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Rack your brains and Help/54

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Rack your brains and Help/54
Message de here4u posté le 12-09-2019 à 17:22:32 (S | E | F)
Hello, Dear Friends!

Maintenant la Rentrée bien rodée, voici de quoi vous amuser et travailler ... Ce travail était "ordinaire" ... Help My Student! ni trop long, ni trop difficile, et un Fill in the blanks logique et sans surprises ... Mais, ...
Maxwell l'a rendu "extraordinaire" en ayant préparé un autre Abacus, poursuivant ainsi les vacances une semaine de plus ... Seulement, à mon humble avis, cet exercice n'est ... pas facile ...

ATTENTION ! petit conseil important avant de commencer ... TOUJOURS LIRE LES TEXTES EN ENTIER au moins une fois, afin de saisir la logique du texte et d’adapter vos corrections à cette logique. Evitez de retranscrire le texte en le recopiant (ce qui vous entraîne à des erreurs … et puis, c’est très long ! ), mais faites un copier/ coller de l’exemplaire initial et modifiez le « sur place » (sur votre brouillon si vous en faites un …). Mettez bien des MAJUSCULES à tout changement du texte de départ, please … Merci.
L'ensemble est un et la correction sera online le vendredi 27 septembre tard.

I. Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger ! (en majuscules !)

A british woman who has filled twice her and her mother's home with relieved hedgehogs says she cannot take in any more.
She has been nursing the spiky animals back to healthy for the past five years.
She said she was currently caring for about 80 hedgehogs and had reached her limit. This follows a spiky in new arrivals due to the hot weather and a mystery illness affecting young hedgehogs.
The woman said her relief operation’s started five years ago when her mother has found a maggot infesting hedgehog and no existing sanctuaries had space. A local vet shew her how to help the animal return to full witness and when she posted about it on social networks, more people began bringing her sick hedgehogs to care for.
Her house is now home to dozens recuperating hogs and hoglets, and she uses her mother's house in a neighbouring village as a makeshift intensive care unit. She said the mystery illness killing young hedgehogs had left her and wildlife experts scratching their heads. "There are lots of tests been carried but it's happening all over the country and in France too," she said. "There aren't many warning signs but it's all hands on deck when it hits. Luckily, we seem to have found a treatment that's working but it's still unknown what's causing it."
Last year a report suggested UK hedgehog numbers had fallen of about 50% since the turning of the century.
Ms Garner, who runs the relief operation by herself but calls the help of volunteers to foster hedgehogs before they'll be relieved back into the wild, said she hoped to move her operation into a rent space in the long term. She insisted she had no problems saying each of her hedgehog patients away. "They've all got their own little look - different colours, sizes. Sometimes it's the way they walk and their little personality shining through. Each one is different."

II. FILL IN THE BLANKS: in this text, a few words (10) have been deleted… Can you try to guess the missing words… (Of course, there are several «right possibilities»… Yet, you’re required to choose the most satisfactory ones, fitting the situation and tone of the text.)

How to help hedgehogs in your garden:
- Leave (1) … of your garden "wild" with piles of (2) … litter and logs.
- (3) … a purpose-built hedgehog home from a (4) … centre.
- Leave out fresh (5) … and (6) … dog or cat food (not fish-based)
- Cover drains and holes, and place bricks at the side of ponds to (7) … hedgehogs an easy (8) … out
- Check for hedgehogs (9) … using strimmers and (10) … .
- Consider a natural alternative to slug pellets as these can poison hedgehogs
Source: RSPCA

III. ABACUS: slide the abacus beads (letters) along the wires (lines) to form 10 related words (belonging to the same theme) reading down. (The beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another!)
Work well! You'll soon realize that this is no game! . The theme is «Different Behaviours» ! Maxwell pour ce travail au service de tous !


I think you deserve a triple dose of THE FORCE... I am, as ever, expecting ... your BEST!

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help/54 de magie8, postée le 13-09-2019 à 12:10:11 (S | E)
BONJOUR , j ai le vent en poupe en ce moment je me sens bien mais quand même je commence par le plus facile et le moins long. Je pourrais aussi traduire en français quand le temps sera venu , bon courage à tous

cette partie est terminée: bon à corriger

II. FILL IN THE BLANKS: in this text, a few words (10) have been deleted… Can you try to guess the missing words… (Of course, there are several «right possibilities»… Yet, you’re required to choose the most satisfactory ones, fitting the situation and tone of the text.)

How to help hedgehogs in your garden:
- Leave (1)AREAS of your garden "wild" with piles of (2) LEAF litter and logs.
- (3)BUY a purpose-built hedgehog home from a (4)SPECIALIST centre.or from a SPECIALISED CENTRE
- Leave out fresh (5) WATER and (6) TINNED dog or cat food (not fish-based)
- Cover drains and holes, and place bricks at the side of ponds to (7)GIVE hedgehogs an easy (8) ROUTE out
- Check for hedgehogs (9)BEFORE using strimmers and MOVERS(10) .
- Consider a natural alternative to slug pellets as these can poison hedgehogs
Source: RSPCA

bonjour ; je continue l exercice avec la 1ere partie à la suite de la 2éme( ready to correct )MERCI

A british woman who has filled BOTH(2 identiques) her and her mother's home with CURED OR SAVED (sauvés or soignés) hedgehogs says she cannot take in any more.
She has been nursing the spiky animals back to HEALTH(verbe) for the past five years.
She said she was currently caring for about 80 hedgehogs and had reached her limit. This follows a spiky in new arrivals due to the hot weather and a mystery illness affecting young hedgehogs.
The woman said her RESCUE OPERATION(operation de sauvetage) started five years ago when her mother FOUND (daté, preterit) a maggot INFESTED(infesting =infestant hedgehog and no existing sanctuaries had space. A local vet SHOWED(to show montrer,ou SHEWED--(to shew= faire voir,faire connaître) her how to help the animalS(pluriel) return to full Fitness(retrouver la forme, la santé) and when she posted about it on social networks, more people began bringing her sick hedgehogs to care for.
Her house is now home to dozens OF recuperating hogs and hoglets, and she uses her mother's house in a neighbouring village as a makeshift intensive care unit. She said the mystery illness killing young hedgehogs had left her and wildlife experts scratching their heads. "There are lots of tests beING carried but it's happening all over the country and in France too," she said. "There aren't many warning signs but it's all hands on deck when it hits. Luckily, we seem to have found a treatment that's working but it's still unknown what's causing it."
Last year a report suggested UK hedgehog numbers had fallen BY about 5O%(déjà vu cette faute à corriger = had fallen by...avec un pourcentage) since the turning of the century.
Ms Garner, who runs the RESCUE operation by herself but calls the help of volunteers to foster hedgehogs before they'll be relEASE back(réinsérés) into the wild, said she hoped to move her operation into a rentED(participe passé) space in the long term. She insisted she had no problems INFORMING OR EXPLAINING each of her hedgehog AT THE DISTANCE or SEPARATELY "They've all got their own little look - different colours, sizes. Sometimes it's the way they walk and their little personality shining through. Each one is different."

