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RYB/ let's suggest 4

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RYB/ let's suggest 4
Message de here4u posté le 11-12-2021 à 22:49:03 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear Workers!

Merci à ceux qui ont travaillé sur le sujet précédent. J'espère que celui-ci vous plaira aussi ...

Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur un sujet imposé (un sujet unique par exercice) à m’envoyer en mp dès maintenant … (=> 130 - 150 mots au maximum - un seul envoi par personne.)

2. Le plus tôt possible, une première expression est publiée sur Forum, et CHACUN est libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la «correction » (forme correcte), comme il se doit.) Un seul devoir à corriger à la fois sera publié…
Les modalités entières sont accessibles : Lien internet ( Je vous les rappellerai au fur et à mesure de la progression du travail ).

Le sujet sera .... ce que vous en ferez, ou Correction en ligne le mardi 28 décembre 2021.
Voici le nouveau sujet !

«Sometimes, it’s good to quarrel with friends! Discuss.» 130-150 words

May THE FORCE be with You (with many of you! ) Everybody's welcome!

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de here4u, postée le 15-12-2021 à 10:06:45 (S | E)
Hello Friends,

C'est parti pour Let's suggest 4: Merci d' indiquer les erreurs éventuelles en bleu et de souligner les maladresses.

I believe most of us don't like quarrelling with friends. We prefer having fun with friends; we generally choose friends who share many things with us. Can we make friends with people who have an opposite point of view from ours on many subjects and tend to argue every time one of these subjects comes up? I doubt it very much.
Except for those few people who enjoy having a row to show their strength (or what they believe to be a strength).
However, when two people know that nothing could break their friendship, they can afford to have a dispute when they disagree: they know they'll respect each other, each one will listen to the other one's point of view and each one will learn from the other one.
Sometimes, arguing may be much better than not saying what one thinks, letting a situation fester. 149w

The Force is with you!

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de taiji43, postée le 16-12-2021 à 15:25:03 (S | E)

Dear here4u and author of the text
This correction corresponds to : how I understand the text; and the mistakes. This is an exercise for me. It is not necessarily accurate .

I believe most of us don't like quarrelling with friends. We prefer having fun with friends; we generally choose friends who share many things with us. Can we make friends with people who have an opposite point of view from ours on many subjects and tend to argue every time one of these subjects comes up? I doubt it very much.
Except for those few people who enjoy having a row xx to show their strength (or what they believe to be a strength).
However, when two people know that nothing could break their friendship, they can afford to have a dispute when they disagree: they know they'll respect each other X X, each one will listen to the other one's point of view and each one will learn from the other one.
Sometimes, arguing may be much better than not saying what one thinks, letting a situation fester.

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-12-2021 11:13
Mise en forme et suppression des nombreuses balises inutiles, notamment le noir qui est la couleur initiale.

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de taiji43, postée le 16-12-2021 à 15:33:37 (S | E)
désolée, je n'arrive pas à souligner generally, et ,mettre en bleu n'est pas facile .

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de here4u, postée le 18-12-2021 à 21:24:46 (S | E)

Vous pouvez corriger en vert !

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de maxwell, postée le 19-12-2021 à 07:50:23 (S | E)
As for me, I don't think there's anything to correct
We can say: "we prefer to +V" or "we prefer + Ving", even if "prefer to+V" is used more frequently
Lien internet

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de taiji43, postée le 19-12-2021 à 12:49:51 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous,

J'ai quand même quelques remarques à faire sur les corrections faites en bleu qui seront faites ce soir, car je n'ai pas le temps pour le moment
À très bientôt

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de taiji43, postée le 19-12-2021 à 19:00:36 (S | E)
Dear here4u and author of the text
This correction corresponds to : how I understand the text; and the mistakes. This is an exercise for me. It is not necessarily accurate .

sorry, sometimes I made mistakes and exaggerated by replacing words with their synonyms

we are waiting for Here4u's correction

I believe most of us don't like quarrelling with friends. We prefer having or TO HAVE : avec prefer L’infinitif est plus courant OK fun with friends; we generally= usually synonyme choose friends who share many things with us. Can we make friends with people who have an opposite point of view (from) (Oui c’est from( d’après Cambridge dictionary).

ours on many subjects and tend to argue every time one of these subjects (comes up?= se présenter) TACKLE = aborder I doubt( it ) THAT very much.

