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Rack your Brains and Help/ 51

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Rack your Brains and Help/ 51
Message de here4u posté le 26-07-2019 à 16:57:43 (S | E | F)
Hello, dearest Friends and workers!

Voici votre exercice de vacances caniculaires. 😥 ☀️ Tout le monde souffre ou a souffert de cette chaleur étouffante qui envahit nos villes (et aussi nos campagnes !). Cela m’a naturellement amenée à évoquer l’horreur des transports en commun – non climatisés ici, et ce à quoi nous sommes quotidiennement confrontés … Sujet à la fois « lourd » et « léger » … Vous penserez à ces documents en marchant plutôt que de devoir affronter cette épreuve que nous connaissons (presque) tous ! (Bien sûr, je me garderai bien de généraliser et suis persuadée que le phénomène sera une nouveauté pour nos participants ! 😀 )

Pas de "légèreté" dans le nombre des exercices … mais vous avez, comme toujours la possibilité de n’en faire qu’une partie !
Tel qu'il est, c’est un . Si tout se déroule correctement avec l’Internet que je vais avoir pendant cette période, la correction sera en ligne le dimanche 11 août, tard.

I.Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger ! (en majuscules !) (les fautes répétées ne comptent, bien sûr, qu’une fois … )
Recently the city of Madrid has taken measures to limit “Manspreading” in public transportation. Manspreading is the colloquial term for the “Seated Crotch Display” wherein a person (almost ever a man) sits with the legs wide spread— thus exposing his crotch. The feet are most frequently positioned sole-downward and the elbows are often protruding laterally in a “maximum place mode”. In a bus, subway, plane, or in other public areas — manspreading is done at the expence — often dramatically — of those seated adjacently.
In crowded public situations, we typically suspend our personal place (intimate place) norms which would never apply to other scenarios. For example, we may touch shoulders, elbows, and upper arms of those sitting near to us on a crowded airplane, because we have no choice and the idea of shared place takes over. But everyone does not observe this in equal fashion. Many men will often default into a manspreading configuration. And while it’s certainly no excuse, some men will go a lifetime without realizing what they’re doing makes those sat near to them emotionally (and physically) very uncomfortable. Why do men do this? There are several reasons. In a public setting, it’s a mode of affirming dominance — very much akin to young male gorillas beating on their chests. Manspreading in these crowded settings is a type of alpha/hyper-alpha, and often narcissist behavior. Men who manspread frequently very likely have low empathy quotients.

II. FILL IN THE BLANKS : in this text, a few words (10) have been deleted… Can you try to guess the missing words… (Of course, there are several «right possibilities»… Yet, you’re required to choose the most satisfactory ones, fitting the situation and tone of the text.)

Decided to protest against manspreading, a Russian woman and her friends filled bottles with … (1) and bleach. They dumped the bottles on men that sat … (2) on public transportation. The video has been viewed more than 1.3 million times since Anna … (3) the video yesterday.
The video follows women on subways. They are seen dumping water bottles on men sitting with their legs spread wide. All the men appear not to pay attention to the space they take up and seem … (4) to people around them. As the women … (5) the subway, they dump the mix of bleach and (1) on the crotch of the men.
Naturally, the men get agitated and … (6) about having water dumped on their … (7). However, the women believe they have accomplished their … (8). Anna says the bleach leaves a … (9) in the fabric of the pants. The dye is evident to anyone that walks by and serves as a … (10) to the men of their bad behavior.

III. ABACUS: slide the abacus beads (letters) along the wires (lines) to form 10 related words (belonging to the same theme) reading down. (The beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another!)
Work well! You'll soon realize that this is no game! . The theme is "FEMINISM".

1 |------A---------O------------G-----------------R--------------------M------------------------|
2 |------P----------L------------E------------------S---------------------S---------------------|
3 |-------V-----------P-----------A----------------I--------------C----------------U------------|
4 |--------R-----------S-----------Q----------------G-------------------F-----------------------|
5 |-------B------------P-----------S---------------U-------------H----------------F-------------|
6 |-------O----------O------------R---------------C---------------T----------------R------------|
7 |-------U----------E----------E----------------A----------------A---------------L-------------|
8 |--------T---------S-----------I---------------S------------------G---------------U-----------|
9 |--------T----------S--------------L-------------------L ----------------E--------------------|
10 |-------S----------E------------I-------------I-----------P-------------T------------T-------|
11 |-------E---------------S------------O-----------------N--------------------T----------------|
12 |--------E--------------T-------------N-------------------G------------------E---------------|

Please, write your ten words underneath and translate them.

I give you THE FORCE, and as ever, I'm expecting YOUR BEST.

Réponse : Rack your Brains and Help/ 51 de maxwell, postée le 27-07-2019 à 21:31:50 (S | E)
Hello Here4U!
Are you sure our student made 20 mistakes! Oh my! I'm only sure of 8 of them! That was a exercise!

I) Help my student:

Recently[,] the city of Madrid has taken measures to limit “Manspreading” in public TRANSPORT. Manspreading is the colloquial term for the “Seated Crotch Display” wherein a person (almost ever a man) sits with HIS legs wide spread— thus exposing his crotch.
The feet are most frequently positioned sole-downward and the elbows are often protruding laterally in a “maximum place mode”.
ON a bus, UNDERGROUND, plane, or in other public areas — manspreading is done at the EXPENSE — often dramatically — of those seated adjacently.
In crowded public situations, we typically suspend our personal place (intimate place) norms which would never apply to other scenarios.
For example, we may touch shoulders, elbows, and upper arms of those sitting NEXT to us on a crowded airplane, because we have no choice and the idea of SHARING place takes over.
Many men will often default into a manspreading configuration.
And while it’s certainly no excuse, some men will go a lifetime without REALISING THAT what they’re doing makes those SITTING NEXT to them FEEL emotionally (and physically) very uncomfortable.
Why ARE MEN DOING this? There are several reasons.
In a public setting, it’s a mode of affirming dominance — very much akin to young male gorillas beating on their chests.
Manspreading in these crowded settings is a type of alpha/hyper-alpha, and often NARCISSISTIC BEHAVIOUR. Men who manspread frequently very likely have low empathy quotients.