J'arrête, terminé,je passe à autre chose .

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help/54 de here4u, postée le 14-09-2019 à 22:24:37 (S | E)
magie! You're GREAT!

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help/54 de chocolatcitron, postée le 17-09-2019 à 20:09:40 (S | E)
Message de here4u posté le 12-09-2019 à 17:22:32 (S | E | F) vendredi 27 septembre
Hello my dear Here4u and Maxwell! Thanks you for these great exercises ! FINISHED.
Hi each of You!

Pour ton "follow up work", je propose de traduire l'exercice II (en entier).

Here is my work:

I. Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger ! FINISHED.
A 1) BRITISH woman who has filled 2) BOTH her and her mother's home with 3) RESCUED hedgehogs says she cannot take in 4) ANYMORE.
She has been nursing the spiky animals back to 5) HEALTH for the past five years.
She said she was currently caring for about 80 hedgehogs and had reached her 6) LIMITS. This follows a 7) SPIKE in new arrivals due to the hot weather and a mystery illness affecting young hedgehogs.
The woman said her 8) RESCUE operation’s started five years ago when her mother has found a maggot 9) INFESTED hedgehog and no existing sanctuaries had space. A local vet 10) SHOWED her how to help the 11) ANIMALS return to full 12) FITNESS and when she posted about it on social networks, more people began bringing her sick hedgehogs to care for.
Her house is now home 13) FOR dozens 14) OF recuperating hogs and hoglets, and she uses her mother's house in a neighbouring village as a makeshift intensive care unit. She said the mystery illness killing young hedgehogs had left her and wildlife experts scratching their heads. "There are lots of tests 15) BEING carried 16) OUT but it's happening all over the country and in France too," she said. "There aren't many warning signs but it's all hands on deck when it hits. Luckily, we seem to have found a treatment that's working but it's still unknown what's causing it."
Last year a report suggested UK hedgehog numbers had fallen BY about 50% since the 17) TURN of the century.
Ms Garner, who runs the RESCUE operation by herself but calls the help of volunteers to foster hedgehogs before they'll be relieved back into the wild, said she hoped to move her operation into a 18) RENTED space in the long term. She insisted she had no problems 19) TELLING each of her hedgehog patients 20) APART. "They've all got their own little look - different colours, sizes. Sometimes it's the way they walk and their little personality shining through. Each one is different."

II. FILL IN THE BLANKS: in this text, a few words (10) have been deleted… Can you try to guess the missing words… FINISHED

Merci HERE4U : excellent sujet : le hérisson, insectivore utile mange aussi limaces et escargots : un précieux ami des jardiniers !

How to help hedgehogs in your garden
- Leave (1) AREAS of your garden "wild" with piles of (2) LEAF litter and logs.
- (3) PURCHASE/BUY a purpose-built hedgehog home from a (4) GARDEN centre.
- Leave out fresh (5) WATER and (6) TINNED dog or cat food (not fish-based)
- Cover drains and holes, and place bricks at the side of ponds to (7) GIVE/OFFER hedgehogs an easy (8) ROUTE out
- Check for hedgehogs (9) BEFORE using strimmers and (10) MOWERS… .
- Consider a natural alternative to slug pellets as these can poison hedgehogs
Source: RSPCA

III. ABACUS: slide the abacus beads (letters) along the wires (lines) to form 10 related words (belonging to the same theme) reading down. FINISHED.


j'ai trouvé :
J'ai trouvé :
1 = STERN = sévère, austère.
2 = WILY = malin, rusé, habile.
3 = FLINTY = intransigeant.
4 = SHY = timide.
5 = HARSH = dur, sévère, sans indulgence envers…
6 = VAIN = vaniteux.
7 = POSH = rupin, distingué, BCBG.
8 = EGOISTIC= égocentrique.
9 = HAUGHTY = hautain.
10 = WICKED = méchant, pervers.

J'y ai travaillé des heures !!! (+ de 24 h c'est certain, rien que sur cet exercice.)

Merci Maxwell pour ce très beau casse-tête !

Have a very sweet week!
See you soon.

Lots of FORCE BACK TO YOU HERER4U for marking!

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help/54 de alpiem, postée le 18-09-2019 à 11:57:28 (S | E)

Rack your brains and Help/54 FINISHED

A British woman who has filled twice her and her mother's home with relieved hedgehogs says she cannot take in any more.
She has been nursing the spiky animals back to healthy for the past five years.
She said she was currently caring for about 80 hedgehogs and had reached her limit.
This follows a SPIKE in new arrivals due to the hot weather and a mystery illness affecting young hedgehogs.
The woman said her relief operatiONS started five years ago when her mother FOUND a MAGGOT-INFESTED hedgehog and no existing sanctuaries had space.
A local vet SHOWED her how to help the animal BACK to full HEALTHINESS and when she posted about it on social networks,more people began TO BRING THEIR sick hedgehogs to BE CARED FOR.
Her house is now home to dozens OF RECOVERING hogs and PIGLETS , and she uses her mother's house in a neigbouring village as a makeshift intensive care unit.
She said the mistery illness killing young hedgehogs had left her and wildlife experts scratching their heads.
"There are lots of tests BEING CARRIED OUT but it's all over the country and in France too"she said.
"There aren't many warning signs but it's all hands on deck when it hits.
Luckily, we seem to have found a treatment that's working but WHAT'S CAUSING IT IS STILL unknown.
Last year a report suggested UK hedgehogs numbers had fallen BY about 50% since the turning of the century.
Ms Garner who runs the relief OPERATIONAL UNIT by herself but calls FOR the help of volunteers to foster
hedgehogs before they will be relieved back into the wild, said she hoped to move her operational unit into a rent space in the long term.
She insisted she had no problems SEEING each of her hedgehog patients away.
They've all got their own little-DIFFERENT LOOKS,colours,sizes.
Sometimes It's the way they walk and their little personality shining through.
Each one is different."

