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Cover letter/Correction

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Cover letter/Correction
Message de etowlrak posté le 08-01-2019 à 23:24:40 (S | E | F)
j'aurais besoin d'une relecture pour la lettre de motivation ci-dessous.
Merci d'avance à ceux qui se dévoueront

Dear Mr X,

As an Energy Economics graduate, I am passionate about the energy sector and the transformations it undergoes. That is why I was very interested when I discovered your opening for a Smart Energy Consultant advertised on the Civiweb website on 17 December.
As you can see in my enclosed resume, I studied the functioning of energy markets, their actors and the regulations linked to it. I also learned how to use tools to perform economic and quantitative analyses. During my degree curse and my final internship I wrote many reports. Finally, I have some bases in modelling: for example, for one course, we studied the DICE model.
Studying in Germany provided me the opportunity to grow in an international environment and to become more autonomous. I would like to work in this context.
Thanks to my different experiences, I discovered many aspects of Energy Transition, and how important it is for our future. However, I am still eager to learn, understand and above all to be useful. XXX already lead many projects that are in line with sustainable development: therefore, I am keen to put my abilities at your service and develop my professional skills by your side.
Thank you for taking the time to consider this application. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-01-2019 07:59

Réponse : Cover letter/Correction de gerondif, postée le 08-01-2019 à 23:44:10 (S | E)
a curse, c'est une malédiction.
During my degree curse , ou course ?

Studying in Germany gave me the opportunity to grow serait corect mais
Studying in Germany provided me with the opportunity to grow

Réponse : Cover letter/Correction de etowlrak, postée le 09-01-2019 à 10:49:11 (S | E)
Merci pour ta réponse,

je voulais dire course, bien sûr ! Je vais appliquer ces corrections.


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