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Rack your brains and Help!/ 55

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Rack your brains and Help!/ 55
Message de here4u posté le 27-09-2019 à 21:35:27 (S | E | F)
Hello Dear Friends!

En attendant que vous répondiez à mes hésitations et mes doutes concernant le "Follow-up Work"je vous ai aménagé le prochain Rack Your Brains... Le texte est plus court que les derniers et j'ai affiché les différentes parties du texte. Nous avons besoin de TROIS volontaires + un(e) pour traduire les trois MYSTERY SENTENCES...
N'oubliez pas que j'attends, en mp, vos suggestions et idées me guidant dans le genre de choses que vous aimeriez devoir faire en Partie 2.
Cet exercice est un et sa correction sera en ligne le samedi 12 octobre, tard.

I. Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 12 fautes à corriger ! (en majuscules !)

Parents Jake and Hobbit did not even tell the childs' grandmother until they were 11 months old.
They are raising their baby «Charlie» as gender neutral. «The neutral in ‘gender neutral’ refers to us trying to behave neutrally to our children rather than trying to make them neutral. So much gender bias is unconscious. When I got pregnant we then were having a discussion about how we were going to mitigate the unconscious bias and we figured the only way we could do that was just not tell people:///END OF PART ONE/// to use the they/ them pronoun and just for as soon as we can create this little bubble for our baby to be who they are. (Charlie’s name changed for the privacy.) We’re quite good now at holding place for people’s discomfort in us going «Oh well, actually we don’t tell anyone, we’re not telling anyone for now.» Charlie wears both boy’s and girl’s clothing. Grandmother Camille wasn’t told Charlie’s sex for 11 months. «It was a struggle and I was sort of sitting waiting to hear and thinking «Oh come on, just tell me, just tell me.» »///END OF PART 2 /// It’s a teaching curve, it’s not something I’ve ever met before and I grappled with what to call them and hating when I slipped into «it» and then changing between sometimes calling them «he» then sometimes calling them «she» and finding difficult to get the «they» business but just with time as with any learning, it became embedded and they became «they». Charlie’s parents say they can pick how they are referred later. «We’re not trying to make them be anything, we just want them to be them.» = 12 mistakes

II) Find the mystery sentence(s)… (Optional)
Pour cet exercice, encore plus que pour les autres, vous pouvez ne rien rendre, ou ne travailler qu’une seule phrase, ou deux, si vous y passez trop de temps …
Après avoir bien relu les deux leçons suivantes,
Lien internet

Lien internet

Reconstituez les phrases en cherchant dans la ligne indiquée ( par les lettres ) quel est le mot qui convient à leur signification et leur logique.

1) Be (a) … to (b) … (c) … kids (d) … bias is (e) …. (5)

- (a) envious/ preparing/ prepare/ exhausted/ prepared/ exhausting/
- (b) tell/ say/ explain/ ask/ parent/ answering/ answered/ answer/
- (c) at/ down/ from/ while / to/ up/ for/ forward/
- (d) where/ what/ which/ and/ whose/ why/ when/ how/
- (e) beautiful/ interesting/matter/ harmful/ jealous/ superior/

2. Gender bias (a) …(b) … (c) … as (d) … (e) … education--long before (f) … the (g) …. (=7)

- (a) has become/ finished/ begins/ will develop/ showed/
- (b) more/ to/ from/ as/ down/ instead/ upstairs/ whereas/
- (c) late/ often / sometimes/ seldom/ early/ always/ while/
- (d) advanced/ intermediate/ elementary/ superior/ infinite/
- (e) army/ home/ house/ school/ sports/ air force/
- (f) to come/ entering/ coming/ entered/ to exit/ exiting/
- (g) air force/ navy/ army/ school/ workforce/ arrest/

3) (a)… don’t know how to (b) … when (c) … make (d) … (e) … about (f) ….

- (a) Students/ Fathers/ Peers/ Sisters/ Teachers/ Parents
- (b) question/ explain/ explaining/ asked/ mutter/ laugh/
- (c) teachers/ dogs/ girls/ boys/ mothers/ headmasters/
- (d) demanding/ demeaning/ demeaned/ demanded/ superior/ equal/
- (e) explanations/ questions/ quotations/ remarks/ swearwords/
- (f) teachers/ dogs/ girls/ boys/ mothers/ understanding/ headmasters

Si vous passez trop de temps sur l'exercice 2, n'hésitez pas à vous concentrer sur une seule phrase, en choisissant celle qui vous "inspire" le plus ... I'm expecting YOUR BEST, and of course, HERE IS THE FORCE...

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 55 de chocolatcitron, postée le 28-09-2019 à 06:27:34 (S | E)
Bonjour Here4u,
Hello dear friends!

Volontaire n°1 pour la traduction de la première partie du texte !

Ce RYB est déjà terminé ! Merci, je le posterai plus tard…
See you soon !

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 55 de here4u, postée le 28-09-2019 à 14:42:00 (S | E)

Est-ce à dire que ce devoir était trop facile ? ou que tu nous fais une "boulimie" de RYB ?

