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RYB/ Let's suggest 9

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RYB/ Let's suggest 9
Message de here4u posté le 24-02-2022 à 21:34:34 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear Workers!

Encore un exercice d'expression, avec un sujet moins difficile que les précédents ... Espérons que nombre d'entre vous vont s'y risquer ... N'ayez pas peur de vous tromper, ou de faire des fautes. les fautes nous sont utiles, puisqu'elles permettent de faire des corrections et de donner des explications ... paradoxalement, faire une faute est la meilleure chose qui puisse NOUS arriver !
N'ayez pas de scrupules, vous ne serez pas jugés, mais simplement guidés et aidés ...
C'est en pratiquant, encore et souvent, que les progrès viendront ! N'hésitez donc pas à participer, pour la correction des expressions de vos co-workers, comme pour l'écriture de votre propre expression si vous le désirez ...

Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé (un sujet unique par exercice) à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible … (=> 130 - 150 mots au maximum.)

2. Le plus tôt possible, une première expression est publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN est libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), comme il se doit.) Un seul devoir à la fois sera publié pour corriger…
Les modalités entières sont accessibles :Lien internet

( Je vous les rappellerai au fur et à mesure de la progression du travail ).

Cet exercice sera ... ce que vous en ferez, ou Correction en ligne le jeudi 10 mars 2022.
Voici le nouveau sujet !

- Have you watched the «Beijing Olympic Games»? Why or why not? (130-150 words)

May THE FORCE be with You (with all of you! ) Everybody's welcome! Do not hesitate to write!

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 9 de here4u, postée le 26-02-2022 à 13:50:18 (S | E)
Anyone to deal with the Olympic Games and the Olympic Spirit??? 🥇 🥇

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 9 de here4u, postée le 26-02-2022 à 21:40:30 (S | E)
Hello, dear workers (writers or correctors)!

Here is the first work I've received... Its author wrote more words than required and sent a second "abridged" version. I've chosen to publish the longer one as both contain very few "mistakes" and are quite easy to read.


I only watched very short parts of very few events. I wasn't waiting for these events, I just watched them when I could. I'm not boycotting anything (there's hardly anything political in any of my choices), I'm just saying I'm running out of time and I have to make choices.
I used to be thrilled watching figure skating at the Olympics in the 90s. I didn't miss a moment of it. Those were the great days of figure skating. Unfortunately, after the 2002 scandal, the scoring system was changed: skaters now focus on technique rather than artistry to earn many more points. Programs have become standardised, with many extremely difficult technical elements. Yet, the artistic notation no longer values the emotion that a choreography in perfect harmony with the music creates. As a result, programs no longer tell a story: you could change the music, you wouldn't see the difference. Now, you can't earn a medal without performing many quadruple jumps even in the ladies event, no matter how dull your program is...
Of course, there are a few exceptions, but I much prefer reviewing past competitions... The emotion is intact... (199W)

Please indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what you think is clumsy.

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 9 de here4u, postée le 01-03-2022 à 08:34:10 (S | E)

Surprised to see that you have no opinion on this EXPRESSION!
Last chance to say or suggest anything...

Green will be allowed tonight (from 7 o'clock...)
[Come on... 2 more EXPRESSIONS are waiting to be published! and more are coming! )

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 9 de taiji43, postée le 01-03-2022 à 18:51:34 (S | E)
au dernier moment ...

Je ne vois qu'une phrase bizarre
et j'aurais mis
artistic notation no longer values the emotion created by a choreography in perfect harmony with the music.

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 9 de here4u, postée le 01-03-2022 à 21:53:11 (S | E)
Hello you all!

EXPRESSION N°1: ready for further suggestions

EXPRESSION N°2: please, indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what is clumsy.

