The missing vowels/274
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux || En basThe missing vowels/274
Message de marit64 posté le 26-09-2018 à 23:00:22 (S | E | F)
Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, the number of vowels is given in 7 out of 10 answers.
1- To put (a mixture) through a sieve etc in order to separate solid matter from liquid. ..... (r s n t)
2- Things made by hand. ..... (w d k h r n) 3
3- A kind of small shellfish that sticks to rocks and the bottom of ships. ..... (c r l n b) 3
4- A large collection of small objects, often the tools etc for a job or hobby. ..... (r l p p r h n) 6
5- To say that one is sure that something is fact or truth. ..... (c h v) 2
6- Sly; clever in a deceitful way. ..... (g n n n c) 2
7- To (cause to) give a harsh (ringing) sound. ..... (g j l n) 2
8- A beam supporting the roof of a house. ..... (f r t r)
9- The back of an animal when cut into pieces for food. ..... (n l)
10- A sweet paste made of crushed almonds and sugar, used in decorating cakes, making sweets etc. (z m r n p) 3
Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Message de marit64 posté le 26-09-2018 à 23:00:22 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, the number of vowels is given in 7 out of 10 answers.

1- To put (a mixture) through a sieve etc in order to separate solid matter from liquid. ..... (r s n t)

2- Things made by hand. ..... (w d k h r n) 3

3- A kind of small shellfish that sticks to rocks and the bottom of ships. ..... (c r l n b) 3

4- A large collection of small objects, often the tools etc for a job or hobby. ..... (r l p p r h n) 6

5- To say that one is sure that something is fact or truth. ..... (c h v) 2

6- Sly; clever in a deceitful way. ..... (g n n n c) 2

7- To (cause to) give a harsh (ringing) sound. ..... (g j l n) 2

8- A beam supporting the roof of a house. ..... (f r t r)

9- The back of an animal when cut into pieces for food. ..... (n l)

10- A sweet paste made of crushed almonds and sugar, used in decorating cakes, making sweets etc. (z m r n p) 3

Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/274 de chocolatcitron, postée le 27-09-2018 à 00:36:23 (S | E)
The missing vowels/274 de marit64 posté le 26-09-2018 à 23:00:22 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thank you for playing with us : it's great !

Hi everybody, specially to "The Fine Equipe !"

Here is my work:
1- To put (a mixture) through a sieve etc in order to separate solid matter from liquid.(r s n t) strain = tamiser, filtrer.
2- Things made by hand.(w d k h r n) 3 handiwork = objet fait à la main, ouvrage.
3- A kind of small shellfish that sticks to rocks and the bottom of ships.(c r l n b) 3 barnacle = balane (crustacé, de la famille des Cirripedia).
4- A large collection of small objects, often the tools etc for a job or hobby. (r l p p r h n) 6 paraphernalia = équipement, attirail.
5- To say that one is sure that something is fact or truth. (c h v) 2 vouch (for) = répondre, garantir, attester de...
6- Sly; clever in a deceitful way.(g n n n c) 2 cunning = fourbe.
7- To (cause to) give a harsh (ringing) sound.(g j l n) 2 jangle = cliqueter.
8- A beam supporting the roof of a house.(f r t r) rafter = chevron, plafond.
9- The back of an animal when cut into pieces for food.(n l) loin = filet, longe... Not everybody eats meat....
10- A sweet paste made of crushed almonds and sugar... (z m r n p) 3 marzipan = pâte d'amandes.
Good luck to everybody who comes.
Have a very sweet and a great week!
See you soon.
Réponse : The missing vowels/274 de flowermusic, postée le 27-09-2018 à 09:11:37 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit
Salut à la fine équipe et à tous les participants : plus on est de fous, plus on rit , alors rions

1- To put (a mixture) through a sieve etc in order to separate solid matter from liquid. ..... (r s n t) strain
2- Things made by hand. ..... (w d k h r n) 3 handiwork
3- A kind of small shellfish that sticks to rocks and the bottom of ships. ..... (c r l n b) 3 barnacle
4- A large collection of small objects, often the tools etc for a job or hobby. ..... (r l p p r h n) 6 paraphernalia
5- To say that one is sure that something is fact or truth. ..... (c h v) 2 vouch
6- Sly; clever in a deceitful way. ..... (g n n n c) 2 cunning
7- To (cause to) give a harsh (ringing) sound. ..... (g j l n) 2 jangle
8- A beam supporting the roof of a house. ..... (f r t r)
9- The back of an animal when cut into pieces for food. ..... (n l) loin
10- A sweet paste made of crushed almonds and sugar, used in decorating cakes, making sweets etc. (z m r n p) 3 marzipan
Have a sweet sweet week