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 55 de chocolatcitron, postée le 28-09-2019 à 20:13:38 (S | E)
Hello !
Here4u, au moins tu sais déjà que tu as une volontaire, et pour quelle partie du "follow-up work" : première arrivée et première servie ! J'ai travaillé trois heures quarante-cinq pour les deux exercices, pas si facile que cela (mais j'avais déjà travaillé en amont et en profondeur sur tes deux liens, il m'a suffit juste de les revoir. Mais de tes RYB, même si parfois ils sont chronophages, j'en suis gourmet et FAN ! , Car c'est toujours intéressant. !
See you soon.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 55 de maxwell, postée le 28-09-2019 à 20:34:16 (S | E)
Je prendrai la 2e partie de Help my student
(Mais je n'ai pas du tout commencé )

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 55 de maxwell, postée le 29-09-2019 à 12:23:58 (S | E)

Hello Here4U!
Help my student was ever so interesting (which means difficult...) I'm sure I'm going to learn a lot of things! Thanks a lot !!!
I) Reconstituer les phrases :


2. Gender bias BEGINS AS EARLY as ELEMENTARY HOME education, long before ENTERING the SCHOOL.


(d'autres réponses peuvent convenir, grammaticalement en tout cas, avec un sens complètement différent)
FATHERS don't know how to MUTTER when BOYS make DEMEANING REMARKS about GIRLS.

I. Help my student:
«We decided not to tell anyone WHICH sex our baby had.»
Parents Jake and Hobbit did not even tell the CHILDREN'S GENDER TO THEIR grandmother until they were 11 months old.
They are raising their baby «Charlie» as gender neutral. «The neutral in ‘gender neutral’ refers to OUR trying to behave neutrally to our children rather than trying to make them neutral. So much gender bias is unconscious. When I got pregnant, we then were having a discussion about how we were going to mitigate the unconscious bias and we figured the only way we could do that was just not TO tell people: USING the IT/ITS pronoun and just for as LONG as we can create this little bubble for our baby to be who IT IS. (Charlie’s name changed for [] privacy REASONS.) We’re quite good now at holding place for people’s discomfort in OUR going «Oh well, actually we don’t tell anyone, we’re not telling anyone for now.» Charlie wears both BOYS' and GIRLS' clothing. Grandmother Camille HADN'T BEEN told Charlie’s sex for 11 months. «It was a struggle and I was sort of sitting waiting to hear and thinking «Oh come on, just tell me, just tell me.» » It’s a LEARNING curve, it’s not something I’ve ever met before and I grappled with HOW to call them and HATED when I slipped into «it» and then CHANGED between sometimes calling them «he»   then sometimes calling them «she» and FOUND IT difficult to get the «they» business but just with time as with any learning, it became embedded and they became «they». Charlie’s parents say they can pick how they are referred TO later. «We’re not trying to make them be anything, we just want them to be THEMSELVES.»

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 55 de chocolatcitron, postée le 02-10-2019 à 02:26:29 (S | E)
Rack your brains and Help!/ 55
Message de here4u posté le 27-09-2019 à 21:35:27 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Here4u ! Thanks !  le samedi 12 octobre. FINISHED!
Hi everybody!

❤️Je me porte volontaire pour traduire la première partie du texte !

Here is my work :
I. Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 12 fautes à corriger !

Parents Jake and Hobbit did not even tell the 2) CHILDREN‘s grandmother until they were 11 3) MONTH-OLD. They are raising their baby «Charlie» as gender neutral. «The neutral in ‘gender neutral’ refers to us trying to behave neutrally to our children rather than trying to make them neutral. So much gender bias is unconscious. When I got pregnant we then were having a discussion about how we were going to mitigate the unconscious bias and we figured the only way we could do that was just not 4) TO tell people to use the they/ them pronoun and just for 5) AS LONG AS we can create this little bubble for our baby to be who they are. (Charlie’s name 6) HAS BEEN changed for the privacy.) We’re quite good now at holding 7) SPACE for people’s discomfort in 8) AS going. «Oh well, actually we don’t tell anyone, we’re not telling anyone for now.» Charlie wears both boy’s and girl’s clothing. Grandmother Camille wasn’t told Charlie’s sex for 11 months. «It was a struggle and I was sort of sitting waiting to hear and thinking «Oh come on, just tell me, just tell me.» " It’s a 9) LEARNING curve, it’s not something I’ve ever met before and I grappled with what 10) YOU call them and hating when I slipped into «it» and then changing between sometimes calling them «he» then sometimes calling them «she» and finding difficult to get the «they» business but just 11) OVER time as with any learning, it became embedded and they became «they». Charlie’s parents say they can pick how they are referred 12) TO later. «We’re not trying to make them be anything, we just want them to be them.»
= 12 mistakes

II) Find the mystery sentence(s)… (Optional)
Pour cet exercice, encore plus que pour les autres, vous pouvez ne rien rendre, ou ne travailler qu’une seule phrase, ou deux, si vous y passez trop de temps …
Reconstituez les phrases en cherchant dans la ligne indiquée ( par les lettres ) quel est le mot qui convient à leur signification et leur logique.