I have partially watched the Olympic Games. I was flabberdasted! These athletes show a breathtaking dexterity that we admire without ever dreaming of reaching this insane level a day. In addition, what outstanding bravery !... whent they got involved in very risky, scabrous performance ...Four us simple spectators, they don't seem to fear danger, which is obvious for us as well as .accidents that may happend and cause disabling injuries. For them only one goal : they want to win and nothing holds them back
In spite of a great interest for this Olympic Games, I have not been all the time following the competitions, as everybody can imagine, from time to time, other occupations have prevented me from doing so.and I has to go about my business,household problems, entertainment, sports club and the inevitable medical appointments137

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 9 de maxwell, postée le 02-03-2022 à 20:32:59 (S | E)


I have partially watched the Olympic Games. I was flabberdasted! These athletes show a breathtaking dexterity that we admire without ever dreaming of reaching this insane level a day. In addition, what outstanding bravery !... whent they got involved in very risky, scabrous performance ...Four us simple spectators, they don't seem to fear danger, which is obvious for us as well as .accidents that may happend and cause disabling injuries. For them only one goal : they want to win and nothing holds them back(ponctuation)
In spite of a great interest for this Olympic Games, I have not been all the time(order) following the competitions, as everybody can imagine, from time to time, other occupations have prevented me from doing so.and I has to go about my business,household problems, entertainment, sports club and the inevitable medical appointments137

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 9 de here4u, postée le 04-03-2022 à 11:52:40 (S | E)
Hello dear workers!

Come on! I need your work here!


I have partially watched the Olympic Games. I was flabberdasted! These athletes show a breathtaking dexterity that we admire without ever dreaming of reaching this insane level a day. In addition, what outstanding bravery !... whent they got involved in very risky, scabrous performance ...Four us simple spectators, they (not clear) don't seem to fear danger, which is obvious for us as well as .accidents that may happend and cause disabling injuries. For them only one goal (sentence?): they want to win and nothing holds them back.
In spite of a great interest for this Olympic Games, I have not been all the time following the competitions, as everybody can imagine, from time to time, other occupations have prevented me from doing so.and I has to go about my business,household problems, entertainment, sports club and the inevitable medical appointments137

Green allowed tonight.

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 9 de maxwell, postée le 04-03-2022 à 20:37:02 (S | E)

I watched part of the Olympic Games. I was flabbergasted! These athletes show a breathtaking dexterity that we admire without ever dreaming of reaching this insane level someday. In addition, what outstanding bravery when they got involved in very risky scabrous performance! These champions don't seem to fear danger, whereas we, spectators, clearly feel the risk of accident that may happen and cause disabling injuries. Victory is their only goal and nothing holds them back.
In spite of a great interest for these Olympic Games, I didn't follow the competitions all the time. As everybody can imagine, from time to time, other occupations have prevented me from doing so. I had to go about my business, household problems, entertainment, sports club and the inevitable medical appointments. 137

effectivement, certaines erreurs m'avaient échappé...

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 9 de here4u, postée le 05-03-2022 à 08:00:12 (S | E)
Hello, dear workers and readers,

I know that some of you refuse to suggest improvements for their co-workers... That's a pity...
It's part (the main part! ) of the work... )

There's only little interest to be given "a solution" directly, skipping the steps of reflection and "discussion"... The interest is mainly to follow a mental process and lead everyone to look for and find "the right" expression of words in the author's mind... (or suggest different "solutions" if there are several possible interpretations...)
This is necessarily long... and is all the more interesting as there are several minds in action...

A little frustrated, I will consider EXPRESSION N°2 ready for final suggestions and explanations.

Here is now EXPRESSION N°3 for you to work on:

- Have you watched the «Beijing Olympic Games»? Why or why not? (130-150 words)
I do not as a rule watch Olympic Games, not even on TV. Being so hopeless in sports, I find myself unaware of the rules on which everybody passionately debate and I do find it tedious to see the same exercises repeated over and over again by 10 athletes in a row. Let's say I miss the magics of it all!
One thing I do watch, though, is the opening ceremony. Every country is at their utmost to ensure a wonderful show with fireworks, electronic images, aerial views and it comes to something really grand. But what I like best is the introduction of the national delegations, all dresses in traditional clothes, athletes of all disciplines gathered together and sometimes carrying a message for the world. I always discover with amazement tiny - and bigger - countries with improbable names and costumes and I really love this! (147)

a lot! Please, Rack your Brains and indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what, in your opinion, is clumsy.

