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Validation/academic credits

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Validation/academic credits
Message de snegir posté le 01-02-2019 à 18:13:12 (S | E | F)
Hello everybody
I wrote this kind of short conclusion, it's already sent, but I wanted to have an advice on what would have been better, not only about writing but also : does is it clear enough?

"This validation of academic credits due to experience is not, of course, about the art of tatooing, and all I have described in this part, puting the emphasis on technical aspects of the work of a tatooist is, I think, an appropried way to point my ability to learn an everyday's language as well as a technical terminology.
On the one hand, we have an everyday's tool that is made of a colourful language, using synonyms and / or jokes and cultural references. On the other hand, we have a precise terminology that is a common usage inside a more or less restrictive field of activity. In the interests of efficientcy, the terminology is a static concept that cannot be changed."

With this short text, can any reader understand what is it about?
Thank you everybody!

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-02-2019 22:07

Réponse : Validation/academic credits de snegir, postée le 03-02-2019 à 11:25:51 (S | E)
Good morning, everybody ^^
Last evening, I've read and read again this short text, and I wonder if this same text, ith these small changes, would'nt have been better :

"This form of validation of academic credits based upon experience is not, of course, about the art of tattooing. All I have described up till this part is to put the emphasis on the technical aspects of the work of a tattooist.
I think it is an appropriate way to evaluate my ability to learn a language to function within a society that speaks the language as well as understanding the technical aspects.
On the one hand, we have an everyday's tool that is made of a colourful language, using synonyms and / or jokes. On the other hand, we have a precise terminology that is of common usage inside a more or less restrictive field of activity. In the interests of efficiency, the terminology is a static concept that cannot be changed. "

Can someone tell me which of them is the best, in terms of writting?
Thank you very much

Réponse : Validation/academic credits de snegir, postée le 04-02-2019 à 17:14:26 (S | E)
Personne pour me dire s'il y a des soucis dans le fond ou la forme? Sans faire de correction, mais pour je m'améliore ^^

Merci ;o)


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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