II) Fill in the blanks:
Decided to protest against manspreading, a Russian woman and her friends filled bottles with DYE (1) and bleach. They dumped the bottles on men that sat MANSPREADING (2) on public transportation. The video has been viewed more than 1.3 million times since Anna POSTED (3) the video yesterday.
The video follows women on subways. They are seen dumping water bottles on men sitting with their legs spread wide. All the men appear not to pay attention to the space they take up and seem INDIFFERENT (4) to people around them. As the women TAKE (5) the subway, they dump the mix of bleach and DYE (1) on the crotch of the men.
Naturally, the men get agitated and COMPLAIN (6) about having water dumped on their CROTCHES (7). However, the women believe they have accomplished their DUTY (8). Anna says the bleach leaves a SHADE (9) in the fabric of the pants. The dye is evident to anyone that walks by and serves as a TESTIMONY (10) to the men of their bad behavior.

III) Abacus:

01 |-A--------------------O------G-----------------R-------M--------------------|
02 |--------------P--------------L-------E----------------------S-------S-------|
03 |--------V-------------P------A-----------------I-------C----U---------------|
04 |--------------R--------------S-------Q---------G------------F---------------|
05 |-B--------------------P------S-------U---------H------------F---------------|
06 |--------O-----O-------R------C-----------------T------------R---------------|
07 |-U--------------------E------E-------A----------------------A-------L-------|
08 |--------------T-------S------I-----------------S------------G-------U-------|
09 |--------T-------------S------L-------L ---------------------E---------------|
10 |-S------------E-------I------I-------------------------P----T-------T-------|
11 |--------E-----S-------O------N------------------------------T---------------|
12 |-E------------T-------N------G------------------------------E---------------|

ABUSE : maltraitance
VOTE : vote
PROTEST : manifestation
OPPRESSION : oppression
GLASS CEILING : plafond de verre (plafonnement à l'ascension socio-professionnelle)
EQUAL : égal ; égaler ; équitable
RIGHTS = droits
MCP : Male chauvinist pig = phallocrate
SUFFRAGETTE = suffragette (féministe britannique)
SLUT = prostituée

Réponse : Rack your Brains and Help/ 51 de taiji43, postée le 29-07-2019 à 15:54:09 (S | E)
Hello here4u
Thank you for this new rack your brain (actually, it's the case)
Really not easy at all : sat,seated ,sitting
I am afraid, I have added mistakes

Recently the city of Madrid has taken measures to limit “Manspreading” ON public transportation. Manspreading is the colloquial term for the “Seated Crotch Display” wherein a person (almost ALWAYS a man) SITTING (assis) with HIS legs WIDE OPEN— thus exposing his crotch.
The feet are most frequently positioned sole-downward and the elbows are often protruding laterally in a “maximum place mode”.
ON a bus, subway, plane, or in ANOTHER public areas — manspreading is MADE at the EXPENSE— often dramatically — of those SITTING NEXT TO THEM
In crowded public situations, we typically suspend our personal place (intimate place) norms which SHOULD never apply to other scenarios.
For example, we may touch shoulders, elbows, and upper arms of those sitting NEXT to us on a crowded airplane, because we have no choice and the idea of shared place TAKEOVER, But everyone does not observe this ON equal fashion.
Many men will often default TO a manspreading configuration. And ALTHOUGH it’s certainly NOT AN excuse, some men will SPEND THEIR LIVES without REALISING what they’re doing makes those SITTING NEXT to them emotionally (and physically) very uncomfortable.
Why ARE men DOING this? There are several reasons. In a public setting, it’s a mode of affirming dominance — very much akin to young male gorillas beating on their chests. Manspreading in these crowded settings is a type of alpha/hyper-alpha, and often NARCISSITIC(adj, narcissique) BEHAVIOUR (brit).
Men who manspread frequently MOST likely have low empathy quotients.


Decided to protest against manspreading, a Russian woman and her friends filled bottles with WATER… (1) and bleach. They dumped the bottles on men that sat SPRAWLING… (2) on public transportation. The video has been viewed more than 1.3 million times since Anna STICKED UP… (3) the video yesterday.
The video follows women on subways. They are seen dumping water bottles on men sitting with their legs spread wide. All the men appear not to pay attention to the space they take up and seem TO IGNORE… (4) to people around them. As the women GET ON… (5) the subway, they dump the mix of bleach and (1)WATER on the crotch of the men.
Naturally, the men get agitated and FURIOUS… (6) about having water dumped on their TROUSERS… (7). However, the women believe they have accomplished their DUTY… (8). Anna says the bleach leaves a STAIN… (9) in the fabric of the pants. The dye is evident to anyone that walks by and serves as a TESTIMONY… (10) to the men of their bad behavior.


Sorry, I can't find the other words quickly so I give up and I am going to start your 161 test

|-E-----------T---------N------- ---------------------------------

ABUSE:maltraitance, abus sexuel, sévices


PROTEST : protestation, manifestation

Modifié par taiji43 le 30-07-2019 17:57

Réponse : Rack your Brains and Help/ 51 de magie8, postée le 30-07-2019 à 10:40:33 (S | E)
hello bonjour ,
bonnes vacances à tous farniente et baignade randonnées lecture visite de châteaux et musées sans oublier de faire les exercices de here4u.

Recently the city of Madrid has taken measures to limit “Manspreading” ON ITS public transportation'US' TRANSPORT'UK'. Manspreading is the colloquial term for the “Seated Crotch Display” wherein a person (almost ever a man) sits with HIS legs wide spread—or APART thus exposing his crotch. The feet are most frequently positioned sole-downward and the elbows are often protruding laterally in a “maximum place mode”. In a bus, subway,'US' UNDERGROUND'UK' plane, or ON OTHERS public areas — manspreading is done at the EXPENSE or TO THE DETRIMENT — often dramatically — of those SITTING adjacently.
In crowded public situations, we typically suspend our personal place (intimate place) norms which would never apply to OTHERS scenarios. For example, we may touch shoulders, elbows, and upper arms of those sitting NEXT to us on a crowded airplane, because we have no choice and the idea of SHARING place takes over. But everyone does not observe this ON equal fashion. Many men will often default into a manspreading configuration. And while it’s certainly no excuse, some men will go a lifetime without realizing'US'REALISING'UK' what they’re doing makes those SITTING NEXT to them emotionally (and physically) very uncomfortable. Why ARE men doING thAT? There are several reasons. In a public setting, it’s a mode of affirming dominance — very much akin to young male gorillas beating on their chests. Manspreading in these crowded settings is a type of alpha/hyper-alpha, and often NARCISSISTIC behavior'US'BEHAVIOUR'UK'. Men who manspread frequently very likely have low empathy quotients.

j'ai laissé les mots américains qui ne sont pas faux puisque le texte est cohérent ainsi , mais comme tu préfères la version en anglaise je l'ai ajoutée.

