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Lettre/ motivation

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Lettre/ motivation
Message de fannyb posté le 03-06-2020 à 23:31:24 (S | E | F)
Je dois écrire une lettre de motivation pour intégrer une section européenne;pouvez-vous m’indiquer si mon texte présente des erreurs ?
Merci d’avance.

Subject: Letter of motivation

Madam, Sir

I would like to join the European English Section because I really liked what I learned this year in this option. For instance, one of the projects I liked the most was an oral performance where we had to take a guided tour of the streets of New York City. This oral performance was very enriching because of the immersion it provided. Furthermore, I noticed an improvement in my English level and I would like to continue in this direction. Moreover, English will be very useful for my future projects because I would like to study internationally. I am motivated to improve my level of Shakespeare's language because I really enjoy this subject. I am looking forward to integrating this section in this high school, I aspire to become bilingual and your teaching would help me achieve this goal.

Yours sincerely.



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