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 9 de maxwell, postée le 05-03-2022 à 08:03:37 (S | E)

I do not(ponctuation) as a rule(ponctuation) watch XXX Olympic Games, not even on TV. Being so hopeless in sports, I find myself unaware of the rules on which everybody passionately debate and I do find it tedious to see the same exercises repeated over and over again by 10 athletes in a row. Let's say I miss the magics of it all!
One thing I do watch, though, is the opening ceremony. Every country is at their utmost to ensure a wonderful show with fireworks, electronic images, aerial views and it comes to something really grand. But what I like best is the introduction of the national delegations, all dresses in traditional clothes, athletes of all disciplines gathered together and sometimes carrying a message for the world. I always discover with amazement tiny - and bigger - countries with improbable names and costumes and I really love this! (147)

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 9 de here4u, postée le 08-03-2022 à 09:17:43 (S | E)

Green allowed concerning EXPRESSION 3.
(Pity its author didn't step in... let's hope they do now...)

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 9 de maxwell, postée le 08-03-2022 à 20:34:47 (S | E)

I do not, as a rule, watch the Olympic Games, not even on TV. Being so hopeless at sports, I find myself unaware of the rules on which everybody passionately debates and I do find it tedious to see the same exercises repeated over and over again by a dozen of athletes in a row. Let's say I miss the magic of it all!
One thing I do watch, though, is the opening ceremony. Every country is at their utmost to ensure a wonderful show with fireworks, electronic images, aerial views and it comes to something really grand. But what I like best is the introduction of the national delegations, all dressed in traditional clothes, athletes of all disciplines gathered together and sometimes carrying a message for the world. I always discover with amazement tiny - and bigger - countries with unlikely names and costumes and I really love this! (147)

ça m'intéresse de savoir si "hopeless in sports est incorrect ou pas" ; et si les native speakers disent plutôt "unlikely" à la place de "improbable" là où nous disons "improbable" dans ce contexte

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 9 de here4u, postée le 09-03-2022 à 22:08:32 (S | E)

EXPRESSION 3:Ready for suggestions.

I do not, as a rule, watch the Olympic Games, not even on TV. Being so hopeless at sports, I find myself unaware of the rules on which everybody passionately debates and I do find it tedious to see the same exercises repeated over and over again by a dozen of athletes in a row. Let's say I miss the magic of it all!
One thing I do watch, though, is the opening ceremony. Every country is at their utmost to ensure a wonderful show with fireworks, electronic images, aerial views and it comes to something really grand. But what I like best is the introduction of the national delegations, all dressed in traditional clothes, athletes of all disciplines gathered together and sometimes carrying a message for the world. I always discover with amazement tiny - and bigger - countries with unlikely names and costumes and I really love this! (147)


The television has made us to forget that the athletes who were present in Beijing lived in a bubble because of the pandemic. I have watched above all the figure skating. I find that both exciting and thrilling. Really, I’ve practiced a little skating when young and know how it is difficult. When I look, I imagine myself with a partner dancing on my favourite music with lighting effects. But every time they do a flip or axel jump or spin, I tremble of fear because I dread a fall and I’m relived when everything is allright.
More, I don’t like the idea that people fighting for their country and proud for their country. I think sportmen and women should fight for sport and for the general brotherhood. 128

Les deux étapes d'aide pourront être faites par le même post en deux copies du texte distinctes: la première avec les erreurs possibles mises en bleu, et les maladresses soulignées. La seconde donnera vos suggestions en vert.

Nos suggestions seront récapitulées demain soir.

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 9 de maxwell, postée le 10-03-2022 à 20:43:34 (S | E)

A dozen athletes / dozens of athletes


The television has made us to forget that the athletes who were present in Beijing lived in a bubble because of the pandemic. I have watched above all the figure skating XXX. I find that both exciting and thrilling. Really, I’ve practiced a little skating when young and know how it is difficult. When I look, I imagine myself with a partner dancing on my favourite music with lighting effects. But every time they do a flip or axel jump (*) or spin, I tremble of fear because I dread a fall and I’m relived when everything is allright.
More, I don’t like the idea that people fighting for their country and proud for their country. I think sportmen and women should fight for sport and for the general brotherhood. 128

(*) only these two jumps ?