Except for those few people who enjoy having a row WITH SOMEONE ( je pense qu’on doit ajouter un complément) to show their strength (or what they believe to be a strength).
However, when two people know that nothing could break their friendship, they can afford to have a dispute when they disagree: they know they'll respect each other, each one will listen to( the other one's point of view) OK (je doutais de mettre one et écrire to the other ‘s point of view, cela reviens au même and each one will learn from the other one.

Sometimes, arguing may be much better than not saying what one thinks, letting a situation (fester=s’envenimer pour une plaie mais se dit aussi d’une situation donc Ok)
synonyme generally = usually
come up = tackle (plus précis
it remplacé par that
having a row with someone (peut être complément pas obligatoire)

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de here4u, postée le 19-12-2021 à 20:14:28 (S | E)

EXPRESSION N° 1: ready for explanations.

I believe most of us don't like quarrelling with friends. We prefer having or TO HAVE fun with friends; we generally/ usually choose friends who share many things with us. Can we make friends with people who have an opposite point of view from ours on many subjects and tend to argue every time one of these subjects comes up/ is tackled I doubt it/that very much.

Except for those few people who enjoy having a row with others to show their strength (or what they believe to be a strength).(This isn't a sentence!)
However, when two people know that nothing could break their friendship, they can afford to have a dispute when they disagree: they know they'll respect each other, each one will listen to the other one's point of view and each one will learn from the other one.

Sometimes, arguing may be much better than not saying what one thinks, letting a situation fester/ worsen.


To want to quarrel with a friend is a strange idea. It is very better to want to laugh with your friends. Why wanting to quarrel with friends ? Perhaps because the quarrel cannot be grave… You know that a friend can play opposite you. You say something, and your friend, because he knows you will try to force you change your ideas about a subject, but in the end, you will always be friends, even if you’re not agree… 80 A friend wants the better for you, so you can accept critics from him, because you know that when he’ll leave, you’ll be friends always and forget about the rude words he has pronounced. It’s like a sort of training… Because of this friend, you have a sort of training and with this help, you may change of opinion. But I prefer a lot to have fun with my friend. 152 words.

Allez-y ! Mettez les erreurs en bleu et soulignez les maladresses ...

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de maxwell, postée le 19-12-2021 à 20:39:22 (S | E)
Pour Taiji : le sujet de la phrase est : one of these subjects. donc le verbe ne peut pas être tackle, mais plutôt is tackled. Comes up est bon : un sujet est soulevé.
Il n'est pas obligatoire de compléter après : to have a row.
I doubt it est aussi bon.


To want to quarrel with a friend is a strange idea. It is very better to want to laugh with your friends. Why wanting to quarrel with friends ? Perhaps because the quarrel cannot be grave… You know that a friend can play opposite you. You say something, and your friend, because he knows you will try to force you XXX change your ideas about a subject, but in the end, you will always be friends, even if you’re not agree80 A friend wants the better for you, so you can accept critics from him, because you know that when he’ll leave, you’ll be friends always (order)and forget about the rude words he has pronounced. It’s like a sort of training… Because of this friend, you have a sort of training and with this help, you may change of opinion. But I prefer a lot to have fun with my friend. 152 words.

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de maxwell, postée le 20-12-2021 à 20:28:29 (S | E)
Here's my second try: I'll try and correct what was wrong:

EXPRESSION N° 1: ready for explanations.

I believe most of us don't like quarrelling with friends. We prefer having fun with friends; we generally/usually choose friends who have a lot in common with us. Can we make friends with people who have an opposite point of view from ours on many subjects and tend to argue every time one of these subjects comes up/is tackled? I doubt it/that very much.

I guess those few people who enjoy having a row with others to show their strength (or what they believe to be a strength) would disagree...
However, when two people know that nothing could break their friendship, they probably don't refrain from having a dispute when they disagree: they know they'll respect each other, each one will listen to the other one's point of view and each one will learn from the other one.

Sometimes, arguing may be much better than not saying what one thinks, letting a situation fester/worsen.

