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Let's Suggest 70/Taking a break 16

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Let's Suggest 70/Taking a break 16
Message de here4u posté le 15-09-2024 à 13:19:06 (S | E | F)
Hello dears,

Here is (again! ) an easy exercise that everyone can do.

Toujours en pause sur l’ exercice d’EXPRESSION Let's Suggest tel qu’il était à l'origine…
C'est à nouveau la " nouvelle formule ", bien que les vacances soient terminées pour la plupart d'entre nous...

Certains m’avaient dit être gênés d’exprimer des idées personnelles (surtout qu’ils avaient l’impression – souvent fausse – de les exprimer maladroitement. ) Cependant, je ne vous demande pas de " raconter votre vie " si vous ne le désirez pas... Je souhaite juste vous voir vous exprimer sur tout sujet aussi " librement " que possible.
De plus, je pense que vous aurez maintenant compris que pour moi, toute expression, même maladroite, est intéressante et a de la valeur. Elle nous stimule tous à " trouver mieux " !

Voici les questions auxquelles vous pouvez répondre.

1. Do you agree with the sentence: «The end justifies the means…»

2. Would you feel comfortable to have to drive your best friend’s luxury car?

3. Do you check your bank account regularly?

4. In your opinion, what is the most important value in a human being?

Vous pouvez choisir 1 ou 2 questions au choix – en notant bien les références - et développer celle(s) que vous voulez, jusqu’à atteindre en tout un maximum d’environ 150 mots.

Envoyez-moi vos réponses en mp et je publierai une première série que vous 'corrigerez' (en bleu d’abord pendant deux jours) puis en vert… et je publierai ensuite la deuxième série... (sans changements donc ! ) Vous gagnez de la liberté (celle de ne pas parler de plusieurs sujets, ceux qui ne vous " inspirent pas "... Vous écrivez la longueur que vous voulez, vous pouvez choisir d'inventer, de plaisanter, ou de répondre avec sérieux... Nous vous suivrons !

Cet exercice sera pour vous un ou en fonction de la qualité de vos écrits et des difficultés (surmontées) dans la prestation...

Cet exercice sera corrigé (j'espère !) le jeudi 26 septembre 2024 ! Go for it! with THE FORCE.

Réponse : Let's Suggest 70/Taking a break 16 de here4u, postée le 18-09-2024 à 07:36:30 (S | E)
Hello, dear writers and readers!

Here is ANSWER A: please, indicate possible mistakes and underline what you think is clumsy...

Topic 3: 'Do you check your bank account regularly?'

In the past, I wasn't used to checking my account, probably in a careful attempt to avoid any potential undesirable surprises. I admit it was not very wise, and now I do it quite regularly, for I have been going through some very unpleasant misadventures, which really taught me a lesson.
For example, my son made me pay for his internet subscription, which I had agreed about, since he was a student. But when he moved, he didn't think of canceling, and therefore I have kept paying for months untill I became aware of this. And the same has happened with his gym-center.
Apparently this is not the end of the story: thanks to my latest checking, I just found out my account has been debited by 15,24 €, supposedly for an electricity contract for a flat my daughter left for good last summer.
To be continued... 150 words

for your work and for your help!

Réponse : Let's Suggest 70/Taking a break 16 de gerold, postée le 18-09-2024 à 21:35:53 (S | E)
Here is ANSWER A: please, indicate possible mistakes and underline what you think is clumsy...

Topic 3: 'Do you check your bank account regularly?'

Only a few mistakes, I think.

In the past, I wasn't used to checking my account, probably in a careful attempt to avoid any potential undesirable surprises. I admit it was not very wise, and now I do it quite regularly, for I have been going through some very unpleasant misadventures, which really taught me a lesson.
For example, my son made me pay for his internet subscription, which I had agreed about, since he was a student. But when he moved, he didn't think of canceling, and therefore I have kept paying for months untill I became aware of this. And the same has happened with his gym-center.
Apparently this is not the end of the story: thanks to my latest checking, I xx just found out my account has been debited by 15,24 €, supposedly for an electricity contract for a flat my daughter left for good last summer.