Television has made us forget that the athletes who were present in Beijing lived in a bubble because of the pandemic. I have watched above all the figure skating events. I find that so thrilling! Really, I practised skating a little when young and know how difficult it is. When I watch figure skating, I imagine myself with a partner dancing on my favourite music with lighting effects. Yet, every time they perform a flip jump, an axel jump or a spin, I tremble with fear because I dread a fall; then I’m relieved when everything has gone well.
Moreover, I don’t like the idea of people fighting for their country and proud of their country. I think sportsmen and sportswomen should fight for the sake of sport and for universal brotherhood. 128

to make so do sth
Personnellement, je ne vois pas la différence entre exciting et thrilling. Je veux bien une explication (et sauf si je confonds avec un autre mot, je crois que exciting peut avoir une connotation sexuelle

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 9 de here4u, postée le 10-03-2022 à 23:33:51 (S | E)
Hello dear writers and readers!

for your good work! and your perseverance.
Here are our final suggestions...


I only watched very short parts of very few events. I wasn't waiting for these events, I just watched them when I could. I'm not boycotting anything (there's hardly anything political in any of my choices)TB , I'm just saying I'm running out of time and I have to make choices.
I used to be thrilled(, watching figure skating at the Olympics in the 90s. I didn't miss a moment of it. Those were the great days of figure skating. Unfortunately, after the 2002 scandal, the scoring system was changed: skaters now focus on technique rather than artistry to earn many more points. Programs have become standardised, with many extremely difficult technical elements. Yet, the artistic notation no longer values the emotion that a choreography in perfect harmony with the music creates. As a result, programs no longer tell a story: you could change the music, you wouldn't see the difference. Now, you can't earn a medal without performing many quadruple jumps even in the ladies event ( ??? what do you mean? ), no matter how dull your program is...
Of course, there are a few exceptions, but I much prefer reviewing past competitions... The emotion is intact... (199W)
TTBien, malgré la longueur…

- "Wait for" est vraiment une attente matérielle : j’attends quelqu’un, ou mon train. Lorsque "j’attends" tout en anticipant un plaisir, penser à «expect» ou a «look forward to+ ing».
- Bien pour le respect de «hardly anything» (hardly semi négatif)
- "Those were the great days of…" / "those were the days…" c’était le bon temps!
- Attention de ne pas laisser penser que la performance des «ladies» devrait être moins bonne que celle des hommes … maladresse, sans doute … (comment l’éviter ?)


I have partially watched the Olympic Games. I was (flabberdasted! These athletes show a breathtaking dexterity that we admire without ever dreaming of reaching this insane level a day. In addition, what outstanding bravery !... when(t they got involved in very risky, scabrous performance...(Four us simple spectators, they don't seem to fear danger, which is obvious for us as well as (.accidents that (may happend and cause disabling injuries. For them (Pronom trop loin du sujet) only one goal : they want to win and nothing holds them back
In spite of a great interest for (this Olympic Games, I have not been all the time following the competitions (word order), as everybody can imagine, from time to time, other occupations have prevented me from doing so(.and I (has to go about my business, household problems, entertainment, sports club and the inevitable medical appointments 137

EXPRESSION N°2: suggestions:

I watched part of the Olympic Games. I was flabbergasted! These athletes show a breathtaking dexterity B that we admire without ever dreaming of reaching B this insane level someday. In addition, what outstanding bravery when they got involved in(1) very risky scabrous performance! These champions don't seem to fear danger, whereas we, spectators, clearly feel the risk of accident that may happen and cause disabling injuries. Victory is their only goal and nothing holds them back.
In spite of a great interest for these Olympic Games, I didn't follow the competitions(2) all the time. As everybody can imagine, from time to time, other occupations have prevented me from doing so. I had to go about my business, XXXX XXXX household problems, entertainment, sports club and the inevitable medical appointments. 137

Quelques excellents passages. Quelques erreurs étonnantes aussi (qui doivent être des typos ou erreurs dues « aux conditions de travail », j’imagine).

- I have partially watched the Olympic Games. : cette formulation très maladroite voulait dire qu’une partie de chaque épreuve avait été regardée. La correction, je pense, est bonne.
(1) je ne comprends pas pourquoi le passé est utilisé. Cela reste une vérité générale exprimée au présent.
- plusieurs «performances» exprimées au pluriel (ou alors: "A very risky... performance").
(2) L’action est passée et le prétérite est justifié.

