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Check/ Grammar

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Check/ Grammar
Message from abdul posted on 12-02-2018 at 12:04:06 (D | E | F)
Please check grammar of the sentence below and give me suggestions as well.

This is to inform you that M/s. Smart link has Suspended and Non-Active in Sales tax. So, please do not make further purchases with them till Active. Screenshot pasted as under for your reference.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Edited by lucile83 on 12-02-2018 13:18

Re: Check/ Grammar from gerondif, posted on 12-02-2018 at 12:36:32 (D | E)
You should try and correct the long previous text before sending a new one.

This is to inform you that M/s. (What does M/s mean ? Is it the name of the company ? Normally, you should have a possessive case, a 's ) Smart ( Why a capital letter?)link has ( either is or has been but not has) Suspended ( Why a capital letter ?)and Non-Active in Sales tax (Why all these capital letters ?). So, please do not make further purchases with them till (it is active again)Active. Screenshot pasted as (suppress as)under (below)for your reference. ( I would understand for your convenience better than for your reference)

Re: Check/ Grammar from dsmith, posted on 12-02-2018 at 18:57:21 (D | E)

I don't understand well the meaning of what you have written.

This is to inform you that xxxx's Smart link (is this a specific thing? one word maybe "smartlink") has been suspended and ... I don't understand "Non-active in Sales tax." Inactivated?
So, please do not make further purchases with them till Active.
A screenshot is posted as under (below) for your reference. ? Not sure I understood this sentence but I wrote it with one guess as to the meaning.

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Forum > English only


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