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de here4u, postée le 20-12-2021 à 21:18:19 (S | E)
Hum hum ... Pourquoi ce retour en arrière ?

Là, tu étais censé indiquer les fautes de l'expression N°2 ! (ce que tu as déjà fait !)
(Il ne faut pas mélanger deux expressions différentes ... ) Nous en sommes à l’EXPRESSION N°2 !

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de maxwell, postée le 21-12-2021 à 20:42:34 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
Oui, j'ai bien signalé les fautes de l'expression 2 et j'attends sagement ton feu vert pour écrire des propositions de correction.
En revanche, j'ai écrit en vert une proposition de correction pour l'expression 1 suite à la liste de fautes/maladresses que tu as signalées sur l'expression 1 le 19/12 (d'habitude, tu indiques ces fautes au moment où tu donnes le go pour les corrections, c'est-à-dire en l'occurrence dans ton post du 18/12)
=> du coup, je rattrape ce retard
Désolé aussi mais je travaille en fonction de mes disponibilités, elles sont de plus en plus limitées...

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de here4u, postée le 21-12-2021 à 21:34:57 (S | E)

C'est bien d'attendre "sagement" ... j'aurais bien voulu une autre "correction" en bleu ... mais tout le monde achète ses huitres et décore la maison ...🎅 🤶 🎄 🎆🎊🥳 J'ai bien demandé la correction en vert de l'expression 1 dans le post du 18 ... et vous me perdez entre les corrections qui n'en sont pas et celles qui ont le droit d'en être ... mais ce n'est pas grave ... L'essentiel est bien de participer !
A partir de demain pour les corrections en vert de l'EXPRESSION N°2. (je laisse, ce soir, une dernière chance à qui voudrait indiquer les erreurs et maladresses. )
à tous …

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de maxwell, postée le 22-12-2021 à 20:23:34 (S | E)
Time has come!


Wishing to quarrel with a friend is a strange idea. It is much better to want to laugh with your friends. Why would you want to quarrel with your friends? Perhaps because the quarrel is about something unimportant… You know that a friend can play opposite you. You say something, and your friend says the opposite, because he knows you will try to force him to change his ideas about a subject... But in the end, you will always be friends, even if you don't agree on everything… A friend wants the best for you, so you can accept critics from him, because you know that when he leaves, you’ll always be friends and forget about the rude words he has pronounced. It’s like a sort of training… Thanks to this friend, you have a sort of training and with this help, you may change opinions. But I prefer a lot to have fun with my friend. 152 words.

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de here4u, postée le 26-12-2021 à 09:52:28 (S | E)
Hello dears, 🎄🎁

EXPRESSION N°2: Suggestions d'améliorations (qui seront finalisées après correction dans un Follow up Work éventuel ! )

Wishing to quarrel with a friend is a strange idea. It is much better to want to laugh with your friends. Why would you want to quarrel with your friends? Perhaps because the quarrel is about something unimportant… You know that a friend can play opposite you. You say something, and your friend says the opposite, because he knows you will try to force him to change his ideas about a subject... But in the end, you will always be friends, even if you don't agree on everything… A friend wants the best for you, so you can accept critics from him, because you know that when he leaves, you’ll always be friends and forget about the rude words he has pronounced. It’s like a sort of training… Thanks to this friend, you have a sort of training and with this help, you may change opinions. But I prefer a lot to have fun with my friend. 152 words.

EXPRESSION N°3: (indiquer les erreurs en bleu et souligner les maladresses - pendant 24h !- )

To quarrel with friends is not really quarrel… It’s like your pretending to quarrel, but do it for fun. Your friend knows that it’s not for real and it can be a way of test how you may go far and how you can look hard. I remember I was used to quarrel with my sisters when I was young. It was very violent sometime but deep inside, we knew for sure that we will still be like peas in a pod for ever. But it can be riskey. Young people don’t know always where (or when) to stop and in the fire of the action, you may insist and refuse to stop where it will be time, and go too far… In that, it’s dangerous… You must never play with the friendship. 137 words

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de maxwell, postée le 26-12-2021 à 20:07:44 (S | E)


To quarrel with friends is not really quarrelIt’s like your pretending to quarrel, but do it for fun. Your friend knows that it’s not for real and it can be a way of test how you may go far and how you can look hard. I remember I was used to quarrel with my sisters when I was young. It was very violent sometime but deep inside, we knew for sure that we will still be like peas in a pod for ever. But it can be riskey. Young people don’t know always (order)where (or when) to stop and in the fire of the action, you may insist and refuse to stop where it will be time, and go too far… In that, it’s dangerous… You must never play with the friendship. 137 words

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de here4u, postée le 27-12-2021 à 21:19:17 (S | E)

Suggestions en vert maintenant, please ...


Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de maxwell, postée le 28-12-2021 à 21:02:47 (S | E)


Quarrelling with friends is not really quarrellingYou only pretend to quarrel for fun. Your friend knows that it’s not for real and it can be a way of testing how far you may go and how hard you can look. I remember I used to quarrel with my sisters when I was young. It was very violent sometimes but deep inside, we knew for sure that we would still be like peas in a pod for ever. But it can be risky. Young people don’t always know where (or when) to stop: in the heat of the action, you may insist and refuse to stop when there is still time, and go too far… In that, it’s dangerous… You must never play with friendship. 137 words

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de here4u, postée le 28-12-2021 à 23:47:01 (S | E)
Hello, dear Workers!

Un grand avant tout, à ceux qui ont relevé le défi et écrit et corrigé ! Vous avez eu beaucoup de mérite par ces temps pleins de tentations ...

Un grand BRAVO aussi parce que vos expressions, et vos corrections, ont montré votre sérieux et votre compétence ...

Voici nos SUGGESTIONS, qui représentent une façon de dire les choses, .... mais il y en a beaucoup d'autres !


I believe most of us don't like quarrelling with friends. We prefer having (or TO HAVE) fun with friends; we generally/ usually choose friends who share many things with us. Can we make friends with people who have an opposite point of view from ours on many subjects and tend to argue every time one of these subjects comes up/ is tackled I doubt it/that very much.
Except for those few people who enjoy having a row with others to show their strength (or what they believe to be a strength).(This isn't a sentence!)
However, when two people know that nothing could break their friendship, they (can afford to have a dispute when they disagree: they know they'll respect each other, each one will listen to the other one's point of view and each one will learn from the other one.


I believe most of us don't like quarrelling with friends. We prefer having fun(1) with friends (them); we generally/ usually choose friends who (share many things with us (have a lot of ideas and opinions in common ?). Can we make friends with people who have an opposite point of view (from (2) ours on many subjects and tend to argue every time one of these subjects comes up? TB I doubt it very much.
Except for those few people who enjoy having a row to show their strength (or what they believe to be a strength). This isn’t a sentence!
However, when two people know that nothing could break their friendship, (they can (afford (3) to have a dispute when they disagree: they know they'll respect each other, each one will listen to the other one's point of view and each one will learn from the other one('s experience).
Sometimes, arguing may be much better than not saying what one thinks, letting a situation fester/worsen. 149 words.
Pas mal du tout !

(1) Prefer: Lien internet

"On utilisera V+ING dans le cas d'un choix entre deux options déterminées: I prefer swimming to sailing when I am on the coast. I prefer not answering the question (to answering it). L'alternative est ici trop évidente pour la mentionner, le choix est commenté mais la décision n'est pas prise.
On utilisera TO+Verb dans le cas ou l'alternative est moins évidente ou entraîne une décision:
"Do you fancy watching a movie?" "I prefer to go outside and have a walk in the garden." (On imagine aisément qu'il se lève et prenne son manteau pour sortir). La comparaison est ici en retrait."

(2) Etre différent de : to be different FROM / être à l’opposé de : to be the opposite OF sth
Lien internet

(3) Afford to: Lien internet
Ne pas se laisser abuser par la traduction française « se permettre » …. Utiliser " ne pas avoir les moyens (financiers) de "…


(To want to quarrel (1) with a friend is a strange idea. It is (very better(2) to want to laugh with your friends. (Why wanting (3)to quarrel with friends ? Perhaps because the quarrel cannot be (grave… You know that a friend can play opposite you. You say something, and your friend, because he knows you will try to force you change your ideas about a subject, but in the end, you will always be friends, even (if you’re not agree… (5) A friend wants the (better (6) for you, so you can accept (7)(critics from him, because you know that (8) when he’ll leave, you’ll be friends always and forget about the rude (9)words he has pronounced. It’s like a sort of training… (Because of (10)this friend, you have a sort of training and with this help, you may change (of opinion. But I prefer a lot to have fun with my friend. 152 words.


