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The missing vowels/394

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The missing vowels/394
Message de marit64 posté le 14-04-2021 à 23:40:01 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This time, all the numbers of vowels are given.

1- Not many or enough in number. ..... (c c s r) 2

2- Favouring of one or other (side in an argument etc) rather than remaining neutral. ..... (s b) 2

3- To grasp and fight with. ..... (p g r l p) 2

4- A confused noise of many sounds especially voices. ..... (b b b h) 2

5- To proceed, work etc slowly or to stand doing nothing in particular. ..... (t l r) 3

6- (Of someone's face etc) very pale with shock etc. ..... (h s n) 2

7- To cause (a child or young animal) to become used to food other than the mother's milk. ..... (n w) 2

8- Continual change. ..... (l x f) 1

9- A climbing plant, the bitter fruits of which are used in brewing beer. ..... (h p) 1

10- Of a superior type or class. ..... (h p s) 1

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week and stay safe!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/394 de flowermusic, postée le 14-04-2021 à 23:58:21 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

That's my try :

1- Not many or enough in number. ..... (c c s r) 2 scarce

2- Favouring of one or other (side in an argument etc) rather than remaining neutral. ..... (s b) 2 bias

3- To grasp and fight with. ..... (p g r l p) 2 grapple

4- A confused noise of many sounds especially voices. ..... (b b b h) 2 hubbub
5- To proceed, work etc slowly or to stand doing nothing in particular. ..... (t l r) 3 loiter

6- (Of someone's face etc) very pale with shock etc. ..... (h s n) 2 ashen

7- To cause (a child or young animal) to become used to food other than the mother's milk. ..... (n w) 2 wean

8- Continual change. ..... (l x f) 1 flux

9- A climbing plant, the bitter fruits of which are used in brewing beer. ..... (h p) 1 hop
10- Of a superior type or class. ..... (h p s) 1 posh

Have a sweet sweet week

ET à la belle équipe

Réponse : The missing vowels/394 de chocolatcitron, postée le 16-04-2021 à 14:48:27 (S | E)
The missing vowels/394
Message de marit64 posté le 14-04-2021 à 23:40:01 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks!
Hi Everybody!

Here is my work:
1- Not many or enough in number. (c c s r) 2 scarce = rare. 227
2- Favouring of one or other (side in an argument etc) rather than remaining neutral. (s b) 2 bias = préférence.
3- To grasp and fight with.(p g r l p) 2 grapple = se battre, être aux prises avec (356)
4- A confused noise of many sounds especially voices. (b b b h) 2 hubbub = brouhaha.
5- To proceed, work etc slowly or to stand doing nothing in particular. (t l r) 3 loiter = traîner.
6- (Of someone's face etc) very pale with shock etc. (h s n) 2 ashen = blême.
7- To cause (a child or young animal) to become used to food other than the mother's milk. (n w) 2 wean = sevrer
8- Continual change. (l x f) 1 flux = flux.
9- A climbing plant, the bitter fruits of which are used in brewing beer. (h p) 1 hop = houblon.
10- Of a superior type or class. (h p s) 1 posh = BCBG, snob.

Good luck and have fun! Hello flowermusic, hi Swan and Sanna, good luck!

Have a sweet week and stay safe!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels/394 de swan85, postée le 19-04-2021 à 22:03:14 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Thank you for the exercise.

1- Not many or enough in number. (c c s r) 2 SCARCE
2- Favouring of one or other (side in an argument etc) rather than remaining neutral. (s b) 2 BIAS
3- To grasp and fight with. (p g r l p) 2 GRAPPLE
4- A confused noise of many sounds especially voices. (b b b h) 2 HUBBUB
5- To proceed, work etc slowly or to stand doing nothing in particular. (t l r) 3 LOITER
6- (Of someone's face etc) very pale with shock etc. (h s n) 2 ASHEN
7- To cause (a child or young animal) to become used to food other than the mother's milk. (n w) 2 WEAN
8- Continual change. (l x f) 1 FLUX
9- A climbing plant, the bitter fruits of which are used in brewing beer. (h p) 1 HOP
10- Of a superior type or class. (h p s) 1 POSH

Nice week to you all, Flowermusic, Chocolatcitron.
See you.


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