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RYB/ Let's suggest 8

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RYB/ Let's suggest 8
Message de here4u posté le 09-02-2022 à 21:53:08 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear Workers!

Il est certain qu'il est plus difficile de guider des rédacteurs qui ont fait, comme vous me le dites, des fautes " de bonne foi ", par écrit, "au loin", que lorsque l'on est à côté d'eux ... Ils pensaient que les constructions utilisées étaient bonnes ou même parfois, ils ont fait une faute "parce que, pourtant, "ça se dit comme ça en français ..." Si vous pensez cette dernière formule, détrompez-vous ... Les choses se disent rarement de la même façon en français et en anglais ... Ne cherchez pas à traduire mot à mot ... (je le répète toujours - pardon de "radoter") ... Efforcez-vous d'oublier votre français lorsque vous rédigez ou parlez ... C'est en pratiquant, encore et souvent, que les progrès viendront !
N'hésitez donc pas à participer, pour la correction comme pour l'écriture ...

Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé (un sujet unique par exercice) à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible … (=> 130 - 150 mots au maximum.)

2. Le plus tôt possible, une première expression est publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN est libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), comme il se doit.) Un seul devoir à la fois sera publié pour corriger…
Les modalités entières sont accessibles :Lien internet

( Je vous les rappellerai au fur et à mesure de la progression du travail ).

Cet exercice sera ... ce que vous en ferez, ou Correction en ligne le jeudi 24 février 2022.
Voici le nouveau sujet !

- To what extent is "talking" a way of solving conflicts between people? (130-150 words)

May THE FORCE be with You (with all of you! ) Everybody's welcome! Do not hesitate to write!

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de here4u, postée le 13-02-2022 à 13:44:57 (S | E)
Hello, dear all!

I was beginning to despair... and there it arrived:


Discussion is always preferable. Violence leads to violence and escalation :" destruction, death of men, revenge, and it is endless"...
In a calm discussion where everyone can present their arguments, talk about their grievances, face to face or with a mediator, it is possible to find a win-win solution for the antagonists.
However, it is necessary to deal with intelligent people of good faith and good will. If you have in front of you a stupid, stubborn, warlike, proud person who does not accept any concession... Only this one who can become dangerous for others must be neutralised. He have to be locked up in an asylum or a prison, deprived of all power to harm. When no deal is possible try by trickery ! It can take time and not succeed. In any case the more you multiply the discussions the more you will delay the inevitable. 145 mots

Merci d'indiquer les erreurs en bleu et de souligner ce que vous pensez être maladroit.

I must remind you that you should post without fearing to be judged... We're all here trying to help!

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de maxwell, postée le 13-02-2022 à 20:12:03 (S | E)


Discussion is always preferable. Violence leads to violence and escalation :" destruction, death of men, revenge, and it is endless"...
In a calm discussion where everyone can present their arguments, talk about their grievances, face to face or with a mediator, it is possible to find a win-win solution for the antagonists.
However, it is necessary to deal with intelligent people of good faith and good will. If you have in front of you a stupid, stubborn, warlike, proud person who does not accept any concession... Only this one who can become dangerous for others must be neutralised. He have to be locked up in an asylum or a prison, deprived of all power to harm. When no deal is possible(punctuation) try by trickery ! It can take time and not succeed. In any case the more you multiply the discussions the more you will delay the inevitable. 145 mots

dommage, c'était presque parfait !

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de magie8, postée le 14-02-2022 à 10:40:23 (S | E)

Discussion is always preferable. Violence leads to violence and escalation :" destruction, death of men, revenge, and it is endless"...
In a calm discussion where everyone can present their arguments, talk about their grievances, face to face or with a mediator, it is possible to find a win-win solution for the antagonists.
However, it is necessary to deal with intelligent people of good faith and good will. If you have in front of you a stupid, stubborn, warlike, proud person who does not accept any concession... Only this one who can become dangerous for others must be neutralised. He has to be locked up in an asylum or a prison, deprived of all power to harm. When no deal is possible, try by trickery ! It can take time and not succeed. In any case the more you multiply the discussions the more you will delay the inevitable. 145 mots

hello , je sais qu'il faut attendre le feu vert mais la faute était trop grosse , je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de rectifier tout de suite il est possible que here4u trouve d'autres erreurs

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de here4u, postée le 14-02-2022 à 11:18:40 (S | E)

Suggestions en vert, ouvertes (par Magie, l'impulsive ! )! Students will be students!