Wishing to quarrel with a friend is a strange idea. It is (much better to want to laugh with your friends. (Why would you want to quarrel with your friends? Perhaps because the quarrel is about something unimportant… You know that a friend can play opposite you. You say something, and your friend says the opposite, because he knows you will try to force him to change his ideas about a subject... But in the end, you will always be friends, even (if you don't agree on everything… A friend wants the best for you, so you can accept critics from him, because you know that when he leaves, (you’ll always be friends and forget about the rude words he has pronounced. It’s like a sort of training… (Thanks to this friend, you have a sort of training and with this help, you may change opinions. But I prefer a lot to have fun with my friend. 152 words.

(1) Encore une fois, bien faire attention ! Distinguer «To wish to quarrel»: pour vouloir se disputer et «Wishing to quarrel»: vouloir se disputer (le fait de vouloir : gérondif).
(2)(6) Very better n’existe pas => much better.// to want the best for someone
(3)(Why wanting=> Why want/ why would you want?/
(4) grave: Lien internet
a grave: une tombe !
(5) Attention ! «You’re not agree» est une horreur !
(7) Une critique : Lien internet

Attention : une critique (une remarque) : a criticism. Une critique littéraire : a critique/ a review. Un(e) critique qui formule des remarques critique : a critic.
(8) pas de futur derrière "when" (conjonction de subordination temporelle). Lien internet

(9) rude: Lien internet
Attention: a rude word: a swearword.
(10) Thanks to: grâce à // because of: à cause de.


To quarrel with friends is not really quarrel… It’s like your pretending to quarrel, but do it for fun. Your friend knows that it’s not for real and it can be a way of test how you may go far and how you can look hard. I remember I was used to quarrel with my sisters when I was young. It was very violent sometime but deep inside, we knew for sure that we will still be like peas in a pod for ever. But it can be riskey. Young people don’t know always (order)where (or when) to stop and in the fire of the action, you may insist and refuse to stop where it will be time, and go too far… In that, it’s dangerous… You must never play with the friendship. 137 words


Quarrelling with friends is not really quarrellingYou only pretend to quarrel for fun. Your friend knows that it’s not for real and it can be a way of testing how far you may go and how hard you can look.I remember I used to quarrel with my sisters when I was young. It was very violent sometimes but deep inside, we knew for sure that we would still be like peas in a pod for ever. But it can be risky. Young people don’t always know where (or when) to stop: in the heat of the action, you may insist and refuse to stop when there is still time, and go too far… In that, it’s dangerous… You must never play with friendship. 137 words

(1) Toujours la même erreur ; to quarrel : pour se disputer ; quarrel : a quarrel : une dispute. Les gérondifs (le fait de se quereller) sont nécessaires.
(2) It’s like: it’s as if…
(3) Your pretending: you’re pretending
(4) A way of + verbe + ing
(5) how you may go far/ and how you can look hard: revoir l’ordre des mots dans les interrogatives indirectes et la construction de "How + adjectif".
(6) Revoir l’ordre des mots (place de l’adverbe always)Lien internet

(7) Le feu de l’action : in the heat of the action
(8) ...stop where it will be time : stop when it’s time
(9) Friendship: mot abstrait : pas de déterminant

Encore bravo et pour tout ce travail ...
... et comme toujours, vous pouvez reprendre tout ou partie des expressions dans le Follow up Work.

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de maxwell, postée le 29-12-2021 à 20:42:15 (S | E)

Follow-up work:


I believe most of us don't like quarrelling with friends. We prefer having fun with them; we generally/usually choose friends who have a lot of ideas and opinions in common. Can we make friends with people who have an opposite point of view of ours on many subjects and tend to argue every time one of these subjects comes up/is tackled? I doubt it/that very much.

