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RYB/let's suggest 7

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Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de maxwell, postée le 10-02-2022 à 20:50:43 (S | E)
Follow-up work:

The truth must be told in all circumstances regardless of the consequences. Lies, unspoken things or secrets spoil relationships and are always unveiled in the end. At that point, the discovery of the lie will hurt more than the blunt truth.
However, the truth can be harmful, hurtful and cause pain to the one who hears it and also to the one who tells it. Therefore, it is our duty to tell the truth especially when it is liberating. Yet, we mustn't tell it abruptly, coldly: this must be told with respect, empathy, intelligence and kindness, calmly and gradually.
Finally, the truth must be told each time we can find the right way to do it.


Telling the truth is what I recommend most of the time, especially when what is at stake is important (testifying, filling in an application form to get a job). Honesty is definitely the best policy towards your spouse (never cheat on your loved one!)
If you tell lies, you'll regret it sooner or later because it will finally be revealed(1): those who believed you may never forgive you...
Yet, in some cases, lying may be useful, for example when it helps people to live better, to maintain life-saving illusions. You also let children believe that Santa Claus exists, don't you? In addition, being polite and kind helps to prevent diplomatic relations from deteriorating. You wouldn't tell what you think to people you don't really like, would you?
Besides, concealing secrets, lying by omission is a form of lying. Who can claim to tell the truth in all circumstances? (144)

(1) discovered aussi ne convient pas ?


Telling the truth is obviously very important. Yet, breaking the ban and lying can sometimes be quite funny: for example, chewing gum, playing on your telephone at school, stealing a thing that wasn’t yours. Very often, you get caught up in a spiral of deceit especially when you started to tell(1) something not quite true: then, if you don’t keep on (2)lying, you will be forced to confess you've lied.
Sometimes, if you tell the truth, you’re cruel: for instance, you’re with a sick or (3) elderly person and you know that they're going to die. Their disease will not be cured. So, you lie and say everything will be fine even though you think that they are dying. You lie not to be cruel to them.

(1) je n'ai pas compris pourquoi "say" était faux. (bonne idée d'exercice grammatical pour Our story...)
(2)(3) est-ce ce que tu attendais ?


Telling the truth or not(1): that is an issue indeed...
Psychologists have warned us on the side effects of the so-called "family secrets", the consequences of which have proved to be destructive to generations, not to mention the impact of suddenly discovering the truth. For example, hiding the existence of half-sibblings born from a former union can lead to the destruction of the family relationships since the truth will come out in the end...
Yet society teaches us to fight and compels us to have behaviours that are dangerously close to lying: interviews for a job for instance are not an opportunity to be crystal-clear unless your name is Woody Allen.

(1) Pourrais-tu STP expliciter la différence ici entre :
"Telling the truth or not" et "To tell or not to tell the truth".
(y a-t-il une nuance de sens et les 2 sont-ils parfaitement justes ?)


Sometimes, I wish I could tell the truth (1), but I can't. I'm used to lying and I like it. I find that funny. I lie to my parents, I lie to my friends, I lie to everybody. I see the astonished faces of the people in front of me and I laugh inwardly B.
I've read that the truth can hurt. They say that not all truths are good to be told (2), and very often indeed, the truth can hurt. I don’t want to hurt people. My friends know that they have to beware of what I tell (3) them. They think my lying is funny, and so do I. Perhaps, one day, I shall stop lying when I am older. 118

(1) Je n'ai pas corrigé car j'ai été fidèle à l'auteur
(2) ici, j'ai voulu dire que certaines vérités sont peut-être bonnes à dire mais pas d'autres, et donc il est faux de penser que toutes les vérités sont bonnes à dire.
D'où la négation : Not all truths are good to tell
Je n'ai pas du tout compris : "All truths are not good to tell". Help please!
(3) est-ce ce que tu attendais ? "say to them" était-il faux grammaticalement ?

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de here4u, postée le 13-02-2022 à 13:34:44 (S | E)

I've re-re-re-... read your Follow-up work: and I you for it!


The truth must be told in all circumstances regardless of the consequences. Lies, unspoken things or secrets spoil relationships and are always unveiled* in the end. At that point, the discovery of the lie will hurt more than the blunt truth.
However, the truth can be harmful, hurtful and cause pain to the one who hears it and also to the one who tells it. Therefore, it is our duty to tell the truth especially when it is liberating. Yet, we mustn't tell it abruptly, coldly: this must be told with respect, empathy, intelligence and kindness, calmly and gradually.
Finally, the truth must be told each time we can find the right way to do it.

* revealed/ discovered/ TB


Telling the truth is what I recommend most of the time, especially when what is at stake is important (testifying, filling in an application form to get a job). Honesty is definitely the best policy towards your spouse (never cheat on your loved one!)❤️
If you tell lies, you'll regret it sooner or later because it will finally be revealed(1): those who believed you, may never forgive you...
Yet, in some cases, lying may be useful, for example when it helps people to live better, to maintain life-saving illusions. You also let children believe that Santa Claus exists, don't you? In addition, being polite and kind helps to prevent diplomatic relations from deteriorating. You wouldn't tell what you think to people you don't really like, would you?
Besides, concealing secrets, lying by omission is a form of lying. Who can claim to tell the truth in all circumstances? (144)

(1) discovered is OK.
- I'd go for: "if you didn't like someone, you wouldn't tell him bluntly, would you?"