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de maxwell, postée le 14-02-2022 à 20:53:04 (S | E)
Je suis d'accord avec la correction de Magie
Je rajoute quelques mini suggestions, juste pour avoir l'avis d'Here4U mais aucune erreur


Discussion is always preferable. Violence leads to violence and escalation :" destruction, death of men, revenge, and it is endless"...
In a calm discussion where everyone can present their arguments, talk about their grievances, face to face or with a mediator, it is possible to find a win-win solution for the antagonists.
However, it is necessary to deal with intelligent people of good faith and good will. If you have in front of you a stupid, stubborn, warlike, proud person who does not accept any concession... Only this one who can become dangerous for others must be neutralised. He has to be locked up in an asylum or a prison, deprived of any power to harm. When no deal is possible, try the trick! It can take time and may not succeed. In any case the more discussions you have, the more you will delay the inevitable. 145 mots

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de here4u, postée le 15-02-2022 à 01:26:20 (S | E)

EXPRESSION N°1 "ready for correction"!

Discussion is always preferable. Violence leads to violence and escalation :" destruction, death of men, revenge, and it is endless"...
In a calm discussion where everyone can present their arguments, talk about their grievances, face to face or with a mediator, it is possible to find a win-win solution for the antagonists.
However, it is necessary to deal with intelligent people of good faith and good will. If you have in front of you a stupid, stubborn, warlike, proud person who does not accept any concession... Only this one who can become dangerous for others must be neutralised. He has to be locked up in an asylum or a prison, deprived of any power to harm. When no deal is possible, try the trick! It can take time and may not succeed. In any case the more discussions you have, the more you will delay the inevitable. 145 mots Not bad at all!


Talking helps people understand each other. When everyone has developed their point of view, their arguments, their needs, there can be a way of coming up with a solution that satisfies everyone. There is room for negotiations, compromises between people of good faith and willing to calm the situation and meet everyone's needs.
Yet, despite their best efforts, some people may still disagree on the things they're fighting for: when their deepest beliefs or their strongest interests are at stake, their aspirations may be irreconciliable, no matter how long they discuss.
Then, time can help resolve even the hardest conflicts: temporising, maintaining the status quo can help avoid war. In order to break the deadlock, it is necessary to be creative in negotiations and to call upon an independent mediator.

Please, indicate the possible mistakes in blue, and underline what looks clumsy to you...

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de magie8, postée le 15-02-2022 à 10:36:44 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°1 "ready for correction"!

Discussion is always preferable. Violence leads to violence and escalation :" destruction, men's death, revenge, and it is endless"...
In a calm discussion where everyone can present their arguments, talk about their grievances, face to face or with a mediator, it is possible to find a win-win solution for the antagonists.
However, it is necessary to deal with intelligent people of good faith and good will. If you have in front of you a stupid, stubborn, warlike, proud person who does not accept any concession... Only this one who can become dangerous for others must be neutralised. He has to be locked up in an asylum or a prison, deprived of any power to harm. When no deal is possible, try the trick! It can take time and may not succeed. In any case the more discussions you have, the more you will delay the inevitable. 145 mots

je ne sais pas améliorer les phrases soulignées

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de here4u, postée le 15-02-2022 à 13:45:48 (S | E)
Hello Magie!

I'll suggest "improvements" (other possibilities ) in the correction... and you will be able to show your skills in the Follow up Work!

We're now trying to make suggestions concerning EXPRESSION N°2!

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de here4u, postée le 16-02-2022 à 10:43:05 (S | E)

Pas d'amateurs ?

Suggestions or remarks in Green allowed now!

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de maxwell, postée le 16-02-2022 à 11:17:06 (S | E)
Inexplicably, I have nothing to correct
132 Words

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de mamylistele, postée le 16-02-2022 à 12:21:31 (S | E)

When everyone has developed their point of view, their arguments, their needs

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de here4u, postée le 16-02-2022 à 13:35:48 (S | E)
Hello mamylistele! on this thread! hello all of You!

Do not hesitate to make suggestions concerning EXPRESSION N°2!

I'm expecting an EXPRESSION from you and from every member (by mp, please! )

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de here4u, postée le 17-02-2022 à 10:20:45 (S | E)
Hello dear!

What's happening? Green expected today concerning EXPRESSION N°2! (and was expected yesterday... )(another EXPRESSION is waiting to be published.)

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de here4u, postée le 18-02-2022 à 10:33:33 (S | E)

No green for E2!