How to help hedgehogs in your garden:
- Leave (1)a space… of your garden "wild" with piles of (2)earth, leaves… litter and logs.
- (3)Buy … a purpose-built hedgehog home from an (4)animals … centre.
- Leave out fresh (5)water … and (6)pellets for … dog or cat food (not fish-based)
- Cover drains and holes, and place bricks at the side of ponds to (7) avoid… hedgehogs an easy (8) fall… out
- Check for hedgehogs (9)owners not … using strimmers and (10) mowers… .
- Consider a natural alternative to slug pellets as these can poison hedgehogs
Source: RSPCA

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help/54 de maxwell, postée le 18-09-2019 à 15:26:35 (S | E)
Hello everyone!
Désolé de vous faire souffrir sur l'abacus mais le thème me paraît quand même intéressant. Ce qui m'a le plus surpris, c'est qu'en choisissant les mots les plus courts parmi une short list des adjectifs du thème choisi, ceux-ci étaient le plus souvent à connotation négative . Je me demande si ma remarque est pertinente ? Avis des linguistes ?

Merci beaucoup Here4U ! J'ai même trouvé que ces exercices, sans être ultra difficiles, n'étaient pas simples non plus. J'ai hâte d'avoir la réponse

I) Help my student:
A [B]ritish woman who has filled BOTH her and her mother's home with relieved hedgehogs says she cannot take in any more HEDGEHOGS.
She has been nursing the spiky animals back to HEALTH for the past five years.
She said she was currently caring for about 80 hedgehogs and had reached her limit. This follows a PEAK in new arrivals due to the hot weather and a MYSTERIOUS illness affecting young hedgehogs.
The woman said her relief operation[] started five years ago when her mother [] found a maggot infesting A hedgehog and no existing sanctuaries had space. A local vet SHOWED her how to help the animal return to full WILDNESS and when she posted about it on social networks, more people began bringing THEIR sick hedgehogs to care for.
Her house is now home to dozens OF RECUPERATED hogs and hoglets, and she uses her mother's house in a neighbouring village as a makeshift intensive care unit. She said the MYSTERIOUS illness killing young hedgehogs had left her and wildlife experts scratching their heads. "There are lots of tests BEING carried OUT but it's happening all over the country and in France too," she said. "There aren't many warning signs but it's all hands on deck when it hits. Luckily, we seem to have found a treatment that's working but it's still unknown what's causing it."
Last year, a report suggested UK hedgehog numbers had fallen BY about 50% since the turning of the century.
Ms Garner, who runs the relief operation by herself but calls FOR the help of volunteers to foster hedgehogs before they ARE relieved back into the wild, said she hoped to move her operation into a RENTED space in the long term. She insisted she had no PROBLEM TELLING each of her hedgehog patients APART. "They've all got their own little look - different colours, sizes. Sometimes it's the way they walk and their little personality shining through. Each one is different."

(*) tu n'as pas remis de piège sur "the past five years" ? Il faut laisser passer quelques quinzaines peut-être...

II) Fill in the blanks:
How to help hedgehogs in your garden:
- Leave AREAS of your garden "wild" with piles of LEAVES, litter and logs.
- BUY a purpose-built hedgehog home from a SHOPPING centre.
- Leave out fresh WATER and SOME dog or cat food (not fish-based)
- Cover drains and holes, and place bricks at the side of ponds to GIVE hedgehogs an easy WAY out
- Check for hedgehogs BEFORE (*) using strimmers and MOWERS .
- Consider a natural alternative to slug pellets as these can poison hedgehogs
Source: RSPCA
(*) en fait, c'est plutôt vérifier qu'ils ne sont PAS là 

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help/54 de icare29, postée le 20-09-2019 à 23:34:23 (S | E)
Hello Here4u here is my work OK FOR CORRECTION .

A BRITISH woman who has filled BOTH her and her mother's home with relieved HEDGEHOGS says she cannot take in any more.

She has been nursing the spiky animals back to IN FULL FIT for the past five years.

She said she was currently caring for about 80 hedgehogs and had reached her limit. This follows a SPIKE in new arrivals due to the hot weather and a MYSTERIOUS illness affecting young hedgehogs.

The woman said her relief OPERATION started five years ago when her mother FOUND a maggot infesting A hedgehog and THAT existing sanctuaries HAD NOT ENOUGH SPACE
A local vet SHOWED her how to help the animal return to IN FULL FIT and when she posted about it on social networks, more people began bringing THEIR sick hedgehogs to care for.

Her house is now home to dozens RECUPERATED HEDGEHOGS and HEDGELOGLETS, and she uses her mother's house in a neighbouring village as a makeshift intensive care unit.
She said the MYSTERIOUS illness killing young hedgehogs had left her and wildlife experts scratching their heads.
"There are lots of tests BEING carried OUT but it's happening all ACROSSS the country and in France AS WELL," she said.
"There aren't many warning signs but it's all hands on deck when it hits. Luckily, we seem to have found a treatment that's working but it's still unknown what's causing it."

Last year a report suggested UK hedgehog numbers had fallen BY about 50% since the turning of the century.

Ms Garner, who runs the relief operation by herself ,() calls FOR the help of volunteers to foster HEDGEHOG RELIEF OPERATION before they'll be RELEASED back into the WILDLIFE, said she hoped to move her operation into a RENTED space in the long term.
She insisted SAYING ANY TROUBLE HAD BEEN TAKEN AWAY WITH each of her hedgehog patients . "They've all got their own little look - different colours, sizes.

Sometimes it's the way they ARE WALKING and their little personality WHICH ARE SHINING through. Each one is different."


How to help hedgehogs in your garden:
- Leave (1) A SECURE PLACE of your garden "wild" with piles of (2) LEAVES litter and logs.
- (3) BUY a purpose-built hedgehog home from a (4) GARDEN SHOP centre.
- Leave out FRESH GRASS CUT(5) and (6) FEROCIOUS dog or cat food (not fish-based) ( leave out means éloigner de)
- Cover drains and holes, and place bricks at the side of ponds to (7) ALLOW hedgehogs an easy (8) WAY out
- Check for hedgehogs (9)TILL using strimmers and (10) MOWERS .
- Consider a natural alternative to slug pellets as these can poison hedgehogs
Source: RSPCA.