Bon travail et très bonne correction.


I do not as a rule watch (XXX Olympic Games, not even on TV. Being so hopeless in sports, I find myself unaware of the rules on which everybody passionately debate and I do find it tedious to see the same exercises repeated over and over again by 10 athletes in a row. Let's say I miss the (magics of it all!
One thing I do watch, though, is the opening ceremony. Every country is (at their utmost to ensure a wonderful show with fireworks, electronic images, aerial views and it comes to something really grand. But what I like best is the introduction of the national delegations, all (dresses in traditional clothes, athletes of all disciplines gathered together and sometimes carrying a message for the world. I always discover with amazement tiny - and bigger - countries with improbable names and costumes and I really love this! (147)

EXPRESSION N°3: ready for suggestions.

I do not, as a rule, watch the Olympic Games, not even on TV. Being so hopeless at sports, I find myself unaware of the rules on which everybody passionately debates and I do find it tedious to see the same exercises repeated over and over again by (a dozen of athletes in a row. Let's say I miss the magic of it all!
One thing I do watch, though, is the opening ceremony. Every country (is at their utmost to ensure a wonderful show with fireworks, electronic images, aerial views and it comes to something really grand. But what I like best is the introduction of the national delegations, all dressed in traditional clothes, athletes of all disciplines gathered together and sometimes carrying a message for/to the world. I always discover with amazement tiny - and bigger - countries with improbable/ unlikely names and costumes and I really love this! (147) TTB

- Attention ! l’expression est : to do one’s utmost: to do their best Lien internet

Lien internet
: to make the greatest possible effort. (faire tout son possible (pour))
- To be good at/ to be bad at/ to be hopeless at/ Lien internet

- Improbable? unlikely? Improbable is OK. So is "unlikely" (with a slightly different meaning) cf : Lien internet
// Lien internet
(unlikely name?)
- by 10 athletes in a row : est très précis et correct. Maxwell a voulu rendre plus fluctuant le nombre de candidats en mettant « une douzaine de » … OK, mais attention à la faute (horrible, Max ! ) revoir : Lien internet


The television made us to forget that the athletes who were present in Beijing lived in a bubble because of the pandemic. I have watched above all the figure skating. I find that both exciting and thrilling. Really, I’ve (practiced a little skating when young and know (how it is difficult. When I look, I imagine myself with a partner dancing on my favourite music with lighting effects. But every time they do a flip or (AN axel jump or (A spin, I (tremble of fear because I dread a fall and I’m (relived when everything is (allright.
(More, I don’t like the idea (that people fighting for their country and proud (for their country. I think (sportmen and women should fight for sport and for (the general brotherhood. 128

EXPRESSION N°4: with our suggestions:

Television has made us forget that the athletes who were present in Beijing lived in a bubble because of the pandemic. I (have watched (above all the figure skating events. I find that so thrilling! Really, I practised skating a little when young and know how difficult it is. When I watch figure skating, I imagine myself with a partner (dancing on my favourite music with lighting effects. Yet, every time they perform a flip jump, an axel jump or a spin, I tremble with fear because I dread a fall; then I’m relieved when everything has gone well.
Moreover, I don’t like the idea of people fighting for their country and proud of their country. I think sportsmen and sportswomen should fight for the sake of sport and for universal brotherhood. 128

- « La télévision » en général : pas d’article.
- To make someone DO something
- "I have watched above all the figure skating." : phrase très maladroite (qui comporte plusieurs erreurs.) revoir : le temps[qui peut, à la rigueur, se discuter]/ l’ordre des mots/ la formulation/ the figure skating : en général. (Ok pour « the figure skating events »)
- Attention à la confusion : "practise" (verbe)/ "practice" (nom).
- «when young»: when I was younger…
- how it is difficult. Revoir la construction.
- Revoir le verbe («relived») utilisé.
- Revoir l’emploi de l’article défini. Lien internet

Exciting :producing or causing excitement;(wordreference)// causing a feeling of excitement (Cambridge dictionary)
Thrilling : to (cause to) feel a sudden wave of emotion or excitement(WR)//causing great excitement and happiness (CD)
Google : «exciting» is creating or producing excitement while «thrilling» is causing the feeling of a sudden excitement.
J’ajouterai que « thrill » (qui a donné «a thriller» implique une idée de "souffrance" mêlée de plaisir. )

N'hésitez pas, si vous en avez envie, et le temps, de reprendre tout ou partie de ce devoir dans un Follow UP Work qui est toujours le bienvenu !