Telling the truth is obviously very important. Yet, breaking the ban and lying can sometimes be quite funny: for example, chewing gum, playing on your telephone at school, stealing a thing that wasn’t yours. Very often, you get caught up in a spiral of deceit especially when you've started to tell(1) something not quite true: then, if you don’t keep (on) lying, you will be forced to confess you've lied.
Sometimes, if you tell the truth, you’re cruel: for instance, you’re with a sick or (2) elderly person and you know that they're going to die. Their disease will not be cured. So, you lie and say everything will be fine even though you think that they are dying. You lie not to be cruel to them.TB

(1) je n'ai pas compris pourquoi "say" était faux. pas vraiment faux, mais on pense "tell the truth" et anticipe son emploi, bien que sous entendu ... To tell est souvent plutôt "raconter" que "dire".
(2)Oui ! "ill" est toujours attribut. Le substituer par un autre adjectif si l'on veut le mettre en position d'épithète.


Telling the truth or not(1): that is an issue indeed...
Psychologists have warned us on the side effects of the so-called "family secrets", the consequences of which have proved to be destructive to generations, not to mention the impact of suddenly discovering the truth. For example, hiding the existence of half-sibblings born from a former union can lead to the destruction of the family relationships since the truth will come out in the end...
Yet society teaches us to fight and compels us to have behaviours that are dangerously close to lying: interviews for a job for instance are not an opportunity to be crystal-clear unless your name is Woody Allen. TB

(1) "Telling the truth or not" (the fact of telling the truth at the moment) "To tell or not to tell the truth".(on envisage une action future)- Oui, les 2 sont parfaitement justes.)


Sometimes, I wish I could tell the truth (1), but I can't. I'm used to lying and I like it. I find that funny. I lie to my parents, I lie to my friends, I lie to everybody. I see the astonished faces of the people in front of me and I laugh inwardly B.
I've read that the truth can hurt. They say that some things are sometimes better left unsaid, and very often indeed, the truth can hurt. I don’t want to hurt people. My friends know that they have to beware of what I tell (3) them. They think my lying is funny, and so do I. Perhaps, one day, I shall stop lying when I am older. 118 TB

(1) Je n'ai pas corrigé car j'ai été fidèle à l'auteur
(2) Not all truths are good to tell
Pour approfondir le sujet ... (le principal point est de savoir si nous considérons qu'il n'y a QU'UNE VERITE ...
Lien internet

Lien internet

retenir: "the truth is sometimes better left unsaid/ things are sometimes better left unsaid.)
(3) est-ce ce que tu attendais ? OUI. "say to them" introduit normalement un dialogue.

Merci pour tout ce travail et

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de maxwell, postée le 13-02-2022 à 17:53:39 (S | E)

Merci beaucoup Here4U. Ces échanges sont hyper intéressants et utiles pour nous car ils nous aident à mieux comprendre ce qui est correct et ce qui ne l'est pas.

Je suis désolé de revenir sur le point "Not all truths are good to tell" car je n'ai vraiment pas compris ton explication même en lisant les liens et ça me perturbe.

Certes, il n'y a qu'une vérité dans chaque situation. Mais il y a une infinités de situations. Donc, il y a une infinité de vérités correspondantes (une seule par situation).

Donc quand on dit "not all truths are good to tell", pour moi, on sous-entend : not all situations deserve to tell the truth.
Ce que je ne comprend pas, c'est la formulation que tu as validée :
"All truths are not good to tell" . Elle me paraît ressembler à une traduction mot à mot du français.

J'aurais aimé comprendre STP

Réponse : RYB/let's suggest 7 de here4u, postée le 13-02-2022 à 20:04:14 (S | E)
Hello Maxwell! and You all!

Je ne peux pas en dire beaucoup plus sur la vérité ! La formule de Maxwell est parfaitement acceptable et correspond aussi tout à fait à la logique de la construction "Tout le monde n'a pas ..." Donc, ce n'est pas moi qui irai dire de ne pas l'employer ...
Je n'ai simplement pas voulu signaler en erreur ce que le rédacteur avait mis entre guillemets et qui serait parfaitement compris ... Je rappelle que ces SUGGESTIONS ne sont QUE des suggestions ... c'est-à-dire une façon de plus, ou différente de dire ... Elle ne sont pas gravées dans le marbre ! et chacun peut dire ce qu'il veut, ou s'il se sent mal à l'aise pour employer une formule qui ne lui plaît pas, chacun peut aussi en employer une autre qui lui plaira !

“Truth without love is brutality, and love without truth is hypocrisy.”
― Warren Wiersbe


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