Here, is EXPRESSION N°3:

When you’re young, especially at school, the parents and teachers tell you : « Quiet ! stop talking ! » and we try to do it, to be good pupils and not be punish. But when you become old, people tell you : « Speak ! » «say what’s on your heart and on your mind !» "Go and see ‘specialists’ and speak, it will free you !" So, we don’t understand and know what to do…
Of course, if we consult a phsychologue, you must speak and it will help you… If you don’t, you’d explose.
If our leaders speak together, it may prevent wars and that’s good… Everyone keeps silent and expect the leaders who speak… but speaking and explaining is often a lost of time. You must repeat, and repeat… and you don’t always get what you asked, nothing change. It would be good if people have learned when they must speak and when they must not speak! 147

Dans un premier temps, merci de mettre les erreurs possibles en bleu et de souligner les maladresses.

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de maxwell, postée le 18-02-2022 à 20:32:22 (S | E)

When you’re young, especially at school, the parents and teachers tell you : « Quiet ! stop talking ! » and we try to do it, to be good pupils and not XXX be punish. But when you become old, people tell you : « Speak ! » «say what’s on your heart and on your mind !» "Go and see ‘specialists’ and speak, it will free you !" So, we don’t understand and know what to do…
Of course, if we consult a phsychologue, you must speak and it will help you… If you don’t, you’d explose.
If our leaders speak together, it may prevent wars and that’s good… Everyone keeps silent and expect the leaders who speak ça mérite de changer de paragraphe...but speaking and explaining is often a lost of time. You must repeat, and repeat… and you don’t always get what you asked, nothing change. It would be good if people have learned when they must speak and when they must not speak! 147

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de here4u, postée le 20-02-2022 à 18:46:45 (S | E)

No volunteer?
Green allowed tomorrow morning;

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de maxwell, postée le 21-02-2022 à 20:47:36 (S | E)

When you’re young, especially at school, parents and teachers tell you: « Quiet! Stop talking! » and we try to do it, to be good pupils and not to be punished. But when you get older, people tell you: « Speak! » «Say what’s on your heart and on your mind!» "Go and see ‘specialists’ and speak, it will free you!" So, we don’t understand, we don't know what to do…
Of course, when you consult a psychologist, you do speak and it really helps you… If you didn’t, you’d explose.
Our leaders' speaking to each other may prevent wars and that’s a good thing… Everyone keeps silent and expects their leaders to spread the good word

However, speaking and explaining is often a waste of time. Sometimes, you have to repeat and repeat… and yet you don’t always get what you asked for: nothing changes. It would be better if people learnt when they should speak and when they should not! 147

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de here4u, postée le 22-02-2022 à 21:31:54 (S | E)
Hello, dears!

Nous pouvons considérer l'EXPRESSION N°3 comme aboutie ! Maxwell!
Voici la dernière de notre session ...

EXPRESSION N°4: Please! Help and indicate the possible mistakes in blue and underline what you think is clumsy.

TO speak ? it seems that it is an universal remedy. It is supposed to resolve everything, but i don’t think it’s right ; if people don’t listen to others, it’s no use ; some people are borned, and don’t change of opinion even if people show to them that they are wrong ; some people speak to make noise, and to argue and win… many people should keep quiet; it would be much best if people who don’t know things kept their opinion and don’t say it on networks or the TV; during the covid, too much people have said that they thought … it’s a catastrophe because people read or listen and repeat what they read because they thing that what is in the networks is the truth. 134 words.

for your help!

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de maxwell, postée le 23-02-2022 à 07:16:48 (S | E)


TO speak ? it seems that it is an universal remedy. It is supposed to resolve everything, but i don’t think it’s right ; if people don’t listen to others, it’s no use ; some people are borned, and don’t change of opinion even if people show to them that they are wrong ; some people speak to make noise, and to argue and win… many people should keep quiet; it would be much best if people who don’t know things kept their opinion XXX and don’t say it on networks or the TV; during the covid, too much people have said that they thought … (pas clair) it’s a catastrophe because people read or listen and repeat what they read because they thing that what is in the networks is the truth. 134 words.

La dernière phrase est très longue et lourde ; ça mérite aussi des mots de liaisons et au moins 1 changement de paragraphe

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de here4u, postée le 23-02-2022 à 22:32:56 (S | E)

Green allowed!