Réponse : Let's Suggest 70/Taking a break 16 de here4u, postée le 20-09-2024 à 13:40:25 (S | E)

Green allowed and expected.

Réponse : Let's Suggest 70/Taking a break 16 de gerold, postée le 20-09-2024 à 16:55:30 (S | E)

Here is ANSWER A: please, indicate possible mistakes and underline what you think is clumsy...

Topic 3: 'Do you check your bank account regularly?'

Only a few mistakes, I think.

In the past, I wasn't used to checking my account, probably in a careful attempt to avoid any potential undesirable surprises. I admit it was not very wise, and now I do it quite regularly, for I have been going through some very unpleasant misadventures, which really taught me a lesson.
For example, my son made me pay for his internet subscription, which I had agreed about, since he was a student. But when he moved, he didn't think of canceling cancelling, and therefore I have kept paying for months until I became aware of this that (better?). And the same has happened with his gym-center.
Apparently this is not the end of the story: thanks to my latest checking check?*", I have (or I've) just found out my account had been debited by 15,24 €, supposedly for an electricity contract for a flat my daughter had left for good last summer.

* I have a doubt, it seems as if "checking" were not generally accepted as a noun.

Réponse : Let's Suggest 70/Taking a break 16 de here4u, postée le 24-09-2024 à 11:13:40 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Hello gerold, Could you, please, explain (or justify) the changes you've made using the tenses in the last part?

Here is a last-minute ANSWER B: can you help, please?

Of course, I check my bank account quiet often. This is because I haven’t much money. I’m always worried to spend more than how much I have… I know that if I do, I will have to pay an overdraft charges. This will be very bad for my credit history and i t will penalize me. I don’t want that. I have no much money now, and it is simple to not spend what I haven’t. It is frustrating sometimes because my friends have more money and spend more. One day, I take an odd job to win more money and being allowed to spend more. I’ll be happy when I’ll be able to spend a little bit more, not only what is really necessary, but a little extra to. 130 words.

for your help

Réponse : Let's Suggest 70/Taking a break 16 de gerold, postée le 24-09-2024 à 11:54:29 (S | E)
Hello here4u!

Here is a last-minute ANSWER B: can you help, please?

Of course, I check my bank account quiet often. This is because I haven’t much money. I’m always worried to spend more than how much I have… I know that if I do xx, I will have to pay an overdraft charges. This will be very bad for my credit history and i t will penalize me. I don’t want that. I have no much money now, and it is simple to not spend what I haven’t. It is frustrating sometimes because my friends have more money and spend more. One day, I take (tense) an odd job to win more money and being allowed to spend more. I’ll be happy when I’ll be able to spend a little bit more, not only what is really necessary, but a little extra to. 130 words.

Modifié par gerold le 24-09-2024 15:38

Réponse : Let's Suggest 70/Taking a break 16 de gerold, postée le 24-09-2024 à 12:23:06 (S | E)
Hello again!

In the past, I wasn't used to checking my account, probably in a careful attempt to avoid any potential undesirable surprises. I admit it was not very wise, and now I do it quite regularly, for I have been going through some very unpleasant misadventures, which really taught me a lesson.
For example, my son made me pay for his internet subscription, which I had agreed about, since he was a student. But when he moved, he didn't think of canceling cancelling, and therefore I have kept (preterite : action finished in the past, no connection to the present) paying for months until I became aware of this that (better?). And the same has happened (same reason) with his gym-center.
Apparently this is not the end of the story: thanks to my latest checking check?*", I have (or I've) just (usually we use the present perfect with "just" (recent past) found out my account had (past perfect: precedence in time between two actions in the past (the account was first debited, then I noticed it)) been debited by 15,24 €, supposedly for an electricity contract for a flat my daughter had (past perfect for the same reason) left for good last summer.

