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Playing with words/28

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Playing with words/28
Message de here4u posté le 03-02-2022 à 12:34:54 (S | E | F)
Hello dear Friends!

Voici le nouveau "Playing and working with words", qui est un peu différent maintenant ... La date limite pour cet exercice est fin février 2022. Comme le mois est court, je vous le propose en avance ! (Ne pas dépasser le nombre de mots … Merci.)

Je vous rappelle que cet exercice a des règles qui doivent être respectées. Lisez-les bien si vous ne les connaissez pas ! Ce travail est loin d'être un jeu ... mais il peut être très ludique ... Il vous laisse également toute liberté de choisir votre thème !

Using THE 8 WORDS given below (the 2 verbs can be put in whatever tenses or forms you fancy but MUST remain verbs!), 2 adjectives or adverbs, 2 nouns and 2 link words, + a given structure and the suitable punctuation , search your minds, think hard and create AN ONLY meaningful SENTENCE. "Easy", isn't it?

- You CANNOT change the nature of the words!
- You CANNOT use two or more compulsory words consecutively!

PLEASE, WHEN YOU WRITE YOUR SENTENCE, PUT CAPITALS TO THE GIVEN WORDS! [ and specify the number of words at the end.]

Je vous rappelle qu'« une phrase », une seule, se termine par un point [final, d'exclamation ou d'interrogation], peut avoir de la ponctuation interne ",/; /:/ [...], et qu'elle doit avant tout avoir un sens. (Il ne doit y avoir qu'UN SEUL POINT dans votre phrase - à la fin.)
Le but ultime est de faire une seule phrase complexe, mais courte ... Je le répète : elle doit avoir un sens et sa logique interne !
Cet exercice est TRES difficile, c'est pourquoi il demande beaucoup de réflexion et d'attention, de rigueur aussi dans l'application des règles. Vous ne pouvez le poster QU'UNE FOIS (ne faire qu'un seul exemplaire).
Cependant, pour que chacun ait la possibilité de travailler avec nous, cet exercice a deux niveaux différents. Vous pouvez choisir celui qui vous convient.

Le niveau fera une seule phrase en moins de 80 mots.
Le niveau reste inchangé : une seule phrase et toujours 60 mots, au plus.

Here are the words:

- To STAND – To STARE – a NUMBER - CLOTHES – HIGHLY – MYSTERIOUS – EITHER – UNLESS + une interrogative indirecte.

Lien internet

C'est parti pour une "très jolie phrase correcte et courte !"
Go for it with THE FORCE!

Réponse : Playing with words/28 de maxwell, postée le 05-02-2022 à 09:14:58 (S | E)
Hello Here4U!
This exercise is my favourite one

She was WONDERING WHY this MYSTERIOUS man, STANDING against the wall, was STARING at her in a HIGHLY inappropriate fashion: she had already seen him from afar A NUMBER of times; UNLESS he was spying on her, he fantasised about taking her CLOTHES off but she didn't like EITHER of them... (52)

Réponse : Playing with words/28 de taiji43, postée le 05-02-2022 à 16:46:22 (S | E)
hello Here4u,

for your correction

I WONDERING why this woman , STANDING there in HIGHLY eccentric CLOTHES has been STARING at me for a good NUMBER of minutes ..., EITHER she knows me ... UNLESS she confuses me with someone 37

Réponse : Playing with words/28 de philw, postée le 05-02-2022 à 23:34:42 (S | E)
bonjour à tous,
mon inspiration du soir... ;)

UNLESS you can explain, it's MYSTERIOUS for me and still WONDER why a large NUMBER of our contemporaries, STANDING and inactive, are STARING at screens all day long, buying latest fashionable CLOTHES or watching videos of cats, and EITHER way appear HIGHLY obsessed. (42)

Merci !

Réponse : Playing with words/28 de here4u, postée le 06-02-2022 à 00:48:46 (S | E)
Another newcomer!
Philw! and

Réponse : Playing with words/28 de icare29, postée le 07-02-2022 à 11:14:50 (S | E)
Hello here4u .. here is my sentence ... READY

To STAND ? To STARE ? a NUMBER - CLOTHES ? HIGHLY ? MYSTERIOUS ? EITHER ? UNLESS une interrogative indirecte.

you are an HIGHLY renowned ornithologist who HAS STARED for many hours A large NUMBER of birds in wild , but honestly,I WONDER HOW you can remain STANDING so long , dressed in strange CLOTHES , your feet plunged in the mud ,when observing these MYSTERIOUS creatures EITHER sides of the lake , UNLESS you were a lunatic scientist........
55 words

Dear here4u ,I hope this sentence will meet your requirements . This time I was inspired by ornithologists . I confess I have a soft spot for them and birds...

PS j'ai modifié in clothes au lieu de on clothes

Réponse : Playing with words/28 de melena53, postée le 11-02-2022 à 20:03:07 (S | E)
Good evening here4u
Here my sentence

STANDING behind my counter I STARED at a woman, selecting a HIGHLY and incredible NUMBER of shoes and CLOTHES, wondering why this MYSTERIOUS customer needed so many outfits, UNLESS hers had all burned or EITHER she had lost a lot of weight.
42 words

Réponse : Playing with words/28 de lapinoues, postée le 12-02-2022 à 16:14:17 (S | E)
Hello here4u,
this seems quite hard but let's try!
Thank you!

UNLESS I was mistaken, the MYSTERIOUS woman STARING at me and STANDING in her HIGHLY improbable CLOTHES knew me somehow; it was EITHER that or I had unwittingly done a NUMBER on her. (33 words)

Réponse : Playing with words/28 de here4u, postée le 12-02-2022 à 18:27:18 (S | E)
on this thread!

