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Playing and working with words/57

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Playing and working with words/57
Message de here4u posté le 06-07-2024 à 12:57:27 (S | E | F)
Hello dear Friends!

Voici votre nouveau challenge ! 'Playing and working with words'... La date limite pour cet exercice est fin juillet 2024.Toujours beaucoup de sollicitations, tentations et obligations qui vous détournent de l'anglais, mais bon ! Tout le monde peut réfléchir et faire marcher ses neurones sur une plage de sable fin, en grimpant sur un sentier de randonnée ou en pleine campagne bien au frais !
Espérons que vous vaincrez les changements de temps, les élections, le football, les JO, les Fêtes Nationales et Familiales et les embouteillages monstrueux à Paris et ses environs, et parviendrez quand même à vous trouver du temps pour travailler avec nous
un petit moment !
J'espère que vous profiterez à la fois de vos amis, de votre famille, mais aussi que vous n'oublierez pas de vous creuser les méninges avec nous...

Je vous rappelle que cet exercice a des règles qui doivent être respectées. Lisez-les bien si vous ne les connaissez pas ! Ce travail est loin d'être un jeu... mais il peut être très ludique... Il vous laisse également toute liberté de choisir votre thème !

Using THE 8 WORDS given below (the 2 verbs can be put in whatever tenses or forms you fancy but MUST remain verbs!), 2 adjectives or adverbs, 2 nouns and 2 link words, + a given structure and the suitable punctuation, search your minds, think hard and create AN ONLY meaningful SENTENCE. "Easy", isn't it? (In fact, it's more easily said than done and advanced learners or natives can step in!! )

- You CANNOT change the nature of the words!
- You CANNOT use two or more compulsory words consecutively!

PLEASE, WHEN YOU WRITE YOUR SENTENCE, PUT CAPITALS TO THE GIVEN WORDS! [and specify the number of words at the end.]

Je vous rappelle qu'« une phrase », une seule, se termine par un point [final, d'exclamation ou d'interrogation], peut avoir de la ponctuation interne ",/; /:/ [...], et qu'elle doit avant tout avoir un sens. (Il ne doit y avoir qu'UN SEUL POINT dans votre phrase - à la fin.) Le but ultime est de faire une seule phrase complexe, mais courte... Je le répète : elle doit avoir un sens et sa logique interne !
Cet exercice est TRES difficile, c'est pourquoi il demande beaucoup de réflexion et d'attention, de rigueur aussi dans l'application des règles. Vous ne devez le poster QU'UNE FOIS (ne faire qu'un seul exemplaire).

Pour que chacun ait la possibilité de travailler avec nous, cet exercice a des niveaux différents. Vous pouvez choisir celui qui vous convient :
Le niveau fera une seule phrase en moins de 80 mots.
Le niveau une seule phrase et toujours 60 mots, au plus.
Le niveau **, pour les plus habiles, fera une phrase de moins de 40 mots...
I'm sure you'll have inspiration...

Here are the words:


Lien internet

Lien internet

C'est parti pour une " très jolie phrase correcte et courte ! " Courage !
May THE FORCE be with all of us! ☀️ ☀️

Réponse : Playing and working with words/57 de icare29, postée le 07-07-2024 à 12:09:57 (S | E)
Hello Here4u .... Here is my sentence ....


"Please, CAN'T YOU STAY motionless a while ?, I am RIGHT AWAY going to PICK this nail from your HEEL " the doctor says, whereas the RESTLESS man, with a stare , keeps SWINGING and uttering CRUEL supplications , until he were EVENTUALLY relieved ....36 words.

Thanks a lot for your correction and relevant observations.

Réponse : Playing and working with words/57 de gerold, postée le 07-07-2024 à 17:50:02 (S | E)
Hello here4u

My sentence:

“Oh CRUEL disappointment, RELENTLESS destiny, why HADN'T that happened another day?”, Tom complained, realizing RIGHT AWAY, with a STARE at his sore HEEL, that he EVENTUALLY won't be able to SWING and PICK cherries with his teeth.
About 36-38 words.

Réponse : Playing and working with words/57 de boussoura2013, postée le 08-07-2024 à 22:04:30 (S | E)
Here is mine
'have you ever seen someone Swinging whis Heels?' and now he (the one I said that to) pickes to Eventually stare at me with a cruel and Restless Stare or... firstly Right Away. 34 mots
thanks to correct

Réponse : Playing and working with words/57 de here4u, postée le 17-07-2024 à 08:14:09 (S | E)
Hello dears,

You still have a very long time to create « THE SENTENCE » ! Try it!
Don’t forget that the theme you choose to write about is FREE…
Go for it with THE FORCE!

Réponse : Playing and working with words/57 de happynutmeg13, postée le 27-07-2024 à 16:51:14 (S | E)
Such a pleasure to be back again!

Here is my sentence

"WASN'T it rather CRUEL for this lady to EVENTUALLY lose her HEEL during this RESTLESS dance, clumsily SWINGING under the pitiless STARES of the onlookers, while she could have PICKED it up RIGHT AWAY?" 34 words

Réponse : Playing and working with words/57 de gerold, postée le 28-07-2024 à 12:16:56 (S | E)
Hello here4u

I have just noticed that I wrongly read "relentless" instead of "restless". (I hope I'm not getting dyslexic in my old days)

My sentence as modified:

“Oh CRUEL disappointment, why HADN'T that happened another day?”, Tom complained with RESTLESS gestures, realizing RIGHT AWAY, after a STARE at his sore HEEL, that he EVENTUALLY won't be able to SWING and PICK cherries with his teeth.
About 39 words

Réponse : Playing and working with words/57 de mad14, postée le 29-07-2024 à 19:29:08 (S | E)
Bonsoir Here4U - voici mon travail fait dans les dernières heures et la précipitation. Le soleil arrive sur la Normandie!