1) Be (a) PREPARED to (b) EXPLAIN (c) TO kids (d) WHY bias is (e) HARMFUL. (5)
Être préparé à expliquer aux enfants pourquoi le parti pris est nocif.
- (a) envious/ preparing/ prepare/ exhausted/ prepared/ exhausting
- (b) tell/ say/ explain/ ask/ parent/ answering/ answered/ answer
- (c) at/ down/ from/ while / to/ up/ for/ forward
- (d) where/ what/ which/ and/ whose/ why/ when/ how
- (e) beautiful/ interesting/matter/ harmful/ jealous/ superior

2. Gender bias (a) BEGINS (b) AS (c) OFTEN as (d) ELEMENTARY (e) SCHOOL education--long before (f) ENTERING the (g) WORKFORCE. (=7)
Le préjugé sexuel commence comme souvent en tant qu'éducation scolaire élémentaire, bien avant d'entrer dans le monde du travail.
- (a) has become/ finished/ begins/ will develop/ showed
- (b) more/ to/from / as/ down/ instead/ upstairs/ whereas
- (c) late/ often / sometimes/ seldom/ early/ always/ while
- (d) advanced/ intermediate/ elementary/ superior/ infinite
- (e) army/ home/ house/ school/ sports/ air force
- (f) to come/ entering/ coming/ entered/ to exit/ exiting
- (g) air force/ navy/ army/ school/ workforce(main d’œuvre)/ arrest

3) (a) STUDENTS don't know how to (b) EXPLAIN when (c) TEACHERS make (4) DEMANDING (5) QUESTIONS about (6) UNDERSTANDING. (=6)
Les étudiants ne savent pas comment expliquer quand les enseignants posent des questions difficiles sur la compréhension.

mais aussi dans un tout autre registre :
3) (a)FATHERS don’t know how to (b) QUESTION when (c) GIRLS make (d) DEMEANING (e) REMARKS about (f) MOTHERS. (=6)
Les pères ne savent pas comment remettre en cause quand les filles dénigrent les remarques des mères.
- (a) Students/ Fathers/ Peers/ Sisters/ Teachers/ Parents/
- (b) question/ explain/explaining/ asked/ mutter/ laugh
- (c) teachers/ dogs/ girls/ boys/ mothers/ headmasters
- (d) demanding/ demeaning/ demeaned/ demanded/ superior/ equal
- (e) explanations/ questions/ quotations/ remarks/ swearwords
- (f) teachers/ dogs/ girls/ boys/ mothers/ understanding/ headmasters

HERE IS THE FORCE BACK to YOU for marking, Here4u...!
Have a very sweet week, each of YOU !
See you soon.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 55 de boubouille, postée le 03-10-2019 à 13:59:54 (S | E)
Hello everybody

Reconstituez les phrases en cherchant dans la ligne indiquée ( par les lettres ) quel est le mot qui convient à leur signification et leur logique.


- (a) envious/ preparing/ prepare/ exhausted/ prepared/ exhausting/
- (b) tell/ say/ explain/ ask/ parent/ answering/ answered/ answer/
- (c) at/ down/ from/ while / to/ up/ for/ forward/
- (d) where/ what/ which/ and/ whose/ why/ when/ how/
- (e) beautiful/ interesting/matter/ harmful/ jealous/ superior/

2. Gender bias (a) …(b) … (c) … as (d) … (e) … education--long before (f) … the (g) …. (=7)
I don't manage to do this sentence. I'm sorry !

- (a) has become/ finished/ begins/ will develop/ showed/
- (b) more/ to/ from/ as/ down/ instead/ upstairs/ whereas/
- (c) late/ often / sometimes/ seldom/ early/ always/ while/
- (d) advanced/ intermediate/ elementary/ superior/ infinite/
- (e) army/ home/ house/ school/ sports/ air force/
- (f) to come/ entering/ coming/ entered/ to exit/ exiting/
- (g) air force/ navy/ army/ school/ workforce/ arrest/


- (a) Students/ Fathers/ Peers/ Sisters/ Teachers/ Parents
- (b) question/ explain/ explaining/ asked/ mutter/ laugh/
- (c) teachers/ dogs/ girls/ boys/ mothers/ headmasters/
- (d) demanding/ demeaning/ demeaned/ demanded/ superior/ equal/
- (e) explanations/ questions/ quotations/ remarks/ swearwords/
- (f) teachers/ dogs/ girls/ boys/ mothers/ understanding/ headmasters

Si vous passez trop de temps sur l'exercice 2, n'hésitez pas à vous concentrer sur une seule phrase, en choisissant celle qui vous "inspire" le plus ... I'm expecting YOUR BEST, and of course, HERE IS THE FORCE...