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de maxwell, postée le 24-02-2022 à 20:48:29 (S | E)


Speaking seems a universal remedy. It is supposed to resolve everything, but I don’t think it’s right: if people don’t listen to each other, it’s no use...
Some people are stubborn, and don’t change their opinion even if they are proved wrong; some people speak to make noise, to argue and win… Many people should keep quiet!
t would be much better if people who don’t know things kept their opinions to themselves and didn’t spread them on networks or on TV. During the covid (*), many people thought it was a catastrophe because naive people think that what they read on the social networks is the truth. 134 words.

(*) j'ai hésité pour l'article devant covid. (ici, ce n'est pas Covid-19, c'est covid.)
Je ne suis pas sûr d'avoir saisi le point de vue de l'auteur sur les 2 dernières phrases. J'espère avoir été fidèle...

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de here4u, postée le 24-02-2022 à 23:19:30 (S | E)
Hello, dear readers, writers, and "correctors",

Voici vos EXPRESSIONS avec les "améliorations" que nous avons pu, tous ensemble, suggérer ... J'espère qu'elles vous seront utiles. Un grand à ceux qui ont écrit, à ceux qui ont corrigé ... et d'avance à ceux qui liront !


Discussion is always preferable. Violence leads to violence and escalation :" destruction, (death of men, revenge, and it is endless"..
In a calm discussion where everyone can present their arguments, talk about their grievances, face to face or with a mediator, it is possible to find a win-win solution for the antagonists. TB
However, it is necessary to deal with (intelligent people of good faith and good will. If you have in front of you a stupid, stubborn, warlike, proud person who does not accept any concession... (attention, ceci n’est pas une phrase !) Only (this one who can become dangerous for others must be neutralised. (He (have to be locked up in an asylum or a prison, deprived of all power to harm. When no deal is possible try by trickery ! It can take time and (not succeed. In any case the more you multiply the discussions the more you will delay the inevitable. 145 mots

EXPRESSION N°1 after suggestions:

Discussion is always preferable. Violence leads to violence and escalation :" destruction, death of men(1), revenge, and it is endless"...
In a calm discussion where everyone can present their arguments B , talk about their grievancesB , face to face or with a mediator, it is possible to find a win-win solution for the antagonists.TB
However, it is necessary to deal with intelligent people of good faith and good will.(2) If you have in front of you a stupid, stubborn, warlike, proud person (3) who does not accept any concession... (see above!) Only this one who can (4) become dangerous for others must be neutralised. He has to be locked up in an asylum or a prison, deprived of any power to harm. When no deal is possible, try the trick! It can take time and may not succeed. In any case the more discussions you have, the more you will delay the inevitable. 145 mots Not bad at all!

(1) Je n’aime pas non plus ce qui a été suggéré en correction : «the death of men» est très sexiste … alors qu’il s’agit, je pense de la mort d’un être humain … (men and women)
(2) it is necessary to deal with intelligent people of good faith and good will : étrange phrase …Comme s’il était possible de toujours choisir ses interlocuteurs … Je crois qu’il faudrait revoir la construction (et les nuances) de cette phrase …
(3) If you have in front of you a stupid, stubborn, warlike, proud person : un peu la même remarque … De plus, les jugements de valeur me gênent … ceci n’est vrai que dans l’esprit de celui qui parle, ou écrit … je crois qu’il faudrait encore une fois nuancer … De plus, cette phrase est inachevée, ou, en tout cas, « n’est pas une phrase » !
(4) Only this one who can become dangerous : «this one» ? => the person who ?/ or «a person who…?»
Une bonne expression. Bravo.


Talking helps people understand each other. When everyone has developed their point of view, their arguments, their needs, there can be a way of coming up with a solution that satisfies everyone. There is room for negotiations, compromises between people of good faith and willing to calm the situation and meet everyone's needs. TB
Yet, despite their best efforts, some people may still disagree on the things they're fighting for (Diable !?): when their deepest beliefs or their strongest interests are at stake, their aspirations may be irreconciliable, no matter how long they discuss.
Then, time can help resolve even the hardest conflicts: temporising, maintaining the status quo can help avoid war. In order to break the deadlock, it is necessary to be creative in negotiations and to call upon an independent mediator.

EXPRESSION N°2: ready for A follow up Work:

Talking helps people understand each other. When everyone has developed their points of view, B their arguments, their needs,B there can be a way of coming up with a solution B that satisfies everyone. There is room for negotiations,B compromises between people of good faith and willing to calm the situation and meet everyone's needs. B
Yet, despite their best efforts, some people may still disagree on the things they're fighting for (1) when their deepest beliefs or their strongest interests are at stake, their aspirations may be irreconciliable (OK ! ici, je comprends !), no matter how long they discuss.B
Then, time can help resolve(2) even the hardest conflicts: temporising, maintaining the status quo can help avoid war. In order to break the deadlock, it is necessary to be creative in negotiations and to call upon an independent mediator.
Bonne expression. Bravo.