Réponse : Let's Suggest 70/Taking a break 16 de here4u, postée le 25-09-2024 à 16:50:03 (S | E)
Hello dears!

I thought ANSWER B was going to be our last try for this fortnight... It isn't!

Here is ANSWER C: please first indicate the possible mistakes, and then give your suggestions in green.

I check my account once or twice a week from my computer or my cellphone, it's a habit and I like the figures. Before I was an accountant in a little company, and I keep the taste of numbers. I like playing with the bank, and I use a credit card with a defering payments so I have a sort of overdraft while twenty days and I can bail out my checking account at the last moment. Sometimes my children and my grandchildren ask me to help them financially and I can wire transfer them some money very quickly and I have to control their refunds. ( about 100 words)

for your help!

Réponse : Let's Suggest 70/Taking a break 16 de gerold, postée le 25-09-2024 à 17:59:39 (S | E)
Hello here4u

Here is ANSWER C: please first indicate the possible mistakes, and then give your suggestions in green.

I check my account once or twice a week from my computer or my cellphone, it's a habit and I like the figures. Before I was an accountant in a little company, and I keep the taste of numbers. I like playing with the bank, and I use a credit card with a defering payments so I have a sort of overdraft while twenty days and I can bail out my checking account at the last moment. Sometimes my children and my grandchildren ask me to help them financially and I can wire transfer them some money very quickly and I have to control their refunds. ( about 100 words)

Réponse : Let's Suggest 70/Taking a break 16 de gerold, postée le 26-09-2024 à 10:05:06 (S | E)
Hello here4u

Here is ANSWER C: please first indicate the possible mistakes, and then give your suggestions in green.

I check my account once or twice a week from my computer or my cellphone, it's a habit and I like the (no article) figures. Before I was an accountant in a little company, and I keep the taste of numbers. I like playing with the bank, and I use a credit card with deferred payments so I have a sort of overdraft during (while is not a preposition) twenty days and I can bail out my checking account at the last moment. Sometimes my children and my grandchildren ask me to help them financially and I can wire-transfer (with hyphen as a verb) them some money very quickly and I have to control their refunds. ( about 100 words)

Réponse : Let's Suggest 70/Taking a break 16 de here4u, postée le 26-09-2024 à 22:57:49 (S | E)
Hello dears,

ANSWER A: Topic 3: 'Do you check your bank account regularly?' initial text and my preliminary indications:

In the past, I wasn't used to checking my account, probably in a careful attempt to avoid any potential undesirable surprises. I admit it was not very wise, and now I do it quite regularly, for I have been going through some very unpleasant misadventures, which really taught me a lesson. TB
For example, my son made me pay for his internet subscription, which I had agreed about, (since he was a student. But when he moved, he didn't think of canceling XX, and therefore (I have kept paying for months (untill I became aware of this.XX** And the same has happened with his gym-center.
Apparently this is not the end of the story: thanks to my latest (checking, I XXXX just found out my account (has been debited (by 15,24 €, supposedly for an electricity contract for a flat my daughter XX ? left for good last summer.
To be continued... 150 words
** contradictory (if we believe what your tenses say…) Bien par ailleurs!

ANSWER A: Gerold’s indications: Topic 3: 'Do you check your bank account regularly?' Only a few mistakes, I think.

In the past, I wasn't used to checking my account, probably in a careful attempt to avoid any potential undesirable surprises. I admit it was not very wise, and now I do it quite regularly, for I have been going through some very unpleasant misadventures, which really taught me a lesson.
For example, my son made me pay for his internet subscription, which I had agreed about, since he was a student. But when he moved, he didn't think of canceling , and therefore I have kept paying for months untill I became aware of this. And the same has happened with his gym-center.
Apparently this is not the end of the story: thanks to my latest checking, I xx just found out my account has been debited by 15,24 €, supposedly for an electricity contract for a flat my daughter left for good last summer.