Thank you a lot for this exercise my dear Here, although I didn't manage to do everything, I appreciated a lot.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 55 de joe39, postée le 05-10-2019 à 18:19:13 (S | E)
Hello, dear here4u,
Though perplexed,I send you my try,
ready to be corrected

Parents Jake and Hobbit did not even tell the child’s - 1 grandmother until they were 11- MONTH-OLD - 1.
They are raising their baby «Charlie» as gender neutral. «The neutral in gender neutral” refers to us trying to behave neutrally to our children rather than trying to make them neutral. So much gender bias is unconscious. When I got pregnant we then were having a discussion about how we were going to mitigate the unconscious bias and we figured the only way we could do that was just not TO TELL TO PEOPLE -2///END OF PART ONE/
// to use the they/ them pronoun and just for as LONG -3 as we can create this little bubble for our baby to be who they are. (Charlie’s name HAS BEEN -.4 changed for the privacy.) We’re quite good now at holding place for people’s discomfort in us SAYING - 5 «Oh well, actually we don’t tell anyone, we’re not telling anyone for now.» Charlie wears both BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ -6 clothing. Grandmother Camille wasn’t told Charlie’s sex for 11 months. «It was a struggle and I was sort of sitting waiting to hear and thinking «Oh come on, just tell me, just tell me.» »//end of part 2 /
// It’s a teaching curve, it’s not something I’ve ever met before and I GRABBLED -7 with HOW - 8 to call them and hating when I slipped into «it» and then changing between sometimes calling them «he» then sometimes calling them «she» and finding difficult to get the «they» business but just with time as FOR -9 any learning, it became embedded IN - 10 and they became «they». Charlie’s parents say they can pick FOR WHICH THEY ARE REFERRING LATER ON- 11. «We’re not trying to make them be anything, we just want them to be THEMSELVES» -12 = 12 mistakes

II) Find the mystery sentence(s)… (Optional)

1) Be (a) prepared… to (b)tell … (c)to … kids (d) how… bias is (e)harmful …. (5)
- (a) envious/ preparing/ prepare/ exhausted/ prepared/ exhausting/
- (b) tell/ say/ explain/ ask/ parent/ answering/ answered/ answer/
- (c) at/ down/ from/ while / to/ up/ for/ forward/
- (d) where/ what/ which/ and/ whose/ why/ when/ how/
- (e) beautiful/ interesting/matter/ harmful/ jealous/ superior/

2. Gender bias (a)has become …(b)more … (c) often… as (d)advanced … (e) home… education--long before (f) entering… the (g)school …. (=7)
- (a) has become/ finished/ begins/ will develop/ showed/
- (b) more/ to/ from/ as/ down/ instead/ upstairs/ whereas/
- (c) late/ often / sometimes/ seldom/ early/ always/ while/
- (d) advanced/ intermediate/ elementary/ superior/ infinite/
- (e) army/ home/ house/ school/ sports/ air force/
- (f) to come/ entering/ coming/ entered/ to exit/ exiting/
- (g) air force/ navy/ army/ school/ workforce/ arrest/

3) (a)students… don’t know how to (b)explain … when (c)teachers … make (d)demanding … (e)question … about (f)understanding ….
- (a) Students/ Fathers/ Peers/ Sisters/ Teachers/ Parents
- (b) question/ explain/ explaining/ asked/ mutter/ laugh/
- (c) teachers/ dogs/ girls/ boys/ mothers/ headmasters/
- (d) demanding/ demeaning/ demeaned/ demanded/ superior/ equal/
- (e) explanations/ questions/ quotations/ remarks/ swearwords/
- (f) teachers/ dogs/ girls/ boys/ mothers/ understanding/ headmasters

Thanking you very much, I wish you a pleasant Sunday.
So long.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 55 de alpiem, postée le 06-10-2019 à 12:05:10 (S | E)
I. Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 12 fautes à corriger ! (en majuscules !)
Parents Jake and Hobbit did not even tell the CHILDREN'S grandmother until they were 11 months old.
They are raising their babIES «Charlie» as gender neutral. «The neutral in ‘gender neutral’ refers to us trying to behave neutrally to our children rather than trying to make them neutral. So much gender bias is unconscious. When I got pregnant we then were having a discussion about how we were going to mitigate the unconscious bias and we figured the only way we could do that was just not TO tell Lien internet
OF PART ONE///TO use the they/ them pronoun and THAT just for as LONG as we can create this little bubble for our BABIES to be WHOM they are. (Charlie’s name changed for the privacy.) We’re quite good now at holding place for people’s discomfort AT us going «Oh well, actually we don’t tell anyone APART, we’re not telling anyone APART for now.» Charlie wears both boy’s and girl’s clothing. Grandmother Camille wasn’t told Charlie’s sex for 11 months. «It was a struggle and I was sort of sitting waiting to hear and thinking «Oh come on, just tell me, just tell me.» »///END OF PART 2 /// It’s a LEARNING curve, it’s not something I’ve ever met before and I grappled with what to call them and hating when I slipped into «it» and then changing between sometimes calling them «he» then sometimes calling them «she» and finding difficult to get the «they» business but just with time as with any learning, it became embedded and they became «they». Charlie’s parents say they COULD pick WHAT they are referred TO, later. «We’re not trying to make them be anything, we just want them to be them.» = 12 mistakes

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 55 de magie8, postée le 06-10-2019 à 13:15:36 (S | E)

bonjour je suis sur cet exercice depuis 1 semaine bon pour correction
Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 12 fautes à corriger ! (en majuscules !)