Encore merci et bravo à tous ! ( et pour l'excellent Follow up Work! maxwell!

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 9 de alpiem, postée le 11-03-2022 à 15:13:10 (S | E)
hello Here , I have read the text; so, after this first tray, I have a little error to note:
at the end of the text " THE lAYDIEST" should be the "LAYZYEST".This for an evident mistake.!

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 9 de maxwell, postée le 11-03-2022 à 20:19:52 (S | E)


I only watched very short parts of very few events. I wasn't looking forward to these events, I just watched them when I could. I'm not boycotting anything (there's hardly anything political in any of my choices), I'm just saying I'm running out of time and I have to make choices.
I used to be thrilled watching figure skating at the Olympics in the 90s. I didn't miss a moment of it. Those were the great days of figure skating. Unfortunately, after the 2002 scandal, the scoring system was changed: skaters now focus on technique rather than artistry to earn many more points. Programs have become standardised, with many extremely difficult technical elements. Yet, the artistic notation no longer values the emotion that a choreography in perfect harmony with the music creates. As a result, programs no longer tell a story: you could change the music, you wouldn't see the difference. Now, you can't earn a medal without performing many quadruple jumps no matter how dull your program is... It's a pity that even in the ladies event, contenders need to add quadruple jumps in their programs.
Of course, there are a few exceptions, but I much prefer reviewing past competitions... The emotion is intact... (199W)

J'étais à des années-lumière de m'attendre à cette réaction... Mais puisqu'il faut, je précise ma pensée...
Mon point de vue est que la beauté d'un programme ne se mesure pas au nombre de quadruples... surtout pour les dames où je préfère voir des arabesques, des attitudes ou des pirouettes. J'ajoute même que c'est la compétition dames qui me plaît le plus (en général)
En me relisant, je trouve même qu'il n'y a rien à changer à ma phrase.

I watched part of the Olympic Games. I was flabbergasted! These athletes show a breathtaking dexterity that we admire without ever dreaming of reaching this insane level someday. In addition, what outstanding bravery when they get involved in very risky scabrous performances! These champions don't seem to fear danger, whereas we, spectators, clearly feel the risk of accident that may happen and cause disabling injuries. Victory is their only goal and nothing holds them back.
In spite of a great interest for these Olympic Games, I didn't follow the competitions all the time. As everybody can imagine, from time to time, other occupations have prevented me from doing so. I had to go about my business, deal with household problems, entertainment, sports club and the inevitable medical appointments. 137


I do not, as a rule, watch the Olympic Games, not even on TV. Being so hopeless at sports, I find myself unaware of the rules on which everybody passionately debates and I do find it tedious to see the same exercises repeated over and over again by a dozen athletes in a row. Let's say I miss the magic of it all!
One thing I do watch, though, is the opening ceremony. Every country does their utmost to ensure a wonderful show with fireworks, electronic images, aerial views and it comes to something really grand. But what I like best is the introduction of the national delegations, all dressed in traditional clothes, athletes of all disciplines gathered together and sometimes carrying a message for/to the world. I always discover with amazement tiny - and bigger - countries with improbable/unlikely names and costumes and I really love this! (147)


Television has made us forget that the athletes who were present in Beijing lived in a bubble because of the pandemic. I basically watched the figure skating events. I find that so thrilling! Really, I practised skating a little when young and know how difficult it is. When I watch figure skating, I imagine myself with a partner, dancing to my favourite music with lighting effects. Yet, every time they perform a flip jump, an axel jump or a spin, I tremble with fear because I dread a fall; then I’m relieved when everything has gone well.
Moreover, I don’t like the idea of people fighting for their country and being eager to bring back medals for their country. I think sportsmen and sportswomen should fight for the sake of sport and for universal brotherhood. 128


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