Dear Here4u thanks a lot for your new interesting exercise

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help/54 de joe39, postée le 21-09-2019 à 18:38:16 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u,
Please find hereunder the best I did to fulfil your expectation,
ready to be checked

. Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger ! (en majuscules !)

A BRITISH - 1 woman who has filled BOTH- 2 her and her mother's home with RESCUED - 3 hedgehogs says she cannot take ANYMORE - 4.
She has been nursing the spiky animals back to HEALTH - 5 for the past five years.

She said she was currently caring for about 80 hedgehogs and had reached her limit. IT - 6follows a SPIKE- 7 in new arrivals due to the hot weather and a mistery illness affecting young hedgehogs.

The woman said her RESCUE OPERATION -8 started five years ago when her mother HAD found a MAGGOT-INFESTED -9 hedgehog and no existing sanctuaries had space.
A local vet SHOWED- 10 her how to help the animal return to full FITNESS - 11and when she posted about it on social networks, more people began bringing her sick hedgehogs to care for.

Her house is now home to dozens OF- 11 recuperating hogs and hoglets, and she uses her mother's house in a neighbouring village as a makeshift intensive care unit.
She said the mystery illness killing young hedgehogs had left her and wildlife experts scratching their heads.
"There are lots of tests BEING-12 carried OUT-13 but it's happening all over the country and in France too," she said. "There aren't many warning signs but it's all hands on deck when it hits.
Luckily, we seem to have found a treatment that's working but it's still unknown what's causing it."
Last year a report suggested UK hedgehog numbers had fallen BY about 50% since the TURN -14 of the century.

Ms Garner, who runs the RESCUE-15 operation by herself but calls ON- 16 the help of volunteers to foster hedgehogs before they ARE RELEASED- 17 back into the wild, said she hoped to move her operation into a RENTED- 18 space in the long term. She insisted she had no problems TELLING- 19 each of her hedgehog patients APART - 20. "They've all got their own little look - different colours, sizes. Sometimes it's the way they walk and their little personality shining through. Each one is different."

II. FILL IN THE BLANKS: in this text, a few words (10) have been deleted… Can you try to guess the missing words… (Of course, there are several «right possibilities»… Yet, you’re required to choose the most satisfactory ones, fitting the situation and tone of the text.)

How to help hedgehogs in your garden:
- Leave (1) AREAS… of your garden "wild" with piles of (2 LEAF) … litter and logs.
- (3) BUY… a purpose-built hedgehog home from a (4) GARDEN … centre.
- Leave out fresh (5)WATER … and (6) TINNED… dog or cat food (not fish-based)
- Cover drains and holes, and place bricks at the side of ponds to (7) GIVE… hedgehogs an easy (8)ROUTE … out
- Check for hedgehogs (9)BEFORE … using strimmers and (10) MOWERS… .
- Consider a natural alternative to slug pellets as these can poison hedgehogs
Source: RSPCA

III. ABACUS: slide the abacus beads (letters) along the wires (lines) to form 10 related words (belonging to the same theme) reading down. (The beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another!)
Work well! You'll soon realize that this is no game! . The theme is «Different Behaviours» ! Maxwell pour ce travail au service de tous !

------- ----------------H----------P----- E--- -- H--- -W----------
--S-----------F---------A----------O-- -- G--- ----- - I------------
--------W----L----S--- ------V--------- -O----- A----------------
--T-----------I----------------A----- -- T --- - U--- C------------
--E-----------N----H---------------S--- I- --- G---------------
---------I--------------R--- -I--- ----- S--- - - H--- K--------------
--R-----L-----T--------S-- -------------- T ----- --- - E---- ------
--N----------------Y----------N----- -- I---------- T- D -----------
--------Y--- Y------- H------ -H-----C----------- Y-----------------

I think you deserve a triple dose of THE FORCE... I am, as ever, expecting ... your BEST!

Thanking a lot you and Maxwell,
I wish you a pleasant Sunday.

So long.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help/54 de maya92, postée le 25-09-2019 à 14:42:31 (S | E)
Hello Here4U (and as promised… )

A British woman who has filled both her and her mother's home with needy hedgehogs says she cannot take in any more of them.
She has been nursing the spiky animals back to health for the past five years.
She said she was currently caring for about 80 hedgehogs and had reached her limit. This follows a peak in new arrivals due to the hot weather and a mysterious illness affecting young hedgehogs.
The woman said her rescue operation started five years ago when her mother found a maggot infesting hedgehogs and no existing sanctuaries had space. A local vet showed her how to help the animals return to full wildness and when she posted about it on social networks, more people began bringing their sick hedgehogs to be cared for.
Her house is now home to dozen recuperating hogs and hoglets, and she uses her mother's house in a neighbouring village as a makeshift intensive care unit. She said the mysterious illness killing young hedgehogs had left her and wildlife experts scratching their heads. "There are lots of tests being carried out but it's happening all over the country and in France too," she said. "There aren't many warning signs but it's all hands on deck when it hits. Luckily, we seem to have found a treatment that's working but what's causing it is still unknown."
Last year a report suggested UK hedgehogs number had fallen by about 50% since the turning of the century.
Ms Garner, who runs the rescue operation by herself but calls for the help of volunteers to foster hedgehogs before they are released into the wild, said she hoped to move her operation into a rented space in the long term. She insisted she had no problems telling each of her hedgehog patients apart. "They've all got their own little look - different colours, sizes. Sometimes it's the way they walk and their little personality shining through. Each one is different."

II. FILL IN THE BLANKS: in this text, a few words (10) have been deleted… Can you try to guess the missing words… (Of course, there are several «right possibilities»… Yet, you’re required to choose the most satisfactory ones, fitting the situation and tone of the text.)

How to help hedgehogs in your garden:
- Leave (1) …part of your garden "wild" with piles of (2) cat… litter and logs.
- (3) …get a purpose-built hedgehog home from a (4) pets… centre.
- Leave out fresh (5) water… and (6) some… dog or cat food (not fish-based)
- Cover drains and holes, and place bricks at the side of ponds to (7)provide … hedgehogs an easy (8) …way out
- Check for hedgehogs (9) before… using strimmers and (10) lawnmowers… .
- Consider a natural alternative to slug pellets as these can poison hedgehogs
Source: RSPCA

(The problem is I found more than 20 mistakes - Sorry...)