Parents Jake and Hobbit did not even tell the chILD'S grandmother until HE WAS 11-MONTH-OLD.
They are raising their baby «Charlie» as gender neutral. «The neutral in ‘gender neutral’ refers to us trying to behave neutrally TOWARDS our CHILD rather than trying to make them neutral. So much gender bias is unconscious. When I got pregnant we then were having a discussion about how we were going to mitigate the unconscious bias and we figured THAT the only way we could do that was just not TO tell people
OF PART ONE/// to use the they/ them pronoun and just for as LONG as we can create this little bubble for our baby to be who they are. (Charlie’s name HAS BEEN changed for(sans the) privacy.) We’re quite good now at holding SPACE for people’s discomfort in us SAYING «Oh well, actually we don’t tell anyone, we’re not telling anyone for now.» Charlie wears both boy’s and girl's clothing . Grandmother Camille wasn’t told Charlie’s sex for 11 months. «It was a struggle and I was sort of sitting waiting to hear and thinking «Oh come on, just tell me, just tell me.» »///END OF PART 2 /// It’s a LEARNING curve, it’s not something I’ve ever met before and I grappled with what to call them and hating when I slipped into «it» and then changing FROM sometimes. calling them «he» then sometimes calling them «she» and finding difficult to get the «they» business but just with time as with any learning, it became embedded and they became «they». Charlie’s parents say they can pick how they are referred TO later. «We’re not trying to make them be anything, we just want them to be THEMSELVES.»

quel casse tête, alors il n'y a qu'un bébé mais ils parlent de lui au pluriel pour ne pas dire il ou elle ? En français comment dirions nous,Charlie sont gentils ou gentilles,?

Reconstituez les phrases en cherchant dans la ligne indiquée ( par les lettres ) quel est le mot qui convient à leur signification et leur logique.

1) Be PREPARED… to EXPLAIN … TO… kids WHY bias is HARMFUL(5)

- (a) envious/ preparing/ prepare/ exhausted/ prepared/ exhausting/
- (b) tell/ say/ explain/ ask/ parent/ answering/ answered/ answer/
- (c) at/ down/ from/ while / to/ up/ for/ forward/
- (d) where/ what/ which/ and/ whose/ why/ when/ how/
- (e) beautiful/ interesting/matter/ harmful/ jealous/ superior

-  j'arrête là Finished

Modifié par magie8 le 07-10-2019 18:59

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 55 de icare29, postée le 10-10-2019 à 11:10:10 (S | E)
Hello Here4u and everyone, here is my proposal ; OK FOR CORRECTION.

Parents Jake and Hobbit did not even tell the child'S grandmother until THE BABY WAS 11 months old.
They are raising their baby «Charlie» as gender neutral. «The neutral in gender neutral refers to us trying to behave OURSELVES neutrally to our children rather than trying to make them neutral.
So much gender bias ARE unconscious. When I got pregnant we then were having a discussion about how we were going to mitigate the unconscious bias and we figured THAT the only way we could do that was just not tell people://

// to use the HIS / HER pronoun and just for as LONG as we can create this little bubble for our baby to be who HE / HER IS. (Charlie's name changed IN the privacy.) We're quite good now at holding A SPACE IN people's discomfort in us SAYING «Oh well, actually we don't SAY TO anyone, we're not SAYING TO anyone for now.»

Charlie wears both boyS' and girlS' clothing. Grandmother Camille wasn't told Charlie's sex for 11 months. «It was a struggle and I was sort of sitting waiting to hear and thinking «Oh come on, just tell me, just tell me.» »//
/END OF PART 2 ///

It's a LEARNING curve, it's not something I've ever met before and I grappled with HOW to call them and hating when I slipped into «it» and then changing between sometimes calling them «he» then sometimes calling them «she» and finding IT difficult to get the «they» business but just with time as with any learning, it became embedded IN and they became «they». Charlie's parents say they can pick UP ON how they are referred TO IT later. «We're not trying to make them be anything, we just want them to be THEMSELVES.»

Dear Here4u hanks a lot for your new exercise

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 55 de here4u, postée le 12-10-2019 à 23:28:54 (S | E)
Hello, Dear Friends,

Ce texte était relativement court, mais vous l'avez trouvé difficile à cause du propos, insolite, il est vrai ... et parce qu'il ne contenait "que" 12 fautes ... délicates à trouver ...
Bravo à vous qui avez bravé ces difficultés et, souvent, les avez surmontées ...
Comme d'habitude, j'ai besoin de VOLONTAIRES (quatre)... pour le Follow-up Work! (3 pour le texte, et un(e) pour les phrases.) Je vous fais confiance ...

I) Please, help my student! Ce texte contenait 12 fautes à corriger !
Parents Jake and Hobbit did not even tell the child's grandmother until they were 11 months old.
They are raising their baby Charlie as gender neutral. «The ‘neutral’ in ‘gender neutral’ refers to us trying to behave neutrally to our child rather than trying to make them neutral. So much gender bias is unconscious. When I got pregnant we then were having a discussion about how we were going to mitigate the unconscious bias and we figured the only way we could do that was just not to (2) tell people///END OF PART 1 ///: to use the they/ them pronoun and just for as long as (3) we can create this little bubble for our baby to be who they are. (Charlie’s name has been (4) changed for the (5) privacy.) We’re quite good now at holding space (6) for people’s discomfort in us going «Oh well, actually we don’t tell anyone, we’re not telling anyone for now.» Charlie wears both boys’ and girls’ (7) clothing. Grandmother Camille wasn’t told Charlie’s sex for 11 months. «It was a struggle and I was sort of sitting waiting to hear and thinking : «Oh come on, just tell me, just tell me.»///END OF PART 2 /// It’s a learning (8) curve, it’s not something I’ve ever met before and I grappled with what to call them and hating when I slipped into «it» and then changing between sometimes calling them «he» then sometimes calling them «she» and finding it (9) difficult to get the «they» business but just over (10) time as with any learning, it became embedded and they became «they». Charlie’s parents say they can pick how they are referred to (11) later. «We’re not trying to make them be anything, we just want them to be themselves (12).» = 12 mistakes