This is a CRUEL reality: We're dealing at a RESTLESS boy: we're always PICKING on him and treading on his HEELS, if not we find him SWINGING from the branches of a tree, EVENTUALLY why not to give him a STARE and order him to come down RIGHT AWAY? (51 words)

Réponse : Playing and working with words/57 de here4u, postée le 30-07-2024 à 12:19:04 (S | E)
Hello you all!

Comme d'habitude, j'ai essayé de corriger 'a minima' pour ne pas trahir vos créations...


Mes tentatives de corrections :

- "Please, CAN'T YOU STAY motionless/ still for a while- I am RIGHT AWAY going to PICK this nail/ splinter from your HEEL", the doctor said, whereas/ while the RESTLESS man, with a STAR, keept SWINGING and uttering CRUEL supplications, until he was EVENTUALLY relieved ....36 words.
Motionless/ still : Motionless is a synonym of still.
As adjectives the difference between still and motionless is that still is not moving; calm while motionless is at rest, stationary, immobile, not moving.
As an adverb still is up to a time, as in the preceding time.
As a noun still is a period of calm or silence.
As a verb still is to calm down, to quiet.
- J’ai enlevé le ? sinon, ta phrase est terminée…
- nail me semble un peu gros pour enlever d’un pied. Une écharde ne demanderait sans doute pas l’intervention d’un médecin, but still…
- ici, je préfère while (pendant que= simultanéité) à whereas (alors que – souvent 2 personnes différentes.°
- he was relieved : je ne mettrais pas l’irréel.

Avec le mot non donné…
- “Oh CRUEL disappointment, RELENTLESS destiny, why HADN'T that happened another day?”, Tom complained, realizing RIGHT AWAY, with a STARE at his sore HEEL, that he EVENTUALLY won't be able to SWING and PICK cherries with his teeth. 37 words. TTB
SWING and PICK cherries with his teeth ?? I’m not sure I can visualise that…

With the right word:
“Oh CRUEL disappointment, why HADN'T that happened another day?”, Tom complained with RESTLESS gestures, realizing RIGHT AWAY, after a STARE at his sore HEEL, that he EVENTUALLY won't be able to SWING and PICK cherries with his teeth. 38 words TTB


'Have you ever seen someone SWINGing in/( on ?) a HEEL’ and now he (the one I said that to) Paul PICKS to EVENTUALLY STARE at me with a CRUEL and RESTLESS STARE or... firstly RIGHT AWAY. 34 mots

- Pas certaine de comprendre cette phrase…
* swinging ON a heel ? yes, why not? mais IN, NON !
* he : je l’appelle Paul.
Picks : pas de E
C’est à partir d’ici que je ne comprends plus…
2 fois le mot « imposé » STARE: il est possible d’en retirer un … mais lequel ? C’est là qu’est ma limite car je ne veux pas trahir la pensée de l’auteur…

'Have you ever seen Paul SWINGing on a HEEL’; EVENTUALLY he PICKS the ball with a CRUEL and RESTLESS STARE at me and throws it RIGHT AWAY.

En « bidouillant », je suis arrivée à cette phrase – qui n’a plus grand-chose à voir avec la phrase originale. J’ai rajouté EVENTUALLY (finalement) qui manquait.

Paul is SWINGing on a HEEL; he PICKS the ball like a RESTLESS and CRUEL child, STARing at me, EVENTUALLY throwing it RIGHT AWAY. 23 words !
Such a pleasure to be back again! Such a pleasure to have you back again, dear Happynutmeg ! We hope you’ve enjoyed this break !

Here is my sentence

"WASN'T it rather CRUEL for this lady to EVENTUALLY lose her HEEL during this RESTLESS dance, clumsily SWINGING under the pitiless STARES of the onlookers, while she could have PICKED it up RIGHT AWAY?" 34 words TTB rien à redire !
- This is a CRUEL reality: we're dealing at with a RESTLESS boy: we're always PICKING on him and treading on his HEELS ; if not, we find him SWINGING from the branches of a tree, EVENTUALLY why not (to) give him a STARE and order him to come down RIGHT AWAY? (50 words)

- to deal with : avoir affaire à / traiter de
- : Why punish him ?/ Why not punish him? pas d’infinitif complet derrière « Why… ?/ Why not… ?


- "Please, CAN'T YOU STAY still for a while- I am RIGHT AWAY going to PICK this splinter from your HEEL", the doctor said, while the RESTLESS man, with a STAR( ?), keept SWINGING and uttering CRUEL supplications, until he was EVENTUALLY relieved ....37 words.

- “Oh CRUEL disappointment, RELENTLESS destiny, why HADN'T that happened another day?”, Tom complained, realizing RIGHT AWAY, with a STARE at his sore HEEL, that he EVENTUALLY won't be able to SWING and PICK cherries with his teeth. 37 words.

- Paul is SWINGing on a HEEL ; he PICKS the ball like/ as a RESTLESS and CRUEL child, STARing at me, EVENTUALLY throwing it RIGHT AWAY. 23 words!

-"WASN'T it rather CRUEL for this lady to EVENTUALLY lose her HEEL during this RESTLESS dance, clumsily SWINGING under the pitiless STARES of the onlookers, while she could have PICKED it up RIGHT AWAY?" 34 words

- This is a CRUEL reality: we're dealing with a RESTLESS boy: we're always PICKING on him and treading on his HEELS ; if not, we find him SWINGING from the branches of a tree ; EVENTUALLY why not give him a STARE and order him to come down RIGHT AWAY? (51 words)

Un grand à vous tous pour cet excellent travail ! BRAVO !


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