Réponse : Playing with words/28 de fetchi, postée le 12-02-2022 à 20:34:18 (S | E)

I had to stand in front of the mirror and stare at me like seven minutes unless I could see how mysterious are my clothes,my makeup either. I’m asking myself how an highly liked and expensive mark can be so strange.

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-02-2022 09:58

Réponse : Playing with words/28 de brian98, postée le 12-02-2022 à 20:42:11 (S | E)

I was standing next to my house,suddenly a woman in a highly nice clothes was staring at me in a mysterious way for a number of times.I wonder why,unless she wanted to attract me either i looked familiar to her.

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-02-2022 10:00

Réponse : Playing with words/28 de here4u, postée le 12-02-2022 à 22:27:05 (S | E)

Réponse : Playing with words/28 de muwi63, postée le 14-02-2022 à 10:30:47 (S | E)
Hello here4u and everybody..

Voilà ma phrase, un peu trash, certes, et dont je laisse la fin à l'imagination du lecteur...

STANDING in front of the door NUMBER 7 of this MYSTERIOUS house, I wondered if, EITHER I stay or I run away, UNLESS I faint, but, finaly, I can't help STARRING the HIGHLY bloody CLOTHES hanging on a nail. I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO... (45)

J'espère que vous ne ferez pas trop de cauchemars

Bonne journée

Réponse : Playing with words/28 de here4u, postée le 14-02-2022 à 11:21:08 (S | E)
Well done, muwi!

Réponse : Playing with words/28 de mad14, postée le 17-02-2022 à 11:07:36 (S | E)
It's my first time!
Her dream would be to attend a fashion parade to watch the models and even to STARE particularly the CLOTHES of the couturier HIGHLY known in the world, it's reserved to a NUMBER of priviliegie people and behind this MYSTERIOUS business, people STAND up giving them an ovation UNLESS were they not very sincere? EITHER you or me cannot say it.(60 words)

Réponse : Playing with words/28 de lucile83, postée le 18-02-2022 à 09:45:40 (S | E)
Quelques participants ne lisent pas les consignes écrites en haut de la 1re page du sujet. Ce serait très gentil de respecter celle-ci notamment,ce qui rendrait la lecture plus facile à here4u qui fait un travail formidable. Merci d'y penser !! 👍

"PLEASE, WHEN YOU WRITE YOUR SENTENCE, PUT CAPITALS TO THE GIVEN WORDS! [ and specify the number of words at the end.]"

Réponse : Playing with words/28 de mad14, postée le 18-02-2022 à 20:06:39 (S | E)
Of course. I'm sorry.

Réponse : Playing with words/28 de here4u, postée le 28-02-2022 à 18:32:48 (S | E)
Hello, dear workers!

Many of you have scratched their brains more than correctly this time again, and I'm fully satisfied!

Here are the sentences you've created! As always, I've tried not to change the meaning of your sentences if alterations were needed.

Les nouveaux venus, comme les habitués, ont très bien réussi à placer les mots imposés. N'oubliez pas, cependant, de respecter les consignes ... Une seule phrase, signifie un seul point (final !). Un point intermédiaire n'est pas autorisé ! N'oubliez pas, non plus de mettre des capitales à vos mots imposés et à noter le nombre de mots en fin de travail.

Ceci m'aide grandement !

Your sentences:

- She was WONDERING WHY this MYSTERIOUS man, STANDING against the wall, was STARING at her in a HIGHLY inappropriate fashion: she had already seen him from afar A NUMBER of times; UNLESS he was spying on her, he fantasised about taking her CLOTHES off but she didn't like EITHER idea... (51 words)

- I was WONDERING why this woman, STANDING there in HIGHLY eccentric CLOTHES, had been STARING at me for a good NUMBER of minutes ..., EITHER she knows me ...(OR not, I don’t know), UNLESS she confuses me with someone. (39 words)

- UNLESS you can explain, it's MYSTERIOUS to me and I still WONDER why a large NUMBER of our contemporaries, STANDING and inactive, are STARING at screens all day long, buying the latest fashion CLOTHES or watching videos of cats, and EITHER way appear HIGHLY obsessed. (46 words)

- You are a HIGHLY renowned ornithologist who HAS STARED for many hours at a large NUMBER of birds in the wild , but honestly, I WONDER HOW you can remain STANDING so long, dressed in strange CLOTHES, your feet plunged in the mud ,when observing these MYSTERIOUS creatures EITHER side of the lake, UNLESS you are a crazy scientist... (55 words)

- STANDING behind my counter I STARED at a woman, selecting a HIGHLY and incredible NUMBER of shoes and CLOTHES, wondering why this MYSTERIOUS customer needed so many outfits, UNLESS hers had all burned or EITHER she had lost a lot of weight. (42 words)

- UNLESS I was mistaken, the MYSTERIOUS woman STARING at me and STANDING in her HIGHLY improbable CLOTHES knew me somehow; it was EITHER that or I had unwittingly done a NUMBER on her. (33 words)

- I had to stand in front of the mirror and stare at myself about seven minutes (unless : before would be better!) I couldn't see how mysterious my clothes are, or my make up either; I’m asking myself how a highly appreciated and expensive brand can be so strange. (44 words) (Capitals, please!)

- I was standing next to my house, when suddenly a woman in improbable clothes stared at me in a mysterious way for a number of times; I wondered why… unless she wanted to attract me or either if I looked familiar to her. (42 words) (Capitals, please!)

- STANDING in front of the door NUMBER 7 of this MYSTERIOUS house, I wondered if, EITHER I stayed or I ran away, UNLESS I fainted, but, finally, I couldn't help STARING AT the HIGHLY bloody CLOTHES hanging on a nail; I didn't KNOW WHAT TO DO... (48words)


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