(1) What sex is your baby? => what sex the baby was.
Notre difficulté du jour était IMMENSE. Ces parents ne veulent pas que leur enfant souffre de préjugés dus à son sexe et ont donc décidé de ne pas le différencier comme "garçon-he ou fille-she" pendant ses premiers mois. Il n’ont qu’un enfant « child », mais ne parleront pas de lui en utilisant "il/lui, ni elle/lui" mais "they/ them": "eux". C’est le « truc » linguistique » que l’anglais permet pour ne pas différencier un enfant, ou donner un genre à "somebody/ someone/ anybody/ anyone" etc. En français, nous ne pourrons avoir recours au pluriel : j’attends vos suggestions – pas seulement ceux qui devront traduire … mais les suggestions de tous. J’en ai une …
Child est singulier => children et son possessif children’s sont pluriels, mais childs’ est FAUX.
(2) it was NOT TO TELL people: attention à la position de TO.
(3) as long as= aussi longtemps que// as soon as= dès que
(4) Charlie’s name has been changed= forme passive du present perfect qui exprime le bilan d’une action : le prénom a été changé, c’est un fait.
(5) the privacy: mot abstrait, qui ne peut pas être précédé de l’article défini. Je peux déterminer ce nom abstrait par un complément introduit par « of » ou par une proposition relative : the privacy wanted by the child’s parents.
(6) holding place => to hold space (yes, maxwell, I might make an exercise on place/ room/ space after all … Sigh !)
(7) both boy’s and girl’s clothing => both boys’ and girls’ clothing= des vêtements pour garçons et pour filles …
(8) a teaching curve NON ! = a learning curve : attention à la traduction.
(9) finding it difficult to get : utilisation de « it » Quand l’employer, … ou pas ? Lien internet

(10) just with time => just over time
(11) how they are referred to later: verbe à particule au passif : reprise de la particule OBLIGATOIRE après le verbe.
(12) we just want them to be them: we just want them to be themselves. Ici, le pronom réfléchi s’imposait.

II) Find the mystery sentence(s)… (Optional)

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Reconstituez les phrases en cherchant dans la ligne indiquée ( par les lettres ) quel est le mot qui convient à leur logique.
1. (a) … to (b) … (c) … kids (d) … bias is (e) …. (5)
Be (a) prepared to (b) explain (c) to kids (d) why bias is (e) harmful.
- (a) envious/ preparing/ prepare/ exhausted/ prepared/ exhausting/
- (b) tell/ say/ explain/ ask/ answering/ answered/ answer/
- (c) at/ down/ from/ to/ up/ for/ forward/
- (d) where/ what/ which/ whose/ why/ when/ how/
- (e) beautiful/ interesting/ harmful/ jealous/ superior/

2.Gender bias (a) …(b) … (c) … as (d) … (e) … education--long before (f) … the (g) …. (=7)
Gender bias (a) begins (b) as (c) early as (d) elementary (e) school education--long before (f) entering the (g) workforce.
- (a) has become / finished/ begins/ will develop/ showed/
- (b) more/ to/ from/ as/ down/ instead/ upstairs/
- (c) late/ often / sometimes/ seldom/ early/ always/
- (d) advanced/ intermediate/ elementary/ superior/
- (e) army/ home/ school/ sports/ air force/
- (f) to come/ entering/ entered/ to exit/ exiting/
- (g) air force/ navy/ school/ workforce/ arrest/

3.(a)… don’t know how to (b) … when (c) … make (d) … (e) … about (f) ….
(a) Peers don’t know how to (b) QUESTION/ intervene when (c) boys make (d) demeaning (e) remarks about (f) girls
- (a) Students/ Fathers/ Peers/ Sisters/ Teachers/
- (b) question/ explaining/ asked/ mutter/ laugh/
- (c) teachers/ dogs/ girls/ boys/ mothers/ headmasters/
- (d) demanding/ demeaning/ demeaned/ demanded/ superior/ equal/
- (e) explanations/ questions/ quotations/ remarks/ swearwords/
- (f) teachers/ dogs/ girls/ boys/ mothers/ headmasters/
Pour cette 3è phrase, j'avais oublié de retranscrire "INTERVENE"... Par élimination, le seul verbe possible était alors "question".