II. FILL IN THE BLANKS : in this text, a few words (10) have been deleted… Can you try to guess the missing words… (Of course, there are several «right possibilities»… Yet, you’re required to choose the most satisfactory ones, fitting the situation and tone of the text.)

Decided to protest against manspreading, a Russian woman and her friends filled bottles with WATER… (1) and bleach. They dumped the bottles on men that sat SPREADING… (2) on public transportation. The video has been viewed more than 1.3 million times since Anna POSTED… (3) the video yesterday.
The video follows women on subways. They are seen dumping water bottles on men sitting with their legs spread wide. All the men appear not to pay attention to the space they take up and seem INDIFFERENT… (4) to people around them. As the women TAKE… (5) the subway, they dump the mix of bleach and WATER (1) on the crotch of the men.
Naturally, the men get agitated and GRUMBLED… (6) about having water dumped on their CROTCHES… (7). However, the women believe they have accomplished their WISHES… (8). Anna says the bleach leaves a SPOT… or STAIN (9) in the fabric of the pants. The dye is evident to anyone that walks by and serves as a PROOF… (10) to the men of their bad behavior.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-07-2019 11:02
Bug couleur réparé

Modifié par magie8 le 01-08-2019 10:22

Réponse : Rack your Brains and Help/ 51 de icare29, postée le 07-08-2019 à 10:53:11 (S | E)
Hello Here4u ,and all hard workers ,here is my work OK FOR CORRECTION

Recently the city of Madrid has taken measures to limit "Manspreading" in public transportation. Manspreading is the colloquial term for the "Seated Crotch Display" wherein a person (almost ALWAYS a man) sits with THEIR legs wide spread thus exposing THEIR CROTCHES

The feet are most frequently positioned sole-downward and the elbows are often protruding laterally in maximum place mode. In a bus, subway, plane, or in other public areas manspreading is MADE at the EXPENSE , often dramatically , of those SEATED NEAR TO THEM.

In crowded public situations, we typically suspend our personal SEAT (intimate SEAT) norms which would never apply to other scenarios. For example, we may touch shoulders, elbows, and upper arms of those SEATED near to us on a crowded airplane, because we have no choice and the idea FOR SHARING SEATS takes over.

But NOT everyone OBSERVES this ON equal fashion. Many men will often default ON a manspreading configuration. And ALTHOUGH it's certainly no excuse, some men will SPEND THEIR lifetime without realizing what they're doing makes those SEATED near to them emotionally (and physically) very uncomfortable.

Why ARE MEN DOING THAT?. There are several reasons. ABOUT public SEATS, it's a mode of affirming dominance ? very much ARE akin to young male gorillas beating on their chests. Manspreading in these crowded SEATS is a type of alpha/hyper-alpha, and often NARCISSISTIC BEHAVIOUR. Men who FREQUENTLY manspread HAVE very likely low empathy QUOTIENT


Decided to protest against manspreading, a Russian woman and her friends filled bottles with DYED WATER? (1) and bleach. They dumped the bottles on men that sat MANSPREADING(2) on public transportation. The video has been viewed more than 1.3 million times since Anna POSTED (3) the video yesterday.
The video follows women on subways. They are seen dumping water bottles on men sitting with their legs spread wide. All the men appear not to pay attention to the space they take up and seem INDIFFERENT(4) to people around them. As the women TRAVEL IN (5) the subway, they dump the mix of bleach and DYED WATER (1) on the crotch of the men.
Naturally, the men get agitated and LODGE A COMPLAINT (6) about having water dumped on their CLOTHES (7). However, the women believe they have accomplished their DUTY (8). Anna says the bleach leaves a SPOT (9) in the fabric of the pants. The dye is evident to anyone that walks by and serves as a PIECE OF EVIDENCE(10) to the men of their bad behavior.

Thanks a lot for your interesting exercise
Nota : je n'ai pas corrigé les mots américains se trouvant dans le texte en les considérant comme bons

Réponse : Rack your Brains and Help/ 51 de alpiem, postée le 07-08-2019 à 14:11:13 (S | E)

I.Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger ! (en majuscules !) (les fautes

répétées ne comptent, bien sûr, qu'une fois ? )

Recently the city of Madrid has taken measures to limit ?Manspreading? in public transportS.

Manspreading is the colloquial term for the ?Seated Crotch Display? WHEN a person (almost ALWAYS a man)

sits with the legs wide spread? thus exposing his crotch. (X) Feet are most frequently positioned sole-

downwardS and (X) elbows are often protruding laterally in a ?maximum place mode?. In a bus, subway,

plane, or in other public areas manspreading is done at the expenSE ? often dramatically ? of those

seated adjacently.

In crowded public situations, we typically suspend our personal place (intimate place) norms which would

never apply to other scenarios. For example, we may touch THE shoulders, elbows, and upper arms of those

sitting near to us on a crowded airplane, because we have no choice and the idea of sharING place takes

over. But everyone does not observe this in equal fashion. Many men will often default into a

manspreading configuration. And while it's certainly no excuse, some men will go a lifetime without

realizing what they're doing makes those sat near to them emotionally (and physically) very

uncomfortable. Why do men do this? There are several reasons. In a public setting, it's a mode of

affirming dominance ? very much akin to young maleS gorillas beating on their chests. Manspreading in

these crowded settings is a type of alpha/hyper-alpha, and often narcissist behavioUr. Men who manspread

frequently HAVE very likely low empathy quotients.

II. FILL IN THE BLANKS : in this text, a few words (10) have been deleted? Can you try to guess the missing words? (Of course, there are several «right possibilities»? Yet, you're required to choose the most satisfactory ones, fitting the situation and tone of the text.)

