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The missing vowels/350

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The missing vowels/350
Message de marit64 posté le 27-05-2020 à 23:32:57 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

All the numbers of vowels are given.

1- Careful, detailed examination or inspection. ..... (t r s n c) 3

2- Wide; great in size from side to side. ..... (r d b) 2

3- A person who owns land, especially a lot of land. ..... (w l r n n d) 3

4- A synonym of "manoeuvre". ..... (v n r m) 4

5- To estimate or judge the quality or quantity of. ..... (s s s s) 2

6- A diagram consisting of a line or lines drawn to show changes in some quantity. ..... (p r h g) 1

7- A small bunch of flowers. ..... (s p) 2

8- A loud noise. ..... (p l) 2

9- A type of high-pitched woodwind musical instrument. ..... (b) 3

10- An official who arranges ceremonies, processions etc. ..... (s l r h m) 2

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/350 de flowermusic, postée le 30-05-2020 à 17:14:33 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

1- Careful, detailed examination or inspection. ..... (t r s n c) 3 scrutiny

2- Wide; great in size from side to side. ..... (r d b) 2 broad

3- A person who owns land, especially a lot of land. ..... (w l r n n d) 3 landowner

4- A synonym of "manoeuvre". ..... (v n r m) 4 maneuver

5- To estimate or judge the quality or quantity of. ..... (s s s s) 2 assess

6- A diagram consisting of a line or lines drawn to show changes in some quantity. ..... (p r h g) 1 graph

7- A small bunch of flowers. ..... (s p) 2 posy

8- A loud noise. ..... (p l) 2 peal

9- A type of high-pitched woodwind musical instrument. ..... (b) 3 oboe

10- An official who arranges ceremonies, processions etc. ..... (s l r h m) 2 marshal

Have a sweet sweet week

Salut à toute l'équipe ......... et en particulier à chocolatcitron

Réponse : The missing vowels/350 de swan85, postée le 02-06-2020 à 21:43:38 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- Careful, detailed examination or inspection. (t r s n c) 3 SCRUTINY
2- Wide; great in size from side to side. (r d b) 2 BROAD
3- A person who owns land, especially a lot of land. (w l r n n d) 3 LANDOWNER
4- A synonym of "manoeuvre". (v n r m) 4 MANEUVER
5- To estimate or judge the quality or quantity of. (s s s s) 2 ASSESS
6- A diagram consisting of a line or lines drawn to show changes in some quantity. (p r h g) 1 GRAPH
7- A small bunch of flowers. (s p) 2 POSY
8- A loud noise. (p l) 2 PEAL
9- A type of high-pitched woodwind musical instrument. (b) 3 OBOE
10- An official who arranges ceremonies, processions etc. (s l r h m) 2 MARSHAL

Thank you for this exercise.

Have a nice week.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux


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