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The missing vowels/301

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The missing vowels/301
Message de marit64 posté le 03-04-2019 à 22:05:27 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 9 out of 10 answers.

1- With a lot of ornament. ..... (n t r)

2- Not tiring or losing vigour. ..... (f n n g g g l) 3

3- In a manner acceptable to the general idea of what is proper or suitable. ..... (c l n d t) 3

4- The collected books, poems, correspondence etc of a particular (usually famous) person. ..... (t n w s g r) 2

5- A type of small mouse-like animal with a long, pointed nose. ..... (h w s r) 1

6- To leave alone; to abandon. ..... (s r k f) 3

7- To (cause to) move, even slightly. ..... (d b g) 2

8- To make a quick and clever or angry reply. ..... (t t r r) 2

9- A public road or street. ..... (h h r r f t g) 5

10- (Of behaviour etc) not acceptable; indecent; wrong. ..... (p m r r p) 3

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/301 de chocolatcitron, postée le 03-04-2019 à 23:45:26 (S | E)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks, it was harder, this time… there were many vowels to be found !!! So I've been so much taught!
Hi Everybody!

Here is my work:
1- With a lot of ornament. (n t r) ornate = orné, décoré, fleuri.
2- Not tiring or losing vigour. (f n n g g g l) 3 unflagging =infatigable.
3- In a manner acceptable to the general idea of what is proper or suitable.(c l n d t) 3 decently = convenablement, correctement, poliment, décemment, raisonnablement.
4- The collected books, poems, correspondence etc of a particular (usually famous) person. ..... (t n w s g r) 2 Writings.
5- A type of small mouse-like animal with a long, pointed nose. (h w s r) 1 shrew = musaraigne.
6- To leave alone; to abandon. (s r k f) 3 forsake = abandonner, délaisser, renoncer à.
7- To (cause to) move, even slightly. (d b g) 2 budge = bouger légèrement, changer d’avis.
8- To make a quick and clever or angry reply. (t t r r) 2 retort = riposte, réplique.
9- A public road or street. (h h r r f t g) 5 thoroughfare = artère, pénétrante.
10- (Of behaviour etc) not acceptable; indecent; wrong. ..... (p m r r p) 3 improper = déplacé, indécent, inexact, incorrect.

Good luck to each of you and have fun!

Have a sweet and a great week!
See you soon.

Modifié par chocolatcitron le 10-04-2019 23:11

Réponse : The missing vowels/301 de peticha, postée le 04-04-2019 à 00:11:38 (S | E)
The missing vowels - 301
Message de marit64 posté le 03-04-2019 à 22:05:27 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear marit, thanks for your great exercise.
Hi everybody!

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 9 out of 10 answers.

Here is my try:
1- With a lot of ornament. ..... (n t r) ornate: fleuri, décoré, orné.

2- Not tiring or losing vigour. ..... (f n n g g g l) 3 unflagging: infatigable.

3- In a manner acceptable to the general idea of what is proper or suitable. ..... (c l n d t) 3 decently: convenablement.

4- The collected books, poems, correspondence etc of a particular (usually famous) person. ..... (t n w s g r) 2 writings: oeuvre.

5- A type of small mouse-like animal with a long, pointed nose. ..... (h w s r) 1 shrew: musaraigne.

6- To leave alone; to abandon. ..... (s r k f) 3 forsake: abandonner.

7- To (cause to) move, even slightly. ..... (d b g) 2 budge: bouger légèrement.

8- To make a quick and clever or angry reply. ..... (t t r r) 2 retort: riposte.

9- A public road or street. ..... (h h r r f t g) 5 thoroughfare: artère.

10- (Of behaviour etc) not acceptable; indecent; wrong. ..... (p m r r p) 3 improper: indécent.

Good luck and have fun!
Bonne chance aux autres participants, quelques pistes ont été longues à découvrir... Merci infiniment pour ce superbe casse-tête : marit64!

Have a great week!

So long.