Decided to protest against manspreading, a Russian woman and her friends filled bottles with WATER? (1) and bleach. They dumped the bottles on men that sat MANSPREADING? (2) on public transportation. The video has been viewed more than 1.3 million times since Anna VEWED? (3) the video yesterday.
The video follows women on subways. They are seen dumping water bottles on men sitting with their legs spread wide. All the men appear not to pay attention to the space they take up and seem PATRONIZING? (4) to people around them. As the women ?GO THROUGH(5) the subway, they dump the mix of bleach and WATER(1) on the crotch of the men.
Naturally, the men get agitated and ANGRY? (6) about having water dumped on their CROTCH? (7). However, the women believe they have accomplished their DUTY? (8). Anna says the bleach leaves a STAIN? (9) in the fabric of the pants. The dye is evident to anyone that walks by and serves as a PROOF? (10) to the men of their bad behavior.

Modifié par alpiem le 07-08-2019 16:10

Modifié par alpiem le 26-08-2019 10:34

Réponse : Rack your Brains and Help/ 51 de joe39, postée le 09-08-2019 à 19:05:47 (S | E)
Hello dear tourist,
Far ahead in the journey of my life,
I found myself in the dark forest ,
Of your tricky exercise,
From which I was able to disentangle myself,
Thanks to the help of the Bard,
Who accompanied me.
And then coming back to see again the stars,
I send you my sweated work,
Ready to be corrected.

I.Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger ! (en majuscules !) (les fautes répétées ne comptent, bien sûr, qu’une fois … )
Recently the city of Madrid has taken measures to limit “Manspreading” in public transportation. Manspreading is the colloquial term for the “Seated Crotch Display” wherein a person (HARDLY EVER A WOMAN) sits with the legs wide spread— thus exposing his crotch. The feet are most frequently positioned sole-downward and the elbows are often protruding laterally in a “maximum place mode”. ON a bus, subway, plane, or in other public areas — manspreading is done at the EXPENSES — often dramatically — of those seated adjacently.
In crowded public TRANSPORTATION , we typically suspend our personal SPACE (intimate place) norms which would never apply to other SITUATIONS. For example, we may touch shoulders, elbows, and upper arms of those sitting NEXT to us on a crowded airplane, because we have no choice and the idea of shared place takes over. But NOT everyone OBSERVES this ON AN equal fashion. Many men will often default into a manspreading POSE. And while it’s certainly no excuse, some men will go a lifetime without realizing THAT what they’re doing makes those SITTING near to them FEEL emotionally (and physically) very uncomfortable. Why do men do this? There are several reasons. In a public setting, it’s a mode of affirming dominance — very much akin to young male gorillas beating on their chests. Manspreading in these crowded settings is TYPICAL of AN alpha/hyper-alpha MALE, and often A NARCISSISTIC behavior. Men who manspread frequently, very likely have low empathy quotients.

II. FILL IN THE BLANKS : in this text, a few words (10) have been deleted… Can you try to guess the missing words… (Of course, there are several «right possibilities»… Yet, you’re required to choose the most satisfactory ones, fitting the situation and tone of the text.)

Decided to protest against manspreading, a Russian woman and her friends filled bottles with BLEACH—LACED-WATER… (1) and bleach. They dumped the bottles on men that sat “MANSPREADING”… (2) on public transportation. The video has been viewed more than 1.3 million times since Anna POSTED… (3) the video yesterday.
The video follows women on subways. They are seen dumping water bottles on men sitting with their legs spread wide. All the men appear not to pay attention to the space they take up and seem CARELESS… (4) to people around them. As the women GET ON… (5) the subway, they dump the mix of bleach and SPLASHED IT(1) on the crotch of the men.
Naturally, the men get agitated and PROTEST… (6) about having water dumped on their CROTCHES… (7). However, the women believe they have accomplished their MISSION (8). Anna says the bleach leaves a STAIN… (9) in the fabric of the pants. The dye is evident to anyone that walks by and serves as a BADGE (10) to the men of their bad behavior.

Work well! You'll soon realize that this is no game! . The theme is "FEMINISM".

1 |--A---------------O----------G-------------R-----------------M------------------------------

2 |-------------P----------------L---- -E------------------------------------------S-- ----S----|

3 |------V------------P---------A--------------I------------------C---------------U---------|

4 |-------------R----------------S------Q------G----------------------------------F---------|

5 |--B-----------------P--------S-------U-----H---------------------------------- F----------|

6 |-------O-----O-----R--------C--------------T----------------------------------R------|

7 |--U--------------- E---------E------A---------- ----------------------------- A-- L-----

-|8 |-----T------------S---------I-------------S-----------------------------------G- U------

9 |------ --------T-----S---------L------L----------------- --------------- --------E------

|10 |S-----------E----I----------I-------------------------------P------- - ------T--- -T
11 |------E-------S----O---------N------------------------------------------------T--------|

12 |-E------------T----N---------G---------------- --------------------------------E-------|

Please, write your ten words underneath and translate them.

Abuse – mauvaise traitement
Vote – vote, voix
Protest – protestation, manifestation.
Oppression – oppression
Glassceiling – discrimination sexuelle
Equal – égal
Rights – droits
MCP – Phallocrate, machiste, macho
Suffragette – suffragette -surnom donné aux militantes féministes
Américains et Britanniques du début du XXème siècle.
Slut – souillon, catin.

I thank you very much indeed for racking my brain.
In such a nice way.

So long.

Réponse : Rack your Brains and Help/ 51 de chocolatcitron, postée le 10-08-2019 à 00:13:39 (S | E)

Rack your Brains and Help/ 51
Message de here4u posté le
26-07-2019 à 16:57:43
dimanche 11 août, tard.
Hello my dear Here4u! Thanks !

Hi everybody!

Here is my work:
I.Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger ! 
Recently the city of Madrid has taken measures to limit “Manspreading” ON public transportation. Manspreading is the colloquial term for the “Seated Crotch Display” wherein a person (NEARLY ALWAYS a man) sits with HIS legs WIDESPREAD — thus exposing his crotch. HIS feet are most frequently positioned sole-downward and HIS elbows are often protruding laterally in a “maximum FREE SPACE mode”.
ON a bus, TUBE, plane, or in other public areas — manspreading is done at the EXPENSE — often dramatically — of those seated adjacently. In crowded public situations, we typically suspend our personal place (intimate place) norms which would never apply to other SCENARII. For example, we may touch shoulders, elbows, and upper arms of those sitting NEXT to us on a crowded airplane, because we have no choice and the idea of shared place takes over. But NOT everyone […] OBSERVES this ON AN equal BASIS. Many men will often default into a manspreading configuration. And while it’s certainly no excuse, some men will go a lifetime without realizing what they’re doing makes those sat near to them emotionally (and physically) very uncomfortable. Why ARE men DOING this? There are several reasons. In a public setting, it’s a mode of affirming dominance — very much akin to young male gorillas beating on their chests. Manspreading in these crowded settings is a type of alpha/hyper-alpha, and often NARCISSISTIC BEHAVIOUR. Men who FREQUENTLY manspread very likely have low empathy quotients.

