
Hello ,

Today, I went to see my brother, and my niece who is 4 months. I brought him a tree which my neighbor gave me . We speaked, and we played guitar.
Next, my sister in law and my nephew came. I played with an inflatable balloon, and a little train with him.
My brother proposed me eat with them.
After, I left and I went to buy chicory and food supplement.
When I came home, I read my naturopathy class, I learned English , and I eat.

Now, I going to practise sport, do streching, practise cardiac coherence, make sing a Tibetan bowl, smell an essential oil and massage me with homemade tiger balm.
After, I will look TV and before sleep I will read. I started a book of Thilliez. I didn't know and at the moment I like it.

This wednesday, I will to work on the market to sell poultry.
And this week, I would like register me at gym.

I think I will write from time to time in English to improve myself and be able speak about daily life fluently.

I thank you in advance people who will help me


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