I guess those few people who enjoy having a row with others to show their strength (or what they believe to be a strength) would disagree...
However, when two people know that nothing could break their friendship, they probably don't refrain from having a dispute when they disagree: they know they'll respect each other, each one will listen to the other one's point of view and each one will learn from the other one's experience.

Sometimes, arguing may be much better than not saying what one thinks, letting a situation fester/worsen.


Wishing to quarrel with a friend is a strange idea. It is much better to want to laugh with your friends. Why would you want to quarrel with your friends? Perhaps because the quarrel is about something unimportant… You know that a friend can play opposite you. You say something, and your friend says the opposite, because he knows you will try to force him to change his ideas about a subject... But in the end, you will always be friends, even if you don't agree on everything… A friend wants the best for you, so you can accept criticism from him, because you know that when he leaves, you’ll still be friends and forget about the harsh words he has pronounced. It’s like a sort of training… Thanks to this friend, you have a sort of training and with this help, you may change opinions. But I prefer a lot to have fun with my friend. 152 words.


Quarrelling with friends is not really quarrelling… You only pretend to quarrel for fun. Your friend knows that it’s not for real and it can be a way of testing how far you may go and how hard you can look. I remember I used to quarrel with my sisters when I was young. It was very violent sometimes but deep inside, we knew for sure that we would still be like peas in a pod forever. But it can be risky. Young people don’t always know where (or when) to stop: in the heat of the action, you may insist and refuse to stop when it's still time, and go too far… In that, it’s dangerous… You must never play with friendship. 137 words

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de here4u, postée le 30-12-2021 à 18:43:33 (S | E)

Je n'aime pas encore trop : "choose friends who have a lot of ideas and opinions in common." Ceci n'est pas clair (pour moi ! ) , et je transformerais bien cette phrase pour exprimer qu'en général (mais est-ce vrai ?), nous choisissons des amis qui ont à peu près les mêmes idées que nous ...
Pour le reste, l'EXPRESSION N° 1 est Merci, ô, correcteurs !

Pas de fautes dans les EXPRESSIONS N° 2 et 3. Merci, Max!

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de here4u, postée le 30-12-2021 à 18:44:27 (S | E)

L'un d'entre vous s'est fait rattraper par la date ... mais comme je n'aime pas laisser un travail fait consciencieusement sans corrections, quelqu'un veut-il aider ? (Vous pouvez le faire en vert tout de suite ! )

EXPRESSION N° 4: "last minute..."

quarreling with friends, for me it's a grain of salt that we add to our friendship because a friendship without quarrel is like a tree without fruit and in addition this friendship will be a routine, and it will not last long time. This is why the friendship is sometimes calm and sometimes a little disturbed and there we test the relationship of our friends to us if they are solid or not.
we test them that we need money or an ade for example lend us housing to shelter us or to paint our house, of course we test them for serious work and not easy things because there we discover the real ones friends, so knows that quarrels are not a serious thing on the contrary it is normal to have a long-lasting friendship 138 words

Dans tous les cas, je mettrai une "correction" demain dans la journée ! Merci à vous tous ...

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de maxwell, postée le 30-12-2021 à 21:44:13 (S | E)

lol Je n'ai fait que recopier ce que tu avais écrit en vert et que je croyais être ta correction
we generally choose like-minded friends.

J'ai quand même une question sur can/can't afford to car je n'ai pas très bien compris ton point :

veux-tu dire qu'on doit réserver cette expression uniquement au domaine financier ?????

Pourtant, les exemples dans d'autres domaines ne manquent pas :
Lien internet

He can't afford to let her speak badly of him.

Lien internet

We can't afford to make any mistakes at this stage in the project.