: in this text, a few words (10) have been deleted… Can you try to guess the missing words…
Decided to protest against manspreading, a Russian woman and her friends filled bottles with WATER (1) and bleach. They dumped the bottles on men that sat MANSRPREADING (2) on public transportation. The video has been viewed more than 1.3 million times since Anna BROADCAST (3) the video yesterday. The video follows women on subways. They are seen dumping water bottles on men sitting with their legs spread wide. All the men appear not to pay attention to the space they take up and seem INDIFFERENT (4) to people around them. As the women TAKE (5) the subway, they dump the mix of bleach and WATER (1) on the crotch of the men. Naturally, the men get agitated and TAKE OFFENCE (6) about having water dumped on their CROTCHES (7). However, the women believe they have accomplished their FAIR SHARE OF THE WORK…(8). Anna says the bleach leaves a VERY STRONG ODOUR (9) in the fabric of the pants. The dye is evident to anyone that walks by and serves as a TESTIMONY (10) to the men of their bad behavior.

III. ABACUS: slide the abacus beads
(letters) along the wires (lines) to form 10 related words (belonging to the
same theme) reading down. (The beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one
Work well! You'll soon realize that this is no game! . The theme is 'FEMINISM'.

1 |-A------------O---G-------R--M-----------|
2 |----------P--------L---E-----------S---
3 |------V-------P---A-------I—-C---U------|
4 |----------R--------S---Q--G-------F------|
5 |-B------------P---S---U---H------F------|
6 |------O--O---R---C-------T-------R------|
7 |-U------------E---E---A-----------A---L--|
8 |------T-------S---I--------S-------G---U-|
9 |----------T---S---L---L------------E------|
10 |S-------E---I---I-----------P----T----T
11 |E-------S---O---N---------------T-------|
12 |----E---T---N---G---------------E-------|

buse = maltraiter, injurier. Vote = élire, déclarer. Protest =protester contre, déclarer que… Oppression = oppression. Glass ceiling = limites sociales imposées aux femmes = plafond de verre. Equal = égaler. Rights =droits. MCP = phallocrate. Suffragette = féministe britannique = suffragette. Slut = prostituée, garce, salope.

Please, write your ten words underneath and translate them. 

See you soon. Have a great time near the sea !!! Take care of you…

Réponse : Rack your Brains and Help/ 51 de here4u, postée le 10-08-2019 à 09:07:58 (S | E)

Yes, Maxwell was right! I must have been a very demanding teacher or/and counted the repeated mistakes several times... My poor hardworking student didn't make so many mistakes... Sorry if I've made you waste time...
I hope I'll be able to meet tomorrow's deadline... Not sure yet... and still expecting a few of your tries... Come on!

Réponse : Rack your Brains and Help/ 51 de vaiana, postée le 11-08-2019 à 13:02:30 (S | E)
Hello everybody! Let's get started ... I didn't find all the mistakes, this exercise is very difficult...

Recently, the city of Madrid has taken measures to limit “Manspreading” in public transportation. Manspreading is the colloquial term for the “Seated Crotch Display” wherein a person (almost ever a man) sits with the legs WIDELY spread— thus exposing his crotch. The feet are most frequently positioned sole-downward and the elbows are often protruding laterally in a “maximum place mode”. ON a bus, subway, plane, or in other public areas — manspreading is done at the expence — often dramatically — of those seated adjacently.
In crowded public situations, we typically suspend our personal place (intimate place) norms which would never apply to other scenarios. For example, we may touch shoulders, elbows, and upper arms of those sitting near to us on a crowded airplane, because we have no choice and the idea of shared place takes over. But everyone does not observe this in equal fashion. Many men will often default into a manspreading configuration. And while it’s certainly no excuse, some men will go a lifetime without realizing what they’re doing makes those SEATED near to them emotionally (and physically) very uncomfortable. Why do men do this? There are several reasons. In a public setting, it’s a mode of affirming dominance — very much akin to young male gorillas beating on their chests. Manspreading in these crowded settings is a type of alpha/hyper-alpha, and often NARCISSISTIC behavior. Men who manspread frequently very likely have low empathy quotients.

Réponse : Rack your Brains and Help/ 51 de here4u, postée le 11-08-2019 à 23:21:23 (S | E)
Hello, dear Friends,

Yes, Sorry, it was difficult again ... especially as I cannot count and had announced a lot more mistakes than there were... I hope you didn't waste too much time trying to discover the missing mistakes that my "not-so-bad" student hadn't made...

I'll need a lot of VOLUNTEERS for the "follow-up work" (seven, in fact... It would be GREAT🏆👍 if all of you - and even new Friends - could contribute a little! Please, "volunteer" asap...

I.Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger ! (en majuscules !) (les fautes répétées ne comptent, bien sûr, qu’une fois … ) (That's where I must have miscalculated...)

Recently the city of Madrid has taken measures to limit “Manspreading” on (1) public transportation. Manspreading is the colloquial term for the “Seated Crotch Display” wherein a person (almost always (2) a man) sits with his (3) legs spread wide (4) — thus exposing his crotch. The feet are most frequently positioned sole-downward and the elbows are often protruding laterally in a “maximum space (5) mode”./// END OF PART 1 /// On a bus, subway, plane, or in other public areas — manspreading is done at the expense (6) — often dramatically — of those seated adjacently.
In crowded public situations, we typically suspend our personal space (intimate space) norms which would never apply to other scenarios. For example, we may touch shoulders, elbows, and upper arms of those sitting next to us (7) on a crowded airplane, because we have no choice and the idea of shared space takes over.///END OF PART 2/// But not everyone observes (8) this in equal fashion. Many men will often default into a manspreading configuration. And while it’s certainly no excuse, some men will go a lifetime without realizing what they’re doing makes those seated (9) next to them emotionally (and physically) very uncomfortable. Why do men do this? There are several reasons. ///END OF PART 3///In a public setting, it’s a mode of asserting (10) dominance — very much akin to young male gorillas beating on their chests. Manspreading in these crowded settings is a type of alpha/hyper-alpha, and often narcissistic (11)behavior. Men who manspread (=the verb) frequently very likely have low empathy quotients. /// END OF DOCUMENT///(Not so easy...)