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help/54 de magie8, postée le 27-09-2019 à 11:46:06 (S | E)
bonjour c'est le dernier jour pour cet excercice .Il est 11h30 du matin heure française .Nous sommes 2 volontaires pour la traduction de l'ex.II et personne encore pour le I. Aussi , je me désiste du II et je propose de faire la 1ere partie du I
s'il vous plaît dépéchez- vous de vous inscrire que l'on sache qui va finir le texte. Si possible une nouvelle personne. Merci beaucoup de faciliter un peu le travail de tous. Ce n'est pas une contrainte c'est juste plus sympa de partager.Merci de votre compréhension. C'est toujours avec beaucoup de plaisir que je vous retrouve tous sur ce site. A bientôt donc,et bon courage.magie8 ❤️

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help/54 de icare29, postée le 27-09-2019 à 12:18:53 (S | E)
Hello à tous.
Je me porte volontaire pour traduire la partie II du test .
Je vais attendre la correction de Here4u avant de traduire.
Bonne journée à tous

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help/54 de magie8, postée le 27-09-2019 à 13:39:40 (S | E)
bonjour MERCI,ICARE❤️

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help/54 de maxwell, postée le 27-09-2019 à 20:44:49 (S | E)
S'il y a une partie 3, je prendrai la partie 3. De toute façon, je prendrai ce qui reste

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help/54 de here4u, postée le 27-09-2019 à 23:07:56 (S | E)
Hello, Dear Friends !

Voici votre correction … Encore une fois, je dois faire appel à des volontaires pour le FOLLOW-UP WORK. Nous en avons besoin de 4 (trois pour le texte et un(e) volontaire pour le texte à trous.) Je n’ai eu que peu de retours concernant la « grosse colère de Choco » et mes inquiétudes et questions à ce sujet. Pourtant, j’ai vraiment besoin que vous me donniez votre avis (en même temps que votre futur travail ? ) Lien internet
Si vous voulez que ce travail s’arrête, à vous la parole … mais pour le moment, en l’état, la gestion en est difficile …

Bravo pour votre excellent travail sur ce texte anecdotique très technique … Vous avez réussi à merveille !

I. Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger ! (en majuscules !)
Woman with house full of hedgehogs says 'no more' : 28 August 2019
A British(1) woman who has filled both(2) her and her mother's home with rescued (3) hedgehogs says she cannot take in any more.
She has been nursing the spiky * animals back to health(4) for the past five years.
She said she was currently caring for about 80 hedgehogs and had reached her limit. This follows a spike(5) in new arrivals due to the hot weather and a mystery illness affecting young hedgehogs.
The woman said her rescue operation started(6) five years ago when her mother found a maggot-infested(7) hedgehog and no existing sanctuaries had space. ///END OF PART 1 /// A local vet showed(8) her how to help the animal return(9) to full fitness(10) and when she posted about it on social networks, more people began bringing her sick hedgehogs to care for.
Her house is now home to dozens of (11) recuperating hogs and hoglets, and she uses her mother's house in a neighbouring village as a makeshift intensive care unit. She said the mystery illness killing young hedgehogs had left her and wildlife experts scratching their heads. "There are lots of tests being(12) carried out(13) but it's happening all over the country and in France too," she said. "There aren't many warning signs but it's all hands on deck when it hits. ///END OF PART 2/// Luckily, we seem to have found a treatment that's working but it's still unknown what's causing it."
Last year a report suggested UK hedgehog numbers had fallen by(14) about 50% since the turn(15) of the century.
The woman, who runs the rescue operation by herself but calls on(16) the help of volunteers to foster hedgehogs before they're (17) released (18) back into the wild, said she hoped to move her operation into a rented(19) space in the long term. She insisted she had no problems telling(20) each of her hedgehog patients apart.(21) "They've all got their own little look - different colours, sizes. Sometimes it's the way they walk and their little personality shining through. Each one is different."

(1) A British woman= a woman from Britain !(Great Britain). Les pays et les nationalités prennent toujours des majuscules (les noms comme les adjectifs.)
(2) BOTH = les deux à la fois= la maison de la dame ET celle de sa mère. Twice= deux fois.
(3) Attention ! Dans le texte, il y a eu confusion constante de la part de my « Poor Student », de plusieurs verbes employés l’un à la place de l’autre : to rescue= secourir ; to relieve (relief) = soulager (le soulagement) ; to release = libérer d’un emprisonnement. Il avait des excuses … Comme je le dis souvent, il y avait quand même au moins trois ou quatre lettres en commun dans ces mots ! Attention au moment de la traduction …
(4) … back to health= to recover from an illness. Health= la santé => healthy = en bonne santé.
(5) * Attention ! ici j’ai joué entre spike= un piquant (de hérisson)=> to be spiky et « spike » = un pic dans la manifestation d’un phénomène … Lien internet
Attention, aussi ... en traduisant !
(6) started five years ago= moment précis et mentionné du passé révolu => prétérit + ago.
(7) a maggot-infested hedgehog= a hedgehog infested by maggots.
(8) To show, I showed, shown = montrer
(9) To help the animal return…/ to help the animal to return…, mais jamais forme en –ing.
(10) To return to full fitness= to return to full health. To be fit=> fitness.
(11) To dozens of recuperating hogs= Ici, « dozens » est un nom et il s’accorde donc. Au contraire, si « dozen » est précédé d’un nombre, il reste invariable (car il est employé comme adjectif).
(12/ 13) Tests being carried out= verbe carry out (réaliser, exécuter) à la forme passive.
(14) Diminuer de 10%= to fall by 10%.
(15) « The turn of the century »= le début du siècle
(16) To call on help= to ask for help.
(17) hedgehogs before they're released= ce que le français exprime avec un subjonctif en français doit être exprimé par un indicatif (mais pas un futur ni un conditionnel) (pas de futur derrière when/ as soon as/ once/ before/ after …)
(18) cf note (3) ici = release…
(19) To rent => rented= louer
(20) no problems telling each of the patients apart… : to tell sb apart= distinguish

II. FILL IN THE BLANKS: in this text, a few words (10) have been deleted… Can you try to guess the missing words… (Of course, there are several «right possibilities»… Yet, you’re required to choose the most satisfactory ones, fitting the situation and tone of the text.)

