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The missing vowels/266

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The missing vowels/266
Message de marit64 posté le 01-08-2018 à 23:38:06 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

One more time, you have all the numbers of vowels.

1- A metal plate which, when struck, gives a ringing sound. ..... (g g n) 1

2- A synonym of "thin, slim or narrow". ..... (d s n r l) 2

3- A container, usually for liquid. ..... (s l s v) 2

4- Without previous thought or preparation. ..... (p x t r m) 4

5- To argue about the price of something, or about the terms of an agreement. ..... (g g l h) 2

6- A state of pleasant dreamy thought. ..... (v r r) 4

7- To lessen, weaken or make less sharp, strong etc. ..... (d n d) 3

8- A skilled worker in wood who puts doors, stairs etc into buildings. ..... (r j n) 3

9- A bog or swamp. ..... (r s m s) 2

10- A shaking or quivering. ..... (m r r t) 2

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/266 de chocolatcitron, postée le 02-08-2018 à 00:49:48 (S | E)
The missing vowels - 266
Message de marit64 posté le 01-08-2018 à 23:38:06 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks for playing with us!
Hi Everybody, specially to our winners!
Here is my work:
1- A metal plate which, when struck, gives a ringing sound. (g g n) 1 gong = gong.
2- A synonym of "thin, slim or narrow". (d s n r l) 2 slender = mince, svelte, gracile...
3- A container, usually for liquid. (s l s v) 2 vessel = récipient.
4- Without previous thought or preparation. (p x t r m) 4 extempore = improvisé, impromptu.
5- To argue about the price of something, or about the terms of an agreement. (g g l h) 2 haggle = marchander.
6- A state of pleasant dreamy thought. (v r r) 4 reverie = songerie.
7- To lessen, weaken or make less sharp, strong etc. (d n d) 3 deaden = amortir, calmer, étouffer.
8- A skilled worker in wood who puts doors, stairs etc into buildings. (r j n) 3 joiner = menuisier.
9- A bog or swamp. (r s m s) 2 morass = marais, bourbier.
10- A shaking or quivering. (m r r t) 2 tremor = tremblement, frisson, tremblement de terre.

Have a great but very sweet week!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels/266 de flowermusic, postée le 02-08-2018 à 07:06:11 (S | E)

Hello dear Marit

Salut la couche-tard. Lève-tôt en quête de fraîcheur

1- A metal plate which, when struck, gives a ringing sound. ..... (g g n) 1 gong

2- A synonym of "thin, slim or narrow". ..... (d s n r l) 2 slender

3- A container, usually for liquid. ..... (s l s v) 2 vessel

4- Without previous thought or preparation. ..... (p x t r m) 4 extempore

5- To argue about the price of something, or about the terms of an agreement. ..... (g g l h) 2 haggle

6- A state of pleasant dreamy thought. ..... (v r r) 4 reverie

7- To lessen, weaken or make less sharp, strong etc. ..... (d n d) 3 deaden

8- A skilled worker in wood who puts doors, stairs etc into buildings. ..... (r j n) 3 joiner
9- A bog or swamp. ..... (r s m s) 2 morass

10- A shaking or quivering. ..... (m r r t) 2 tremor

Have a sweet sweet week dear Marit. Take care of you

Réponse : The missing vowels/266 de afarodj, postée le 02-08-2018 à 20:04:56 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit Thank you for this new exercise.
Hi everybody
This is my try. Have a nice week. .

1- A metal plate which, when struck, gives a ringing sound. ....(g g n) 1. . -Gong.-Gong.
2- A synonym of "thin, slim or narrow". ..... (d s n r l) 2 .-Slender.-Svelte.
3- A container, usually for liquid. ..... (s l s v) 2 . -Vessel.-Cuve.
4- Without previous thought or preparation. ..... (p x t r m) 4 . . -Extempore.-Impromptu.
5- To argue about the price of something, or about the terms of an agreement. .(g g l h) 2 . -Haggle.-.Chipoter.
6- A state of pleasant dreamy thought. ..... (v r r) 4 . . -Reverie.-Songerie.
7- To lessen, weaken or make less sharp, strong etc. ..... (d n d) 3 . . -Deaden.-Diminuer.
8- A skilled worker in wood who puts doors, stairs etc into buildings. ..... (r j n) 3. -Joiner.-Menuisier.
9- A bog or swamp. ..... (r s m s) 2 . -Morass.-Bourbier.
10- A shaking or quivering. ..... (m r r t) 2 . -Tremor.-Secousse.

Réponse : The missing vowels/266 de daisy50, postée le 06-08-2018 à 19:40:56 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Here is my try :

1- A metal plate which, when struck, gives a ringing sound. .... gong

2- A synonym of "thin, slim or narrow". ..... slender

3- A container, usually for liquid. ..... vessel

4- Without previous thought or preparation. ..... extempore

5- To argue about the price of something, or about the terms of an agreement. ..... haggle

6- A state of pleasant dreamy thought. ..... reverie

7- To lessen, weaken or make less sharp, strong etc. ..... deaden

8- A skilled worker in wood who puts doors, stairs etc into buildings. ..... joiner

9- A bog or swamp. ..... morass

10- A shaking or quivering. ..... tremor

Thanks again Marit and see you very soon!

Réponse : The missing vowels/266 de swan85, postée le 07-08-2018 à 11:10:09 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Hello Everybody

1- A metal plate which, when struck, gives a ringing sound. GONG (g g n) 1
2- A synonym of "thin, slim or narrow". SLENDER (d s n r l) 2
3- A container, usually for liquid. VESSEL (s l s v) 2
4- Without previous thought or preparation. EXTEMPORE (p x t r m) 4
5- To argue about the price of something, or about the terms of an agreement. HAGGLE (g g l h) 2
6- A state of pleasant dreamy thought. REVERIE (v r r) 4
7- To lessen, weaken or make less sharp, strong etc. DEADEN (d n d) 3
8- A skilled worker in wood who puts doors, stairs etc into buildings. JOINER (r j n) 3
9- A bog or swamp. MORASS (r s m s) 2
10- A shaking or quivering. TREMOR (m r r t) 2

Thank you to give us all the numbers of vowels.
See you.


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