Bravo à nos valeureux travailleurs ... Je compte sur vous pour le FOLLOW-UP WORK.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 55 de maxwell, postée le 13-10-2019 à 09:55:37 (S | E)

Comme convenu, voici la 2ème partie de Help my student:
to use the they/ them pronoun and just for as long as we can create this little bubble for our baby to be who they are. (Charlie’s name has been changed for the privacy.) We’re quite good now at holding space for people’s discomfort in us going «Oh well, actually we don’t tell anyone, we’re not telling anyone for now.» Charlie wears both boys’ and girls’ clothing. Grandmother Camille wasn’t told Charlie’s sex for 11 months. «It was a struggle and I was sort of sitting waiting to hear and thinking : «Oh come on, just tell me, just tell me.»

utiliser le pronom il/lui pour "le bébé", et ce, aussi longtemps qu'on pourrait créer cette petite bulle pour que notre bébé soit ce qu'il est. (On a substitué le nom de Charlie au vrai nom pour le respect de la vie privée). Nous sommes devenus assez bons à maintenir un espace inconfortable pour les gens, dans notre façon de dire "Oh eh bien, en réalité, nous ne le disons pas, on n'en parle à personne pour le moment."
Charlie porte des vêtements (à la fois) pour garçon et pour fille. On n'a pas révélé le sexe de Charlie à Camille, la grand-mère, pendant onze mois. "Ce fut un vrai combat, et j'étais en quelque sorte assise, attendant d'entendre et pensant "Oh allez, dis-moi, dis-moi donc."

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 55 de here4u, postée le 13-10-2019 à 10:41:01 (S | E)
Hello, Dear Friends!

Un peu de temps ... Je suis Maxwell et en profite pour mettre en page le futur "Follow-up Work" ...

I) Please, help my student! Ce texte contenait 12 fautes à corriger !
Parents Jake and Hobbit did not even tell the child's grandmother until they were 11 months old.
They are raising their baby Charlie as gender neutral. «The ‘neutral’ in ‘gender neutral’ refers to us trying to behave neutrally to our child rather than trying to make them neutral. So much gender bias is unconscious. When I got pregnant we then were having a discussion about how we were going to mitigate the unconscious bias and we figured the only way we could do that was just not to tell people

"Nous avions décidé de ne dire à personne de quel était le sexe de notre bébé".
Les parents Jake et Hobbit ne l’avait même pas dit à la grand-mère de leur enfant, jusqu’à ce que le bébé soit âgé de onze mois.
Ils avaient éduqué leur enfant Charlie comme s’il appartenait au genre neutre. La neutralité dans le genre neutre se réfère à NOUS, pour essayernotre tentative de nous comporter de façon neutre envers notre enfant, plutôt que d’essayer d’en faire un être "asexué". De nombreux parti pris sur le genre sont inconscients. Lorsque j’étais enceinte, alors nous avions eu une discussion au sujet de comment nous allions atténuer les parti pris inconscients, et nous pensions que la seule voie à suivre était juste de ne rien dire à personne.
Bravo Choco ...!

: to use the they/ them pronoun and just for as long as we can create this little bubble for our baby to be who they are. (Charlie’s name has been changed for the privacy.) We’re quite good now at holding space for people’s discomfort in us going «Oh well, actually we don’t tell anyone, we’re not telling anyone for now.» Charlie wears both boys’ and girls’ clothing. Grandmother Camille wasn’t told Charlie’s sex for 11 months. «It was a struggle and I was sort of sitting waiting to hear and thinking : «Oh come on, just tell me, just tell me.»

utiliser le pronom il/lui pour notre enfant*, et ce, aussi longtemps que possible pour créer cette petite bulle afin que notre bébé soit ce qu'il est. (On a substitué le nom de Charlie au vrai nom pour le respect de la vie privée). Nous sommes devenus assez bons à maintenir un espace inconfortable pour les gens, dans notre façon de dire "Oh eh bien, en réalité, nous ne le disons pas, on n'en parle à personne pour le moment." Charlie porte à la fois des vêtements pour garçon et pour fille. Grand-mère Camille n'a pas connu le sexe de Charlie pendant onze mois. "Ce fut très difficile, et j'étais en quelque sorte là, à attendre de savoir et à penser "Oh allez, dites-moi, dites-moi donc."
* juste pour éviter la répétition de "bébé" qui est neutre aussi ...
Bravo, Maxwell ! C'est TB compris !

It’s a learning curve, it’s not something I’ve ever met before and I grappled with what to call them and hating when I slipped into «it» and then changing between sometimes calling them «he» then sometimes calling them «she» and finding it difficult to get the «they» business but just over time as with any learning, it became embedded and they became «they». Charlie’s parents say they can pick how they are referred to later. «We’re not trying to make them be anything, we just want them to be themselves.»

C'est beaucoup à apprendre en peu de temps,
ce n'est pas quelque chose que j'ai déjà rencontré avant.Je me suis débattue avec la façon de l'appeler et je détestais quand je glissais sur "ça" puis je suis passé à "lui" et à "elle" j'ai eu du mal à trouver "le/ lui" mais avec du temps comme pour tout apprentissage je l'ai intégré et l'enfant est devenu "lui". Les parents de Charlie disent que l'enfant pourra choisir plus tard comment se faire appeler. "Nous n'essayons pas de faire devenir notre bébé quoi que ce soit mais voulons que notre enfant soit lui-même."

"J'ai transposé en utlisant des noms neutres bèbé, enfant." C'est très bien, Magie. Tu as affronté ce passage TRES DIFFICILE, car impossible à rendre en français ... Le neutre était vraiment la meilleure solution et tu l'as parfaitement choisie. Bravo, Magie et de t'être dévouée ...

