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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de perfect posté le 26-11-2020 à 09:29:45 (S | E | F)
Hello !
Here is the question : Do you consider the title of the passage justified ?

In my opinion, the title of the passage is justified. Indeed, the story's main about Scott, a Fourth. The title expresses this main character's singularity.Thus, we learn that he's one of his kind, that why we call him by a different name. He's therefore different from the other who aren't Fourth but just normal children. It sounds still mystic but we discover gradually the life of this young Fourth.

Thank you for all the corrections.

Réponse : Correction/Scott de gerondif, postée le 26-11-2020 à 10:23:30 (S | E)
Here is the question : Do you consider the title of the passage justified ?

In my opinion, the title of the passage is justified. Indeed, the story's main (n'a pas de sens sauf si on met l'adverbe mainly) about Scott, a Fourth. The title expresses this main character's singularity.Thus, we learn that he's one of his kind, that (manque le verbe être) why we call him by a different name. He's therefore different from the other(Mettre other au pluriel) who aren't Fourth but just normal children. It sounds still(mettre still devant sounds) mystic but we discover gradually(Idem, mettez gradually devant discover) the life of this young Fourth.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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