Réponse : The missing vowels/301 de flowermusic, postée le 04-04-2019 à 09:46:25 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

Cette fois-ci je n'oublie pas de poster

1- With a lot of ornament. ..... (n t r) ornate

2- Not tiring or losing vigour. ..... (f n n g g g l) 3 unflagging

3- In a manner acceptable to the general idea of what is proper or suitable. ..... (c l n d t) 3 decently

4- The collected books, poems, correspondence etc of a particular (usually famous) person. ..... (t n w s g r) 2 writings

5- A type of small mouse-like animal with a long, pointed nose. ..... (h w s r) 1 shrew

6- To leave alone; to abandon. ..... (s r k f) 3 forsake

7- To (cause to) move, even slightly. ..... (d b g) 2 budge

8- To make a quick and clever or angry reply. ..... (t t r r) 2 retort

9- A public road or street. ..... (h h r r f t g) 5 thoroughfare

10- (Of behaviour etc) not acceptable; indecent; wrong. ..... (p m r r p) 3 improper

Have a sweet sweet week

Coucou aux fidèles déjà là Chocolat et peticha, les autres ne vont pas tarder

Réponse : The missing vowels/301 de daisy50, postée le 06-04-2019 à 02:44:47 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

1- With a lot of ornament. ..... ORNATE

2- Not tiring or losing vigour. .....UNFLAGGING

3- In a manner acceptable to the general idea of what is proper or suitable. ..... DECENTLY

4- The collected books, poems, correspondence etc of a particular (usually famous) person. .... WRITINGS

5- A type of small mouse-like animal with a long, pointed nose. ..... SHREW

6- To leave alone; to abandon. ..... FORSAKE

7- To (cause to) move, even slightly. ..... BUDGE

8- To make a quick and clever or angry reply. ..... RETORT

9- A public road or street. ..... THOROUGHFARE

10- (Of behaviour etc) not acceptable; indecent; wrong. ..... IMPROPER

Thanks again for this "not easy" exercise.

Have a great week and see you later!

Bon week-end à toute l'équipe!

Réponse : The missing vowels/301 de sanna6, postée le 09-04-2019 à 13:13:52 (S | E)

Thanks a lot for this new Missing Vowels Marit

1- With a lot of ornament. ..... (n t r) Ornate - Très garni

2- Not tiring or losing vigour. ..... (f n n g g g l) 3 Unflagging - Infatigable

3- In a manner acceptable to the general idea of what is proper or suitable. ..... (c l n d t) 3 Decently - Convenablement

4- The collected books, poems, correspondence etc of a particular (usually famous) person. ..... (t n w s g r) 2 Writings - Oeuvres/Écrits

5- A type of small mouse-like animal with a long, pointed nose. ..... (h w s r) 1 Shrew - Musaraigne

6- To leave alone; to abandon. ..... (s r k f) 3 To forsake - Renoncer

7- To (cause to) move, even slightly. ..... (d b g) 2 To budge - se déplacer / Bouger

8- To make a quick and clever or angry reply. ..... (t t r r) 2 To retort - Réplique

9- A public road or street. ..... (h h r r f t g) 5 Thoroughfare - Rue

10- (Of behaviour etc) not acceptable; indecent; wrong. ..... (p m r r p) 3 Improper - Déplacé

I wish you all a really great week

Réponse : The missing vowels/301 de swan85, postée le 09-04-2019 à 22:15:24 (S | E)

Hello Marit
HI, everybody.

1- With a lot of ornament. ORNATE (n t r)
2- Not tiring or losing vigour. UNFLAGGING (f n n g g g l) 3
3- In a manner acceptable to the general idea of what is proper or suitable. DECENTLY (c l n d t) 3
4- The collected books, poems, correspondence etc of a particular (usually famous) person. WRITINGS (t n w s g r) 2
5- A type of small mouse-like animal with a long, pointed nose. SHREW (h w s r) 1
6- To leave alone; to abandon. FORSAKE (s r k f) 3
7- To (cause to) move, even slightly. BUDGE (d b g) 2
8- To make a quick and clever or angry reply. RETORT (t t r r) 2
9- A public road or street. THOROUGHFARE (h h r r f t g) 5
10- (Of behaviour etc) not acceptable; indecent; wrong. IMPROPER (p m r r p) 3

Thank you for this exercise.

See you.


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