Réponse : The missing vowels/274 de swan85, postée le 02-10-2018 à 14:23:41 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Hit Everybody
1- To put (a mixture) through a sieve etc in order to separate solid matter from liquid. (r s n t) STRAIN
2- Things made by hand (w d k h r n) 3 HANDIWORK
3- A kind of small shellfish that sticks to rocks and the bottom of ships. (c r l n b) 3 BARNACLE
4- A large collection of small objects, often the tools etc for a job or hobby. (r l p p r h n) 6 PARAPHERNALIA
5- To say that one is sure that something is fact or truth. (c h v) 2 VOUCH
6- Sly; clever in a deceitful way. (g n n n c) 2 CUNNING
7- To (cause to) give a harsh (ringing) sound. (g j l n) 2 JANGLE
8- A beam supporting the roof of a house. (f r t r) RAFTER
9- The back of an animal when cut into pieces for food. (n l) LOIN
10- A sweet paste made of crushed almonds and sugar, used in decorating cakes, making sweets etc. (z m r n p) 3 MARZIPAN
Thank you for those very insteresting words like "Paraphernalia" !!
Have a nice week.
Réponse : The missing vowels/274 de afarodj, postée le 02-10-2018 à 23:30:16 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit

Hi la fine équipe

Hi everybody

This is my try. Have a nice week.
1- To put (a mixture) through a sieve etc in order to separate solid matter from liquid. ..... (r s n t) .-Strain.- Passer au crible.
2- Things made by hand. ..... (w d k h r n) 3 .-Handiwork.-Travail manuel.
3- A kind of small shellfish that sticks to rocks and the bottom of ships. ..... (c r l n b) 3 .-Barnacle.- Cirripède.-Arapède.
4- A large collection of small objects, often the tools etc for a job or hobby. ..... (r l p p r h n) 6 .-
5- To say that one is sure that something is fact or truth. ..... (c h v) 2 .-Vouch.-Attester.
6- Sly; clever in a deceitful way. ..... (g n n n c) 2 .-Cunning.-Malin.
7- To (cause to) give a harsh (ringing) sound. ..... (g j l n) 2 .-Jingle.- Tinter.
8- A beam supporting the roof of a house. ..... (f r t r) .-Rafter.-Poutre.
9- The back of an animal when cut into pieces for food. ..... (n l) .-Loin.-Échine.
10- A sweet paste made of crushed almonds and sugar, used in decorating cakes, making sweets etc. (z m r n p) 3 .-Marzipan.- Pâte d'amandes.
Réponse : The missing vowels/274 de daisy50, postée le 03-10-2018 à 19:51:37 (S | E)
Hello Marit and everybody,
I was very busy this week, so I am in the late.
Here is my try :
1- To put (a mixture) through a sieve etc in order to separate solid matter from liquid. ..... strain
2- Things made by hand. ..... handiwork
3- A kind of small shellfish that sticks to rocks and the bottom of ships. ..... barnacle
4- A large collection of small objects, often the tools etc for a job or hobby. ..... paraphernalia
5- To say that one is sure that something is fact or truth. ... vouch
6- Sly; clever in a deceitful way. ..... cunning
7- To (cause to) give a harsh (ringing) sound. ..... jangle
8- A beam supporting the roof of a house. ..... rafter
9- The back of an animal when cut into pieces for food. .... loin
10- A sweet paste made of crushed almonds and sugar, used in decorating cakes, making sweets etc. marzipan
Thanks a lot Marit and see you tonight!
Réponse : The missing vowels/274 de sanna6, postée le 03-10-2018 à 21:15:12 (S | E)

I thank you very much for this new Missing Vowels Marit

1- To put (a mixture) through a sieve etc in order to separate solid matter from liquid. ..... (r s n t) To strain - Filtrer

2- Things made by hand. ..... (w d k h r n) 3 Handiwork - Fait manuellement
3- A kind of small shellfish that sticks to rocks and the bottom of ships. ..... (c r l n b) 3 Barnacle - Balane
4- A large collection of small objects, often the tools etc for a job or hobby. ..... (r l p p r h n) 6 Paraphernalia - Panoplie
5- To say that one is sure that something is fact or truth. ..... (c h v) 2 To vouch - Attester
6- Sly; clever in a deceitful way. ..... (g n n n c) 2 Cunning - Malin
7- To (cause to) give a harsh (ringing) sound. ..... (g j l n) 2 To jangle - Cliqueter
8- A beam supporting the roof of a house. ..... (f r t r) Rafter - Chevron
9- The back of an animal when cut into pieces for food. ..... (n l) Loin - Filet
10- A sweet paste made of crushed almonds and sugar, used in decorating cakes, making sweets etc. (z m r n p) 3 Marzipan - Pâte d'amandes
Hope a nice week for everyone!
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