To spread, I spread, spread
Manspreading= gerund//=> to manspread= verb
(1) on public transportation= ON, not « in ». Pareil pour «on a bus». Attention ! « Les transports » = «transport»– mainly uncountable) in and «transportation» in .
(2) « almost always »= presque toujours ; hardly ever= presque jamais !
(3) « his » because the person has been specified as « a man ».
(4) To spread (spread, spread) wide – widespread= étendu, répandu, généralisé.
(5) « space » = l’espace, la place occupée.
(6) »at the expenSe ». Lien internet

(7) next to us ; bien retenir NEXT TO… mais "near something/ someone"
(8) … « not everyone observes… » était le point grammatical le plus important de ce texte, celui que je VOULAIS que vous me trouviez … Pour ceux qui n’ont pas repéré cette faute, aller, d’urgence à Test N°105676
Lien internet

(9) Différence entre … « seated and sitting » … it’s not for splitting hair, but to show that you had understood the attitude of the people who are « spreading » : Lien internet

(10) Différence entre : « to affirm et to assert » = Lien internet

(11) A narcissist = the noun / l’adjectif = narcissistic
Akin to = comparable to

Lien internet

Lien internet

Lien internet

Lien internet

II. FILL IN THE BLANKS : in this text, a few words (10) have been deleted… Can you try to guess the missing words… (Of course, there are several «right possibilities»… Yet, you’re required to choose the most satisfactory ones, fitting the situation and tone of the text.)

Pour cet exercice, il y avait plusieurs possibilités de réponses : admissible, votre réponse était soulignée, en bleu, elle ne convenait pas, en vert vous aviez trouvé « the right word »…

Decided to protest against manspreading, a Russian woman and her friends filled bottles with water (1) and bleach. They dumped the bottles on men that sat spreadeagled (2) on public transportation. The video has been viewed more than 1.3 million times since Anna uploaded (3) the video yesterday.§1
The video follows women on subways. They are seen dumping water bottles on men sitting with their legs spread wide. All the men appear not to pay attention to the space they take up and seem oblivious (4) to people around them. As the women exit (5) the subway, they dump the mix of bleach and water on the crotch of the men. §2
Naturally, the men get agitated and upset (6) about having water dumped on their laps (7). However, the women believe they have accomplished their goal (8). Anna says the bleach [vrt]leaves a stain (9)
in the fabric of the pants. The dye is evident to anyone that walks by and serves as a reminder (10) to the men of their bad behavior. §3

spreadeagled= Lien internet

uploaded= Lien internet

oblivious= Lien internet
= unaware of what is around oneself:
to exit : Il n’était pas logique de placer l’action à l’entrée dans le transport en commun … Il fallait déjà entrer, constater le « délit », puis pouvoir s’enfuir rapidement !
To be upset ; Lien internet

The laps= Lien internet

Goal= synonyms= Lien internet

A stain= Lien internet

A reminder/ to remind sb of stg/

III. ABACUS: slide the abacus beads (letters) along the wires (lines) to form 10 related words (belonging to the same theme) reading down. (The beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another!)

1 |--A-----------------O---G---------R--M------------|
2 |-------------P-----------L----E-----------S----S--|
3 |---------V----------P---A---------I—-C----U-------|
4 |-------------R-----------S----Q---G-------F-------|
5 |--B-----------------P---S-----U---H-------F-------|
6 |---------O--O-------R---C---------T-------R-------|
7 |--U-----------------E---E-----A-----------A----L--|
8 |---------T----------S---I---------S-------G----U--|
9 |-------------T------S---L-----L-----------E-------|
10 |S-----------E------I----I-----------P----T----T--|
11 |E-----------S------O---N------------------T------|
12 |-------E----T------N---G------------------E------|

Write your ten words underneath and translate them.

Abuse = des insultes, des injures/ maltraiter, injurier.
Vote = le droit de vote/ élire, déclarer.
Protest = protestation/ protester contre, déclarer que…
Oppression = oppression.
Glass ceiling = les limites sociales imposées aux femmes (vues à travers un plafond transparent !) = plafond de verre.
Equal = égal/ égaler.
Rights = droits.
MCP = phallocrate. Male Chauvinistic Pig
Suffragette = féministe britannique = suffragette. Lien internet

Slut = garce, salope, prostituée.

Désolée de terminer sur ce mot très laid et violent ... Encore merci à vous qui avez consacré une partie de vos loisirs à ce travail, et merci d'avance pour votre aide sur laquelle je compte vraiment pour "fignoler". You're GREAT!

Réponse : Rack your Brains and Help/ 51 de taiji43, postée le 11-08-2019 à 23:35:00 (S | E)

Je vais me charger de la première partie merci pour toutes ces corrections

Réponse : Rack your Brains and Help/ 51 de maxwell, postée le 12-08-2019 à 07:48:00 (S | E)
Je prends fill in the blanks, parties I et II

Decided to protest against manspreading, a Russian woman and her friends filled bottles with water and bleach. They dumped the bottles on men that sat spreadeagled on public transportation. The video has been viewed more than 1.3 million times since Anna uploaded the video yesterday.
The video follows women on subways. They are seen dumping water bottles on men sitting with their legs spread wide. All the men appear not to pay attention to the space they take up and seem oblivious to people around them. As the women exit the subway, they dump the mix of bleach and water on the crotch of the men.

Décidées à protester contre l'étalement masculin, une femme russe et ses amis remplirent des bouteilles avec de l'eau et de l'eau de Javel. Elles jetèrent les bouteilles sur les hommes qui étaient assis jambes écartées dans les transports en commun. La vidéo a été vue plus de 1,3 million de fois depuis qu'Anna la mit en ligne hier.
La vidéo suit les femmes dans le métro. On les voit jetant leurs bouteilles d'eau sur des hommes assis avec les jambes en grand écart. Tous les hommes paraissent ne pas prêter attention à l'espace qu'ils occupent et ne semblent pas conscients des gens autour d'eux. Au moment où les femmes sortent du métro, elles jettent leur mélange d'eau de javel et d'eau sur l'entre-jambes des messieurs.