(1) N’est pas très clair : «some people» est trop vague et ambigu …
(2) Il y a une différence entre «solve» et «resolve» ; Lien internet

- Lien internet
De façon plus générale, "resolve" est plus entendu aux Etats Unis.


When you’re young, especially at school, (the parents and teachers (tell you : « Quiet! stop talking! » and we try to do it, to be good pupils and not XX be punishXX. But when you (become old, people tell you : «Speak!» «say what’s on your heart and on your mind!» «Go and see ‘specialists’ and speak, it will free you!»TB So, we don’t understand and WE DON’T know what to do…
Of course, if you consult a (phsychologue, you must speak and it will help you… If you (don’t, you’d (explose.
If our leaders speak (together, it may prevent wars and that’s good… Everyone keeps silent and (expect ?the leaders who speak(la phrase semble inachevée)… but speaking and explaining is often a (lost of time. You must repeat, and repeat… and you don’t always get what (you asked, nothing (change. It would be good if people (have learned when they (must speak and when they (must not speak! 147


When you’re young, especially at school, parents and teachers B (tell you: « Quiet! Stop talking! » and we try to do it, to be good pupils and not to be punished TB . But when you get older B, people (tell you: « Speak! » «Say what’s on your heart and on your mind!»TB "Go and see ‘specialists’ and speak, it will free you!" So, we don’t understand, we don't know what to do…B
Of course, when you consult a psychologist B, you do speak and it really helps you… If you didn’t, you’d explo(se.
Our leaders' speaking (*)to each other may prevent wars and that’s a good thing… Everyone keeps silent and expects their leaders to spread the good word…
However, speaking and explaining is often a waste of time. Sometimes, you have to repeat and repeat… and yet you don’t always get what you asked for: nothing changes. It would be better if people learnt when they should speak and when they should not! 147
De bonnes choses dans l’expression , d’autres moins convaincantes …// Excellente correction.

(*) Je préférerais une subordonnée plutôt qu’un gérondif, ici …
- Lien internet

«speak» is more formal/ «talk» implies a casual or friendly conversation.
«speak to each other»
- les parents et les professeurs en général=> pas d’article.
- pour introduire un dialogue, préférer : to say to somebody : «
- ne pas être puni : not to be punished
- to grow old
- libérer : to release/ to set somebody free
- a psychologist/ psychology/
- to exploDe/ an explosion.
- se parler l’un l’autre : to speak to each other/ to one another/
- perdre du temps : to waste time/ a waste of time


To speak ? it seems that it is an universal remedy. It is supposed to resolve everything, but i don’t think it’s right ; if people don’t listen to others, it’s no use ; some people are borned, and don’t change of opinion even if people show to them that they are wrong ; some people speak to make noise, and to argue and win… many people should keep quiet; it would be much best if people who don’t know things kept their opinion and don’t say it on networks or the TV; during the covid, too much peoples have said that they thought … it’s a catastrophe because people reads or listens and repeats what they read because they thing that what is in the networks is the truth. 134
Intéressant, mais soigner l'expression ...


(TO speak ? it seems that it is (an universal remedy. It is supposed to resolve everything, but (i don’t think it’s right ; if people don’t listen to (others, it’s no use ; some people are (borned, and don’t change (of opinion even if (people show to them that they are wrong ; some people speak to make noise, and to argue and win… (many people should keep quiet; it would be much (best if people who don’t know things kept their (opinion XXX and (don’t say (it on networks or (the TV; during the covid, (too much people have said that they thought … it’s a catastrophe because people read or listen and repeat what they read because they (thing that what is (in (the networks is the truth. 134 words.

EXPRESSION N°4: ready for Follow up Work

Speaking seems a universal remedy. It is supposed to resolve everything, but I don’t think it’s right: if people don’t listen to each otherB (*), it’s no use...
Some people are stubborn, and don’t change (their opinion even if they are proved wrong; some people speak to make noise, to argue and win… Many people should keep quiet! TTB
It would be much better B if people who don’t know things kept their opinions to themselves TTB and didn’t spread them on networks or on TV.TB During the covid (*), many people thought it was a catastrophe because naive people (think (not the right verb !) that what they read on (the social networks is the truth. 134 words.