ANSWER A: Topic 3: 'Do you check your bank account regularly?' GEROLD’S SUGGESTIONS;
Only a few mistakes, I think.

In the past, I wasn't used to checking my account, probably in a careful attempt to avoid any potential undesirable surprises. I admit it was not very wise, and now I do it quite regularly, for I have been going through some very unpleasant misadventures, which really taught me a lesson.
For example, my son made me pay for his internet subscription, which I had agreed about, since he was a student. But when he moved, he didn't think of canceling cancelling , and therefore I have kept paying for months until I became aware of this that (better?). And the same has happened with his gym-center.
Apparently this is not the end of the story: thanks to my latest checking check?*", I have (or I've) just found out my account had been debited by 15,24 €, supposedly for an electricity contract for a flat my daughter had left for good last summer.
* I have a doubt, it seems as if "checking" is not accepted as a noun.No doubt ! It isn’t !
Lien internet

- TB emploi de ‘I wasn’t used to checking’
- I don’t agree with ‘made me pay’… = obligation faite par le fils. On dirait que c’est plutôt un oubli (volontaire ou pas), une négligence, qu’une obligation.
The son didn’t make his mother pay (force her to pay), but he ‘forgot’ to cancel his subscription. Whether he did it on purpose or not, we don’t know…
- since he was a student : puisqu’il était … pour moins d’ambiguité si l’on veut du temps ('when he was a student')
- I have kept paying for months pourrait être un bilan d’action MAIS il est précisé : until I became aware of this/ that (indifferently!)[Ne pas oublier que ‘that’ a une nuance péjorative]; donc, l’action est terminée au moment de la narration et il faut employer un prétérit. Même raisonnement pour ‘the same happened’.
- to be debited/ charged the wrong amount
-'by' serait l’agent du débit.
- 'a flat my daughter had left for good last summer,' ici, le prétérit est bon, last summer= (2024): ‘had left for good’ montrerait une antériorité et entraînerait ‘the summer before’

But when he moved, he didn't think of canceling/ cancelling, and therefore I have kept (preterite : action finished in the past, no connection to the presentTB) paying for months until I became aware of this/ that. And the same has happened (same reasonTB ) with his gym-center.
Apparently this is not the end of the story: thanks to my latest checking check?*", I have (or I've) just (usually we use the present perfect with "just" (recent past)TB found out my account had (past perfect: precedence in time between two actions in the past (the account was first debited, then I noticed it))TTB been debited (by 15,24 €, supposedly for an electricity contract for a flat my daughter had (past perfect for the same reason) leftTB for good (last summer. [Asking you to justify the tenses, I wanted to force you [naughty me! ]to think twice about ‘last summer’(which is wrong here if you put preterites and past perfects…)The rest was so perfect, and it's sooooo coooool to have Members explain to their friends] Congrats on your EXCELLENT explanations and justifications of the tenses!
Bonne expression et bonnes corrections. Bravo et merci. Un grand merci spécial à Gerold pour son additif des justifications…

ANSWER B: my initial indications.

Of course, I check my bank account quiet often. This is because I (haven’t XXX much money. I’m always worried to spend more than (how much I have… I know that if I do, I will have to pay XXX (an overdraft charges. This will be very bad for my credit history and i t will penalize me. I don’t want that. I (have no much money now, and it is simple (to not spend what I haven’t. It is frustrating sometimes because my friends have more money and spend more. One day, I (take an odd job to (win more money and (being allowed to spend more. I’ll be happy when (I’ll be able to spend a little bit more, not only what is really necessary, but a little extra (to.130 Attention aux constructions…

ANSWER B: can you help, please? Gerold's indications:

Of course, I check my bank account quiet often. This is because I haven’t much money. I’m always worried to spend more than how much I have… I know that if I do xx, I will have to pay an overdraft charges. This will be very bad for my credit history and i t will penalize me. I don’t want that. I have no much money now, and it is simple to not spend what I haven’t. It is frustrating sometimes because my friends have more money and spend more. One day, I take (tense) an odd job to win more money and being allowed to spend more. I’ll be happy when I’ll be able to spend a little bit more, not only what is really necessary, but a little extra to. 130 words.

