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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de vaiana posté le 21-03-2019 à 00:55:54 (S | E | F)
Could you help me with my work, please? THANKS!
Instruction: Transformez les énoncés suivants pour employer un complément de mesure du temps en for ou since tout en conservant le même sens :

1 They got a divorce as soon as he won the lottery.
They have gotten a divorce since he won the lottery.

2 She left quite a long while ago.
She has been leaving for a long while ago.

3 Marcel disappeared during their honeymoon.
Marcel has disappeard since their honeymoon.

4 I first met Joan when we were in second grade.
I have known Joan since we were in second grade.

5 They got a computer for their fiftieth wedding anniversary.
They have gotten a computer since their 50th wedding anniversary.

6 He died on Monday.
He has died since Monday.

7 He last rode a motorbike when he was twenty-two.
He has not ridden a motorbike since he was 22.

8 He stopped playing the guitar when Jimi Hendrix died.
He has not played the guitar since Jimi Hendrix died.

9 He last grew a beard during the war.
He has not grown a beard since the war.

10 He fell asleep a few minutes ago.
It has been a few minutes since he fell asleep.

(Je sais qu'on m'avait dit une fois sur ce site qu'il fallait utiliser le present perfect avant ET APRÈS le verbe dans ce genre de structure prof d'anglais m'a dit que c'était faux Donc je ne sais pas qui a raison !!)

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-03-2019 08:40
Tout dépend du contexte, s'il y a une date ou pas.Vous généralisez trop vite.

Réponse : Travail/aide de lucile83, postée le 21-03-2019 à 14:20:12 (S | E)
1 They got a divorce as soon as he won the lottery.
They have gotten a divorce since he won the lottery.

2 She left quite a long while ago.
She has been leaving for a long while ago.

3 Marcel disappeared during their honeymoon.
Marcel has disappeard since their honeymoon.

4 I first met Joan when we were in second grade.
I have known Joan since we were in second grade. ...ok

5 They got a computer for their fiftieth wedding anniversary.
They have gotten a computer since their 50th wedding anniversary.

6 He died on Monday.
He has died since Monday.

7 He last rode a motorbike when he was twenty-two.
He has not ridden a motorbike since he was 22. ...ok

8 He stopped playing the guitar when Jimi Hendrix died.
He has not played the guitar since Jimi Hendrix died. ...ok

9 He last grew a beard during the war.
He has not grown a beard since the war. ...ok

10 He fell asleep a few minutes ago.
It has been a few minutes since he fell asleep. ...ok

Réponse : Travail/aide de gerondif, postée le 21-03-2019 à 14:31:10 (S | E)
Il faut réfléchir au sens:
Il est monté dans le train il y a deux heures ne peut pas se transformer en il monte dans le train depuis deux heures, il n'est pas entrain ne mettre le pied sur la première marche depuis deux heures, il faut modifier le verbe : il voyage depuis deux heures.

1 They got a divorce as soon as he won the lottery.
They have gotten a divorce since he won the lottery.(ils ne sont plus ensemble depuis...)

2 She left quite a long while ago.
She has been leaving for a long while ago.(ben non, elle n'est plus là depuis longtemps)

3 Marcel disappeared during their honeymoon.
Marcel has disappeard since their honeymoon. (il ne passe pas son temps à disparaitre, on ne le voit plus, on ne le rencontre plus)

4 I first met Joan when we were in second grade.
I have known Joan since we were in second grade.

5 They got a computer for their fiftieth wedding anniversary.
They have gotten a computer since their 50th wedding anniversary.(participe passé américain, en fait ils ne continuent pas à l'acheter, ils l'ont)

6 He died on Monday.
He has died since Monday.(ne confondez pas mourir, verbe d'action (to die), la dernière d'un être vivant, expirer et être mort (to be dead), un état, comme quand je vous dis que le dossier de ma chaise est fait de bois est mort,inerte, depuis lundi)

7 He last rode a motorbike when he was twenty-two.
He has not ridden a motorbike since he was 22.

8 He stopped playing the guitar when Jimi Hendrix died.
He has not played the guitar since Jimi Hendrix died.

9 He last grew a beard during the war.
He has not grown a beard since the war.

10 He fell asleep a few minutes ago.
It has been a few minutes since he fell asleep.(là, ce serait plus simple de dire il dort depuis quelques minutes avec le verbe d'action to sleep)

Réponse : Travail/aide de vaiana, postée le 21-03-2019 à 19:15:59 (S | E)
Thanks both for your corrections! Indeed, I did the exercise too swiftly!!

1 They got a divorce as soon as he won the lottery.
They haven't been in a relationship since he won the lottery.

2 She left quite a long while ago.
She hasn't been here for a long while.

3 Marcel disappeared during their honeymoon.
Marcel has been gone since their honeymoon.

4 I first met Joan when we were in second grade.
I have known Joan since we were in second grade.

5 They got a computer for their fiftieth wedding anniversary.
They have had a computer since their 50th wedding anniversary.

6 He died on Monday.
He has been dead since Monday.

7 He last rode a motorbike when he was twenty-two.
He hasn't ridden a motorbike since he was 22.

8 He stopped playing the guitar when Jimi Hendrix died.
He hasn't played the guitar since Jimi Hendrix's death.

9 He last grew a beard during the war.
He hasn't grown a beard since the war.

10 He fell asleep a few minutes ago.
He has slept since a few minutes.

Réponse : Travail/aide de gerondif, postée le 22-03-2019 à 00:11:04 (S | E)
He has slept since a few minutes.(c'est une durée, been sleeping serait tellement mieux)

Réponse : Travail/aide de vaiana, postée le 22-03-2019 à 18:39:41 (S | E)
He has been sleeping for a few minutes! See you!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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