Réponse : Rack your Brains and Help/ 51 de taiji43, postée le 12-08-2019 à 16:44:45 (S | E)
Voici ma traduction de la première partie de : Help notre étudiant

Recently the city of Madrid has taken measures to limit “Manspreading” on (1) public transportation. Manspreading is the colloquial term for the “Seated Crotch Display” wherein a person (almost always (2) a man) sits with his (3) legs spread wide (4) — thus exposing his crotch. The feet are most frequently positioned sole-downward and the elbows are often protruding laterally in a “maximum space (5) mode”./// END OF PART 1

Récemment, la ville de Madrid a pris des mesures pour limiter le « Manspreading » dans (1) les transports en commun. Manspreading est le terme familier utilisé pour désigner la visualisation excessive de l’entrejambe en position assise, d’ une personne (presque toujours (2) un homme) qui s’assoit avec les (3) jambes bien écartées (4) et expose ainsi son entrejambe. Les pieds sont le plus souvent placés en position bien, à plat sur le sol et les coudes souvent débordent latéralement de façon à tenir un « espace maximum (5)

Réponse : Rack your Brains and Help/ 51 de here4u, postée le 14-08-2019 à 15:36:41 (S | E)
Hello !
Voici le début de votre "follow-up work"! Il manque encore des volontaires ... (QUATRE ! )
Les vacances sont-elles plus fortes que vous ?

Recently the city of Madrid has taken measures to limit “Manspreading” on (1) public transportation. Manspreading is the colloquial term for the “Seated Crotch Display” wherein a person (almost always (2) a man) sits with his (3) legs spread wide (4) — thus exposing his crotch. The feet are most frequently positioned sole-downward and the elbows are often protruding laterally in a “maximum space (5) mode”./// END OF PART 1

Récemment, la ville de Madrid a pris des mesures pour limiter "Assis, je prends mes aises !" (« Manspreading ») dans les transports en commun."A l'aise" est le terme familier utilisé pour désigner l'écartement excessif des genoux en position assise, d’une personne (presque toujours un homme) qui s’assoit les jambes bien écartées et expose ainsi son entrejambe. Les pieds sont le plus souvent placés en position à plat sur le sol et les coudes débordent souvent latéralement de façon à occuper un « espace maximum.
Merci, Taiji !

On a bus, subway, plane, or in other public areas — manspreading is done at the expense (6) — often dramatically — of those seated adjacently.
In crowded public situations, we typically suspend our personal space (intimate space) norms which would never apply to other scenarios. For example, we may touch shoulders, elbows, and upper arms of those sitting next to us (7) on a crowded airplane, because we have no choice and the idea of shared space takes over.///END OF PART 2///

En bus, en métro, en avion, ou en tous lieux publics, prendre ses aises se fait aux dépens – souvent de façon dramatique spectaculaire -, de ceux qui sont assis latéralement. ( de chaque côté).
Si un endroit public est bondé, nous acceptons que nos normes d’espace personnel, (espace intime), soient réduites, ce que nous n’accepterions jamais dans d’autres circonstances. Par exemple, nous pouvons toucher les épaules, les coudes, ou les bras de ceux qui sont assis à nos côtés, dans un avion bondé, car nous n’avons pas d’autre choix, et la pensée d’un espace partagé prend le dessus.
Un grand merci et bravo, Choco.

But not everyone observes (8) this in equal fashion. Many men will often default into a manspreading configuration. And while it’s certainly no excuse, some men will go a lifetime without realizing what they’re doing makes those seated (9) next to them emotionally (and physically) very uncomfortable. Why do men do this? There are several reasons. ///END OF PART 3///

Mais tout le monde n'observe pas cela de façon équitable. Beaucoup d’hommes utiliseront systématiquement la position qui les met à l’aise. Et tandis qu’il n’ont certainement pas d’excuses, quelques hommes passeront leur vie sans se rendre compte que ce qu’ils font, rend ceux qui sont assis près d’eux, émotionnellement et physiquement très mal à l’aise. Pourquoi les hommes font-ils cela ? Il y a plusieurs raisons. Un grand merci et bravo, Choco.

In a public setting, it’s a mode of asserting (10) dominance — very much akin to young male gorillas beating on their chests. Manspreading in these crowded settings is a type of alpha/hyper-alpha, and often narcissistic (11)behavior. Men who manspread (=the verb) frequently very likely have low empathy quotients. /// END OF DOCUMENT///

Dans un endroit public, c’est un mode de domination affirmée analogue aux jeunes mâles gorilles se battant la poitrine. Se mettre à l’aise en écartant les jambes dans ces endroits bondés s’apparente au type alpha, ou hyper alpha, et souvent c’est un comportement narcissique. Les hommes qui prennent souvent leurs aises font très probablement preuve d'un quotient d’empathie bas.BRAVO ET MERCI, Choco

Merci à toi aussi, Max, de prendre double part au travail !

Decided to protest against manspreading, a Russian woman and her friends filled bottles with water (1) and bleach. They dumped the bottles on men that sat spreadeagled (2) on public transportation. The video has been viewed more than 1.3 million times since Anna uploaded (3) the video yesterday.§1

Décidées à protester contre "les hommes qui prennent leurs aises", une femme russe et ses amis remplirent des bouteilles avec de l'eau de Javel diluée. Elles versèrent le contenu des bouteilles sur les hommes qui étaient assis jambes écartées dans les transports en commun. La vidéo a été vue plus de 1,3 million de fois depuis qu'Anna l'a mise en ligne hier.
Bravo et merci, Maxwell !

The video follows women on subways. They are seen dumping water bottles on men sitting with their legs spread wide. All the men appear not to pay attention to the space they take up and seem oblivious (4) to people around them. As the women exit (5) the subway, they dump the mix of bleach and water on the crotch of the men. §2

La vidéo suit les femmes dans le métro. On les voit vidant leurs bouteilles d'eau sur des hommes assis les jambes en grand écart. Tous les hommes paraissent ne pas prêter attention à l'espace qu'ils occupent et ne semblent pas conscients des gens autour d'eux. Au moment où les femmes sortent du métro, elles vident leur mélange d'eau de javel dilué sur l'entre-jambes des messieurs.
Bravo et merci, Maxwell !