- confusion quiet: calm/ quite
: I haven’t much money ne doit pas s'employer : soit I haven’t got much money// soit I don’t have much money Lien internet

- more than (how much I have: what I have
- an overdraft: un découvert
- mais an overdraft charges est faux (‘an’ singulier se rapporte à ‘charges’ pluriel !)
- I have no much money now : I haven’t got much money/ I don’t have much money/ I have little money … what I haven’t got/ What I don’t have…
- it is simple (to not spend: not to spend (attention à cet ordre des mots)
- One day: introduit une action future…
- To win: différent de 'to earn' (argent qui se mérite)
- to earn money and be…
- 'to be allowed' introduit une permission//ici, nous avons besoin de la capacité matérielle de can=> to be able.
- when I’ll be able: pas de futur derrière une conjonction de subordination (ici, ‘when’).
- … extra too.

Un bon essai, mais des fautes qui méritent d'être corrigées. Courage !


ANSWER C: my first indications:

I check my account once or twice a week from my computer or my cellphone, it's a habit and I like (the figures. (Before I was an accountant in a little company, and I (keep the taste of numbers. I like playing with the bank ( ??), and I use a credit card with (a defering payments so I have a sort of overdraft (while twenty days and I can bail out my checking account at the last moment. Sometimes my children and my grandchildren ask me to help them financially and I can wire transfer them some money very quickly and I have to control their refunds. ( about 100 words)

ANSWER C: Gerold's indications:

I check my account once or twice a week from my computer or my cellphone, it's a habit and I like the figures. Before I was an accountant in a little company, and I keep the taste of numbers. I like playing with the bank, and I use a credit card with a defering payments so I have a sort of overdraft while twenty days and I can bail out my checking account at the last moment. Sometimes my children and my grandchildren ask me to help them financially and I can wire transfer them some money very quickly and I have to control their refunds. ( about 100 words)

ANSWER C: Gerold's suggestions

I check my account once or twice a week from my computer or my cellphone, it's a habit and I like the (no article) figuresB . Before I was an accountant in a little company, and I keep the taste of numbers. I like playing with the bank, and I use a credit card with deferred B payments so I have a sort of overdraft during (while is not a preposition)B twenty days and I can bail out my checking account at the last moment**. Sometimes my children and my grandchildren ask me to help them financially and I can wire-transfer (with hyphen as a verb) them some money very quickly and I have to control their refunds. ( about 100 words) TB, expression très « riche », quelques détails à revoir. Bravo
Merci pour les très bonnes corrections, gerold !
** I hope it is automatic… If not, that would give me headaches…

- 'while': non 'during' serait OK mais répond à la question ‘when’ ? Pour une durée, utiliser plutôt ‘for’.
- Le goût pour les chiffres : a flair for figures (sans articles, comme le dit gerold, car ce sont les chiffres en général. )
- a defering payments: est impossible. 'A' marque le singulier et 'payments' est pluriel.
Attention, les différents systèmes bancaires ont leur singularité et un mot ne signifie pas la même chose en GB ou US, or Spain, or anywhere (Australia, Magie ? ) 'deferred payment' is OK and would be understood anywhere, without necessarily corresponding to the system of the precise country.
J’ai aussi trouvé ‘one-off’ payment qui selon mes sources expérimentées ne correspond pas au « débit différé » ainsi que ‘lump sum’ qui serait plutôt une prime versée exceptionnellement. ‘instalment’ serait encore autre chose, plutôt pour les crédits immobiliers à payer à des moments fixés par avance… Les différents Forums où je suis allée montrent que ces termes sont spécifiques aux différentes banques et donc souvent utilisés avec des significations diverses...
Lien internet

Lien internet

Un grand BRAVO et pour tout ce travail, de création, d'écriture et de corrections !


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