- Il s’agit en effet du « fait de parler » : donc, bien d’un gérondif.
- «an universal remedy» bien corrigé en «a», puisqu’il ne s’agit pas de « voyelle ou consonne », mais du son [ju]= (iou)
Lien internet

- Revoir à la fin de l’EXPRESSION 2 le lien pour comprendre la différence entre «solve» et «resolve»;
-(*) Bon emploi du pronom réciproque « each other ».
- «stubborn» était sans doute le bon mot cherché par notre rédacteur (« borné » !) Bravo pour l’imagination, Maxwell !
- Changer d’avis/ d’opinion : to change opinions (au pluriel, parce qu’il y a l’opinion d’avant le changement et celle d’après !)
- much better= bien mieux.
- the covid/ covid 19 ; je crois que je mettrais un nom derrière (par exemple : pandemic/ situation/ period/ etc.) et mettrais l’article devant.
Très très bonne correction, Maxwell. Bravo.

Phew... Very long work... I hope it will be useful to you... Don't forget that you may (re)write a part (or all... ) of the EXPRESSIONS as a Follow up Work...
I give THE FORCE to whoever will be tempted to do it! for your work!

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de maxwell, postée le 25-02-2022 à 20:36:52 (S | E)

Discussion is always preferable. Violence leads to violence and escalation :" destruction, death of human beings, revenge, and it is endless"...
In a calm discussion where everyone can present their arguments, talk about their grievances, face to face or with a mediator, it is possible to find a win-win solution for the antagonists.
Dealing with intelligent people of good faith and good will increases the chances of success. However, the situation is more delicate when you have to deal with a stubborn warlike proud person who does not accept any concession... Only the person who can become dangerous for others must be neutralised. They have(*) to be locked up in an asylum or a prison, deprived of any power to harm. When no deal is possible, try the trick! It can take time and may not succeed. In any case the more discussions you have, the more you will delay the inevitable.

(*) comme on ne sait pas si c'est un homme ou une femme, j'ai mis they


Talking helps people understand each other. When everyone has developed their point of view, their arguments, their needs, there can be a way of coming up with a solution that satisfies everyone. There is room for negotiations, compromises between people of good faith and willing to calm the situation and meet everyone's needs.
Yet, some conflict situations can become very tense between international organisations. Despite their best efforts, their leaders may still disagree on the very things they're fighting for: when their deepest beliefs or their strongest interests are at stake, their aspirations may be irreconcilable, no matter how long they discuss.
Then, time can help resolve (*) even the hardest conflicts: temporising, maintaining the status quo can help avoid war. In order to break the deadlock, it is necessary to be creative in negotiations and to call upon an independent mediator.

(*) au vu de tes liens, j'ai l'impression que j'ai fait le bon choix, non ?


When you’re young, especially at school, parents and teachers say to you: « Quiet! Stop talking! » and we try to do it, to be good pupils and not to be punished. But when you get older, people say to you: « Speak! » «Say what’s on your heart and on your mind!» "Go and see ‘specialists’ and speak, it will free you!" So, we don’t understand, we don't know what to do…
Of course, when you consult a psychologist, you do speak and it really helps you… If you didn’t, you’d explode.
As long as our leaders speak to each other, war may be avoided and that’s a good thing… Everyone keeps silent and expects their leaders to spread the good word…
However, speaking and explaining is often a waste of time. Sometimes, you have to repeat and repeat… and yet you don’t always get what you asked for: nothing changes. It would be better if people learnt when they should speak and when they should not! 147


Speaking seems a universal remedy. It is supposed to solve everything, but I don’t think it’s right: if people don’t listen to each other, it’s no use...
Some people are stubborn, and don’t change opinions even if they are proved wrong; some people speak to make noise, to argue and win… Many people should keep quiet!
It would be much better if people who don’t know things kept their opinions to themselves and didn’t spread them on networks or on TV. During the covid period, many people thought it was a catastrophe because naive people believe that what they read on social networks is the truth. 134 words.

Réponse : RYB/ Let's suggest 8 de here4u, postée le 28-02-2022 à 21:56:36 (S | E)
Hello, dear all!

EXPRESSION N°1: "death of human beings": the death of human beings/ human deaths/ Le reste est bien corrigé !
EXPRESSION N°2:J'ai cherché et trouvé "conflict situation", mais spontanément, je dirais "conflicting situation". Le reste est TB.
EXPRESSIONS 3 et 4 bien corrigées.


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