Naturally, the men get agitated and upset (6) about having water dumped on their laps (7). However, the women believe they have accomplished their goal (8). Anna says the bleach [vrt]leaves a stain (9) in the fabric of the pants. The dye is evident to anyone that walks by and serves as a reminder (10) to the men of their bad behavior. §3

Naturellement, les hommes réagirent et furent contrariés d’avoir de l’eau javélisée jetée sur leurs entrejambes. Cependant les femmes croient avoir atteint leur objectif. Anna dit que l’eau de Javel laisse une tache sur le tissu du pantalon. La décoloration est évidente, pour tous ceux qui marchent à côté, et sert de preuve, stigmate du mauvais comportement de ces hommes. Merci encore, Choco !


Réponse : Rack your Brains and Help/ 51 de here4u, postée le 16-08-2019 à 23:11:03 (S | E)
Any volunteer to help for the follow-up work! ???

Réponse : Rack your Brains and Help/ 51 de here4u, postée le 17-08-2019 à 18:17:26 (S | E)
Sans volontaires nouveaux, je ferai le travail de remplacement des volontaires moi-même à partir de demain - mais un par jour, pas plus, pour montrer ma désapprobation ...

Réponse : Rack your Brains and Help/ 51 de chocolatcitron, postée le 18-08-2019 à 22:28:31 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
Hi Everybody.

Noboby 's come ? So, I'll take ALL of them to help you ! But let me have enough time…, please ! FINISHED.
Here is my work:

1) On a bus, subway, plane, or in other public areas — manspreading is done at the expense (6) — often dramatically — of those seated adjacently.
In crowded public situations, we typically suspend our personal space (intimate space) norms which would never apply to other scenarios. For example, we may touch shoulders, elbows, and upper arms of those sitting next to us (7) on a crowded airplane, because we have no choice and the idea of shared space takes over.///END OF PART 2///

En bus, en métro ou en avion, ou en tous lieux publics, prendre ses aises est fait aux dépens de – souvent de façon dramatique-, ceux qui sont assis latéralement.
Dans les situations publiques bondées, nous acceptons que nos normes d’espace personnel, (espace intime), soient réduites, ce que nous n’accepterions jamais dans d’autres circonstances. Par exemple, nous pouvons toucher les épaules, les coudes, ou les bras de ceux qui sont assis à nos côtés, dans un avion bondé, car nous n’avons pas d’autre choix, et la pensée d’un espace partagé prend le dessus.

2) But not everyone observes (8) this in equal fashion. Many men will often default into a manspreading configuration. And while it’s certainly no excuse, some men will go a lifetime without realizing what they’re doing makes those seated (9) next to them emotionally (and physically) very uncomfortable. Why do men do this? There are several reasons. ///END OF PART 3///

Mais tout le monde n'observe pas cela de façon équitable (il y en a que oui, et d’autres que non). Beaucoup d’hommes utiliseront par défaut la position qui les met à l’aise. Et tandis qu’il n’y a certainement pas d’excuse, quelques hommes passeront leur vie sans réaliser que ce qu’ils font, rend ceux qui sont assis près d’eux, émotionnellement et physiquement très mal à l’aise. Pourquoi les hommes font-ils cela ? Il y a plusieurs raisons.

3) In a public setting, it’s a mode of asserting (10) dominance — very much akin to young male gorillas beating on their chests. Manspreading in these crowded settings is a type of alpha/hyper-alpha, and often narcissistic (11)behavior. Men who manspread (=the verb) frequently very likely have low empathy quotients. /// END OF DOCUMENT///

Dans un endroit public, c’est un mode de domination affirmée analogue aux jeunes mâles gorilles se battant la poitrine. Se mettre à l’aise en écartant les jambes dans ces endroits bondés s’apparente au type alpha, ou hyper alpha, et souvent c’est un comportement narcissique. Les hommes qui s’étalent fréquemment font très probablement preuve d'un quotient d’empathie bas.

4) Naturally, the men get agitated and upset (6) about having water dumped on their laps (7). However, the women believe they have accomplished their goal (8). Anna says the bleach [vrt]leaves a stain (9) in the fabric of the pants. The dye is evident to anyone that walks by and serves as a reminder (10) to the men of their bad behavior. §3

Naturellement, les hommes réagirent et furent contrariés d’avoir de l’eau jetée sur leurs entrejambes. Cependant les femmes croient qu’elles ont atteint leur but. Anna dit que l’eau de Javel laisse une tache sur le tissu du pantalon. La teinture est évidente, pour tous ceux qui marchent à côté, et sert de preuve comme un rappel du mauvais comportement de ces hommes.

Ce travail final volontaire enrichit celui qui le fait… Merci pour cette opportunité que je saisis ! Te voilà bientôt libérée de ce forum…
See you soon.

Réponse : Rack your Brains and Help/ 51 de here4u, postée le 18-08-2019 à 22:43:01 (S | E)
Take all the time you need...

Réponse : Rack your Brains and Help/ 51 de here4u, postée le 19-08-2019 à 08:32:44 (S | E)
Hello !
Merci à Choco, Maxwell et Taiji de m’avoir renvoyé la balle ... Jouer au ballon seule n’est pas très amusant ....

Désolée, Choco, au milieu de mes multiples « copier-coller »- italiques- corrections-coloriage etc, le tout sur ma tablette .... je ne vois plus rien ... meci de tout ce travail au nom de tous ...

Réponse : Rack your Brains and Help/ 51 de chocolatcitron, postée le 19-08-2019 à 13:47:33 (S | E)
Hello Here4u!
Hé bien je l'ai traduite celle-là ! Tu n'as pas dû la voir, et pourtant… §3) regarde mon précédent poste
Je te la remets :

3) In a public setting, it’s a mode of asserting (10) dominance — very much akin to young male gorillas beating on their chests. Manspreading in these crowded settings is a type of alpha/hyper-alpha, and often narcissistic (11)behavior. Men who manspread (=the verb) frequently very likely have low empathy quotients. /// END OF DOCUMENT///

Dans un endroit public, c’est un mode de domination affirmée analogue aux jeunes mâles gorilles se battant la poitrine. Se mettre à l’aise en écartant les jambes dans ces endroits bondés s’apparente au type alpha, ou hyper alpha, et souvent c’est un comportement narcissique. Les hommes qui s’étalent fréquemment font très probablement preuve d'un quotient d’empathie bas.

See you soon.


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