How to help hedgehogs in your garden

Leave (1) … of your garden "wild" with piles of (2) …. litter and logs.
Leave areas of your garden "wild" with piles of leaf litter and logs
- Leaf litter= Lien internet

(3) … a purpose-built hedgehog home from a (4) … centre.
Purchase a purpose-built hedgehog home from a garden centre
- Purchase= buy.
Leave out fresh (5) … and (6) … dog or cat food (not fish-based)
Leave out fresh water and tinned dog or cat food (not fish-based)
- Tinned food= food in tins or cans.
Cover drains and holes, and place bricks at the side of ponds to (7) … hedgehogs an easy (8) … out
Cover drains and holes, and place bricks at the side of ponds to give hedgehogs an easy route out

Check for hedgehogs (9) … using strimmers and (10) … .
Check for hedgehogs before using strimmers and mowers
Consider a natural alternative to slug pellets as these can poison hedgehogs
Source: RSPCA

Lien internet

III. ABACUS: slide the abacus beads (letters) along the wires (lines) to form 10 related words (belonging to the same theme) reading down. (The beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another!)
Work well! You'll soon realize that this is no game! . The theme is «Different Behaviours» Maxwell

--------------------H------------------ P------E------H-------W------
---------W-----L------------S-----V------------O----- A------------

STERN : strict, sévère, austère
WILY : rusé, malin
FLINTY : intransigeant
HARSH : sévère, dur
SHY : timide
VAIN : vaniteux
POSH : snob
EGOTISTIC : égotiste (Lien internet

HAUGHTY : hautain
WICKED : méchant

Maxwell faisait remarquer que les mots étaient négatifs … « en choisissant les mots les plus courts parmi une short list des adjectifs du thème choisi, ceux-ci étaient le plus souvent à connotation négative . Je me demande si ma remarque est pertinente ? Avis des linguistes ? » (Puis-je me classer dans la catégorie des « linguistes » ??? )
Quelques remarques … Rien ne t’obligeait à te limiter à des adjectifs … Tu pouvais introduire des verbes à l’infinitif et des noms … Ensuite en cherchant un peu, on pouvait trouver à la fois des adjectifs négatifs et d’autres très « positifs » (caring/ good/ sober/ kind/ wise/…) Donc je pense que c’est une question de choix personnel de mots … Dans tous les cas, cet exercice n’était pas facile du tout … Un grand MERCI Maxwell !
Lien internet

Je compte sur vous pour le « Follow-up Work »… (Le texte est couvert en entier. Il reste le texte à trous … qui a posé quelques problèmes … ) Merci encore pour tout. Le RYB 55 vous attend !

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help/54 de magie8, postée le 28-09-2019 à 01:00:33 (S | E)
Une femme Britannique qui a rempli sa maison et celle de sa mère avec des hérissons secourus dit qu'elle ne peut plus en prendre.
Durant les cinq dernières années,elle a soigné ces animaux piquants,afin qu'ils retrouvent la santé.
Elle disait qu'elle s'occupait actuellement de 80 hérissons et qu'elle avait atteint sa limite.Ceci à la suite d' un pic de nouveaux arrivants en raison du temps chaud et d'une mystérieuse maladie affectant les jeunes hérissons.
La femme disait que son opération de sauvetage avait commencé il y a cinq ans quand sa mère trouva un hérisson infesté d'asticots et que aucun refuge existant n'avait d'espace.

Modifié par magie8 le 28-09-2019 14:01

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help/54 de chocolatcitron, postée le 28-09-2019 à 02:42:12 (S | E)
Hello dear friends !

Here :
Je remets ton premier lien cassé qui ne s'ouvre que sur une page blanche… Le reste est parfait !
Merci pour ta correction et ton point de vue exprimés sur le forum RYB 53, suite à mon analyse et à mes propositions, pour essayer de booster les volontaires pour ce travail essentiel qui permet de se pencher sur ses propres erreurs, et de les corriger.
Lien internet

Comme promis dans mon précédent poste, je traduis l'exercice II en entier : personnellement j'ai adoré y travailler, ce thème de la nature m'étant un thème essentiel !

Merci pour les différents liens très utiles, non trouvés, concernant l'abacus de Maxwell : cela m'aurait épargné pas mal d'heures de travail, mal à l'aise pour chercher avec pertinence sur Internet. Chacun a ses failles. Nobody is perfect...

Here is my work: FINISHED !
How to help hedgehogs in your garden:

Leave areas of your garden "wild" with piles of leaf litter and logs
Purchase a purpose-built hedgehog home from a garden centre.
Leave out fresh water and tinned dog or cat food (not fish-based).
Cover drains and holes, and place bricks at the side of ponds to give hedgehogs an easy route out.
Check for hedgehogs before using strimmers and mowers.
Consider a natural alternative to slug pellets as these can poison hedgehogs.
Source: RSPCA

Comment aider les hérissons dans votre jardin ?

Laisser des zones/coins de jardin sauvage, avec des tas de litières de feuilles et des bûches/rondins/branchages.
Acheter une cabane/un abri déjà construit qui servira de maison aux hérissons dans une jardinerie.
Laissez de l'eau fraîche et de la pâtée pour chats ou chiens (sauf à base de poissons).
Couvrez les évacuations des canalisations et les trous, et posez des briques sur le bord des bassins, afin de faciliter la sortie des hérissons.
Vérifiez bien de ne pas avoir de hérissons avant d'utiliser la débroussailleuse ou la tondeuse.
Utilisez une alternative naturelle au lieu d'anti-limaces, car ces produits empoisonnent les hérissons.
Sources la SPA Britannique.

Très facile à comprendre, mais moins aisé à rendre en français. J'ai privilégié le sens plutôt que la conformité grammaticale des mots anglais aux mots français.

à Maggie8, Icare29 et Maxwell, valeureux volontaires pour terminer cette correction commune !!! You are great !
Have a very sweet Week !
See you soon !

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help/54 de icare29, postée le 28-09-2019 à 12:07:30 (S | E)
Hello everyone : As promised Here is my proposal about translation part II

How to help hedgehogs in your garden?
Leave areas of your garden "wild" with piles of leaf litter and logs
Purchase a purpose-built hedgehog home from a garden cent
Leave out fresh water and tinned dog or cat food (not fish-based
Cover drains and holes, and place bricks at the side of ponds to give hedgehogs an easy route out
Check for hedgehogs before using strimmers and mowers
Consider a natural alternative to slug pellets as these can poison hedgehogs

Comment aider les hérissons dans votre jardin ?
Laisser à l'intérieur de votre jardin des zones sauvages avec des tas de feuilles mortes et de déchets végétaux ...
Acheter dans un magasin de jardinerie un abri spécialement conçu pour hérissons...
Mettre à l'écart dans un endroit protègé de l'eau douce dans de petits récipients et de la nourriture pour chien ou pour chat (seulement à base de poisson )...
Recouvrir les canalisations ainsi que les éventuels trous et placer des briques sur les côtés de la mare pour permettre aux hérissons un déplacement plus facile ...
Vérifier que les hérissons sont bien en sécurité avant d'utiliser les tondeuses à gazon ou les débroussailleurs..
Utiliser en priorité les produits naturels au détriment des produits anti -limaces du commerce qui peuvent empoisonner les hérissons... .