Quarreling with friends, for me it's a grain of salt that we add to our friendship because a friendship without quarrel is like a tree without fruit... In addition this friendship would be routine, and it wouldn't last long. This is why friendship is sometimes calm and sometimes a little rough. When the discussion gets heated, we can put the relationship with our friends to the test and see if it is solid or not.
We may test a friend when we need money or some help, like painting our house : for example, when we need them to lend us their house or to shelter us. Obviously, we test our friends on serious things because real friends would never let us down. Quarrelling is not one of those serious things: on the contrary, it is common in a long-lasting friendship. 138 words

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de here4u, postée le 31-12-2021 à 13:12:17 (S | E)
Hello, dears!

lol Je n'ai fait que recopier ce que tu avais écrit en vert et que je croyais être ta correction
(Alors, à ce point, j'aimerais que tu aies compris que JE NE DONNE PAS DE CORRECTIONS ! Je ne fais que des SUGGESTIONS ! Il y a des centaines de façons de dire les choses, certaines sont "académiques", d'autres "correctes", certaines sont "admissibles", certaines sont fausses, mais employées couramment. On n'y peut (presque) rien, que de le constater ... et être triste ... (ou s'en amuser! Après tout c'est ce que certains "croivent"! ) Tout se dit ! (en français aussi, d'ailleurs ...) même si tout ne devrait pas se dire ... Ici, dans cet exercice, je vous demande, sans vous censurer, de trouver des moyens acceptables sur le plan linguistique de dire ce que vous voulez dire. Parfois, (ou souvent,) je ne le dirais pas comme certains le disent, mais ce n'est pas grave ... L'essentiel est de dire, de communiquer et tant pis si parfois on fronce un peu les sourcils ...

"we generally choose like-minded friends." est possible !

J'ai quand même une question sur can/can't afford to car je n'ai pas très bien compris ton point :

veux-tu dire qu'on doit réserver cette expression uniquement au domaine financier ?????
OUI! Explicitement, ou implicitement ... (et c'est là que tu ne me suis pas, je suppose ...) on analyse, grâce à un contexte les possibilités ou impossibilités pécuniaires d'accomplir une action, ou même encore, les conséquences que l'action aurait ...
Là, tu me donnes des phrases hors contexte que moi, j'interprète en pensant aux conséquences financières, si tu me parles de "afford" ! C'est mon droit !

Pourtant, les exemples dans d'autres domaines ne manquent pas :
Lien internet
He can't afford to let her speak badly of him. (certes ... mais nous n'avons pas de contexte !)
Lien internet

We can't afford to make any mistakes at this stage in the project. (et moi je comprends ... because it would be prejudicial for his future career in the firm...)
Voilà! Donc, dis ce que tu veux, écris ce que tu veux ... mais sois prêt à t'expliquer (à l'oral) et à laisser tomber, à l'écrit et risquer d'être incompris ... Frustrant, non ? (Expliquer à l'écrit est lassant et très difficile !)
Food for thought:

"I can't afford to do something." = "I don't have the means to do something." The means could be money or time, or that doing so would pose a risk to one's professional advancement/reputation or a relationship, etc. (In the last two cases, we could also say "I dont dare do it.")
Lien internet

Lien internet

Lien internet

Je te dis simplement "prudence"!

EXPRESSION N° 4: Merci de ton aide, Max! Suggestions pour Pitou!

Quarreling with friends, for me it's a grain of salt

Je dirais (mais c'est moi ! ) "Quarrelling with friends!: for me ...
ou: "Quarrelling with friends is, for me, a grain of salt...
quarreling: US// quarrelling(GB)

that we add to our friendship because a friendship without quarrel is like a tree without fruit... In addition this friendship would be X routine/ a HUMDRUM routine*, and it wouldn't last long. This is why friendship is sometimes calm and sometimes a little rough. When the discussion gets heated, we can put the relationship with our friends to the test and see if it is solid or not.
We may test a friend when we need money or some help, like painting our house, for example, or when we need them to lend us their house or also to shelter us. Obviously, we test our friends on serious things because real friends would (?? modal? should? will? are never expected to? ) never let us down. Quarrelling is not one of those serious things: on the contrary, it is common in a long-lasting friendship. 138 words
* Désolée! La "Machine" a décidé de faire des fantaisies jusqu'à la fin de l'année ... (impossible d'écrire HUMDRUM en minuscules sans avoir un au milieu du mot! huum! Elle se moque de moi !

C'est bien Pitou, et bravo au correcteur Maxwell! You're great! )

Réponse : RYB/ let's suggest 4 de pitou, postée le 04-01-2022 à 07:57:05 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous
Merci d'avoir corrigé mon expression, merci

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-01-2022 09:23


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