II) Find the mystery sentence(s)… (Optional)

Reconstituez les phrases en cherchant dans la ligne indiquée ( par les lettres ) quel est le mot qui convient à leur logique.
1. Be prepared to explain to kids why bias is harmful.

Soyez prêts à expliquer aux enfants pourquoi les préjugés sexistes sont néfastes.

2.Gender bias begins as early as elementary school education--long before entering the workforce.

Les préjugés sexistes commencent à l'école primaire, bien avant l'entrée sur le marché du travail.

3. Peers don’t know how to QUESTION/ intervene when boys make demeaning remarks about girls.

Les camarades de classe ne savent pas comment intervenir quand les garçons font des remarques humiliantes sur les filles.

Thanks a lot, Magie! A very good work!

Merci à nos volontaires ... et à vous tous.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 55 de magie8, postée le 13-10-2019 à 20:23:45 (S | E)
bonjour, j attendais que des volontaires se présentent mais comme apparemment ce n'est pas la bousculade ,je me dévoue

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 55 de magie8, postée le 13-10-2019 à 20:32:48 (S | E)
ma traduction

1. Be prepared to explain to kids why bias is harmful.
Sois prêt (prête)à expliquer aux enfants pourquoi les préjugés sexistes sont néfastes.

2.Gender bias begins as early as elementary school education--long before entering the workforce.
Les préjugés sexistes commencent à l'école primaire, bien avant l'entrée sur le marchè du travail

3. Peers don’t know how to QUESTION/ intervene when boys make demeaning remarks about girls.
Les autres jeunes (les camarades de classe)ne savent pas comment intervenir quand les garçons font des remarques humiliantes sur les filles

Ce n'était pas un gros travail pas pris beaucoup de temps et tout le monde est content .Haut les coeurs pour le 56

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 55 de chocolatcitron, postée le 13-10-2019 à 22:28:45 (S | E)
Hello my dear Here4u!
Hi Everybody!

Comme promis, voici une traduction de la première partie:


Parents Jake and Hobbit did not even tell the child's grandmother until they were 11 months old.
They are raising their baby Charlie as gender neutral. «The ‘neutral’ in ‘gender neutral’ refers to us trying to behave neutrally to our child rather than trying to make them neutral. So much gender bias is unconscious. When I got pregnant we then were having a discussion about how we were going to mitigate the unconscious bias and we figured the only way we could do that was just not to (2) tell people///END OF PART 1///

Mais avant tout, j'ai une question : 11 months old, ou 11 month-old ?

"Nous avions décidé de ne dire à personne quel était le sexe de notre bébé".

Les parents Jake et Hobbit ne l’avait même pas dit à la grand-mère de leur enfant, jusqu’à ce que le bébé soit âgé de onze mois.
Ils avaient éduqué leur enfant Charlie comme s’il appartenait au genre neutre. La neutralité dans le genre neutre se réfère à NOUS, pour essayer de se comporter de façon neutre envers notre enfant, plutôt que d’essayer d’en faire un "asexué". De nombreux parti pris sur le genre sont inconscients. Lorsque j’étais enceinte, alors nous avions eu une discussion au sujet du comment nous allions atténuer les parti pris de l’inconscience, et nous pensions que la seule voie à suivre était juste de ne rien dire à personne. /////

Have a very, very sweet Week, each of You!
See you soon.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 55 de magie8, postée le 16-10-2019 à 20:02:45 (S | E)

It’s a learning curve, it’s not something I’ve ever met before and I grappled with what to call them and hating when I slipped into «it» and then changing between sometimes calling them «he» then sometimes calling them «she» and finding it difficult to get the «they» business but just over time as with any learning, it became embedded and they became «they». Charlie’s parents say they can pick how they are referred to later. «We’re not trying to make them be anything, we just want them to be themselves ).»

C'est une courbe d'apprentissage ,ce n'est pas quelque chose que j'ai déjà rencontré avant.Je me suis débattue avec la façon de les appeler et je détestais quand je glissais sur "ça"puis je suis passé à "lui"et à "elle"j'ai eu du mal à trouver le "eux"mais avec du temps comme pour tout apprentissage cela s'est intégré et l'enfant est devenu" eux".Les parents de Charlie disent que Charlie peut choisir plus tard comment s'appeler."Nous n'essayons pas de faire devenir notre bébé quoi que ce soit mais que notre enfant soit lui-même.*

*j'avais fait une première version avec Charlie peuvent choisir comment on les appellera plus tard , nous n'essayons pas de les faire devenir quoi que ce soit mais qu'ils soient eux-même , pour moi c'est incompréhensible . Alors j'ai transposé en utlisant des noms neutres bèbé, enfant,

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 55 de here4u, postée le 16-10-2019 à 22:09:40 (S | E)

Merci, magie de t'être dévouée pour ce passage très délicat ...

Ta question :
" Mais avant tout, j'ai une question : 11 months old, ou 11 month-old ?"
Tu dois écrire : "The baby is 11 months (old), de même que s'il a deux ans, tu dirais : The child is two/ two years old.
Mais, si tu en fais un adjectif, qualifiant un nom, alors, tu ne peux pas faire accorder "year" (puisqu'il est en position d'adjectif). They have a two year-old child.


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