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Which /correct

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Which /correct
Message from hasib1234 posted on 20-05-2020 at 22:42:31 (D | E | F)
Which one is correct and why? Could you please explain?
Thank you.

◆If someone attempts to insult you by implying you aren't intelligent, and you respond with poor language/writing skills, or insults and illogical reasoning, you just may prove that what they say is true.

◆If someone attempts to insult you by implying you aren't intelligent, and you respond with poor language/writing skills, or insults and illogical reasoning, you just may prove that what they said is true.

◆If someone attempts to insult you by implying you aren't intelligent, and you respond with poor language/writing skills, or insults and illogical reasoning, you just may prove that what they said was true.

Re: Which /correct from cohappy, posted on 21-05-2020 at 04:17:26 (D | E)
the three are correct, there is no difference between the three sentences.

Re: Which /correct from chezmoi, posted on 25-05-2020 at 16:56:59 (D | E)
There is a subtle ie slight difference in my opinion in the three sentences which few if any (ie no) English speakers would notice or care about anyway (unless it was written):

◆1) If someone attempts to insult you by implying you aren't intelligent, and you respond with poor language/writing skills, or insults and illogical reasoning, you just may prove that what they SAY is true.

◆2) If someone attempts to insult you by implying you aren't intelligent, and you respond with poor language/writing skills, or insults and illogical reasoning, you just may prove that what they SAID is true.

◆3) If someone attempts to insult you by implying you aren't intelligent, and you respond with poor language/writing skills, or insults and illogical reasoning, you just may prove that what they said WAS true.
1) is hypothetical all in present tense!
2) SAID is in past tense but must be after all the other clauses so arguably all the verbs should be in a past tense
3) SAIS WAS is better

so another one you can add is:

4) If someone had attempted to insult you by implying you weren't intelligent, and you responded with poor language/writing skills, or insults and illogical reasoning, you just may have proven that what they said was true.

Edited by lucile83 on 25-05-2020 17:00

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Forum > English only


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