Dear friends I wish you a nice Saturday .

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help/54 de maxwell, postée le 28-09-2019 à 12:32:09 (S | E)
Hello! Ah! Icare, j'ai cru que tu choisissais la 2ème partie de Help my student Du coup, un volontaire est demandé

Luckily, we seem to have found a treatment that's working but it's still unknown what's causing it."
Last year a report suggested UK hedgehog numbers had fallen by about 50% since the turn of the century.
The woman, who runs the rescue operation by herself but calls on the help of volunteers to foster hedgehogs before they're released back into the wild, said she hoped to move her operation into a rented space in the long term. She insisted she had no problems telling each of her hedgehog patients apart. "They've all got their own little look - different colours, sizes. Sometimes it's the way they walk and their little personality shining through. Each one is different."

Heureusement, il semble que nous ayons trouvé un traitement qui marche mais personne ne connaît la cause."
L'année dernière, un rapport tendait à démontrer que le nombre de hérissons au Royaume-Uni avait diminué de près de 50% depuis le début du siècle.
La femme, qui dirige toute seule l'opération de sauvetage mais invoque l'aide de volontaires pour accueillir des hérissons avant qu'ils ne soient relâchés dans la nature, dit qu'elle espérait transférer son activité dans un espace loué, sur le long terme. Elle soutint qu'elle n'avait aucun problème pour distinguer chacun de ses patients hérisson. "Ils ont tous une apparence physique qui leur est propre - une couleur différente, une taille différente. Parfois, c'est la façon dont ils marchent et un petit trait de leur caractère qui transparaît. Chacun est différent."

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help/54 de magie8, postée le 28-09-2019 à 14:56:46 (S | E)
bonjour , suite partie2 du texte1 moi aussi j'avais compris que c'était la part que Icare voulait faire puisque l'exerciceII était assuré/ jE Continue un morceau de la partie 2

Un vétérinaire local lui montra comment aider ces animaux à retrouver une bonne santé et quand elle posta cela sur les réseaux sociaux, beaucoup de gens commencèrent à lui apporter des hérissons pour qu'elle s'en occupe.
Sa maison abrite maintenant des douzaines de porcs et porcelets et elle utilise la maison de sa mère dans un village voisin comme unité de soins intensif improvisé.

désolée je dois arréter. je ne peux pas faire plus si quelqu'un peut me relayer merci

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help/54 de here4u, postée le 28-09-2019 à 23:26:03 (S | E)

Voici votre "Follow-up Work:

I. Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger ! (en majuscules !)

Woman with house full of hedgehogs says 'no more' : 28 August 2019
A British woman who has filled both her and her mother's home with rescued hedgehogs says she cannot take in any more.
She has been nursing the spiky animals back to health for the past five years.
She said she was currently caring for about 80 hedgehogs and had reached her limit. This follows a spike in new arrivals due to the hot weather and a mystery illness affecting young hedgehogs.
The woman said her rescue operation started five years ago when her mother found a maggot-infested(7) hedgehog and no existing sanctuaries had space.

Une femme à la maison pleine de hérissons dit qu'elle ne peut plus en prendre.
Une Britannique qui a rempli sa maison et celle de sa mère de hérissons recueillis dit qu'elle ne peut plus en prendre.
Ces cinq dernières années, elle a soigné les animaux piquants afin qu'ils retrouvent la santé.
Elle a dit qu'elle s'occupait actuellement de 80 hérissons et qu'elle avait atteint sa limite. Ceci à la suite d'un pic de nouveaux arrivants en raison de la chaleur et d'une mystérieuse maladie touchant les jeunes hérissons.
La femme a dit que son opération de sauvetage avait commencé il y a cinq ans quand sa mère a trouvé un hérisson infesté d'asticots et qu'aucun refuge existant n'avait de place.
Un grand merci, magie! et

A local vet showed her how to help the animal return to full fitness and when she posted about it on social networks, more people began bringing her sick hedgehogs to care for.
Her house is now home to dozens of recuperating hogs and hoglets, and she uses her mother's house in a neighbouring village as a makeshift intensive care unit. She said the mystery illness killing young hedgehogs had left her and wildlife experts scratching their heads. "There are lots of tests being carried out but it's happening all over the country and in France too," she said. "There aren't many warning signs but it's all hands on deck when it hits.

Un vétérinaire local lui montra comment aider l'animal à retrouver une bonne santé et quand elle posta cela sur les réseaux sociaux, beaucoup de gens commencèrent à lui apporter des hérissons malades à soigner.
Sa maison abrite maintenant des douzaines de porcs et porcelet hérissons et de petits en train de se rétablir et elle utilise la maison de sa mère dans un village voisin comme unité de soins intensifs improvisée. Elle a dit que la mystérieuse maladie qui tuait les jeunes hérissons l'avait laissée perplexe ...

Merci encore, magie! Bravo!
Elle dit que la mystérieuse maladie tuant les jeunes hérissons l'avait laissée perplexe, ainsi que les experts de la faune sauvage. "Beaucoup de tests sont effectués, mais cela se produit dans tout le pays et en France aussi." dit-elle. " Il n'y a pas beaucoup de signes précurseurs mais quand cela frappe, c'est la mobilisation générale."
Un grand MERCI, Maxwell! Bravo!

