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Playing with words/18

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Playing with words/18
Message de here4u posté le 13-04-2021 à 15:17:32 (S | E | F)
Hello dear Friends!

Voici le nouveau "Playing and working with words"...
Je vous rappelle que cet exercice a des règles qui doivent être respectées. Lisez-les bien si vous ne les connaissez pas ! Ce travail est loin d'être un jeu ...

Using THE 8 WORDS given below (the 2 verbs can be put in whatever tenses or forms you fancy but MUST remain verbs!), 2 adjectives or adverbs, 2 nouns and 2 link words, + a given structure and the suitable punctuation, search your minds, think hard and create AN ONLY meaningful SENTENCE.

- You CANNOT change the nature of the words!
- You CANNOT use two or more compulsory words consecutively!

- to SEARCH - to SHARE - a FORMALITY - an ACCIDENT - EXPENSIVE - BRIGHT - UNLIKE - AS SOON AS - + un "sens futur après as soon as";
Lien internet

Je vous rappelle qu'« une phrase », une seule, se termine par un point [final, d'exclamation ou d'interrogation], peut avoir de la ponctuation interne ",/; /:/ [...], et qu'elle doit avant tout avoir un sens.
Le but ultime est de faire une seule phrase complexe, mais courte (moins de 60 mots ...) Je le répète : elle doit avoir un sens et sa logique interne !
Cet exercice est TRES difficile, , c'est pourquoi il demande beaucoup de réflexion et d'attention, de rigueur aussi dans l'application des règles. Vous ne pouvez le poster QU'UNE FOIS (ne faire qu'un seul exemplaire).
La date limite pour cet exercice est fin avril 2021. (Ne pas dépasser 60 mots … Merci. ) Voyons qui fera la plus belle phrase courte ... THE FORCE is with you!

Réponse : Playing with words/18 de chocolatcitron, postée le 16-04-2021 à 13:48:22 (S | E)
Hello my dear Here4u, thanks !

Here is my sentence:

UNLIKE Estelle who SHARES nothing and SEARCHES some EXPENSIVE and BRIGHT things to decorate her home, AS SOON AS she has enough money, it will be a FORMALITY not to have an ACCIDENT when she tries to build her furniture, as she won't do herself! 46 words.

Contrairement à Estelle qui ne partage rien et cherche des choses chères et brillantes pour décorer sa maison dès qu'elle aura assez d'argent, ce sera une formalité de ne pas avoir d'accident quand elle essayera de monter ses meubles, comme elle ne le fait pas elle-même !

See you soon!

Réponse : Playing with words/18 de jbg83, postée le 16-04-2021 à 14:19:26 (S | E)

Here is my try:

A few men SEARCH to have an ACCIDENT in order to SHARE a good moment with women but it's not a BRIGHT idea; AS SOON AS women understand that's EXPENSIVE to fix their car, UNLIKE men thought, women will realise that's not a FORMALITY. (47 words).


Réponse : Playing with words/18 de maxwell, postée le 17-04-2021 à 18:27:04 (S | E)

Hello Here4U
Here's my try: as you know, I'm very fond of this exercise
UNLIKE my "BRIGHT" sister whose EXPENSIVE car was crashed in an ACCIDENT, I will consider it a FORMALITY to SEARCH for the right people to SHARE mine AS SOON AS everyone RESPECTS the common good. (35)
(je précise que bright a un sens ironique ici )

Réponse : Playing with words/18 de taiji43, postée le 19-04-2021 à 16:47:44 (S | E)
hello Here4U,

it is instructive and pleasant these sentences!


Today was an UNLIKE day, because the BRIGHT Nasa has SHARED without FORMALITY the flight of its EXPENSIVE helicopter over Mars, without ACCIDENT ; and , AS SOON AS it SEARCH the ground.32

Réponse : Playing with words/18 de maro, postée le 19-04-2021 à 18:03:34 (S | E)
Hello Here4U,
Here is my work of the week :

UNLIKE the material damages of an ACCIDENT, witch may be EXPENSIVE but are generally a FORMALITY to fix, his moral damages are not so easy to repair, so I am SEARCHING a BRIGHT idea to improve this field and I will SHARE it with you AS SOON AS I have found it. (52)

Have a good day.

Réponse : Playing with words/18 de dreamofcloud, postée le 19-04-2021 à 20:45:32 (S | E)
Unlike most people searching for bright formulations and failing in it, it will be just a formality for you to share your witnessing of an accident as soon as you see it happen and to make expensive products out of the way you relate everything.

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-04-2021 21:26

Réponse : Playing with words/18 de joe39, postée le 29-04-2021 à 19:38:08 (S | E)
Good evening, dear here4u,
Here is my try,
Ready to be corrected.
To SEARCH – to SHARE – a FORMALITY – an ACCIDENT –EXPENSIVE – BRIGHT – UNLIKE – AS SOON AS + un sens future après as soon as.

unlike the others, this robbery had nothing to share with the others that happened in that expensive neighbourhood: no firefight, no people running to search for shelter as soon as an accident would break the quiet of that bright morning;
a mere formality avoided its success: the plate number of the van parked in front of the jewellery was found fake. 60

Thanking for the nice exercise, I wish you a pleasant weekend.
So long.

Réponse : Playing with words/18 de here4u, postée le 30-04-2021 à 06:23:58 (S | E)
Hello, dear Players... and Workers!

Here are your sentences, slightly modified to fit the rules... to all of You!

Attention ! Dans sa première acceptation, « to search » signifie « fouiller » (search pockets/ luggage/ a house etc.)(mais "search your minds" etc.Lien internet

- UNLIKE Estelle who SHARES nothing and SEARCHES some EXPENSIVE and BRIGHT places to decorate her home AS SOON AS she has enough money, it will be a FORMALITY not to have an ACCIDENT when she tries to build her furniture, as she won't make it herself! 46 words.

Contrairement à Estelle qui ne partage rien et fouille des endroits chers et brillants pour décorer sa maison, dès qu'elle aura assez d'argent, ce sera une formalité de ne pas avoir d'accident quand elle essayera de monter ses meubles, puisqu’ elle ne le fera pas elle-même !

- A few men SEARCH roads to have an ACCIDENT in order to SHARE a good moment with women but it's not a BRIGHT idea; AS SOON AS women understand that's EXPENSIVE to fix their car, UNLIKE (contrary to) what men thought, women will realise that's not a FORMALITY. (47 words).

- UNLIKE my "BRIGHT" sister whose EXPENSIVE car was crashed in an ACCIDENT, I will consider it a FORMALITY to SEARCH for the right people to SHARE mine AS SOON AS everyone RESPECTS the common good. (35)

- UNLIKE yesterday, today was exceptional: BRIGHT Nasa has SHARED (without FORMALITY) the flight of its EXPENSIVE helicopter over Mars, without an ACCIDENT, picking samples AS SOON AS it SEARCHed the ground.32

- Unlike most people searching for bright formulations and failing in it, it will be just a formality for you to share your witnessing of an accident as soon as you see it happen and to make expensive products ?? (are you sure ? (profits???)) out of the way you relate everything.

- Unlike other ONES, this robbery had nothing to share with those that happened in that expensive neighbourhood: no fireS, no people running to search for shelter as soon as an accident would break the quiet *of that bright morning; a mere formality avoided its success: the plate number of the van parked in front of the jewellery was false. 60
(this would isn’t a « future in the past » ; but expresses the repetition of an action )

Well done all of you!


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