Il faut bien traduire "recuperating" non ? OUI! Bien sûr!
hogs and hoglets = hérissons et petits ? hog est-il le petit du hérisson ? Trop drôle, Maxwell ! Alors, la citadine, spécialiste en "hedge hogs" que je suis te demande, comme toujours, de ne pas faire du mot à mot ...
En anglais, il se trouve qu'un "hérisson" est un "hedge hog", c'est à dire un "hog" (cochon/ porc ?) qui vit dans les haies ... Alors, il n'est pas rose comme un cochon, n'a pas, (je présume... ) la queue en tire-bouchon, mais en anglais, c'est quand même un "hog", avec un petit qui sera un "hoglet" (comme un piglet !) mais il sera quand même "hérisson" pour les Français ! Désolée !
Pour la peine, j'ai cherché (et sais maintenant plein de choses) sur les "hedge-hogs mais ne vais pas vous les infliger ... Si ça vous intéresse, cherchez "All you need to know about hedge hogs" ... très intéressant !
"J'avais corrigé mystery en mysterious car pour moi, on attendait un adjectif. Mystery est quand même bon ? Là, je n'ai pas compris. Où alors, en mot à mot, c'est "la maladie à mystère ?", un substantif adjectivisé ? C'est la "maladie mystère", mais j'ai quand même le droit de faire une transposition (changer la nature du mot tout en gardant le sens ...), non ?

Luckily, we seem to have found a treatment that's working but it's still unknown what's causing it."
Last year a report suggested UK hedgehog numbers had fallen by about 50% since the turn of the century.
The woman, who runs the rescue operation by herself but calls on the help of volunteers to foster hedgehogs before they're released back into the wild, said she hoped to move her operation into a rented space in the long term. She insisted she had no problems telling each of her hedgehog patients apart. "They've all got their own little look - different colours, sizes. Sometimes it's the way they walk and their little personality shining through. Each one is different."

Heureusement, il semble que nous ayons trouvé un traitement qui marche mais personne ne connaît la cause du mal."
L'année dernière, un rapport tendait à démontrer que le nombre de hérissons au Royaume-Uni avait diminué de près de 50% depuis le début du siècle.
La femme, qui dirige seule l'opération de sauvetage mais demande l'aide de volontaires pour accueillir des hérissons avant qu'ils ne soient relâchés dans la nature, dit qu'elle espérait transférer son activité dans un espace loué, sur le long terme. Elle soutint qu'elle n'avait aucun problème pour distinguer chacun de ses patients hérisson. "Ils ont tous une apparence physique qui leur est propre - une couleur différente, une taille différente. Parfois, c'est la façon dont ils marchent et un petit trait de leur caractère qui transparaît. Chacun est différent."
Merci Maxwell, et BRAVO!

II. FILL IN THE BLANKS: in this text, a few words (10) have been deleted… Can you try to guess the missing words… (Of course, there are several «right possibilities»… Yet, you’re required to choose the most satisfactory ones, fitting the situation and tone of the text.)

How to help hedgehogs in your garden:
Leave areas of your garden "wild" with piles of leaf litter and logs
Purchase a purpose-built hedgehog home from a garden centre.
Leave out fresh water and tinned dog or cat food (not fish-based).
Cover drains and holes, and place bricks at the side of ponds to give hedgehogs an easy route out.
Check for hedgehogs before using strimmers and mowers.
Consider a natural alternative to slug pellets as these can poison hedgehogs.
Source: RSPCA

Choco's translation:
Comment aider les hérissons dans votre jardin ?
Laisser des zones/coins de jardin sauvage, avec des petits tas de feuilles mortes et des bûches/rondins/branchages.
Acheter un abri spécial hérissons dans une jardinerie.
Laissez de l'eau fraîche et de la pâtée pour chats ou chiens (sauf à base de poissons).
Couvrez les évacuations des canalisations et les trous, et posez des briques sur le bord des bassins, afin de faciliter la sortie des hérissons.
Vérifiez bien l'absence de hérissons avant d'utiliser la débroussailleuse ou la tondeuse.
Utilisez une alternative naturelle au lieu d'anti-limaces, car ces produits empoisonnent les hérissons.
Sources la SPA Britannique.
Merci Choco et Bravo!

Icare's translation:
Comment aider les hérissons dans votre jardin ?
Laisser à l'intérieur de votre jardin des zones sauvages avec des tas de feuilles mortes et de déchets végétaux ...
Acheter dans une jardinerie un abri spécialement conçu pour hérissons ...
Mettre à l'écart dans un endroit protégé de l'eau douce dans de petits récipients et de la nourriture pour chien ou pour chat (seulement pas à base de poisson )...
Recouvrir les canalisations ainsi que les éventuels trous et placer des briques sur les côtés des mares pour permettre aux hérissons un déplacement d'en sortir plus facilement ...
Vérifier que les hérissons sont bien en sécurité avant d'utiliser les tondeuses à gazon ou les débroussailleurs..
Utiliser en priorité les produits naturels au détriment des produits anti -limaces du commerce qui peuvent empoisonner les hérissons...
Merci Icare et Bravo!

Un grand MERCI à vous quatre.

Lien internet

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help/54 de maxwell, postée le 29-09-2019 à 11:45:14 (S | E)
Je prends la partie manquante et j'en profite pour poser des questions

A local vet showed her how to help the animal return to full fitness and when she posted about it on social networks, more people began bringing her sick hedgehogs to care for.
Her house is now home to dozens of recuperating hogs and hoglets, and she uses her mother's house in a neighbouring village as a makeshift intensive care unit. She said the mystery illness killing young hedgehogs had left her and wildlife experts scratching their heads. "There are lots of tests being carried out but it's happening all over the country and in France too," she said. "There aren't many warning signs but it's all hands on deck when it hits.

Un vétérinaire local lui montra comment aider l'animal à recouvrer une bonne santé et quand elle posta cela sur les réseaux sociaux, davantage de gens commencèrent à lui apporter des hérissons malades à soigner.
Sa maison abrite maintenant des douzaines de hérissons et de petits en train de se rétablir et elle utilise la maison de sa mère dans un village voisin comme unité de soins intensifs improvisée. Elle dit que la mystérieuse maladie tuant les jeunes hérissons l'avait laissée ainsi que les experts de la faune sauvage perplexes. "Il y a plein de tests qui sont effectués mais cela se produit dans tout le pays et en France aussi." dit-elle. " Il n'y a pas beaucoup de signes précurseurs mais quand cela frappe, c'est la mobilisation générale.

Il faut bien traduire "recuperating" non ?
hogs and hoglets = hérissons et petits ? hog est-il le petit du hérisson ?
J'avais corrigé mystery en mysterious car pour moi, on attendait un adjectif. Mystery est quand même bon ? Là, je n'ai pas compris. Où alors, en mot à mot, c'est "la maladie à mystère ?", un substantif adjectivisé ?

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help/54 de here4u, postée le 29-09-2019 à 14:31:30 (S | E)
Hello, Maxwell!

J'ai répondu à tes inquiétudes et questions dans le post de correction du Follow up Work. (above!)


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